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Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe

Primeval Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 4 August 1999.

Urt from the Mystara Message Board posted 29 August 2000.

Maps of Laterre from the Mystara Message Board posted 23 June 2006.

Nightmare Megalith from the Mystara Message Board posted 28 June 2006.

Interview with Gary Gygax (Co-Creator of D&D) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Andrew Steven Harris (Editor for the Thunder Rift setting) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Bruce Heard (OD&D Product Manager) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Lance (Player in William John Wheeler's Islandia Campaign) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Mike McArtor (Associate Editor DRAGON Magazine) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Steven R. Marsh (Lead Editor for the Expert Set and Designer of the underwater encounter materials for the original Blackmoor Supplement) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with James Mishler (Owner of Adventure Games Publishing, makers of the Wilderlands of High Adventure setting) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Douglas Niles (Author of the Quest Triad novels; Creator of the land of Karawenn) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Chris Pramas (Owner of Green Ronin Publishing, makers of the Freeport setting) current as of 5 September 2006.

Interview with Dragon and Dungeon Magazine Staff and Writers (Owner of Green Ronin Publishing, makers of the Freeport setting) from the Mystara Message Board posted 11 September 2006.

Interview with Joseph Goodman (The Known Realms and The Known World) from the Mystara Message Board posted 12 September 2006.

Interview with Courtney Solomon (Director of the D&D Movie) from the IGN archive, January 2000.

Interview with Compiled Q&A on the HackWurld of Mystaros.

Interview with Robert Schwalb (Designer of Exemplars of Evil) from WotC's Product Spotlight, September 14, 2007.

Interview with Craig Cochrane (Eternity Publishing, publishers of the Immortals Handbook) September 16, 2007.

Questions and Answers with Mystaran Authorities from the Mystara Message Board posted 12 September 2006.

Consolidated Creature Conversion Index from the Mystara Message Board posted 6 December 2007. (combined with work from Sheldon Morris and Gary Davies)

Consideration for the Placement of Thunder Rift from The Piazza posted 6 December 2008.

The Worlds of the Nexus from The Piazza posted 20 December 2008.

Analysing the Languages of Mystara from The Piazza posted 6 April 2009.

Words from the Alphatian Calendar with comparisons to the Thyatian Calendar from The Piazza posted 20 April 2009.

Thyatian Days of Week and Planets from The Piazza posted 13 July 2015.

Q and A with Michael Gray (author of the 1984 D&D adventure XL-1, Quest for the Heartstone) from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 16 July 2018.

Other Mystara Products on DMs Guild current as of 1 August 2020.

Q and A with Michael Dobson from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 23 February 2021.

Eight Official Mystara world configurations from The Piazza posted 23 March 2021.

Q and A with Frank Mentzer on the map of the outer world from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 26 March 2021.

Q and A with Jeff Grubb on the name Ylaruam current as of 9 April 2021.

Q and A with Lawrence Schick on the name Ylaruam current as of 10 April 2021.

Interview with Frank Mentzer (Compiler of the BECMI boxed sets) current as of 25 May 2021.

Xyxl as the setting of the 3-D Dragon Tiles adventures from The Piazza posted 13 June 2021.

Q and A with Merle Rasmussen current as of 13 June 2021.

Zyxl is the Jurassic island of Java from The Piazza posted 13 June 2021.

The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina, extrapolation from the names in the adventure from The Piazza posted 14 June 2021.

Spellfire cards with Mystara Art from The Piazza posted 20 July 2021.

Q and A with Lawrence Schick on where the Original Known World was played current as of 29 July 2021.

The Globe of Peril from The Piazza posted 30 July 2021.

RW ethnolinguistic facets of the peoples of the Isle of Dread from The Piazza posted 10 August 2021.

Untangling the Worlds of Basic D&D from The Piazza posted 11 August 2021.

M-Taíno and M-Caribs, indigenous M-Caribbean Amerindians, in Karameikos from The Piazza posted 12 August 2021.

M-Russians, M-Ukrainians, and M-Circassians in east-central Karameikos from The Piazza posted 16 August 2021.

Q and A with Bruce Heard on the AD&D Mystara line current as of 28 August 2021.

Interviews Bill Wilkerson and Ralph Wagner: players in Moldvay & Schick's Original Known World from the Piazza posted 16 September 2021.

Isle of Dread playthrough (freeform LARP + Star Trek cross-over) from The Piazza posted 24 September 2021.

Get Bargle! adventure from the 2021 MystaraCon current as of 21 November 2021.

Official In-World Justifications for the Appearance of AD&D Features in Mystara from The Piazza posted 23 November 2021.

"Invisible" countries: tribes and villages which didn't get a red-lined border from The Piazza posted 24 November 2021.

Thyatian and Alphatian names for planets from The Piazza posted 24 November 2021.

The Vast Lands of Norwold: The Companion World — A Mystaran subsetting and logo from The Piazza posted 25 November 2021.

The Gateway Lands regionalization and logo (Great Waste, Serpent Peninsula, City-States, Hule) from The Piazza posted 26 November 2021.

Southold logo (Savage Coast + Red Steel + Orc's Head Peninsula + Yazak Steppes + Great Northway Lands) from The Piazza posted 26 November 2021.

Known World logo (based on Threshold mag / GAZ logo) from The Piazza posted 26 November 2021.

Alphatia logo (including the Floating Continent and the New Alphatian Empire) from The Piazza posted 26 November 2021.

Arm of the Immortals subsetting logo from The Piazza posted 26 November 2021.

Other names for the Known World from The Piazza posted 28 November 2021.

More subsetting logos (Jungle Coast, Thunder Rift, Sea of Dawn, Sea of Dread) from The Piazza posted 28 November 2021.

Two Ravenloft subsettings from Mystara: Swamp of the Hideous One and the Surrounding Lands (Gulluvia) from The Piazza posted 29 November 2021.

Evolution of Mystaran planetary conceptions from The Piazza posted 30 November 2021.

The World of Karawenn from The Piazza posted 7 December 2021.

World of Karawenn logo from The Piazza posted 9 December 2021.

Aelos logo from The Piazza posted 9 December 2021.

Matera logo from The Piazza posted 11 December 2021.

Invisible Moon (Patera / Myoshima) logo from The Piazza posted 13 December 2021.

Thoughts towards addressing cultural insensitivities in Mystaran cultures from The Piazza posted 16 December 2021.

Thoughts about renaming Broken Lands peoples from The Piazza posted 16 December 2021. (thoughts additional to Ripvanwormer)

Additional thoughts on the False Olympians and the Seven Realms from The Piazza posted 17 December 2021.

[Paraverses] Official Placements of B8: Journey to the Rock from The Piazza posted 4 January 2022.

Etymology of Hinterlander Names from The Piazza posted 21 January 2022.

Q and A with Frank Mentzer on "The Known World" from the Piazza posted 31 January 2022.

Bill Wilkerson's Original Known World documents from The Piazza posted 26 February 2022.

The Shared Lands from The Piazza posted 27 April 2022.

Etymology of Mystaran names from The Piazza posted 4 August 2022.

The World of Dragon's Den from The Piazza posted 17 September 2023.

My interview with Ken Rolston (GAZ2, GAZ4, GAZ7, IM3, Dragon's Den) from the Piazza posted 8 February 2025.