by tjedge1Prime Requisite: Strength and Dexterity.
Other Requirements: Wisdom and Dexterity scores of 13 or more.
Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength 13-15, 10% for Strength 16-18.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2 hit points per level, and Constitution adjustments no longer apply.
Maximum Level: 36.
Armour: None, Shield not permitted.
Weapons: Any.
Special Abilities: AC bonuses, increased movement, and martial arts. (at 9th level) Set Spear vs. Charge, Thief Abilities.Experience Table:
1 0 2 2,200 3 4,400 4 8,800 5 17,000 6 35,000 7 70,000 8 140,000 9 270,000 10 400,000 11 530,000 12 660,000 13 800,000 14 1,000,000 15 1,200,000 16 1,400,000 17 1,600,000 18 1,800,000 19 2,000,000 20 2,200,000 21 2,400,000 22 2,600,000 23 2,800,000 24 3,000,000 25 3,200,000 26 3,400,000 27 3,600,000 28 3,800,000 29 4,000,000 30 4,200,000 31 4,400,000 32 4,600,000 33 4,800,000 34 5,000,000 35 5,200,000 36 5,400,000 Save Throws: Mystic Saving Throws are identical to the Fighters Saving Throws.
Mystic Unarmed Attack Equivalents Table:
Level Weapon Equivalent 3 Silver Weapon 6 +1 Weapon 9 +2 Weapon 12 +3 Weapon 16 +4 Weapon 20 +5 Weapon These attacks don't gain the attack or damage bonuses of their magic-weapon equivalents, but can hit creatures as if the indicated weapon were used. For example, a 6th level mystic can hit and hurt a gargoyle when fighting barehanded.
Thief Abilities:
Level Find Traps Remove Traps Climb Walls Move Silently Hide in Shadows 1 7 7 66 15 7 2 11 11 67 18 11 3 15 15 68 22 15 4 18 18 69 26 18 5 22 22 70 30 21 6 26 25 71 33 24 7 30 28 72 36 26 8 33 31 73 39 28 9 37 34 74 41 30 10 40 37 75 43 33 11 43 40 76 45 35 12 46 43 77 48 37 13 49 45 78 49 39 14 52 48 79 51 42 15 54 50 80 52 43 16 57 52 81 54 45 17 60 54 82 55 46 18 62 57 83 57 48 19 64 59 84 58 49 20 66 61 85 60 51 21 69 63 86 62 52 22 70 66 87 63 54 23 72 68 88 64 55 24 73 70 89 66 57 25 74 72 90 66 58 26 75 75 91 67 60 27 75 77 92 68 61 28 76 79 93 69 63 29 77 81 94 69 64 30 78 84 95 70 66 31 78 86 96 71 67 32 79 88 97 72 69 33 80 90 98 72 70 34 81 93 99 73 72 35 81 95 99 74 73 36 82 97 100 75 75 Mystic Special Abilities Table:
Skill Points: These are the points used for a Mystic to use for increasing his Hand-to-Hand Masteries only. He may also (if the DM allows) use these to Master weapons as well, but this should be limited.
Manoeuvre Points: This is the amount of points per level a mystic will have to "purchase" new manoeuvres. He must find a trainer for the move he wishes to learn as well as use the number of points required.
Chi Points Gained: This is the number Chi points (Inner Chi Power) that a mystic gains for each level. These points are spent when a mystic uses a special manoeuvre, and can be recovered by one hour of meditation as well as 6 straight hours of sleep either before or after meditation.
Level AC Damage Skill Pts Manoeuvre Pts Chi Pts Gained 1 9 1d4 5* 2 1 + wisdom bonus 2 9 1d4 +2 +1 1 + wisdom bonus 3 9 1d4+1 +2 +1 1 + wisdom bonus 4 9 1d4+1 +2 +1 1 + wisdom bonus 5 8 1d6 +1 +1 1 + wisdom bonus 6 8 1d6 +1 +2 1 + wisdom bonus 7 7 1d6+1 +1 +2 1 + wisdom bonus 8 7 1d6+1 +1 +2 1 + wisdom bonus 9 6 1d8 +1 +2 1 + wisdom bonus 10 6 1d8 +0 +2 1 11 6 1d8+1 +1 +2 1 12 5 1d8+1 +0 +2 1 13 5 1d10 +1 +2 1 14 4 1d10 +0 +2 1 15 4 1d10+1 +1 +2 1 16 3 1d10+1 +0 +2 1 17 3 1d12 +1 +2 1 18 2 1d12 +0 +2 1 19 2 1d12+1 +1 +2 1 20 2 1d12+1 +0 +2 1 21 1 2d8 +1 +2 1 22 1 2d8 +0 +2 1 23 0 2d8+1 +1 +2 1 24 0 2d8+1 +0 +2 1 25 -1 2d10 +1 +3 1 26 -1 2d10 +0 +3 1 27 -2 2d10+1 +1 +3 1 28 -2 2d10+2 +0 +3 1 29 -2 4d6 +1 +3 1 30 -3 4d6+1 +0 +3 1 31 -3 5d6 +1 +3 1 32 -4 5d6+1 +0 +3 1 33 -4 4d8 +1 +3 1 34 -5 4d8+1 +0 +3 1 35 -5 3d12 +1 +3 1 36 -6 2d20 +1 +3 1 *The initial skill points a mystic starts with is placed depending on the style he chooses to begin with.
Here are more detailed descriptions of the Hand to Hand Masteries I have been calling Weapon Skills.
"Hand-to-Hand Skills"
Punching (This skill can be used by any character class)
The following bonuses only apply to punching attacks
Unskilled: +0 damage
Basic: +1 damage
Skilled: +1 damage/+1 To-Hit
Expert: +2 damage/+1 To-Hit
Master: +2 damage/+2 To-Hit
Grand Master: +3 damage/+3 To-HitKicking (This skill can be used by any character class)
The following bonuses only apply to kicking attacks
Unskilled: +0 damage
Basic: +1 damage
Skilled: +1 damage/+1 To-Hit
Expert: +2 damage/+1 To-Hit
Master: +2 damage/+2 To-Hit
Grand Master: +3 damage/+3 To-HitBlocking
Unskilled: no absorption
Basic: absorb 2 points of damage from 1 attack
Skilled: absorb 4 points of damage from 2 attacks
Expert: absorb 6 points of damage from 3 attacks
Master: absorb 8 points of damage from 4 attacks
Grand Master: absorb 10 points of damage from 5 attacksGrappling
The following bonuses only apply to grappling attacks
Unskilled: cannot sustain holds past one round
Basic: +1 damage / Sustained Holds last for 2 rounds
Skilled: +1 damage / +1 To-Hit / Sustained Holds last for 3 rounds
Expert: +2 damage / +1 To-Hit / Sustained Holds last for 5 rounds
Master: +2 damage / +2 To-Hit / Sustained Holds last for 7 rounds
Grand Master: +3 damage / +3 To-Hit / Sustained Holds last for 10 roundsAthletics
The following bonuses only apply to athletic attacks
Unskilled: +0 damage / 120'(40') movement
Basic: +1 damage / 135'(45') movement
Skilled: +1 damage / +1 To-Hit / 150'(50') movement
Expert: +2 damage / +1 To-Hit / 180'(60') movement
Master: +2 damage / +2 To-Hit / 225'(75') movement
Grand Master: +3 damage / +3 To-Hit / 300'(100') movementFocus
The following bonuses only apply to focus attacks
Unskilled: +0 damage
Basic: +1 damage
Skilled: +1 damage / +1 To-Hit
Expert: +2 damage / +1 To-Hit
Master: +2 damage / +2 To-Hit
Grand Master: +3 damage / +3 To-HitFocus Skill Update:
Basic: 1d8 damage base
Skilled: 1d10 damage base
Expert: 1d12 damage base
Master: 1d20 damage base
Grand Master: 1d30 damage baseA Mystic will use his own Mystic Damage table to determine damage based on experience level. These skills will open new doors for Mystics to learn the powerful special moves.
The only change in the Mystic arts that's included in the Rules Cyclopaedia is the # of attacks. Leave it at just 1 per turn regardless of the mystic's current level.
The reason is that with this new set-up, nearly any attack from a Mystic could be deadly and some of the special moves I'll be going over have huge damage bonuses and they could allow a 16 level Mystic to do up to 120 points of damage in one turn to each of 3 opponents at the same time (Which totals out to 360!) That is frighteningly powerful considering the maximum damage a 16 level Mystic could do normally is 156 (All totals include the Strength bonuses). Of course that particular skill would only be learned by a very high level Mystic and would be difficult even then to really master, possibly the Mystic would have to use the optional rules at the back of the Rules Cyclopaedia to ever gain enough experience and development points to be able to attain this manoeuvre. I'll explain that aspect of my idea after the Moves have been converted and the final selection of moves to add to the Rule Cyclopaedia D&D Mystic (or other styles) are completed.
The basic moves by a Mystic would be:
A standard attack using the normal to-hit roll and damage for a mystic's current level.Kick
Like punch in every way, except can still be used if the mystics hands are tied up, or he is dangling from a tree or something else and is unable to use his hands.Block
This manoeuvre allows the Mystic to absorb the number of points of damage equal to double his level in the Blocking skill. The Mystic is not required to have his hands free to perform this manoeuvre either, but his legs must be free. For example, a goblin swings a sword and lands a hit on a Mystic who is blocking. The mystic has a level 3 blocking skill. The goblin does 4 points of damage and the Mystic has the ability to absorb 6 points and does so. This skill can also allow the Mystic to use the absorb ability for an equal number of attacks to the Blocking skill level.These are the 3 basic moves learned by a Mystic at level 1. After that they will receive development points which will have to be put together after the manoeuvres are selected, converted and established in some form of organisation, like maybe set up as a spell list or just listed. I'd like to do different lists of special moves for each style. That may get too complicated though and the look of the manoeuvres might just have to show the style instead of the actual moves. Each special move would have a point cost of some kind (I was thinking of Chi) that would limit the number of times a Mystic could use the powerful stuff until resting.
Here's a list of ideas for styles I've been thinking about. If any of you guys have any suggestions on where these could be learned please post them.
Ninjitsu: A dishonourable style that is studied by assassins and considered illegal to train in many nations.
Karate: An art studied by Rakasta on the Savage Coast.
Kung Fu: A popular style used by mystics in Ochalea. Some mystics from Sind have also learned this art and returned to Sind with it. Any wishing to learn the art must find a master willing to teach them. This is not an easy task.
Sanbo: A variation of the form of Thyatian wrestling. Mostly studied and practiced in Heldann and Norwold.
Sumo: Not sure what to do with this style. Maybe something created by Pacydermions and taught to humans?
Milino Wrestling: A style that focuses on grappling. This is very popular in Thyatis. The City States of Davania, mostly Kastelios, have their own version of this style, but it is virtually the same.
Atruaghin Wrestling: A style of wrestling that also uses some punches and kicks.
Wu Shu: An acrobatic style that is derived from gymnastics in Ochalea.
Mondu: This style is mainly used by the people of Ulimwengu as sport. It is a form of kickboxing that uses the knees and elbows most of the time.
Savage Boxing: This is a variation of Mondu that extends the arms and legs more for better range. Many nations on the savage coast train this to soldiers who have potential to be great warriors.
Aikido: This is a style practiced by Tortles on the Savage Coast regions. They are the only true masters of this art, but are willing to teach this art of defence to any who prove themselves to never become a threat to their people.
Capoeira: This is the dancing style of Yavdlom. The Seers of Yavdlom have developed it into a popular style of combat and the Yavs teach it freely to any willing to learn. For a price.
Savate: An art of kickboxing used in various places and developed in Darokin using kicks that lead with the toe. This art has special effects against other styles due to the unusual forms for kicking.
Muay Drit: This is an art that is trained to some magicians who are also physically strong. It draws power from an unknown source that gives the mystic amazing mental powers along with martial arts. This style is extremely rare and usually only taught by the Master of ule and his highest clerics.
Kabaddi: This is a form of martial arts, only found in Sind. It combines Kung Fu, Yoga and magic to make a powerful style. This is very rare style and nearly impossible to learn. Many who try can never master this style.
Boxing: This is a very common form of combat that is practiced all around the Known World. It started in Thyatis as opening fights for the arenas, and eventually the people of the Isle of Dawn developed it into a gambling sport using bare fists. It has since spread across the known world and some nations have begun to have tournaments to find the best in the boxers in the world.Each style will have a set group of manoeuvres it can learn at a cheaper rate of development points than what will be listed. This will make guide the player to choose moves that will define the style more to what it should be and make all the styles unique.
If I am missing any here that could be tossed in, please let me know. The more there are the better. Of course there will be dozens if all were listed, but this is a start. Some will just be very similar to others and those will be combined and then explained in the style description the difference between the two different names. Mostly cultural.
And yes, I made up a few of these. Any ideas on one that could be studied by the humanoids in the Broken Lands? Or the Lizardmen of the Malpheggi swamp? Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Elves?
Punch Special Moves, last edited 07 December 2005.
Stronger Punch Moves, last edited 07 December 2005.
Even Stronger Punch Manoeuvres, last edited 07 December 2005.
Super Punch Manoeuvres, last edited 07 December 2005.
Epic Punch Manoeuvres, last edited 07 December 2005.Kick Special Moves, last additions posted 3 September 2005.
Medium Kick Manoeuvres, posted 21 August 2005.
Strong Kick Manoeuvres, last additions posted 3 September 2005.
Super Kick Manoeuvres, last additions posted 3 September 2005.
Ultra Kick Manoeuvres, posted 24 August 2005.
Epic Kick Manoeuvres, last additions posted 3 September 2005.Block Special Moves, last edited 12 December 2005.
Epic Block Special Moves, last edited 12 December 2005.Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Medium Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Strong Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Super Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Mega Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Ultra Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Epic Grab Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.Athletic Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Medium Athletic Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Strong Athletic Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Ultra Athletic Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.
Epic Athletic Special Moves, last edited 15 December 2005.Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Medium Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Strong Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Super Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Mega Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Giga Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Giga Ultra Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Ultra Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Epic Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.
Eternal Focus Special Moves, last edited 19 December 2005.Fighting Styles, added 17 January 2006.