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Ethengar Khanates
Player Characters in Ethengar
Almanac Entries
Campaigning in Ethengar
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Races of Ethengar
Adventures and Campaigns
Player Characters in Ethengar
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Hakomon by pawsplay from The Piazza posted 17 March 2019.
Almanac Entries
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Geographic entry for the Ethengar Khanates, from the AC 1019 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Ethengar Khanates, from the AC 1018 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Ethengar Khanates, from the AC 1017 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Ethengar Khanates, from the AC 1016 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Ethengar Khanates, from the AC 1015 Almanac.
Campaigning in Ethengar
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Possible Future: Alfheim refugees in Ethengar help cleanse the World Mountain by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 August 2023.
Ethengar pre-unification by Moglai Khan by LoZompatore, from The Piazza posted 15 April 2023.
Il Khan Dorato di Ethengar Gaz12 in Italian by Jim Bambra translated by Denis Deffendi, current as of 5 March 2023.
Known Hakomon Locations: Ostagai by Robin, from The Piazza posted 19 January 2022.
Known Hakomon & other locations in Ethengar by Robin with help from John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 7 January 2022.
Ethengar Buildings by Robin, from The Piazza posted 24 January 2019.
Ethengar Clan and male names by Robin, from The Piazza posted 5 November 2018.
Geological (cellular Tectonic movements) of Ethengar by Robin, from The Piazza posted 17 October 2018.
Bargha by Robin, from The Piazza posted 9 October 2018.
World Mountain by Robin, from The Piazza posted 29 September 2018.
Thoughts about Ethengar Conquering the Known World by Pol Ginés, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 11 September 2018.
The Unknown World Trail map - part III by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 15 dated 14 April 2017.
Irongrass and Firegrass by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 16 January 2015.
Ethengar Khanates, 4E by Christopher Richard Davies from The Piazza posted 25 December 2008.
Monstrous Atlas: Ethengar Khanates by Sheldon Morris, from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 June 2005.
Ethengarians and real world Mongols by Marco Dalmonte, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 October 2004.
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Tim’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 January 2025.
Ramelin’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex V1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 July 2022.
Jason Hibdon’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 5 June 2022.
I Khanati di Ethengar, 1000 DI, 12 km miles / esa (in Italian) by Thorfinn Tait translated by Denis Deffendi, current as of 10 May 2022.
Map of Hakomon sites BC 1700, 8mph by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 18 January 2022.
Thibault’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 September 2021.
Updated map of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.
Replica map of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from GAZ12 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.
Map of the Ethengar Khanates 8 miles per hex by Jason Hibdon, from Google Drive posted 21 May 2020.
Ethengar Seasonal Lakes by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 18 January 2019.
Court of Golden Khan at Chagon-Nah Readjusted by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 15 January 2019.
Ethengar Blackmoor Era by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 7 January 2019.
Research Historic overlay Ethengar by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 13 December 2018.
Ethengar 1200 AC by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 30 November 2018.
Ethengar Timeline Maps by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 16 September 2018.
Ethengar in Ethengarian naming by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 8 September 2018.
Map of the Ethengar Khanates, 8 miles per hex by Ignacio Ramos, current as of 10 July 2017.
Corunglain to Ethengar Merchant Trail by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 18 July 2016.
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Ethengar History by Robin, from The Piazza posted 29 September 2018.
Ethengari Personalities
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NPC Level Conversion BECMI to 5e: The Golden Khan of Ethengar by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 17 June 2017.
Ethengari NPCs
Immortals and Churches
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Immortals of Ethengar by Marco Dalmonte from the Mystara Message Board posted 10 December 2005.
Races of Ethengar
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Ethengarian Centaurs by Christopher Richard Davies from The Piazza posted 29 December 2008.
Centaurs of Ethengar by Lost Woodrake, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 September 2004.
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The Ethengarian Hordes AC 1015 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 7 December 2023.
Ethengar Army for Birthright by The Dark from The Piazza posted 4 July 2020.
A possibility for Ethengar gaining its' air force by John Hare, from the Mystara Message Board posted 29 September 1998.
An Ethengar "air power" scenario by Sharon Dornhoff, from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 August 1998.
Adventures and Campaigns
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A view of Lion Castle with the Colossus Mountains in the background by Robin, from The Piazza posted 26 November 2020.
Location of Lion Castle by Robin, from The Piazza posted 24 November 2020.
Ghost of Lion Castle - Thoughts and Notes by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 24 November 2020.
Maps of The Ghost of Lion Castle by Lucky, from Half Blogre current as of 7 June 2011.
Ethengar Invasion by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 17 December 2010.