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Thorfinn Tait

Website: Atlas of Mystara

Website: Thorfinn Tait Cartography

The Kogolor Dwarf-Lands Gazetteer version 2 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 April 1997. (done with Mischa E Gelman)

Imperial Geopolitical Intelligence for AC 1000 and AC 1010 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 March 1998.

The Library of Mazrooth al Yedom, Sage of Almarrón from Thorf's Dungeons and Dragons Homepage current as of 7 January 1999.

Timeline of Mystara and companion file of footnotes from Thorf's Dungeons and Dragons Homepage current as of 7 January 1999.

Branwys Skyratchett II ( Skygnome / Skygnome shaman/wicca / 18 / Male ) from Thorf's Dungeons and Dragons Homepage current as of 10 February 1999.

Squigglenoggs from Thorf's Dungeons and Dragons Homepage current as of 7 January 1999.

Forests of Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 11 June 2005.

Overlay map of Azcan Empire from the Mystara Message Board posted 5 July 2005.

Overlay map of Milenian Empire from the Mystara Message Board posted 7 July 2005.

Alternate History and Mystara - random ideas from the Mystara Message Board posted 22 July 2005.

Wendar: A Mini Gazetteer from the Mystara Message Board posted 16 August 2005. [done with Jesper Andersen, Jamie Baty, Marco Dalmonte, Gary, Geoff Gander, Lost Woodrake, Mortepierre Malepeste, Patrick Sullivan, and Simone Neri]

Map of the Western Isle of Dawn, 1000 AC from the Mystara Message Board posted 19 February 2006.

Map of the Kingdom of Nithia, 1000 AC based on HWR2 from the Mystara Message Board posted 19 February 2006.

Colourised Old Style Art Legend from the Mystara Message Board posted 20 February 2006.

Black & White Old Style Art Legend from the Mystara Message Board posted 20 February 2006.

Legend for Thorf's maps from the Mystara Message Board posted 20 February 2006.

Combined map of the Arm of the Immortals and the Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC from the Mystara Message Board posted 28 February 2006.

Map of the Isle of Dread 1000 AC from the Mystara Message Board posted 8 April 2006.

Legend - Underground Realms from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 April 2006.

Maps of Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 18 June 2008.

Hexes for mapping from the Mystara Message Board posted 8 March 2005 last updated 29 June 2008.

Maps of the Alatian Islands, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 2 August 2008.

Interview with Walter Velez from The Piazza posted 22 September 2008.

Maps of Taymora 2300 BC, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 25 September 2008.

Maps of the Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 27 September 2008.

Maps of Nithia 1000 BC, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 28 September 2008.

Maps of Taymora 2300 BC, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 13 March 2009.

Maps of Davania, 72 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 15 March 2009.

Maps of Selhomarr, 40 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 22 March 2009.

Hollow World: World Map, non-hex from The Piazza posted 2 April 2009.

Maps of Kogolor Lands, 8 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 11 April 2009.

Maps of Shahjapur, 8 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 16 April 2009.

Map Legends from The Piazza posted 8 May 2009.

Maps of the City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 12 May 2009.

Maps of New Grunland, 2 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 14 May 2009.

Maps of Selhomarr, 8 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 17 July 2011. (based upon work by Geoff Gander)

Mystara: Cross-sections and Diagrams from The Piazza posted 4 April 2012.

GAZ 13: The Shadow Elves created by Carl Sargent and Gary Thomas edited by John A. Nephew, from The Piazza posted 18 April 2012. (PDF by Thorfinn Tait)

Axial Tilt of Mystara from The Piazza posted 22 February 2013.

Maps of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from The Piazza posted 23 February 2013.

PDF version of the Malpheggi Lizardmen Gazetteer from The Piazza posted 7 June 2015. [original by Mischa E Gelman compiled by argentmantle]

PDF version of the Kogolor Dwarf-Lands Gazetteer from The Piazza posted 15 June 2015. [original by Mischa E Gelman with help from Thorfinn Tait compiled by argentmantle]

Reprojected maps of the Hollow World from the Hollow World Facebook group posted 9 July 2015.

Updated map of Alphatia, 24 miles per hex from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 3 December 2015.

Updated map of Trident Bay and the Orc's Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 13 December 2015.

Savage Coast Trail Map, 8 miles per hex from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 18 December 2015.

Map of Wendar, 8 miles per hex from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 20 December 2015.

Naga River's Disappearing Act from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 21 December 2015.

Lining up Brun from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 24 December 2015.

Lining up Mystara I from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 28 December 2015.

Lining up Mystara II from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 28 December 2015.

Lining up Mystara III from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 29 December 2015.

Lining up Mystara IV from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 30 December 2015.

Lining up Mystara V from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 31 December 2015.

Lining up Mystara VI from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 3 January 2016.

Map of the Arm of the Immortals, 1000 AC from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 3 January 2016.

Updated map of Theranderol, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 January 2016.

Updated map of Bettelyn, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 January 2016.

Updated map of Haven, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 January 2016.

Updated map of Foresthome, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 January 2016.

Updated map of Ar and Ambur, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 January 2016.

Updated map of Floating Ar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 January 2016.

Updated map of Stoutfellow, Stonewall, and Limn, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 January 2016.

Replica map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex from CM1/M2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 January 2016.

Lining up Mystara VII from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 19 January 2016.

Lining up Mystara VIII from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 20 January 2016.

Lining up Mystara IX from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 22 January 2016.

Replica map of Alphatia, 24 miles per hex from the Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 January 2016.

Lining up Mystara X from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 23 January 2016.

Replica map of Cestia and Oceania from Dragon issue 155 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 January 2016.

Lining up Mystara XI from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 13 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XII from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 13 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XIII from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 14 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XIV from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 18 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XV from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 23 February 2016.

Replica map of Thyatis, 8 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XVI from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 24 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XVII from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 25 February 2016.

Maps of Iciria, 40 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XVIII from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 26 February 2016.

Lining up Mystara XIX from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 27 February 2016.

Atlas of Mystara - Thyatis from Threshold Magazine issue 11 dated 11 April 2016.

Updated map of Arogansa, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 June 2017.

2018 Mystara Project Updates from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 8 January 2018.

Mystara Climate Maps from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 20 January 2018.

Jurassic Earth as Mystara from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 5 February 2018.

Replica map of Brun from CM1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 February 2018.

Updated map of Eadrin from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 February 2018.

Replica map of Eastern Karameikos from B10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 February 2018.

Replica map of The Lost Valley of Hutaaka from B10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 February 2018.

Replica map of Foamfire Valley from B10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 February 2018.

Lining up Mystara Revisited from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 17 February 2018.

Updated map of Sind, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 February 2018.

Lining up Mystara Revisited II from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 20 February 2018.

Lining up Mystara Revisited III from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 21 February 2018.

Lining up Mystara Revisited IV from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 23 February 2018.

Mystara Climate Maps II from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 6 March 2018.

Updated map of Continental Skothar, 72 miles per hex from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 7 March 2018.

Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from X1 (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 March 2018.

Updated map of the Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 March 2018.

Thorf's Hex Mapping Tools from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 10 March 2018.

Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from X1 (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 March 2018.

Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Rules Cyclopedia from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 March 2018.

Updated map of Greenspur, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 March 2018.

Updated map of Frisland, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 March 2018.

Updated map of Shiye-Lawr, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 March 2018.

Updated map of Blackheart, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 March 2018.

Updated map of the Imperial Territories, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 March 2018.

Thoughts about the filling out of Blackheart from the Mystara Reborn group posted 25 March 2018. (by Bruce Heard with additional thoughts and questions from Dek Shari)

Updated map of the Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 March 2018.

Updated map of the Savage Coast Central Region, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 March 2018.

Updated map of Hollow World, 40 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 March 2018.

Replica map of La Vallée des Loups, 1 mile per hex from PC4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 April 2018.

Replica map of the City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex from GAZ13 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 April 2018.

Replica maps of the Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex from GAZ6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 April 2018.

Replica maps of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Expert Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 April 2018.

Replica map of Karameikos from the Expert Set 1981 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2018.

Replica map of Karameikos from the Expert Set 1983 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 April 2018.

Replica map of the Wilderness Map of the Great Waste from X4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 April 2018.

Replica map of the Sea of Dread Underwater Map from X7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 April 2018.

Replica map of the Sea of Dread from X8 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 April 2018.

Replica map of the Known World from X10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 April 2018.

Lining up Mystara Revisited V from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 21 April 2018.

Placing B3’s Gulluvia Map from Thorfinn Tait Cartography current as of 24 April 2018.

Replica map of the Province of Averoigne from X2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 April 2018.

Updated map of Old Averoigne from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 April 2018.

Replica Legend from Expert Rulebook (1981 version) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 May 2018.

Replica map of Shahjapur, 8 miles per hex from HWA3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 May 2018.

Replica map of the Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 May 2018.

Replica map of the Empires of Alphatia and Thyatis with Neighbouring Kingdoms, 72 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 May 2018.

Replica map of the Isle of Dread from X1 (1981 version) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 May 2018.

Replica map of the Isle of Dread from X1 (1983 version) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 May 2018.

Replica map of the Alatian Islands, 24 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 May 2018.

Replica map of the Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, 24 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 May 2018.

Replica map of Brun from Dungeon 6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 May 2018.

Replica map of the Central Plateau from X1 (1981 version) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 May 2018.

Replica map of the Central Plateau from X1 (1983 version) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 May 2018.

Replica Legend from Expert Rulebook (1983 version) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 May 2018.

Replica map of the Wild Lands from X6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 May 2018.

Replica Legend from the Companion Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 May 2018.

Replica map of Brun from the Companion Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 May 2018.

Replica map of Quagmire, 1 mile per hex from X6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 May 2018.

Replica map of the Outer World from Dragon 153 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 May 2018.

Replica map of the Known World from XSOLO from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 May 2018.

Replica map of Major Trading Routes from GAZ9 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 May 2018.

Replica map of Major Trading Routes from GAZ11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 May 2018.

Replica map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex from CM1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 May 2018.

Replica map of Specularum, 0.5 miles per hex from B6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 May 2018.

Replica map of the Islands of Lake Amsorak, non-hex from GAZ11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 June 2018.

Replica map (with standardised hex art) of Glantri 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex from Glantri: Kingdom of Magic from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 June 2018.

Replica map of the Alphatian Region AC 1010, 72 miles per hex from Poor Wizard's Almanac from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 June 2018.

Replica map of the Sea of Dread AC 1011, 72 miles per hex from Poor Wizard's Almanac II from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 June 2018.

Replica map of the New Alphatian Region AC 1012, 72 miles per hex from Poor Wizard's Almanac III from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 June 2018.

Replica map of Arm of the Immortals 1000 AC, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 200 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 June 2018.

Replica map of The Western Countries 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from TM1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 June 2018.

Replica map of The Eastern Countries 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from TM2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 June 2018.

Combined replica map of Western and Eastern Countries Map, 8 miles per hex from TM1 and TM2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 June 2018.

Replica map of Twolakes Vale, 1 mile per square from CM2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 June 2018.

Replica map of Teki-nura-ria, 0.5 miles per hex from X8 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 June 2018.

Replica map of Black Orchid Tribelands, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 196 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 June 2018.

Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles /hex from Threshold Magazine issue 20 dated 26 July 2018.

Replica map of The Emerlas, 3 miles per hex from O2 Blade of Vengeance from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 March 2019.

Replica map of the Sea of Alphatia, 150 miles per hex from M1 Into the Maelstrom from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 March 2019.

Replica map of Brun from X9 The Savage Coast from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 March 2019.

Replica map of the Savage Coast from X9 The Savage Coast from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 March 2019.

Replica map of the Savage Coast, 24 miles per hex from X9 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 March 2019.

Replica map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex from X10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 April 2019.

Replica map of The Wilderness, 1/6 miles per hex from CM5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 May 2019.

Updated map of Skothar, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 June 2019.

Replica map of The Elven Land, 2 miles per hex from CM7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 August 2020.

Replica map of Selinar, 3 miles per hex from CM7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 September 2020.

Replica map of Slagovich, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 171 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 September 2020.

Replica map of Island of Lost Dreams, 100 yards per hex from B10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 September 2020.

Replica map of the Serpent Peninsula from Champions of Mystara from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 October 2020.

Replica map of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex from Champions of Mystara from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 October 2020.

Replica map of the Great Northway Lands, 24 miles per hex from Dungeon 6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 October 2020.

Replica map of Lothenar Forest, 4 miles per hex from X11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 October 2020.

Replica map of Great Forest of Geffron, 6 miles per hex from X11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 October 2020.

Replica map of the Trail to Denagoth, 12 miles per hex from X11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 October 2020.

Replica map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex from M2 including DM's map and Players' map from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 October 2020.

Replica map of The Multiverse from the Immortals Rules Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 October 2020.

Updated map of Vertiloch, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 October 2020.

Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from IM2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 October 2020.

Replica Legend from GAZ1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 October 2020.

Replica map of Southern Hule, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 172 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 October 2020.

Updated map of Lower Stoutfellow, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 October 2020.

Replica map of the Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 174 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 October 2020.

Replica map of Northern Iciria, 40 miles per hex from the Hollow World Boxed Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 November 2020.

Replica map of Southern Iciria, 40 miles per hex from the Hollow World Boxed Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 November 2020.

Replica map of the Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 175 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 November 2020.

Replica map of the Known World AC 1010, 24 miles per hex from Wrath of the Immortals from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2020.

Replica map of the Known World AC 1004, 24 miles per hex from Wrath of the Immortals from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2020.

Replica map of Metropolitan Alphatia AC 1004, 72 miles per hex from Wrath of the Immortals from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2020.

Replica map of the Alphatian Region, 72 miles per hex from Wrath of the Immortals from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2020.

Replica map of the Known World, 48 miles per hex from Wrath of the Immortals from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2020.

Colourised replica map of Alphatian Neatharum, 40 miles per hex from Wrath of the Immortals from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2020.

Replica map of the Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 176 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 November 2020.

Replica map of the Confederated Kingdom of Robrenn, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 177 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 November 2020.

Replica map of the Kingdom of Eusdria, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 178 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 November 2020.

Replica map of le Royaume de Renardie, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 179 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 November 2020.

Replica map of the Kingdom of Bellayne, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 180 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 November 2020.

Replica map of the Sind, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 169 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 November 2020.

Replica map of Orcs of the Dark Jungle 1000 AC, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 196 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 November 2020.

Replica map of Arm of the Immortals 1000 AC, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 200 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 November 2020.

Replica map of Terra Leãoça 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 183 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 November 2020.

Replica map of Eastern Herath 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 183 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 November 2020.

Replica map of Shazak, Ator and Cay 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 185 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 November 2020.

Replica map of Wallara 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 186 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 December 2020.

Replica map of Jibarú 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 188 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 December 2020.

Replica map of Southwestern Brun from Dragon 192 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 December 2020.

Replica map of Nimmur 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 192 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 December 2020.

Replica map of Yavdlom 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 170 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 December 2020.

Replica map of Yavdlom 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from Champions of Mystara from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 December 2020.

Colourised replica map of the Great Northway Lands, 24 miles per hex from Dungeon 7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 December 2020.

World Diagram from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 December 2020.

Replica map of Wendar and Denagoth from X11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 December 2020.

Combined updated map of the Known World 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 December 2020.

Combined replica map of the Known World, 8 miles per hex from the Rules Cyclopedia from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 December 2020.

Replica map of Kelvin, 1 inch = 400 feet from GAZ1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 December 2020.

Replica map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from GAZ1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex from GAZ2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Glantri, 8 miles per hex from GAZ3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex from GAZ4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from GAZ5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from GAZ6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex from GAZ7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of The Five Shires, 8 miles per hex from GAZ8 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex from GAZ9 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of the Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from GAZ10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of the Lower Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from GAZ10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Darokin, 8 miles per hex from GAZ11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from GAZ12 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of the Shadow Elf Territories, 8 miles per hex from GAZ13 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Threshold, 1 inch = 500 feet from GAZ1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Replica map of Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex from GAZ14 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Glantri, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of The Five Shires, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of the Lower Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of the Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Darokin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of the Shadowlands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Updated map of Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.

Colourised replica map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex from the Expert Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 January 2021.

Replica map and scaled adaptation of the Hollow World from the Hollow World Campaign Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 January 2021.

Colourised replica map of the Southern Azcan Territories, 8 miles per hex from HWR1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 January 2021.

Colourised replica map of The Azcan Empire, 40 miles per hex from HWR1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 January 2021.

Replica map of the Sea of Dread Submerged Lands, 8 miles per hex from PC3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 January 2021.

Replica map of The Sea of Dread, 1 inch = 156 miles from PC3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 January 2021.

Colourised replica map of the Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex from M5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 January 2021.

Colourised replica map of The Valley of Kings, 24 miles per hex from M5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 January 2021.

Standardised replica map of The Known World, 24 miles per hex from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 January 2021.

Mappers of Mystara: Adamantyr from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 February 2021.

Colourised replica map of The Known World, 150 miles per hex from M4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Map Legend from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Isle of Dread, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Eastern Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Barbarian Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Animal Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Herath, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Jibarú and Nimmur, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Reptile Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Trident Bay and Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 February 2021.

Adamantyr’s Savage Coast, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 February 2021.

Geoff’s Adakkian Sound, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 February 2021.

Geoff’s Izondian Deep, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 February 2021.

Geoff’s Cestia and Oceania, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 February 2021.

Geoff’s Selhomarr, 40 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 February 2021.

Geoff’s Denagoth, 8 miles per hex the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 February 2021.

Geoff’s Pelatan, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 February 2021.

Geoff’s Vulcania, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 February 2021.

Geoff’s Lost Valley, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 February 2021.

Geoff’s Jungle Coast—Aryptian Savannah, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 February 2021.

Geoff’s Aryptian Region, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 February 2021.

Geoff’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 March 2021.

Geoff’s Lhomarr, 48 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 March 2021.

Geoff’s Littonia, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 March 2021.

Geoff’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 March 2021.

Geoff’s Y’hegg-T’uhath, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 March 2021.

Geoff’s Dark Shire, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 March 2021.

Geoff’s Hinterlands, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 March 2021.

Geoff’s Kastelios, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 March 2021.

Geoff’s Arkan, 24 miles per hex rom the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 March 2021.

Geoff’s Qeodhar, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 March 2021.

Geoff’s Southeastern Brun 2000 BC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 March 2021.

Thorf's Mystara Logo from The Piazza posted 11 March 2021.

Geoff’s Threshold and vicinity, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 March 2021.

Geoff’s Mykonos, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 March 2021.

Geoff’s Northern Wildlands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 March 2021.

Geoff’s Davania, 72 miles per hex the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 March 2021.

Geoff’s Annurios, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 March 2021.

Geoff’s Varannis, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 March 2021.

Geoff’s Myiad, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 March 2021.

Geoff’s Regelnis, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 March 2021.

Geoff’s Imperial Domain, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 March 2021.

Geoff’s Tynerii, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 March 2021.

Geoff’s Ardeth, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 March 2021.

Geoff’s Soroth, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 March 2021.

Geoff’s Callair Hills, 2.7 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 March 2021.

Mappers of Mystara: Geoff Gander from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 March 2021.

Geoff’s Barrowfields, 0.5 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 March 2021.

Geoff’s Nastoreth, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 March 2021.

Geoff’s Vertiloch, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 March 2021.

Geoff’s Ilyoris, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 March 2021.

Geoff’s Akalis, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 March 2021.

Geoff’s Atlissini, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 March 2021.

Geoff’s Klath-T’zarth, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 March 2021.

Geoff’s Sexerothnyi, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 April 2021.

Geoff’s Lhomarr from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 April 2021.

Geoff’s Vassek, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 April 2021.

Geoff’s Selhomarr, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 April 2021.

Geoff’s Cynidicean Underworld, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 April 2021.

Mappers of Mystara: Paul Holroyd from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 April 2021 and from Threshold Magazine issue 28 dated 11 January 2022.

Hoddie’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 April 2021.

Hoddie’s Redstone, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 April 2021.

Hoddie’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 April 2021.

Updated map Karameikos 1007 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2021.

Updated map Karameikos 1009 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 April 2021.

Moldvay & Schick’s Known World from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Ancient Nithia, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Isle of Ochalea from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Southeastern Brun 2500 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Taymora 3000-2000 BC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Nueva Ispañola, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Westerlands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Tepeshiya, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 April 2021.

Mystaros’ Tepeshiya, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 April 2021.

Adamantyr’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid 0 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 April 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 May 2021.

Mappers of Mystara: James Mishler from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Legend from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 May 2021.

Character Record Sheet from the BECMI Facebook group posted 7 May 2021.

Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 May 2021.

Adamantyr’s Known World, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 May 2021.

Replica map of Karameikos 2E Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 May 2021.

Replica map of Safari Island from GAZ4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 May 2021.

Updated map of Aengmor, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 May 2021.

Timothy Klanderud’s Mystara from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 May 2021.

Updated map of Milenia, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 May 2021.

Replica map of Gulluvia from B3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 May 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dread, 4 miles per hex (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 May 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Central Plateau, 0.5 miles per hex (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 May 2021.

Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 May 2021.

Updated chronological maps of Mystara: Legend (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Great Crater, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Great Crater Sublevel 1, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Great Crater Sublevel 2, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Cathos and Vacros v1, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Cathos and Vacros v2, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Blackmoor, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Eastern Shadow Coast, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Ghyr, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 May 2021.

Replica map of the Outer World from the Master Rules Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Xyqata, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Caerdwicca, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 May 2021.

Replica map of the Outer World, from Dragon 153 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Gnollheim, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 May 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Dogvale, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 June 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Journey to the Rock, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 June 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 June 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Fenhold, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 June 2021.

Mappers of Mystara: Ricardo Matheus from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 June 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Hutaaka, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 June 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Limn, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 June 2021.

Cthulhudrew’s Bararna Island, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 June 2021.

Christian’s Hule, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 June 2021.

Christian’s Nine Kingdoms, 1950 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 June 2021.

Christian’s Hule, 700 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 June 2021.

Christian’s Hule, 150 AC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 June 2021.

Christian’s Olgar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 June 2021.

Christian’s Bulzan, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 June 2021.

Playing in Mystara with my kids from The Piazza posted 13 June 2021.

Christian’s Antasyn, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 June 2021.

Christian’s Monzag, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 June 2021.

Christian’s South Central Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 June 2021.

Updated map of Thyatis, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 June 2021.

Christian’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 June 2021.

Christian’s Hule, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 June 2021.

Christian’s Western Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 June 2021.

Christian’s Borea, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 June 2021.

Christian’s Northeastern Davania, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 June 2021.

Christian’s Davania, 7000 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 June 2021.

Christian’s Davania, 3000 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 June 2021.

Christian’s Davania, 1850-940 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 June 2021.

Christian’s Davania, 1000-100 BC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 June 2021.

Christian’s Davania, 127 BC-465 AC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 June 2021.

Christian’s Davania, 1000 AC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 June 2021.

Christian’s Central Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 June 2021.

Christian’s Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 June 2021.

Thibault’s Renardy, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 June 2021.

Thibault’s Robrenn and Eusdria, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 July 2021.

Thibault’s Renardy, Bellayne, and Eastern Herath, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 July 2021.

Thibault’s Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 July 2021.

Thibault’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 July 2021.

Thibault’s Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 July 2021.

Thibault’s Nueva Ispañola, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 July 2021.

Map Legend for the Atlas of Mystara from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 July 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dread, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 July 2021.

Thibault’s Hutaaka, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 July 2021.

Thibault’s Iciria, 40 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 July 2021.

Thibault’s Lhomarr, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 July 2021.

Thibault’s Shadow Elves Caverns, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 July 2021.

40 Years of Mystara Maps from Threshold Magazine issue 27 dated 12 July 2021.

Mappers of Mystara - Geoff Gander from Threshold Magazine issue 27 dated 12 July 2021.

Thibault’s City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 July 2021.

Thibault’s Known World Area, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 July 2021.

Thibault’s Dragon 175 Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 July 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex, 1998 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 July 2021.

Thibault’s Savage Coast, 8 miles per hex, 1998 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 July 2021.

Thibault’s Mystara, 72 miles per hex, 1998 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 July 2021.

Thibault’s Denagoth, 24 miles per hex, 1998 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 July 2021.

Thibault’s Arm of the Immortals and Orc’s Head Peninsula, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 July 2021.

Thibault’s Arm of the Immortals, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 July 2021.

Thibault’s Savage Coast, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 July 2021.

Thibault’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex, 1999 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 July 2021.

Thibault’s Brun area, 72 miles per hex, 1999 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 July 2021.

Thibault’s Borea, 24 miles per hex, V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 July 2021.

Thibault’s Hule, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 July 2021.

Thibault’s La Vallée des Loups, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 July 2021.

Thibault’s Olgar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 July 2021.

Thibault’s Sind, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 July 2021.

Thibault’s Known World 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 July 2021.

Thibault’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 July 2021.

Thibault’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 August 2021.

Thibault’s Alphatia, 24 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1981) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1982) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 August 2021.

Replica map of the Vestland area, 24 miles per hex from X3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dread, 4 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Central Plateau, 0.5 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 August 2021.

Colourised replica map of Hule, 24 miles per hex from X5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of Hule, 24 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of Brun, 24 miles per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 August 2021.

Map Legend (1983) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 August 2021.

Updated chronological map of The Multiverse (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 August 2021.

Thibault’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 August 2021.

Thibault’s Bellissaria, 24 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 August 2021.

Thibault’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 August 2021.

Thibault’s Known World, 24 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 August 2021.

Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 August 2021.

Thibault’s Known World, 24 miles per hex V1 1010 AC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 August 2021.

Thibault’s Western Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 August 2021.

Thibault’s Glantri 1010 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 August 2021.

Thibault’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 August 2021.

Thibault’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 August 2021.

Thibault’s Alphatian Sea, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 August 2021.

Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 August 2021.

Thibault’s Serpent Peninsula and Great Waste, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 August 2021.

Thibault’s Aegos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 August 2021.

Thibault’s Aeria, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 August 2021.

Thibault’s Gaity and Ne’er-do-well, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 September 2021.

Thibault’s Blackmoor, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 September 2021.

Thibault’s Nuar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 September 2021.

Thibault’s Ochalea, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 September 2021.

Thibault’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 September 2021.

Thibault’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 September 2021.

Thibault’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 September 2021.

Thibault’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 September 2021.

Thibault’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 September 2021.

Thibault’s Ierendi, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 September 2021.

Thibault’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 September 2021.

Thibault’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 September 2021.

Thibault’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 September 2021.

Thibault’s Five Shires, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 September 2021.

Thibault’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 September 2021.

Thibault’s Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 September 2021.

Thibault’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 September 2021.

Thibault’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 September 2021.

Thibault’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 September 2021.

Thibault’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 September 2021.

Thibault’s Cestia, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 September 2021.

Thibault’s Mystara, 72 miles per hex 1999 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 September 2021.

Thibault’s Mystara, 72 miles per hex 2000 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 September 2021.

Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex V1 revised from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 September 2021.

Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 September 2021.

Thibault’s Western Borea, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 September 2021.

Thibault’s Traladara, 8 miles per hex 960 AC from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 September 2021.

Thibault’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex 2000 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 September 2021.

Thibault’s Blackmoor, 12 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 September 2021.

Thibault’s Eastern Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 September 2021.

Thibault’s Borea, 24 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 October 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex v1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 October 2021.

Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 October 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 October 2021.

Thibault’s Alphatia, 24 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 October 2021.

Thibault’s Adri Varma, 8 miles per hex v1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 October 2021.

Thibault’s Tangor, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 October 2021.

Thibault’s Esterhold, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 October 2021.

Thibault’s Minaea West, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 October 2021.

Thibault’s Minaea Central, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 October 2021.

Thibault’s Oceania, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 October 2021.

Thibault’s Davania, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 October 2021.

Thibault’s Hule, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 October 2021.

Thibault’s Hyborea, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 October 2021.

Thibault’s Alphatian Empire, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 October 2021.

Thibault’s Brun, 24 miles per hex 2000 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 October 2021.

Thibault’s Minea, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 October 2021.

Thibault’s Skothar Central East, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 October 2021.

Thibault’s Skothar Northwest, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 October 2021.

Thibault’s Thonia, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 October 2021.

Thibault’s Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 October 2021.

Thibault’s Ochalea, 8 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 October 2021.

Thibault’s Pearl Islands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 October 2021.

Thibault’s Known World, 24 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 October 2021.

Thibault’s Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 October 2021.

Thibault’s Adakkian Sound, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 October 2021.

Thibault’s Vulture Peninsula, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 October 2021.

Thibault’s Jungle Coast, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 October 2021.

Thibault’s Jungle Coast East, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 October 2021.

Thibault’s Davania, 24 miles per hex mid 2001 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 October 2021.

Thibault’s Izonda East, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 October 2021.

Thibault’s Izonda West, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 November 2021.

Thibault’s Pelatan West, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 November 2021.

Thibault’s Pelatan East, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 November 2021.

Thibault’s Brasol West, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 November 2021.

Thibault’s Vulcania, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 November 2021.

Thibault’s Brasol East, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 November 2021.

Thibault’s Vulcania Far East, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 November 2021.

Thibault’s Davania, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 November 2021.

Thibault’s Mystara, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 November 2021.

Thibault’s Bellissaria, 24 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 November 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 November 2021.

Thibault’s Thothia and Greenspur, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 November 2021.

Thibault’s Haven and Dunadale, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 November 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex v3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 November 2021.

Thibault’s Adri Varma, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 November 2021.

Thibault’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 November 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex v4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 November 2021.

Thibault’s Norwold, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 November 2021.

Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex v3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 November 2021.

Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex v4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 November 2021.

Thibault’s Bellissaria, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 November 2021.

Thibault’s Bellissaria 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex v1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 November 2021.

Thibault’s Bellissaria 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 November 2021.

Thibault’s Darokin, 24 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 November 2021.

Thibault’s Great Waste, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 November 2021.

Thibault’s Adri Varma, 8 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 November 2021.

Thibault’s Norwold South, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 November 2021.

Thibault’s Norwold North, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 November 2021.

Thibault’s Schweidnitz, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 November 2021.

Thibault’s Alphatian Sea, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 November 2021.

Thibault’s Alphatian Sea 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 December 2021.

Thibault’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex v3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 December 2021.

Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex v3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 December 2021.

Thibault’s Calengar, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 December 2021.

Thibault’s Sind, 8 miles per hex v2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 December 2021.

Thibault’s Gulf of Hule Area, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 December 2021.

Thibault’s Known World North, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 December 2021.

Thibault’s Known World South, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 December 2021.

Thibault’s Hule and the Great Waste, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 December 2021.

Thibault’s Known World and the Great Waste, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 December 2021.

Thibault’s Savage Coast East, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 December 2021.

Thibault’s Brun Southeast, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 December 2021.

Thibault’s Isles of Steam, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 December 2021.

Thibault’s Isles of Steam, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 December 2021.

Thibault’s Hinterlands, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 December 2021.

Thibault’s Isle of Dawn North, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 December 2021.

Thibault’s Davania, 24 miles per hex 2003 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 December 2021.

Thibault’s Western Davania, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 December 2021.

Thibault’s Eastern Davania, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 December 2021.

Thibault’s Vanya’s Rest Region, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 December 2021.

Thibault’s Vanya’s Rest Region, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 December 2021.

Thibault’s Mivosia 1018 AC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 December 2021.

Thibault’s Hinterlands Area 1018 AC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 December 2021.

Thibault’s Polakatsikes 1019 AC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 December 2021.

Updated map of Heldann 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 December 2021.

Problem with the Alphatian Calendar from The Piazza posted 26 December 2021.

Updated map of Wendar 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 December 2021.

Updated map of Karameikos 1011 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 December 2021.

Alphatian Imperial Calendar from The Piazza posted 29 December 2021.

Thibault’s Polakatsikes 1019 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2021.

Thibault’s Polakatsikes Region 1019 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 December 2021.

Thibault’s Polakatsikes 1020 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 December 2021.

Thibault’s Western Davania, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 January 2022.

The Jungle Coast of Davania: replica of the course map from Voyage of the Princess Ark Part 2, Dragon 154 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 January 2022.

Cestia and Oceania: replica of the course map from Voyage of the Princess Ark Part 4, Dragon 156 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 January 2022.

Vulture Peninsula: replica of the course map from Voyage of the Princess Ark Part 5, Dragon 157 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 January 2022.

Green Bay: replica of the course map from Voyage of the Princess Ark Part 6, Dragon 158 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 January 2022.

Southern Polar Opening: replica of the course map from Voyage of the Princess Ark Part 8, Dragon 161 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Hule, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Sea of Dread Underwater, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Sea of Dread, Parchment (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun, 24 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Teki-nura-ria, 0.5 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 January 2022.

Map Legend (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Specularum, 0.5 miles per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Two Lakes Vale, 1 mile per hex (1984) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Emerlas, 3 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Outer World, (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun, (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of The Multiverse, (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Norwold & Alphatia, 138 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Vyolstagrad, 2 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Savage Coast, 22.9 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 January 2022.

Map Legend (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Tarylon, 1/6 mile per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 January 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Hule, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Savage Coast, 24 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dread, 4 miles per hex (1985) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Eastern Karameikos, 3 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Foamfire Valley and Hutaaka — the Lost Valley, 2 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Island of Lost Dreams, 100 years per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of The Multiverse - Hex Version (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Selinar, 3 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Sea of Dread, Parchment (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of The Multiverse (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Lothenar Forest, 4 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Geffron Forest, 4 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Trail to Denagoth, 12 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Wendar and Denagoth, 24 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 February 2022.

Map Legend (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Sylvan Realm, 2 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun, 24 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Norwold & Alphatia, 138 miles per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 February 2022.

Colourised replica map of B10 Threshold from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 February 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dread, 4 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Central Plateau, Isle of Dread, 0.5 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 March 2022.

Replica map of Karameikos, 24 miles per hex from GAZ1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 March 2022.

Replica map of Ylaruam, 24 miles per hex from GAZ2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 March 2022.

Partially colourised replica map of the Dominion of Vyolstagrad, 2 miles per hex from CM4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Twolakes Vale, 1 mile per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 March 2022.

Map of Proto-Mystara from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 March 2022.

Replica map of Glantri, 24 miles per hex from GAZ3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 March 2022.

Replica map of Ierendi, 24 miles per hex from GAZ4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 March 2022.

Replica map of Brun (Errata), from Dungeon 7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 March 2022.

Replica map of Honor Island, from GAZ4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 March 2022.

Replica map of Lake Ashtagon, 1 mile per square from M4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Teki-nura-ria, 0.5 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Emerlas, 3 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Selinar, 3 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 March 2022.

Colourised replica map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from B1-9 the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 March 2022.

Colourised replica map of Shillabeer Gap from IM3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 March 2022.

Replica map of the Islands of Ierendi, from GAZ4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 March 2022.

Replica map of the Lands of the Aranea, 3 miles per hex from M5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 March 2022.

Replica map of the Fenhold Area, 3 miles per hex from CM9 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 March 2022.

Colourised replica map of Fenhold, 2 miles per hex from CM9 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 March 2022.

Replica map of Tribal Migrations from GAZ10 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Kelvin (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Vyolstagrad, 2 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Trail to Denagoth, 12 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Savage Coast, 22.9 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Tarylon, 1/6 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Brun (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Great Northway Lands, 22.9 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Savage Coast & Great Northway Lands, 22.9 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 March 2022.

Updated chronological map of Geffron Forest, 4 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 March 2022.

Replica map of Elven Migrations from GAZ5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of Lothenar Forest, 4 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Sylvan Realm, 2 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Island of Lost Dreams, 100 yards per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of Lake Ashtagon, 1 mile per square (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dawn, 33.7 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of Hule, 24 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of Wendar and Denagoth, 24 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Solar System (1986) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of Norwold & Alphatia, 138 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 April 2022.

Replica map of Northern Karameikos, 3 miles per hex from B11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 April 2022.

Replica map of Northern Karameikos, 4 miles per hex from B12 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 April 2022.

Replica map of Alfheim, 24 miles per hex from GAZ5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 April 2022.

Replica map of Rockhome, 24 miles per hex from GAZ6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 April 2022.

Legend, standardised replica from HWR1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 April 2022.

Replica map of Southern Heldann, 0.5 miles per hex from X13 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 April 2022.

Replica map of Norrvik Area, 1 mile per hex from X13 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 April 2022.

Legend, replica from HWR2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 April 2022.

Legend, replica from HWR3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 April 2022.

Replica map of Vestland, 8 miles per hex from X13 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 April 2022.

Updated chronological map of Fenhold, 2 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 April 2022.

Colourised replica map of Western Karameikos, 2 miles per hex from DDA3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 April 2022.

Legend, replica from PC3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 April 2022.

Legend, replica from PC4 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 April 2022.

Map of La Vallée des Loups, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 April 2022.

Colourised replica map of Known World Dragons, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 171 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 April 2022.

Replica map of Ashmorain, 2 miles per hex from HWA2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 May 2022.

Replica map of The Dreamlands, 1 mile per hex from PC1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 May 2022.

Replica map of Eastern Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from GAZ5 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 May 2022.

Replica map of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex overview from GAZ6 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 May 2022.

Replica map of the Azcan Empire, 8 miles per hex from HWR1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 May 2022.

Replica map of the Kingdom of Nithia Delta Region, 8 miles per hex from HWR2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 May 2022.

Replica map of the Kingdom of Nithia Southern Region, 8 miles per hex from HWR2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 May 2022.

Replica map of the Milenian Empire, 8 miles per hex from HWR3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 May 2022.

Replica map of the Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex overview from GAZ7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 May 2022.

Colourised replica map of Ostland, 8 miles per hex overview from GAZ7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 May 2022.

Colourised replica map of Vestland, 8 miles per hex overview from GAZ7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 May 2022.

Colourised replica map of Soderfjord, 8 miles per hex overview from GAZ7 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 May 2022.

Updated chronological map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 May 2022.

Updated chronological map of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 May 2022.

Colourised replica map of the Darokin Borderlands, 24 miles per hex from GAZ11 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 May 2022.

Mystaros’ Archduchy of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 May 2022.

Trading Legend, rearranged replica from GAZ9 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 May 2022.

Replica map of Local Migration History, from the Hollow World Boxed Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 May 2022.

Replica of Outer World Postcataclysmic Map, from the Hollow World Boxed Set from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 May 2022.

Replica map of The Terraces, 4 miles per hex from PC3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 May 2022.

Colourised replica map of the Empire of Thyatis, 72 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 May 2022.

Updated chronological map of the Savage Coast, 24 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 May 2022.

Greentalon’s Known World from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 May 2022.

Arghis’s Serpent Peninsula Trade Map from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Ierendi, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Five Shires, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Wendar and Denagoth, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 May 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Isle of Dread, 6 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Central Plateau, 1 mile per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Shadowlands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Wufwolde Hills, 3 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Alphatia, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 June 2022.

Jason Hibdon’s Known World from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Frisland, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Arm of the Immortals, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Alfheim & Darokin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Five Shires, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Glantri and the Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Ierendi, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Ylaruam & Jaibul, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Khoryvian Dalelands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Ostland, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Sind, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Kadesh and Peshmir, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 June 2022.

Ramelin’s Soderfjord, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 June 2022.

Mappers of Mystara - James Mishler from Threshold Magazine issue 29 dated 1 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Vestland, 8 miles per hex the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Pearl Islands, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Yavdlom, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Ulimwengu, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 July 2022.

Ramelin’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 July 2022.

Mappers of Mystara - Adamantyr from Threshold Magazine issue 30 dated 16 December 2022.

Updated map of Randel, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 March 2023.

Alphatia, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 March 2023.

Updated chronological map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2023.

Updated chronological map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex, realigned (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2023.

Ramelin’s City States, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Orc’s Head Orclands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 September 2023.

Mappers of Mystara - Ricardo Matheus from Threshold Magazine issue 32 dated 21 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Robrenn, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 September 2023.

Mappers of Mystara: Eric Anondson from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Eusdria, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Animal Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Reptilian Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Denagoth, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 September 2023.

Lorenzo’s Karameikos from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 September 2023.

Ramelin’s Isles of Steam, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 October 2023.

Ramelin’s Ochalea, 8 miles per hex v1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 October 2023.

Ramelin’s Vulture Peninsula, 8 miles per hex v1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 October 2023.

Jason Hibdon’s Great Waste, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 October 2023.

Jason Hibdon’s Hule, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 October 2023.

Lorenzo’s Specularum from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 October 2023.

Anondson’s Great Waste & Hule, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 October 2023.

Lorenzo’s Threshold from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 October 2023.

Anondson’s Known World North, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 October 2023.

Anondson’s Known World South, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 October 2023.

Anondson’s Western Brun from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 October 2023.

JTR’s World Before the Rain from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 October 2023.

JTR’s Glacial Patterns of the Known World from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 October 2023.

JTR’s Denagoth, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 October 2023.

JTR’s Northern Wildlands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 October 2023.

JTR’s Ghyr, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 November 2023.

JTR’s Western Alliance, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 November 2023.

JTR’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 November 2023.

JTR’s Landfall, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 November 2023.

JTR’s Landfall from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 November 2023.

JTR’s Oceansend, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 November 2023.

JTR’s Ransarn, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 November 2023.

JTR’s Kaarjala, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 November 2023.

JTR’s Itämaa, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 November 2023.

JTR’s Northern Brun, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 November 2023.

JTR’s Davania from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 November 2023.

Mappers of Mystara - Eric Anondson from Threshold Magazine issue 33 dated 18 December 2023.

JTR’s Leehashire, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 November 2024.

JTR’s Idrisian Sphere, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 November 2024.

Sturm’s Northwestern Davania, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 November 2024.

Thibault’s Northwestern Davania, 72 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 November 2024.

Sturm’s Schweidnitz, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 November 2024.

Sturm’s Schweidnitz, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 November 2024.

Sturm’s Tlik’kkil, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 November 2024.

Sturm’s Eseri, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 November 2024.

Sturm’s Mogluu, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 November 2024.

Sturm’s Isle of Dawn Central, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 November 2024.

Sturm’s Glantri 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 November 2024.

Sturm’s Glantri 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 November 2024.

Sturm’s Adri Varma Plateau, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 November 2024.

Sturm’s Blackheart, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 November 2024.

Sturm’s Pelatan, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 November 2024.

Sturm’s Izonda, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 December 2024.

Sturm’s Southern Pelatan, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 December 2024.

Sturm’s Izonda & Pelatan, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 December 2024.

Sturm’s Minaea, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 December 2024.

Sturm’s Nemosar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 December 2024.

Sturm’s Elafi Forest, 0.9 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 December 2024.

Sturm’s Erineos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 December 2024.

Sturm’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 December 2024.

Sturm’s Midlands, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 December 2024.

Sturm’s Brun, 24 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 December 2024.

Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 December 2024.

Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 December 2024.

Sturm’s Halag, 0.9 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 December 2024.

Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V3 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 December 2024.

Sturm’s Empires, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 December 2024.

Sturm’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V1 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 December 2024.

Sturm’s Pirate’s Rock, 0.9 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 December 2024.

Sturm’s New Blackmoor 3050 BC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 December 2024.

Sturm’s Brun, 24 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 December 2024.

Sturm’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 December 2024.

Sturm’s Fyarash, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 December 2024.

Sturm’s Actoian, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 December 2024.

Sturm’s Wiassian, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 December 2024.

Hollow World Set Outer World Planetary Map from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 December 2024.

Hollow World Set Outer World Planetary Map V2 from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 December 2024.

Dungeon Master's Gaz’s Karameikos from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 December 2024.

Dungeon Master Gaz’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 December 2024.

Solmyr’s Alphatian Region from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 December 2024.

Solmyr’s Bellissaria and Esterhold from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2024.

Solmyr’s Ochalea, Pearl & Alatian Islands from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 December 2024.

Solmyr’s Hinterlands from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 December 2024.

Solmyr’s Known World from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Known World Area from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Karameikos from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Minrothad from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Glantri 1013 AC, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Known World 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Savage Coast Political from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Hollow World Political from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Norwold Political from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 January 2025.

Solmyr’s Known World Political from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 January 2025.

Mappers of Mystara: Aleksei Andrievski from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 January 2025.

2punti’s Shadowlands from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 January 2025.

2punti’s Oostdok from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 January 2025.

sirjonsnow’s Kobos from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 January 2025.

sirjonsnow’s Safari Island, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 January 2025.

Updated chronological map of Safari Island (1987) from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 January 2025.

Rolf’s Skothar from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 January 2025.

cmonty’s Karameikos from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 January 2025.

cmonty’s Threshold Area from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 January 2025.

Tim’s Karameikos from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 January 2025.

Tim’s Five Shires from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 January 2025.

Tim’s Thyatis from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 January 2025.

Tim’s Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 January 2025.

Tim’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 January 2025.

Tim’s Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 January 2025.

Tim’s Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 January 2025.

Tim’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 January 2025.

Tim’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 January 2025.