Campaigning in Karameikos
by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 22A guide to connect and use all the published canon adventures and several fan ones!
When I started my first campaign in Karameikos back in 1991, I only had the Basic and Expert Sets as sources of information and adventures. Then gradually I acquired much more canon material, GAZ1, B3, B4, B10 and so on. However, as I lived in Italy, which is far away from TSR’s main market, I missed many adventures and products which never arrived, or rapidly disappeared, in the stores I could visit. It was only after the great development of the Internet and the availability of used or digital products that I was able to read many other old modules and supplements.So when I started my Play by Post campaign on The Piazza set in Karameikos1 more recently, I decided I would use all the canon and fan material now available which I did not have at my disposal in the past. The amount of material now available for Karameikos is huge, and more than enough to develop several different campaigns, or adventure paths in the style of more recent role playing games. In fact the original “B series” of canon adventures were not set in Karameikos and had no interconnection between them. It was only later that a connection was created with the B1-9 super module, “In Search of Adventure”. Now, however, the amount of fan creations available in the Vaults of Pandius makes it much easier to connect the different adventures set in Karameikos.
In this article I will explore a series of possible adventure paths and the way they could be connected together in one unique, huge story arc for hours of fun and play.
NPCs and Characters listed below are humans unless stated otherwise in the text.
The treasure listed only include permanent magical objects, not coins, gems, potions and scrolls unless they are the only treasures, and only objects of likely enemies, not of allies or NPCs.Please note that the article contain heavy spoilers on the content and the end of all the canon and fan adventures set in Karameikos!
The different adventures have been listed roughly by level, but if a DM chooses to play them all, it is probable that several will have to be adjusted for higher levels. If many adventures are for PCs of similar level, they have been listed to form a coherent Path. To facilitate the navigation between the different Adventure Paths, I’ve created below an internal index:
The Black Eagle and Iron Ring Adventure Path
The Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path
The Lost Cities and Relics Path
The Other Lands, People and Creatures Path
The Veiled Society and Specularum Path
The Black Eagle and Iron Ring Adventure Path
This is obviously the most classic story arc to be set in Karameikos, more or less explicit in GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” and module B1-9 “In Search of Adventure”. In canon products the fight of the PCs against the Iron Ring it is supposed to start from the town of Threshold, but other options are possible. In my current Play by Post campaign, for example I had an Iron Ring cell operating in Specularum from 989 AC. In canon products the adventures and ideas set in Specularum are more centered on the Veiled Society, so I imagined the Society was eventually able to eradicate or at least limit the activities of the Iron Ring in the capital.
Another possible different starting point for a PC party’s involvement against the Iron Ring is the one presented in the videogame “Order of the Griffon”, where Lord Korrigan sends the PCs to explore Koriszegy Keep, but the Iron Ring is allied with the Vampire lord of the Keep. But this Path could start anywhere in the Grand Duchy, assuming that the Ring has cells in many places. The connection between the Iron Ring and the Black Eagle should be discovered late in the Path or, if discovered earlier, PCs should still have quite some trouble in finding proof to persuade the Karameikan authorities. After all in canon products Stefan Karameikos is finally convinced only in 1,010 AC!
This Path could very easily be merged with others, notably the Dark Triad Path, the Humanoid and Argos Path and the Lost Cities and Relics Path, but others too as explained in the text below, under each Path and in the final chapter about creating a Complete Path.
Your first adventure
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Basic set, Players manual page 3, 1983
Location: Near the town of Threshold
PCs level: 1 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Bargle the Wizard and his goblin.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Aleena the Cleric, Unnamed warrior, Fighter 1.
Main Treasures: Potion of growth.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A lone warrior goes searching for the bandit Bargle and meets a young female cleric named Aleena.
Connections: This adventure has an immediate sequel in the Basic set. PCs could play it or just hear the news of what happened. Aleena is killed by Bargle in the adventure, but as she is alive in GAZ1, it is likely she was resurrected by her uncle Baron Sherlane.Into the caves
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Basic set, Players manual page 15, 1983
Location: Near the town of Threshold
PCs level: 1 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Goblins, skeletons, rats, rust monster.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Unnamed warrior, Fighter 1.
Main Treasures: Gems, coins.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The lone warrior returns to the caves where Bargle was hiding to face the goblins.
Connections: Connected to the following adventure. PCs could participate or just hear the warrior is hunting Bargle. He could become a member of the party, or fail and be killed. See also “Find Bargle” http://pandius.com/findbrgl.html by Trevor Holman from Threshold Magazine issue #8Gygar’s castle,or Castle Mistamere
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Basic set, Dungeon Master manual page 4, 1983
Location: Near the town of Threshold
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Carrion crawler, kobolds, harpies, zombies, Bargle, ogres, living statues, doppelgangers, small dragon.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Iconic party of PCs, later developed and named by Roger LV Girtman II in the Vaults http://pandius.com/icncprty.html.
Main Treasures: Coins, random.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A group of adventurers explore the abandoned Gygar’s castle, while searching for traces of Bargle and possibly finding him on level three.
Connections: If Bargle escapes again, he will continue his plot to bring down Threshold. See also “To Save Aleena” http://pandius.com/svaleena.html by David Tauriainen and “TC1: The Baron's Favor”, First in the Thorn's Chronicle Adventure Path http://pandius.com/Mistamere_BECMI_1.6.pdf by Robert J. Nuttman, Jr. for an alternative adventure against Bargle in Castle Mistamere.Kill Bargle
By Jason Bulmahn, Dungeon Magazine issue #150, 2007
Location: Near the town of Threshold.
PCs level: 1-5 (D&D 3.5)
Main Antagonists: Carrion crawler, kobolds, zombies, ghouls, oil beetles, gelatinous cube, spiders, ogres, living crystal statues, shadows, doppelgangers, Bargle Wizard 7.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Coins, gems, longsword +1, chain shirt +1, potions, scrolls, bracers of armor +2, dagger +1, ring of protection +1, gauntlets of ogre power, rope of climbing, wand of hold person, reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A conversion and expansion of the original 1983 adventure above.
Connections: As above.Trouble in Threshold
By Thomas M. Reid, “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure” boxed set, 1994
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 1 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Iron Ring thugs, Peltro Brastus of the Iron Ring, skeletons, Key-Hamintep mummy, Falana Wizard 2, Brenna Warrior 1, Rocko Warrior 1, The Silent One Thief 2.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Dargar Thunderhammer dwarf Fighter, Jocasta Demandria human Fighter, Kalroth human Wizard, Melissa Moonstar elf Wizard, Chad Alonius human Thief, Emily Rogueshot halfling Thief, Par Thanar human Cleric, Maxalla Trigostas human Cleric, Juster Dainworth the merchant and his wife Seledina, Skritch Thief 4, Sherlane and Aleena Halaran.
Main Treasures: Reward, treasure of Key-Hamintep, leather armour +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Iron Ring is establishing a new cell in Threshold, starting with a smuggling operation, and some thugs have just kidnapped a local merchant unwilling to cooperate. PCs go search for him deep down below the town, where they also find an ancient Nithian tomb.
Connections: With Bargle apparently dead or disappeared the PCs discover a cell of the Iron Ring operating in Threshold. They will find clues about other agents operating in the area, leading them to face dopplegangers, werewolves and a devil swine. The connection between Bargle, the Iron Ring and Von Hendriks should probably be discovered only later in the Path.Possible connection with the Lost Cities and Relics Path
The Iron Ring and Bargle may be interested in ancient Nithian relics and ruins, and the tomb may contain clue on how to reach them, possibly leading to B8, B10 or other adventures.
Damsel in distress
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 39, 1983
Location: Near the town of Threshold
PCs level: 2-5 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Dopplegangers.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Coins, random.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A young lady asks for the PCs’ help as her boyfriend changed abruptly and broke off their engagement.
Connections: The dopplegangers could be related to the ones working for Bargle in Castle Mistamere and to Iron Ring agents.The Gardener
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 39, 1983
Location: Threshold
PCs level: Any (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: None.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: 5th level halfling.
Main Treasures: Ally.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs discover that the only supplier of wolfsbane in Threshold is a 5th level halfling gardener looking for adventures.
Connections: Directly connected to the following two adventures which have a confrontation with werecreatures; could be connected to the “Order of the Griffon” Turbografx/PC Engine video game adventure, see later.
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold and near it.
PCs level: Any (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Werecreatures.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: See above.
Main Treasures: Payment.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Cattle are missing during full moon; PCs have to capture the werecreatures responsible. Some are local people, others are agents of the Black Eagle.
Connections: As in the previous adventure, this too could be connected to the “Order of the Griffon” video game adventure. Werewolves appears also as minions of the Black Eagle later.
The Gambler
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold
PCs level: Any (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: A devil swine.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Money, ring of telekinesis.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A devil swine wins a lot by charming his victims and using a ring of telekinesis.
Connections: The Gambler may be an agent of Orcus or connected to the Black Eagle Path as a member of the Iron Ring and/or agent of Bargle. He should be connected to the new Guildmistress of the Thieves Guild, leading to the adventure “Extortion”, below.Possible connection to the Dark Triad Path
As the Immortal Orcus supposedly created devil swine, or appears as one, this could be a connection with the Dark Triad Path with the churches of Orcus, Leptar and Demogorgon present as allies of the Iron Ring.
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: New Guildmistress of the Thieves’ Guild.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A new Guildmistress is harassing local businessmen and trying to take over the local Thieves’ Guild.
Connections:. The Guildmistress could be an agent of the Veiled Society or the Iron Ring.Possible connection to the Veiled Society and Specularum Path
If the Guildmistress is an agent of the Veiled Society this could lead the PCs to a different Path. Is it possible that the Veiled Society and the Iron Ring work together? It seems unlikely, as the Veiled Society is controlled by the Radu and composed mainly of Traladaran extremists, while the Iron Ring is allied with Von Hendriks and mainly composed of Thyatian extremists. Yet both factions have and also use people of the other ethnicity, and both may have the ultimate goal of ousting Duke Stefan, so an unholy alliance between the two organisations may not be so unlikely after all.
The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina
By Garry Spiegle, AC3: 3-D Dragon Tiles, 1984
Location: Anywhere.
PCs level: 3-4 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: ghouls, wererats, skeletons, shadows, rust monster, Jahat Fighter 3, Jelek Fighter 4, Rusak Wizard 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Princess Arelina, Berklai Fighter 4, Awas Wizard 4, Triak Cleric 5, Penchuri Thief 4, Kuat Ranger 3, Saudara Wizard 3, Teman Cleric 4, Ambil Thief 3.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A young princess has been kidnapped, but the kidnappers have been tracked to an isolated house; now the PCs have to break in to rescue her.
Connections:. Generic but easily adaptable to Karameikos with any important young female or noble figure as the object of the kidnapping, and the kidnappers would fit well as members of the Iron Ring. Indeed, if the PCs have already foiled the plans of Bargle and the Iron Ring cell in Threshold, with their doppelganger and werecreatures allied, supported by Aleena, then the enemy could try to kidnap Aleena to blackmail Sherlane Halaran. Rusak could be in this case a minion of Bargle, or an identity of Bargle himself.
By David Howery, Dungeon Magazine issue #42, 1993
Location: North of Threshold, Utica in Darokin.
PCs level: 3-5 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Antar Wizard 2, Althling Fighter 5, Kerak Fighter 4, Thoros Fighter 7, Ademar Fighter 4, Hattin Fighter 4, Balian Thief 5.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Lord Reynald Fighter 7, Baldwin his son.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Bandits kidnap the son of Sir Reynald, but Reynald is unwilling to pay a king’s ransom for his son’s return. His wizard Antar, secretly an agent of the Black Eagle, plots for his removal to weaken Threshold.
Connections: Reynald gives the PCs fake coins, but frames Antar for the act, so he could remain on good terms with the PCs and the Duke, exposing a plot by the Black Eagle. Even if tailored for higher level this adventure, being located near Threshold, could work best as following the other plots of the Black Eagle in the region.
The Black Woods
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Five miles west of Threshold
PCs level: 5-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Bargle.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: None.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Bargle has hidden 100 fighters and their mounts near Threshold, magically asleep and mass morphed into part of the woods.
Connections: Meant for higher levels, but could work best as the conclusion of the attempts by the Black Eagle to weaken Threshold. It could, however, also be played later if the PCs return to Threshold from time to time. See also “Bargle’s Forces Attack” http://pandius.com/barglatk.html by Sean Meaney.
Fan adventures and resources about Threshold and Bargle
Mystara Cities Project: Threshold http://pandius.com/mc_thld.html by Brian Caraway
A Guide To The Barony Of Threshold http://pandius.com/threshgd.html by Jimmy Rowe
Detail of the Threshold Region http://pandius.com/thrshld.html by Simone Neri
The Siege of Threshold http://pandius.com/thrssieg.html by Sean Meaney
Kill Bargle! http://pandius.com/klbargle.html by John Calvin
Limited collectors' editions of the works of Bargle the Infamous http://pandius.com/bargitem.html by Steven Miller, from Dragon Magazine 216.
Toys of the Madman
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Fort Doom or vicinity.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: monsters, Von Hendriks and minions.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Other people kidnapped and placed in the dungeon.
Main Treasures: Return to freedom.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are kidnapped by Von Hendriks’ men and placed in a dungeon from which they have to escape.
Connections: If the PCs have defeated the Black Eagle’s plans in Threshold, this could be his revenge. However, this adventure could be played at any time. Probably the PCs should not yet discover the connection between the Black Eagle and the Iron Ring. Maybe the dungeon contains a magical object that the Black Eagle wants, and all this is a ploy to have some adventurers retrieve it. Once they have done the job, they are imprisoned again, leading to the next adventure. See also “Toys of a Mad Man”, adventure set in Karameikos AC 1000 http://pandius.com/toys_of_a_mad_man.pdf by Irving Galvez.Possible connection to the Lost Cities and Relics Path
The PCs could learn in the previous adventure that Bargle and the Iron Ring are after ancient relics of Traladara, leading them to a race against their agents to find such items before them, leading to B10 and more adventures.
B9 The Great Escape
By Harry Nuckols, Adventure B9: “Castle Caldwell and Beyond”, 1985
Location: Black Eagle Barony.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: gnoll jailer, human warriors Fighter 1 and 2, Visiting Officer Fighter 3, Commander Fighter 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: male servants, female servants.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, potions, short sword + 1, shield + 1, ring of fire resistance, rod of cancellation.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs have been captured while spying on the enemy and must now escape from the enemy dungeon.
Connections: Originally generic, but later placed in the Black Eagle Barony in B1-9. PCs meet Anton Turino, a Black Eagle spy who pretend to be a Duke’s spy charged to investigate the Black Eagle. He wants to lead the PCs to Lone Tree Hill, a day’s ride east of Luln, claiming he can obtain proof that the Black Eagle is sponsoring goblin raids. A goblin raid is indeed planned against Luln, but in Lone Tree Hill Anton plans to deliver the PCs to the goblins as a threat to the Baron, just to gain some points in the eyes of his master. If the PCs do not believe him and defeat him, they will find in his pockets clues leading to Lone Tree Hill and Quasqueton (B1) where they could be captured anyway. When the PCs escape, they are supposed to reach Luln and speak to Mistress Sascia, who will send them to deliver a report to Franz Dubloi at the military garrison in Specularum. Before that however she could send them to meet a representative of the Five Shires, leading to the next adventure.Fan resources about Fort Doom (Halag), Luln and Radlebb
Traladaran Sword Maiden http://pandius.com/Traladaran_Sword_Maiden.pdf by Christopher Bishop
Fort Doom http://pandius.com/frtdoom.html by Niels Just Rasmussen from Threshold Magazine issue #1
The Curse of Halag http://pandius.com/halagcrs.html by André Martins
The Pit of Blood Gold http://pandius.com/bgoldpit.html by Sean Meaney
Luln: map and description http://pandius.com/Luln_Map.pdf by Irving Galvez
Luln http://pandius.com/luln2.html and Plan of Luln http://pandius.com/lulnmap.html by religon
Mystara Cities Project: Luln http://pandius.com/mc_luln.html by Brian Caraway
Description of Village of Radlebb http://pandius.com/Radlebb_Village_description.pdf and Description of Radlebb Keep http://pandius.com/Radlebb_Keep_description.pdf by Eric Stoneburner
The Trouble with Mylvin Wimbly
By Andrew McCray, Dungeon Magazine issue #5, 1987
Location: Western Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Orcs, Lazambar Wizard 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Mylvin Wimbly Halfling 1.
Main Treasures: Money, potion of healing, dagger +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A halfling fugitive needs the heroes’ help to elude an evil magic-user and his orcish thugs.
Connections: Lazambar could easily be in the service of the Black Eagle or the Iron Ring, and the halfling could be a Five Shires’ agent spying around the Black Eagle territory. Once the PCs rescue him, Mylvin or Sascia of Luln could ask them to help Alexei Schlepin, leading to the next adventure.
DDA3 Eye of Traldar
By Carl Sargent, Adventure DDA3: “Eye of Traldar”, 1991
Location: Western Karameikos and the Black Eagle Barony.
PCs level: 1-2 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Torstar Malenkov Fighter 3, Iron Ring thugs, chaotic Elf 1, undead, gnoll, bugbear, Black Eagle soldiers, Gebhard the Torturer Fighter 3, orcs, Lieutenant Galleret Fighter 3, Paurillian Cleric 3, Menelaus slaver Thief 3, Lieutenant Aenolas Fighter 3, Aurelian Wizard 3, Captain Tiberian Fighter 4, Todosz slaver Thief 3.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Five unnamed pre-gens with backgrounds, Alexei Schlepin Fighter 2, Morander, Leraith, Warreck and Zemeter in Luln, Lemnos and Petronius in Fort Doom, Taiurus prisoner, Tibor, Imren, Tadeus and Maraden soldiers of Luln prisoners, Paurus Specularum merchant prisoner, other prisoners, hostages, ogre, Nikolai Monescu Wizard 2.
Main Treasures: Reward, coins, gems, jewelry, chain mail +1, staff of healing, potions, leather armor +1, short sword +1, ring of protection +1, ring of fire resistance, Eye of Traldar.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs rescue a fighter from Iron Ring assassins and end up helping him retrieving the Eye of Traldar from the Black Eagle Barony.
Connections: If PCs succeed, they will be able to find a list of Black Eagle agents in Luln and the Baron’s plan to attack the city. PCs could then continue to DDA4, B10 or deliver the Eye of Traldar themselves to the Lake of Lost Dreams in Eastern Karameikos.
See also “Traldar and the Legend of the Eyes” http://pandius.com/traleyes.html by Steven B Wilson
Another possible connection to the Lost Cities and Relics Path, Dark Triad Path, Humanoids and Argos Path.
The PCs could learn in the previous adventure that Bargle and the Iron Ring and/or the Dark Triad and/or the dragon Argos are after ancient relics of Traladara, leading them to a race against their agents to find such items before them, see also links under B7 in the Humanoids and Argos Path. See also “Karameikan Entropic Cults & the Eye of Traldar” http://pandius.com/karaeclt.html by Giampaolo Agosta
DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
By John Nephew, Adventure DDA4: “The Dymark Dead”, 1991
Location: Eastern Karameikos and the Black Eagle Barony.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: goblins, hobgoblins, lizard men, undead, Vylgrykk, goblin Wokan 2, Kosivikh the Dymrak Dread Goblin 3, wight.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Six unnamed pre-gens, Alexei Schlepin Fighter 2, Leraith, of Luln, Roderick Lord Forester of Dymrak, Rokhaag, orc prisoner, Jalven, elf prisoner.
Main Treasures: Reward, coins, gems, jewelry, chain mail +1, potions, battle axe +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Roderick, the Lord Forester of Dymrak, hires the PCs to kill a goblin war chieftain of the Dymrak forest.
Connections: If following DDA3, PCs are sent by Leirath of Luln, who is the cousin of Roderick. Alexei Schelepin can be with them too, to return to his hometown of Ryania in the Vyalia forest.
Possible connection to the Humanoid and Argos Path
The PCs could learn that the Dymrak goblins are not simply minions of the Iron Ring or the Black Eagle, but have another even more mysterious Master. The discovery of the existence of the dragon Argos should not be easy, even less so the reason why he is apparently supporting the Black Eagle or the Iron Ring.
The Haunted Keep
By Tom Moldvay, D&D Basic set [Moldvay edition], page 55, 1981
Location: Anywhere
PCs level: 1 (Basic D&D)
Main Antagonists: Goblins, wererats.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Coins, jewelry, potion of healing.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs follow goblin raiders, who captured a dozen prisoners. to the ruins of a keep once owned by the Rodemus family, who mysteriously disappeared years ago. The Rodemus are wererats, and secretly control the goblins.
Connections: The Dragonsfoot website and forum created (in 2008) an expanded version of this dungeon with many more details, monsters and treasureshttps://www.dragonsfoot.org/php4/archive.php?sectioninit=CD&fileid=234.
This expanded version includes:Main Antagonists: goblins, bandits, bandit leader Roenald Fighter 3, hobgoblins, Kalakia Rodemus wererat Fighter 3 , zombies, Eldwin Rodemus wererat Fighter 3, Jurakka Goblin 1, troglodytes, thouls, wererats, haunt, Lucretia Rodemus wererat Fighter 3, bugbears, Yena Trew Fighter 3, Bugbear King 3, Ssarvack the black dragon
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: 49 Pregens and as NPCs Lemunda the lovely Fighter 2 and her servant Relda, other random captives, Derrigan Dwarf 1, Miranda Ironwolf Fighter 1
Main Treasures: coins, gems, potions, scrolls, sword +1, ring of protection +2, mace +1, chainmail +1, staff of healing, wand of magic detection, leather armor +1, shield +1, short sword +1, dagger +1, ring of protection +1, boots of running, elven cloak.The Rodemus could easily be casted as Iron Ring slavers or/and allies of the Black Eagle, or agents of Argos temporarily aiding the Iron Ring.
Tower of Zenopus
By J. Eric Holmes, D&D Basic set [Holmes edition], page 40, 1978
Location: Portown
PCs level: Any (Basic D&D)
Main Antagonists: Evil wizard W4, goblins, pirates .
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Sword +1, Wand of Petrification.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs explore the destroyed tower of the long dead wizard Zenopus, now occupied by others.
Connections: This dungeon precedes canon Karameikos, but Religon has proposed a placement near Halag http://pandius.com/prtgorod.html. This adventure could easily be connected to pirates and/or humanoids employed by the Black Eagle, inside the Barony’s territory or just outside it. The PCs could reach this location if they find a list of Iron Ring or Black Eagle agents in the previous adventures.
B10 Night’s Dark Terror
By Jim Bamra, Graeme Morris and Phil Gallagher, Adventure B10: “Night’s Dark Terror”, 1986
Location: Kelvin, Sukiskyn, eastern Karameikos, ruins of Xitaqa, Rifflian, Threshold and the Black Peaks.
PCs level: 2-4 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Wolfskull and Red-blade goblins, Vlack Hobgoblin King, Bors, Hermann, Aksel, Jolenta, Gactis and other reavers and hounds of the Iron Ring, Viper goblins, Fyordoll bandit leader Elf 4, Ilya pixies, gargoyles, Black web orcs, living statues, undead, Kloss goblin king, Bailakask and Kalkask werewolves, rock baboons, Yellow fang goblin, Plak goblin king, Bloodhead hobgoblins, minotaur, Rucker reaver of the Iron Ring Cleric 5, Sydnor reaver Fighter 4, Sgagast bugbear reaver, Hrothgar Fighter 3 and the Scange brigands, Sligh reaver Fighter 4, Mafka reaver Thief 5, wererats, thugs, troll, thieves, Golthar Iron Ring Wizard 6, Karllag Iron Ring Wizard 6, Krasgat gnoll shaman, Gragzt gnoll chieftain and Death’s Head gnolls, ogres, steel statues, griffons, undead, Kartoeba, the thing in the pit.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Stephan and Pyotr Sukiskyn, Pyotr’s clan of Sukiskyn, Kalanos boatman Fighter 5, Loshad the chevall, Goriidel of the Vyalia Elf 3, Ilya pixies, Vissaryon and Tekaryon gnome miners and dwarven miners of the Zargash mountains, gnomes of the ferry, Ahiktos the merchant, Stubbs Platterman halfling of Rifflian, Captain Scylla of the Mudlark, Sergeant Arthol of Threshold, Hutaakans and Traldars of the Lost Valley, Kforedz hutaakan priestess 8, Guri-Ben-Kaal Traldar chief 7.
Main Treasures: rewards, coins, potions, gems and jewelry, ring of weakness, bag of devouring, rod of cancellation, scarab of protection.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Iron Ring wizard Golthar has found clues about the existence of Hutaaka, and he is now raising goblin hordes of the Dymrak forest against local homesteads, in search of a lost Hutaakan relic. PCs are hired in Kelvin by Stephan Sukiskyn to come to his brother’s homestead, east of the city, to bring a pack of horses to Rifflian, but arrive in Sukiskyn to find the place attacked by goblins. The trail of Golthar will eventually lead the PCs in the depths of the Dymrak forest to the Lake of Lost Dreams, the ruins of Xytaqa, Rifflian, Threshold and the Lost Valley of Hutaaka in the Black Peaks.
Connections: Further adventures are suggested against the Death’s Head Gnolls, the goblins of the Dymrak forest and the Iron Ring. See also “Rifllian” http://pandius.com/rifllian.html by Brian Caraway.Another possible connection to the Lost Cities and Relics Path and the Humanoids and Argos Path
The PCs could learn in the previous adventure that Bargle and the Iron Ring are after ancient relics of Traladara, leading them to a race against their agents to find such items before them. If not already, the PCs could become aware of an alliance between the Black Eagle and the mysterious power which controls the Dymrak goblins (the dragon Argos).
Koriszegy Keep
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Koriszegy Keep.
PCs level: 4-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Lord Koriszegy vampire, ghouls and undead.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Reward, treasure.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Lord Koriszegy tried 200 years ago to forge a pact with evil forces and was changed into a vampire, but cursed so that he could never leave his own castle for more than a day.
Connections: Even if the Koriszegy could be also played on his own or as part of other Paths, the 1992 Turbografx/PC Engine videogame “Order of the Griffon” could easily be used to flesh out this adventure and connect it to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path. In the videogame the PCs are tasked to explore Koriszegy Keep by Lord Korrigan, who does not believe the rumours of a vampire living there are truthful. The PCs are hired in Radlebb Keep and sent first by the local Order of the Griffon member to fight Collum, a werewolf who stole a magic staff of life. There are rumors and hints about Koriszegy having a dark plan, and members of the Iron Ring appear too. Undead, evil clerics, a devil swine and humanoids are also among the opponents, making it easier to connect this adventure to any Path. The werewolf leader Collum near Radlebb Keep is in competition with another pack led by Dosmo, and has allied with the Iron Ring to eliminate the competitor. After defeating the werecreatures, PCs become members of the Order of the Griffon and are tasked to find four magical gems Koriszegy is using to create undead, guarded by undead and a white dragon in a Koriszegy crypt. Then they have to travel to a Koriszegy cellar, where there is a nosferatu, servant of the main vampire. Then the Duke’s daughter is kidnapped and the requested ransom is the staff of King Halav. PCs report to a halfling named Master Higgings, counselor of the Duke in Specularum, and meet the Duke, who has been poisoned. The party rescues the Duke’s daughter from an Iron Ring hideout in Radlebb Woods, then retrieves the chalice and the shield from Halav’s tomb by the docks, guarded by minions of the Iron Ring and a green dragon. The Duke is healed by the chalice, then the party also receive the Staff of Halav from the Order of the Griffon Master in Specularum. The three items can destroy the vampire. In Koriszegy Keep the PCs fight several dragons, nosferatu and other minor minions, until another vampire tells them how to enter the room where Koriszegy is trapped by his curse, in the hope of replacing him. The PCs weaken him, then stake him in his coffin. Several parts of this adventure, (as is usual with old computer games or rpg adventures), make very little sense (and contradict Mystara canon; the major issue being the fact that the chalice and the shield of Halav are needed to enter Lord Koriszegy’s room, thus freeing him and destroying two important historical items. Also another shield of Halav re-appears in the canon adventure “Hail the Heroes”, see below. Still. parts of the plot of this adventure could be used in play, with Koriszegy as an ally of any evil party in Karameikos. The vampire aiding the PCs could be Lord Sulescu, as a nosferatu follower of Nyx, see also the Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path. A full walkthrough of the videogame is available here https://lparchive.org/Order-of-the-GriffonSee also “Korizegy Keep” http://pandius.com/korizegy.html by Victor Caminha and “Order of the Griffon part I” http://pandius.com/Order_of_the_griffon_part_I.pdf by Eric Stoneburner.
Another possible connection to the Lost Cities and Relics Path, the Dark Triad Path, the Humanoids and Argos Path and the Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path
Koriszegy could be linked to many other paths depending on his possible allies. The entropic power which turned him into a vampire could be Orcus, connecting him to the Dark Triad. The dragon Argos also supposedly serves Orcus, so Koriszegy could be connected to him as well. He could be an enemy of the Church of Nyx, or a possible ally if he wishes to free himself from the curse that bounds him to the castle, possibly making him a less villainously figure.
Escape from the Black Eagle
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Specularum and Black Eagle Barony.
PCs level: 4-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Black Eagle minions, werewolf.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Yolanda of Luln and her family.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Yolanda of Luln hires the PCs to rescue her family imprisoned in Fort Doom. The escape is discovered and the PCs are pursued by minions of the Black Eagle, including a werewolf.
Connections: The status, nature and location of Yolanda and Sascia’s parents are not consistent in different canon sources, see also Threshold Magazine issue #21. The family Yolanda wants to help could, however, be any living relatives rather than her and Sascia’s parents, or simply captured agents who were working against the Iron Ring, or Valen Karameikos himself if the DM wants a direct connection to the next adventure.
Valen’s Flight
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Specularum and elsewhere.
PCs level: 4-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Iron Ring.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Valen Karameikos.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: During his Shearing, members of the Iron Ring try to kidnap Valen Karameikos, and the PCs have to bring him to the safety of a city while pursued by Iron Ring thugs.
Connections: This could be a good occasion to prove to Duke Stefan a connection between the Iron Ring and his cousin the Black Eagle.
The Dragon’s Den
By Ken Rolston, 1992
Location: Gulf of Halland (Gulf of Halag).
PCs level: 1-5 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: lizard men, Hakra the black dragon and her two hatchlings, troglodytes, Nefastus the green dragon, Gutrug Orc 4 and his bugbears, orcs and troll, Ready Rats wererats, Lord Gonzaga envoy of the Black Prince, Luzgar the orc lord Orc 5, Mort the hill giant, Haurarra the harpy, Anandark the red dragon.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Grochek Hammerfist Dwarf 1, Jared O’loria Fighter 1, Elin Cleric 1, Ren Wardo Wizard 1, Talina Thief 1, Cara Windwright Elf 1, Sam Barleyman Halfling 1, Agent Sascia, Bailiff Wortley, Sharel elf child, Otterkin, Gorol polymorphed bugbear agent, Blain and Nithi Dwarves 1, Vilbert Wizard 1.
Main Treasures: Reward, potions, scrolls, coins, gems, many magical items and weapons in the dragons’ hoards.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Bailiff Wortley of Knacker Knob is about to be proclaimed Lord, but the King requires he see to the slaying of three local powerful dragons, and so he is recruiting adventurers. In the end the PCs could also manage to prove that the nearby Black Prince, Lord Draven, is in league with humanoids and dragons.
Connections: This boxed set, meant as an introduction to D&D is generic but the land presented on the map look suspiciously similar to the Gulf of Halag and the plot recalls in several point the threat of the Black Eagle against Luln, suggesting it was originally a product meant for Mystara and re-made as generic later. Either way, it could fit perfectly in this Path, with the Black Eagle and the Iron Ring gaining the allegiance of humanoids and dragons! This adventure could trigger the knighting of Lady Sascia. Probably is best to use it at slightly higher PCs levels than those suggested in the set.
Knight of Luln
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Luln.
PCs level: 4-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Von Hendriks’ soldiers and bugbear allies.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Lord Alexius Korrigan, Lady Sascia, people of Luln, officers of Radlebb and Riverfork Keeps.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs escort Lord Korrigan to Luln where he will knight Lady Sascia, but on the night of the ceremony Von Hendrik’s forces and bugbear allies assault Luln.
Connections: Von Hendriks’ rebellious intents could be proven, leading to a drastic decision by the Duke, or at least escalating tension with the Black Eagle.
The Revenge of Rusak
By David “Zeb” Cook, AC8: “3-D Dragon Tiles”, 1984
Location: Anywhere.
PCs level: 7-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Thoref, Philip of Marabone, Petrof, fungoid, Rusak Wizard 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Princess Arelina, Turef the guide, Berklai Fighter 9, Awas Wizard 8, Penchuri Thief 7, Kuat Fighter 10, Saudara Wizard 9, Teman Cleric 8..
Main Treasures: coins, gems, potion, scrolls, staff of healing, staff of recording, amulet of emotions, medallion of the mirror.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Years later the adventure featured in AC3, The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina, see above, Rusak has been brought back to life by the evil tyrant that has replaced Princess Arelina’s father, and has now been tasked with kidnapping her again, since the Princess is now the leader of the rebellion.
Connections:. Generic but adaptable to Karameikos with Rusak as an agent of the Iron Ring or any hostile power, and the Princess as Princess Adriana or any other important figure who is for some reason out in the wild.
Inheritance Contested
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Anywhere.
PCs level: 10-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Cousin or relative of a PC.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A PC who is the heir of a landed lord inherits a dominion, but the lands are held illegally by his hated cousin, equal in combat but superior in nastiness.
Connections: This adventure is just tailored to have a PC earn a dominion, but could be cast in a new light if the hated cousin is a minion of the Black Eagle with some dark plan. The adventure could obviously happen much before the suggested levels.
The Pirates of Halag
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 64, 1987
Location: Gulf of Halag.
PCs level: 10-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Pirates, Black Eagle minions.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Admiral Hyraksos.
Main Treasures: Reward, plunder.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are hired by Lord Hyraksos to hunt the pirates in the Gulf of Halag who are working for the Black Eagle and plundering Karameikan vessels.
Connections: Despite the suggested levels, this adventure could be played with almost any PC levels, suggesting however an escalation of tension between the Black Eagle barony and the central government of the Duke. See also “Twin Soul Rocks” http://pandius.com/twnslrks.html by Irving Galvez from Threshold Magazine issue #16.
X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield
By Michael S. Dobson, Adventure X10: “Red Arrow, Black Shield”, 1985
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 10-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists:.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Duke Stefan Karameikos.
Main Treasures: Reward,.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Part of this module concerns Karameikos as the PCs arrive in the nation as ambassadors of Darokin to find help against the Master, but the Master’s emissaries are present too and have already gained the alliance of Baron Ludwig Von Hendriks. Depending on the PCs’ advocacy, the Duke may choose neutrality or side with Darokin, and in this case the Black Eagle openly threatens war. The Duke sends the PCs with the Elvenguard and two divisions against the Black Eagle, his division and two divisions of nomad allies. If the Duke wins, Karameikos allies with Darokin, otherwise the Black Eagle becomes Duke and allies with the Desert Nomads of the Master.
Connections: In GAZ1, the setting of this adventure is indicated as the future unless the DM wants to use the radical changes to Karameikos that will likely occur. The adventure, however, could also occur during the Master’s invasion in the “Wrath of the Immortals” boxed set adventure. This could be the first part of a long military campaign continuing in the next two adventures.
The Fall of the Black Eagle
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Companion set, Dungeon Master Guide page 61, 1983
Location: Kelvin
PCs level: 15-25 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Ludwig Von Hendriks.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: None.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Black Eagle tries to occupy Kelvin with his troops and humanoid allies, to force Duke Stefan to fight in the field.
Connections: This adventure could be used as a continuation to the preceding one if the Black Eagle is not immediately defeated or has other troops ready to move against Kelvin.Possible connection to the Specularum and Veiled Society Path or to the Lost Cities and Relics Path
The Anti-Traladaran party in the Church of Karameikos headed by Oderbry, other groups of Thyatian extremists, the Veiled Society or another party interested in undermining the Duke’s rule could be an opportunistic ally of the Black Eagle in Kelvin. Or the Iron Ring activities could trigger the Discovery of Lavv (see below) with its undead inhabitants.
The Black Eagle Banner
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 64, 1987
Location: All Karameikos.
PCs level: 15-25 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Black Eagle and supporters, Humanoid tribes.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Duke Stefan and other Karameikan nobles and rulers.
Main Treasures: Reward, plunder.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Black Eagle attack.s or Duke Stefan has decided enough is enough’ a full scale war erupts between the Black Eagle with bugbear and orcs allies and the forces of the Duke.
Connections: Final chapter of the war, probably ending with only one winning party, and the other dead or in exile.
The Iron RingVapurware product listed as TSR 2516, never published, 1995
Location: Unknown.
PCs level: ? (AD&D)
Main Antagonists: The Iron Ring.
Connections: Probably meant to be set in 1,012 AC, but never published. As a module titled“The Mighty Argos” was also planned as TSR 2515 it possible a connection was planned between Argos and the Iron Ring, maybe with Argos becoming the new leader/sponsor of the Ring after the fall of the Black Eagle. The adventure “Trouble in Threshold” (in the “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure” boxed set) which I placed earlier in the Path was meant to be set in 1,012 AC, showing the Iron Ring was supposed to survive the fall of the Black Eagle, and thus suggesting that its leadership could be elsewhere, maybe outside Karameikos.Fan resources and adventures about the Iron Ring and the Black Eagle
“Cry Wolf!” adventure http://pandius.com/crywolf1.pdf and “Guilds, Orders and Secret Societies in Karameikos” http://pandius.com/karagoss.html by Giampaolo Agosta
“Scourge of the Iron Ring” http://pandius.com/sirnring.html by Steven B. Wilson
“The Iron Ring” by George Hrabovsky http://pandius.com/ironring.html
“Mystara Declassified Archives Present: MD01 The Iron Ring Society Files” http://pandius.com/MD01_The_Iron_Ring_Society_Files.pdf compiled by Irving Galvez
“Black Eagle” http://pandius.com/blkeagle.html by Marc-Antoine Guidault
“Black Eagle Barony Demon Arc” http://pandius.com/demonarc.html by Joaquin Menchaca
“Midwood Hamlet” http://pandius.com/midwood.html by Beau Yarbrough
“A Karameikan Chronology” by Francesco Defferrari (author) from Threshold Magazine issue #21 http://pandius.com/karachrn.html
The Dark Triad Path
This Path is primarily an original invention of Giampaolo Agosta (Agathokles), who gave a “personality” to the Temple of Chaos and cults of Chaos often found in earlier Mystara canon products. It assumes that Karameikos is menaced by an alliance of three evil Immortals, The Dark Triad, formed by Orcus, Leptar and Demogorgon. This path could be easily joined with the Iron Ring and the Black Eagle path if it assumed Bargle and the leaders of the Iron Ring are followers or at least allies of the Black Triad. Considering the Iron Ring has evil clerics and humanoid allies, this is a very likely hypothesis. See also “Religions of Karameikos” by Giampaolo Agosta in the Vaults http://pandius.com/kararelg.html.
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Chaotic cleric, undead.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A chaotic cleric is operating a logging business using the local deceased reanimated as zombies and skeletons.
Connections: This could be a first meeting of the PCs with a cleric of the Dark Triad, and could be used in any town or village of Karameikos. See also “The Returned Corpse” http://pandius.com/retcorps.html by Hayley Hummerston.
B9 The Clearing of Castle Caldwell and Dungeon of Terror
By Harry Nuckols, Adventure B9: “Castle Caldwell and Beyond”, 1985
Location: East of Threshold.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: goblins, Acolyte Cleric 1, bandits, bandit leader, kobold, doppleganger, human Wizard 1, berserkers, thouls, wight.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Clifton Caldwell, traders.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, gems, sword +1 +2 vs undead, scroll.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Clifton Caldwell, a local merchant, has purchased a small castle a
few miles out of town, but he found it overrun by monsters! He has hired a party of adventurers to rid the castle of its monstrous inhabitants so that he can move in..
Connections: Generic, later placed east of Threshold in B1-9, see also “Detail of the Threshold Region” by Simone Neri in the Vaults http://pandius.com/thrshld.html. In B1-9 the castle is also named the Old Antilles Castle. This adventure has an evil cleric, but could be used in any Path, or lead to the Caves of Chaos (module B2).Possible connection to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path, to the Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path or to the Lost Cities and Relics Path
The evil acolyte could be a member or an ally of the Iron Ring, or a member of the Church of Nyx who is investigating the ancient dungeon below the castle.
B2 The Keep on the Borderlands and the Caves of Chaos
By Gary Gygax, Adventure B2: “The Keep on the Borderlands”, 1981
Location: Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (Basic D&D)
Main Antagonists: Clerics of Chaos, lizard men, raiders, mad hermit, kobolds, orcs, goblins, ogre, hobgoblins, owlbear, bugbears, minotaur, gnolls, zombies, skeletons, acolytes and adepts of Chaos, Priest of Chaos Cleric 3, Torturer Fighter 3.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Inhabitants of the Keep, Curate, Castellan Fighter 6, scribe, elf advisor, merchant prisoner, his wife, his 2 men at arms, 2 humans, 1 dwarf, 2 elves slaves, Fighter 4 (evil), bugbear rebel. NPC personalities and stats generator.
Main Treasures: coins, gems, jewels, shield +1, potions, scrolls, hand axe+1, rope of climbing, arrows+1, dagger+1, wand of paralyzation, spear+1, staff of healing, elven boots, wand of enemy detection.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Near the Keep on the Borderlands there are the dangerous and monster infested Caves of Chaos, whose inhabitants have kidnapped travellers.
Connections: Generic but later placed in Karameikos in B1-9 (only the Caves without the Keep) and GAZ1. PCs are supposed to arrive here after defeating Elwyn (B9) and discovering her connection to the Temple of Chaos in the Caves, but the local commander is not concerned with the Caves, as he is more worried about the local frost giants. After defeating the Temple of Chaos, or even if in danger of death, the PCs will be contacted by a Protector of Haven and teleported there (B3). I think it may be better to use this adventure before Elwyn, as she seems a more powerful and important cleric.Fan resources
“Populating Castellan Keep” http://pandius.com/cstllnkp.html by Kilr Kowalski
“People and Places from the Keep on the Borderlands” http://pandius.com/ppkeepbl.html by Demos SachlasThe Caves of Chaos2
By Chris Sims and Matt Sernett, 2012
Location: Keep on the Borderlands
PCs level: 1-3 (D&D Next Playtest)
Main Antagonists: Kobolds, orcs, goblins, ogre, hobgoblins, owlbear, bugbears, Ragnar human beserker, minotaur, gnolls, undead, acolytes and High Priest of Chaos, medusa.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Anara, Eddard, Liam, Sonja human commoners, Macarn dwarf, Shara, Vindil elves, Shadrag rebel bugbear.
Main Treasures: coins, gems, weapons, arrows +1, wand of binding, shield +1 spear +1, banded armor +1, longsword +1, boots of elvenkind, relics of Evil, staff of striking, mace +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Cult of Chaos has unified or enslaved the humanoids of the caves, supplanting the previous leader, a medusa, and is now directing them to raid nearby settlements.
Connections: Playtest adventure for D&D Next between 4th and 5th edition, not explicitly set in Mystara, includes only the Caves of Chaos and not the Keep. It is more or less a conversion of the previous adventure but could be used as a sequel if the PCs did not cleared the caves completely the first time
B9 The Sanctuary of Elwyn the Ardent
By Harry Nuckols, Adventure B9: “Castle Caldwell and Beyond”, 1985
Location: East of Threshold, Wufwolde Hills.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: troglodyte, orcs, Orc leader, wood golem, living statue, shadow, gargoyle, black dragon, Elwyn Cleric 6.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, gems, jewels, wand of paralyzation, sword +1, scrolls, ring of spell storing, mace of draining + 1, shield +1, staff of healing, Bell of Namyats/Chardastes.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Five years ago the cleric of the Church of the Holy Sanctuary Elwyn stole the sacred bell of Namyats and disappeared. Two years ago, someone built a monstrous fortress in a distant corner of the country and as rumors grow that Elwyn is behind it, PCs are sent to capture her and retrieve the bell. Elwyn has become a follower of the evil god Leptar.
Connections: Originally generic, but later placed in Karameikos in B1-9 and connected to the Church of Chardastes as enemy of Leptar. Chardastes is described as an Immortal healer who appeared in Marilenev 300 years ago, leaving a magical bell of platinum which rings without a clapper. Chardastes is said to have been incorporated in the Church of Karameikos. Elwyn disappeared with the bell, and the church’s followers dwindled. In B1-9 there is a rumor that Elwyn is organizing a large raiding party of orcs three days east of Threshold, and Patriarch Sherlane sends the PCs with a guide to investigate the fortress where she is rumored to be hiding. If the PCs succeed and defeat Elwyn, they will discover she was in touch with other evil clerics, and be sent to investigate the Caves of Chaos (B2). In truth this adventure could work better after B2, but the 1999 B2 sequel below could be used to continue the Path.
Possible connection to the Humanoids and Argos Path and to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path
Elwyn could well be a minion of Argos or his witches, or allied with the Black Eagle and the Iron Ring.
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
By John D. Rateliff, “Return to the Keep on the Borderlands”, 1999
Location: Keep on the Borderlands
PCs level: 1-3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Mendel the slaver Wizard 4, Thomas Thief 7, Holga Wizard 6, bandits, gnolls, harpies, lizard men, bhut, kobolds, Hesselwhite & Co halfling brigands, Catbird Thief 4, Nore Thief 3, Orm Thief 3, Hurkul goblin king, undead, bugbears, minotaurs, medusa, Tarlech Wizard 5, Wer Cleric 4, Nisir Cleric 3, Black Knight Fighter 5, Kira Fighter 5, Shamhat Cleric 6 Nabu-Nisir Cleric 5.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Inhabitants of the Keep, Sabine the Gatekeeper F3, Tella the stablegirl T1, Abercrombie Cleric 3, Jadale lieutenant Fighter 3, Devereau the Castellan Fighter 5, Cob Fighter 1, Third of Cyinidicea Fighter 2, Martin Cleric 1, Opal Cleric 1, Dubricus D’Ambreville Wizard 1, Mouse halfling Thief 2, Jess Thief 1, Robin Bard 3, The Bee Man Druid 7.
Main Treasures: coins, gems, copper dragon egg, chainmail +2, platemail +2, bracers of defense, platemail of fear, other magical weapons.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Other PCs return to the Keep on the Borderlands some years after it was cleared by adventurers.
Connections: Not meant for Karameikos; the Keep background has been changed - it is set in Greyhawk, but still explicitly connected to modules B1, B2 and B4. The new evil clerics have Middle Eastern sounding names, so they could also be connected to Taymora and the Church of Nyx Path. See also “Return to the Keep on the Borderlands: Karameikos” http://pandius.com/kotb_ret.html by Håvard
Possible connection to the Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path
The Church of Nyx could be an opponent of the Dark Triad, as Nyx promotes intelligent, non evil undead, differently from Orcus. Still the Church of Nyx could be a problematic ally, with the ultimate goal of installing one of their own, probably an undead ruler, over Karameikos.B3 Palace of the Silver Princess
By Tom Moldvay and Jean Wells, Adventure B3: “Palace of the Silver Princess”, 1981
Location: Eastern Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (Basic D&D)
Main Antagonists: skeletons, bandits, orcs, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, zombies, Travis Fighter 3, orcs, white apes, troglodytes, ghouls, harpies, medusa, living iron statue, doppelganger, bugbears, decapus, ogre, Catharandamus Cleric 3, orcs, Alha the werewolf, wight.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: 13 unnamed PCs with stats, white ape, Rowena the minstrel, Mirabilis the wizard, Candella and Duchess Thief 2, Branaur cleric, Princess Argenta, Ellis the Strong.
Main Treasures: coins, gems, reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Valley of Haven, hidden in the Thunder Mountains and inhabited by elves, dwarves, halfling and humans is guarded by the Protectors, a magical race from Faerie. When a beautiful red ruby is found, however, the palace is surrounded by a ruby glow and humanoids invade the valley. The ruby is really an Eye of Arik, a banished Immortal, who has now teleported the evil cleric Catharandamus into the palace, to be freed.
Connections: Generic but later placed in Karameikos in B1-9 where a Protector appears to teleport the PCs to Haven, suggesting a possible connection between Elwyn (B9), the Temple of Chaos (B2) and Arik in B3. In B1-9 there is a single Protector named Thendara, an alias of Ordana in" “Wrath of the Immortals”. In GAZ1, Haven is briefly mentioned as a place kept isolated by the will of the Traladaran Immortals. After the defeat of Arik, the ruler of Haven Princess Argenta and the knight Ellis wed, but Thendara soon reappears to teleport the PCs onto a boat near Guido’s Fort (B5) and leaving them a map (leading to X1: “The Isle of Dread”). Arik is not connected to the Dark Triad in canon or fan sources, but the three evil Immortals could be interested in freeing him to gain an ally in their goal of plunging Karameikos in chaos.
See also “The Lost Land of Haven” http://pandius.com/haven.html by James Mishler and “Yuri Molotov - Death Knight” http://pandius.com/ymoltov2.html by John Calvin from Threshold Magazine issue #1, about the Order of the White Drake to which Ellis belongs.
Possible connection to the Lost Cities and Relics Path, to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path and to the Humanoids and Argos Path
Haven, as an ancient magical town could contain clues and maps to lead the PCs to lost cities and ruins (B4, B8, B10 and more). Such information would obviously be of great interest to evil parties too, such as the Iron Ring. Argos, having a lair quite near to Haven, could also be the mastermind behind the attempt to free Arik, with or without the support of the Dark Triad.
B11 King’s Festival
By Carl Sargent Adventure B11: “King’s Festival”, 1989
Location: Stallanford north of Penhaligon.
PCs level: 1 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: orcs, giant ferrets, bugbear, orc spellcaster, orc chief, red worms, undead, thoul, Petrides Cleric 3.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Seven unnamed pre-gens, inhabitants of Stallanford, Janner the hunter, Aralic the priest Cleric 3, kobold.
Main Treasures: Reward, coins, gems, jewelry, potions, ring of protection +1, sword +1, dagger +1, gem of continual light, staff of healing, shield +1, mace +1, chain mail +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: In Stallanford on the Duke’s road the King’s Festival, dedicated to King Halav, is about to begin, but orcs kidnap the local priest, Aralic, and the PCs are sent to rescue him in the orc caves about 9 miles northeast of the town. After saving him and bringing him back, the PCs are asked to explore the second level of the dungeon, which contains ancient tombs and an evil cleric who controls undead and is looting the place.
Connections: Contains an introduction to D&D and to Karameikos. If Petrides is killed, a note addressed to Kavorquian Penhaligon is found on him about a mysterious evil queen assembling a force “not far from here”, leading to B12. Petrides could be a quite obvious connection to the Dark Triad. See also “Stallanford” http://pandius.com/stllnfrd.html by Brian Caraway, “The Town of Stallanford” http://pandius.com/stllnfr2.html by katana_one and “B11 and B12 as campaign start” http://pandius.com/b1112cmp.html by Stefan Beate.
B12 Queen’s Harvest
By Carl Sargent Adventure B12: “Queen’s Harvest”, 1989
Location: North of Penhaligon.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: wood golem, shadows, Erren and Sarah Thieves 3 and 2, caldron magen, phase stinger, zombies, gargoyle, rust monster, Gurdrot Dwarf 1, Hargrinn Coogan Fighter 2, Katzani Cleric 3, Mordrain Wizard 3, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, human mercenaries, Dyar-Dakk orc leader 2, Klossarck goblin chieftain 3, Ratgrobb goblin shaman 2, Skrakkbak hobgoblin leader 3, gnolls, Hastrissek gnoll leader 3, Merkul swordmaster Fighter 3, Tarrayo Wizard 3, Sergreb the ogre 4, owlbear, Blackmaer Fighter 3, zombies, war dogs, Ilyana Penhaligon Fighter 4, Bernal Cleric 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Seven unnamed pre-gens, Aralic the priest Cleric 3, Kaerin Penhaligon Fighter 4, Baron Sherlane Halaran, Sarala weretigress 5, Alerena Kelvin, Arteris Penhaligon.
Main Treasures: Reward, coins, gems, jewelry, scrolls, elven boots, wand of magic detection, sling +1, sword +1, shield +1,chain mail +1, ring of protection +1, two handed sword +1 +2 vs lycanthropes, bag of holding, potions, dagger +2, crystal ball, sword +2, short sword +2, chaotic sword +2 with power of absolute command over 40 HD each of goblins and hobgoblins.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Aralic of Stallanford (see B11) asks the PCs to meet the wizard Kavorquian about a mile north-east of Penhaligon, but they find him dead, and has been for several weeks. The PCs meet his adopted son Kaerin Penhaligon who recently arrived from Specularum. Kaerin sends the PCs to search for a sword and a tiara in Kavorquian’s basement and to bring them back within 48 hours. If they succeed they also meet Sherlane Halaran, who explains that Ilyana Penhaligon, illegitimate daughter of the late Arturus Penhaligon, is planning to attack the estate to oust her sister Arteris.
Ilyana’s keep is in the mountains about 25 miles northwest of Stallanford. Ilyana was already a bandit, but became insane when she found the magical sword of the warrior queen Elendorath, who ruled hundreds of years ago. The sword allows her to control goblins and hobgoblins. PCs have to enter her keep and kill her.
Connections: Officially set in 1000 AC, as it is written Arturus Penhaligon died four years ago, as mentioned in GAZ1. In the module, Kaerin wants the Tiara to donate it to Desmond Kelvin II to win the hand of his daughter, Alerena. As Desmond is not married in GAZ1, fans have commonly assumed Alerena is his sister, not his daughter. Returning PCs are greeted by Lady Arteris and Lord Sherlane and may become guests of honour at a public celebration in Penhaligon. This adventure could also be played before the encounter with Elwyn, as she is a higher ranking leader of the Dark Triad. See also “Penhaligon” http://pandius.com/penhalgn.html by Brian Caraway.
Possible connection to the Humanoids and Argos Path and to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path
Ilyana could also be an ally of the Black Eagle or the Iron Ring, or a minion of Argos and his humanoids.
Tarfil’s Tomb
By Charles J. Neverdowski, Dungeon Magazine issue #27, 1991
Location: Kelvin, Nameless Moor.
PCs level: 10-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Werewolves, bugbears, trolls, ogres, hill giants, banshee, undead, beholder, devil swine, Cargilon Wizard 11, Lodigris Cleric 8, Annakarr Cleric 13.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Ivan Sumanov Cleric 2, Sergei Mishev Fighter 7, Caer Wedgewood Druid 9.
Main Treasures: dagger +2, crystal ball, ringo of protection +3, plate mail +2, mace +3, plate mail of gaseous form +3, mace of slowing +3, ring of spell turning, Tome of Binding Souls.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Heroes must thwart an evil cleric’s attempt to raise the ghost of a powerful spirit warrior.
Connections: Annakarr could well be one of or the highest ranking3 Dark Triad priests in Karameikos. His plan could also take place almost at the same time as those of Elwyn and Ilyana, to start a full scale war of the Dark Triad and humanoid minions against Karameikos. This could also be easily connected to the Iron Ring, the Black Eagle and/or Argos, see below.Fan resources
“Karameikan Entropic Cults & the Eye of Traldar” http://pandius.com/karaeclt.html,
“Traladaran Timeline” http://pandius.com/trldtime.html,
“Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos” http://pandius.com/karagobl.html,
“Religions of Karameikos” http://pandius.com/kararelg.html,
“River of Blood adventure http://pandius.com/RiverOfBlood.zip
by Giampaolo Agosta“The Beast of Radlebb Woods” by Jesper Andersen http://pandius.com/radlebbb.html and The Beast of Radlebb Woods http://pandius.com/BoarOfRadlebb.pdf by Giampaolo Agosta.
The Humanoids and Argos Path
Several modules and adventures have simply humanoid tribes and clans as opponents. The article “Who’s Who Among Dragons” by Bruce Heard in Dragon Magazine #171 (see article reproduced at the Vaults http://pandius.com/whoswho.html) introduces Argon the Worrier, a powerful green dragon who rules over the goblins of the Dymrak woods and has a lair near the Lake of Lost Dreams. In later fan works, it is supposed that Argos has forged a pact with the Immortal Orcus, thus making him easily connected to the Dark Triad Path and to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path.
The plot of the Penhaligon trilogy of novels, which features a green dragon as antagonist, could be easily used with this path, see also “Integrating the Penhaligon Trilogy into your campaign” by Larry Davis in the Vaults of Pandius http://pandius.com/penhal.htmlB5 Horror on The Hill
By Douglas Niles, Adventure B5: “Horror on the Hill”, 1983
Location: Central Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: hobgoblins, goblins, ogres, thoul, ghouls, rock baboons, zombies, bugbears, Moray Vaco Cleric 3, Hobgoblin King, berserkers, owlbear, kobolds, Kobold Chief, Red Dragon.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Inhabitants of Guido’s Fort, Rosabella Cleric 5 and Rosalinda Wizard 6, neanderthals, Cullen Thief 2, Gareth Dwarf 2.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, gems, spear +1, ring of fire resistance, leather armor +1, sword +1, plate mail +1, shield +2, shortsword +2, sword +1 +3 vs dragons, ring of protection +1, wand of magic detection, rod of cancellation, bag of devouring.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The old monastery on the Hill near Guido’s Fort is inhabited by a Hobgoblin King and a red dragon.
Connections: Generic but later placed in Karameikos in B1-9, where there is a rumor about a hamlet a day’s ride east of Threshold “overrun by hobgoblins several days ago”. The PCs, however, are teleported near Guido’s Fort by the Immortal Thendara (Ordana) after freeing Haven from Arik (B3). After defeating the Hobgoblin King and the dragon, the PCs are supposed to continue to Specularum (B6). Rosalinda and Rosabella could easily be connected to the Witches of Dymrak imagined by Havard http://pandius.com/dymwdang.html as two of them or powerful fairy beings opposing them.Possible connection to the Dark Triad Path
Moray Vaco could easily be a cleric of the Dark Triad.
Carcass Fracas!
By Stephen J. Smith, “Carcass Fracas!” Dungeon Magazine issue #57, 1996
Location: Western Karameikos.
PCs level: 1 (AD&D)
Main Antagonists: Thouls, giant centipedes.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Travelling merchant.
Main Treasures: Dirk +1, coins, jewelry.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Two thouls set an ambush on the road.
Connections: Suggested in Karameikos after the fall of the Black Eagle, but could be played at any time.
Crypt of the Smoke Dragon4
By Jeff Grubb, “Crypt of the Smoke Dragon” Free Fast-Play Game,1999
Location: Mountain pass
PCs level: 1 (Fast Play Game)
Main Antagonists: Zombies, skeletal warrior, smoke dragon.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Graywulf human Fighter, Stardancer elf Rogue, Delavan dwarf Priest, Zanthar Rex human Wizard, Maxie the dog.
Main Treasures: Coins, scrolls, magical elf slippers, magical armor.
Plot/Main accomplishment: To stop an undead infestation, the PCs enter the Crypt of the Smoke Dragon.
Connections: Fast Play games are meant to be an introduction to D&D, but the smoke dragon could easily be used as an entropic being allied to Argos or other evil parties. The location of this and the three following adventures could well be set in the under-developed Eastern Karameikos, maybe in the mountains north east of the Dymrak woods.The Ruined Tower5
By Jeff Grubb, “The Ruined Tower” Free Fast-Play Game. 1999
Location: The Vale
PCs level: 2 (Fast Play Game)
Main Antagonists: rats, skeletons, ghoul, zombies.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Patriarch of the Vale, Darkblade Fighter 2, Elanna Fighter 2, Niles halfling Rogue 2, Thaddeus Wizard 2.
Main Treasures: Reward, pearls, dagger +1, scrolls, bag of holding.
Plot/Main accomplishment: An old tower has been found, and now something is raiding local farms, taking sheeps away. The tower is infested by undead.
Connections: Fast Play games are meant to be an introduction to D&D, but the adventure could easily be connected to the Dark Triad or Humanoid Path, see above.Wrath of the Minotaur
By Jeff Grubb, “Wrath of the Minotaur” Fast-Play Game. 1999
Location: The Vale
PCs level: 2 (Fast Play Game)
Main Antagonists: minotaur skeleton, minotaur zombies, gelatinous cube, kobolds, centipedes, kobold lord, giant weasels, Alaxus undead minotaur wizard.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Patriarch of the Vale, Macques the herdman, Darkblade Fighter 2, Elanna Fighter 2, Niles halfling Rogue 2, Thaddeus Wizard 2, Mitchifer Priest 2, Sunblayze elf Fighter Wizard 1, Thordar dwarf Fighter 2, Peregrine Paladin 2.
Main Treasures: Reward, coins and gems, ring of fire resistance, sword +1 +2 vs enchanted creatures.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Books recovered from the ruined tower lead to the tomb of Alaxus, the minotaur mage.
Connections: Local minotaurs could be in service of Argos or other evil parties, see above.Eye of the Wyvern
By Jeff Grubb, “Eye of the Wyvern” Fast-Play Game,1999
Location: The Vale
PCs level: 2 (Fast Play Game)
Main Antagonists: wyvernlings, goblins, goblin shaman, wyvern.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Patriarch of the Vale, Lydarr merchant, Murri the halfling, local farmers, Darkblade Fighter 2, Elanna Fighter 2, Niles halfling Rogue 2, Thaddeus Wizard 2, Mitchifer Priest 2, Sunblayze elf Fighter Wizard 1, Thordar dwarf Fighter 2, Peregrine Paladin 2.
Main Treasures: magical weapons +1, eye of the wyvern.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The PCs face some wyverns summoned by a magical object and a goblin shaman.
Connections: The presence of wyverns and goblins makes it particularly easy to connect this adventure to the Humanoids and Argos Path.
B7 Rahasia
By Tracy and Laura Hickman, Adventure B7: “Rahasia”, 1984
Location: Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Siswa elves (not to be killed) magically controlled by the Rahib, gargoyles, bandits, bone golem, Rahib Cleric 5, black panthers, orcs, goblins, minotaurs, ogres, zombies, Karelena, Sorelena, Trilena Wizards 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Benar Fighter 3, Jujur Thief 3, Kepala Fighter 2, Sunggu Thief 2, Bechak Fighter 2, Mati Wizard 2, Sinar Wizard 3, Suchi Cleric 3. Inhabitants of Kota Hutan, Siswa elves, Rahasia, Alki Elf 2, Ular-Taman magical guardian serpent, Baik Telor Fighter 4, Hasan Elf 2, Miryala Elf 1, Merdiz Wizard 4, Sylva Elf 1, Merisa Elf 1.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, gems, jewels, sword + 1, snake staff, ring of animal control, a potion of gaseous form, scrolls, Rahasia’s pendant, Black Opal Eye.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Temple of the Gray Mountain, where the Siswa elves protect the heritage of the wizard Elyas, has been taken by a mysterious evil figure, the Rahib, who is truly the pawn of three powerful witches, Karelena, Sorelena and Trilena. The witches were magically imprisoned by Elyas in the past with the Opal Eye, and now need to possess the bodies of three elven maidens to return. The PCs are called to the elven village of Kota Hutan by Rahasia, one of the three maidens the Rahib has tried to kidnap.
Connections: Generic, later placed in Karameikos in B1-9 where an elvish merchant named Sindar, father of Merisa, searches for PCs in Threshold. He requires them to deliver a package in Selenica in Darokin, to a trading partner, Arnulf, and another in Kota Hutan (a wedding gift for Rahasia). When the PCs arrive, Rahasia asks for their help. After the PCs succeed, Rahasia and Hasan wed, then the PCs go on to deliver their other package to Selenica, but discover the recipient has left for Ylaruam. Tracking and reaching him lead the party to the Lost City (B4). After that, Arnulf will bring the PCs back to Specularum (B6) with a magic carpet. The easiest way to connect this adventure to the Argos path is to assume the three witches are connected to the Witches of Dymrak imagined by Havard (see previous adventure). A connection was also imagined by fans between the various magical globes appearing in DDA3, AC2 and here in B7, see also “Rahasia - a D&D 5E Adaptation” by Giuliano Michelon from Threshold Magazine issue #9 http://pandius.com/rhsia_5e.html, “The History of Karameikos” by Simone Neri from Threshold Magazine issue #1 http://pandius.com/karhstry.html and “The Witches of Radlebb” http://pandius.com/witchrad.html by HåvardPossible connection to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path and Dark Triad Path
The Rahib could be an agent of Argos or/and of Orcus. The Black Opal Eye is easily connected to the Eye of Traldar and thus the Iron Ring Path.
The Sound of Madness
By Thomas M. Reid, “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure” boxed set, 1994
Location: Eltan’s Spring north of Threshold.
PCs level: 1-3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Guido and Vito Warriors 2 of the Iron Ring, goblins, charmed Bertrak, Hag.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Dargar Thunderhammer dwarf Fighter, Jocasta Demandria human Fighter, Kalroth human Wizard, Melissa Moonstar elf Wizard, Chad Alonius human Thief, Emily Rogueshot halfling Thief, Par Thanar human Cleric, Maxalla Trigostas human Cleric, Aleena Halaran, Gernon in Eltan’s Spring and other locals, Bertrak Druid 8, Ilsa and Dunkel, Aleena’s aides.
Main Treasures: Reward, wand of polymorphing, horn of blasting.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Aleena Halaran sends the PCs to Eltan’s Spring where she has no news from a friend/lover, the local druid Bertrak. The PCs discover the druid has fallen under the sway of an evil hag, and must destroy her to free him.
Connections: The hag of this adventure could be connected to the Witches of Dymrak mentioned above.On the Road to Ylaruam
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Castellan Keep and route to Ylaruam.
PCs level: 4-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Orcs, goblins and hobgoblins.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Abdallah ibn Hamid, Castellan Keep personnel.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are hired to participate in a joint Karameikan/Ylari operation against the humanoid tribes which prey on the Altan Tepes route.
Connections: This adventure is not necessarily connected to any Path, but if Argos is trying to control the local humanoids it could lead to him. See also “Central Altan Tepes Mini Gazetteer”
http://pandius.com/altantps.html by Simone Neri and “Return to the Ice Wall“ http://pandius.com/ricewall.html by Shawn Stanley from Threshold Magazine issue #1Possible connection to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path and Dark Triad Path
Either with or without Argos’ help, the Iron Ring, the Black Eagle and/or the Dark Triad could be involved as well.
Elexa’s Endeavor
By Christopher Perkins, Dungeon Magazine issue #53, 1995
Location: Any wilderness.
PCs level: 4-7 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Werewolves, Gluindil shargugh, feywing, magens, Malvira Thief 7, Emistil/Feyram Elf 4 Wizard 9, Octario Fighter 5, Yarik Thief 4, Bolarny Fighter 3, Mandrake Fighter 8, Vackra Dwarf 5, Elubith Gnoll wokan 2, Parast Cleric 3.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Elexa Justheart Cleric 3, Koomdawr chevall, Harkon Justheart Fighter 3.
Main Treasures: Ring of memory, slate of identification, rod of cancellation, crystal ball, Text of the magenmaker, ring of seeing, dagger +2, chain mail +1, light crossbow +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Bandits seize Justheart Castle and erect an impenetrable shield around the structure.
Connections: Generic but Karameikos is suggested and the map would fit quite well with the Dymrak woods. Occupation of the castle could easily be a plot by Argos or the Witches who serve him.
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Southern part of the Altan Tepes.
PCs level: 10-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Humanoid tribes.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A PC receives a fiefdom in a forest area near the southern part of the Altan Tepes, rich in gold. The PC has to build his stronghold, lure settlers and protect them from humanoid tribes.
Connections: This could be played in this Path and/or connected to the Iron.Ring and the Dark Triad Path depending on the specific menace to the PC’s new Stronghold.
The Mighty Argos
Vaporware product listed as TSR 2515 “The Mighty Argos”, never published, 1995
Location: Eastern Karameikos, probably.
PCs level: ? (AD&D)
Main Antagonists: Argos the dragon.
Connections: Probably meant to be set in 1,012 AC, but never published. As a module called “The Iron Ring” was also planned as TSR 2516, it is possible a connection was planned between Argos and the Iron Ring, maybe with Argos becoming the new leader/sponsor of the Ring after the fall of the Black Eagle.Fan resources and adventures
“The Dangers of the Dymrak Wilds” from Threshold Magazine issue #1 http://pandius.com/dymwdang.html,
“Mighty Argos” http://pandius.com/argos.html
and “Dymrak Post WotI” http://pandius.com/dymrakpw.html by Håvard“A Goblin Kingdom: The Rise of Dhrom Dhum” http://pandius.com/dhromdum.html
and “Dhrom Dhum speaks” http://pandius.com/dhrom.html by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue #1“A campaign plot for south-western Karameikos” http://pandius.com/swkarapt.html,
“Religions of Karameikos” http://pandius.com/kararelg.html,
“Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos” http://pandius.com/karagobl.html,
“Map of the Tribes of Karameikos” http://pandius.com/karatrib.html
and “The Dymrak Dread” http://pandius.com/DymrakDread.pdf by Giampaolo Agosta“Crests of the Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos” http://pandius.com/crstgobl.html by John Calvin
“Rahasia - a D&D 5E Adaptation” by Giuliano Michelon from Threshold Magazine issue #9 http://pandius.com/rhsia_5e.html
“Sielo's Fort campaign” http://pandius.com/sielofrt.html by Steven B Wilson
“The Unknown World Trail map - part 1” http://pandius.com/uknwntm1.html by Francesco Defferrari (author) from Threshold Magazine issue #13
The Skarda Path
Even if Skarda, the antagonist of module X12, appears only briefly in later canon products (he is mentioned in “Joshuan’s Almanac” on page 162 as something which happened years before), the fact that he has an army, a very powerful artefact and eventually tries to murder Duke Stefan to conquer Karameikos, is quite enough to give him his own Path. This whole Path could easily be unified with the Iron Ring or Dark Triad Path. Skarda has his own agenda of world domination, but he could find it useful to ally with other parties who are trying to undermine Karameikos.
B9 The Abduction of Princess Sylvia
By Harry Nuckols, Adventure B9: “Castle Caldwell and Beyond”, 1985
Location: Anywhere.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: goblins, lizard men, Goblin King, Lizard Man Leader, owlbear, Oliver of Horn Wizard 4.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Princess Sylvia and her parents, Prince Frederick, Gerard peasant boy.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, gems, jewelry, dagger +1, potions.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Princess Sylvia has been abducted by the evil wizard Oliver of Horn and his minions, and the PCs have to rescue her.
Connections: Generic, but could be easily used in Karameikos with the abductee as any important person. As Skarda kidnaps people, Oliver could easily be one of his minions.X12 Skarda’s Mirror
By Aaron Allston Adventure X12: “Skarda’s Mirror”, 1987
Location: North of Penhaligon.
PCs level: 5-8 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: rock baboon, mirror fiend, about 500 Skarda’s soldiers, Kogrin the Jailer Fighter 6, Skarda’s Elite Guard Fighters 4, Skarda Wizard 11.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Pre-gens: Delson Cleric 6, Kerole Fighter 8, Trylia Thief 7, Lindoran Elf 7, Nesmis Halfling 5, Kindel Wizard 7, Teranon Antonic Fighter 5, Andrya and Sera Halia’s apprentices Wizard 1, Marica headmistress, Kraigg and Norrin Retameron’s squires Fighters 1, Lieutenant Gerard, Sergeant Alkin Fighter 2, about 3,000 slaves in the Mirror world, Ashgarth of Lumm Fighter 1, Retameron Fighter 9 and Halia Wizard 7, Zira Fighter 4, Duke Stefan Karameikos Fighter 15.
Main Treasures: Reward, sword +2, coins, crystal ball, ring of protection +1, wand of fear.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Teranon Antonic seeks the PCs’ aid after his son Retameron and his wife Halia disappeared into the Mirror they took after defeating an evil wizard known as Skarda. The Mirror was one of seven portals to an Immortal of Thought’s pocket dimension, found by a wizard named Mallek 20 years ago. The wizard became insane, took the name Skarda and planned to conquer the world. Retameron and Halia blocked him in the Mirror for two years by keeping it covered, but now he is free again. Skarda has imprisoned Retameron and Halia in his pocket dimension, and now is eager to continue with his original plan of attacking the Duke’s court from the inside. The PCs travel to Retameron’s fortress in Verge to investigate and have to kill the Mirror Fiend inside it, but Skarda has already left with the mirror. Later, he appears to bring the PCs to his Mirror world, and they are imprisoned. In captivity they meet Ashgarth, a man who is planning a rebellion and knows a means to escape. With him and rebellious officer Zira, they can escape the Mirror just in time to stop Skarda from assassinating Duke Stefan Karameikos at his hunting lodge. At the end, the Mirror is destroyed by the modifications Skarda did inside, and all the people inside are freed. The PCs are granted a great reward by Duke Stefan himself.
Connections: Skarda is mentioned again only in “Joshuan’s Almanac” as a madmen who terrified Karameikos years before. In GAZ1, Duke Stefan’s hunting lodge is located west of Sulescu, so some of the minor nobles listed in the adventure “Night of the Vampire”, located in the same area, may be present in the lodge when Skarda attacks.
See also “Verge” http://pandius.com/verge.html by mister c.
Possible connection to the Lost Cities and Relics Path.
Beyond a possible alliance, at least temporary, with the Black Eagle, the Iron Ring and/or the Dark Triad, Skarda could also easily be connected to the Lost Cities and Relics Path, as he could be interested in finding other powerful magic. Its mirror could also be connected to another mirror which appears in the Lake of Lost Dreams in B10 and to the Eye of Traldar and the others magical globes of AC2 and B7, see also links under B7 above.
Fan resources
“Some interesting Karameikos NPC's (and the Iron Ring)” by Francesco Defferrari (author) http://pandius.com/intknpcs.html
“Wanted Poster for Skarda issued by Stephan Karameikos” by Robin http://pandius.com/wanted_by_6inchnails-dbndgzi.jpg
The Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path (or Vampire and Nosferatu Path)
This Path is based mainly on my work on Koskatep and Agathokles’ “Lord of Cruth Lowlands” sandbox campaign, with original inspiration from a canon adventure which is part of this Path, In “The Dread of Night” described below, and other canon information. This Path could also be described as a Vampire Path or a Vampire against Nosferatu Path, and should also involve Koriszegy keep and Lord Sulescu, see below.
In PC3: “The Sea People” and in the Hollow World boxed set, Taymora is briefly described, a civilization once flourishing in the lands of modern Karameikos, Ierendi and Minrothad and the sea around them between the Great Rain of Fire of 3,000 BC and the Second Cataclysm of 1,700 BC, which destroyed it. Fans later greatly expanded the canon information about Taymora, imagining it as dominated by Nosferatu followers of Nyx. This and the fact the non-evil vampires called Nosferatu still live in Karameikos, such as the canonical Lord Sulescu, has led Mystara fans to assume the Church of Nyx should still be powerful in Karameikos, even if hidden. As the purpose of Nyx is to spread intelligent undead as the Nosferatu, it is fair to assume the final goal of the church would be to replace the current Karameikos government with an undead ruler, or turn an existing ruler into an undead follower of Nyx.
In The Dread of Night
By Ann Dupuis, “In The Dread of Night” Dungeon Magazine issue #24, 1990
Location: Village of Sisak, Westron road.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Thaddigren Dentiata Wizard 6 and the Sons of Night, orcs.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Inhabitants of Sisak, Claudius Valerian Fighter 1.
Main Treasures: Reward, dagger +1, wand of paralyzation, amulet of protection from charm, ring of arachnid control, glowglobes.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Dentiata belongs to an organization called the Sons of Night or Darkers and has orc minions. He is from the Black Eagle Barony and is currently employed by the Black Eagle, but he and the Sons of Night seem to have their own agenda.
Connections: Agathokles and I used this adventure as inspiration to use the Sons of Night as less villainously followers of Nyx in Agathokles’ “Lord of the Cruth Lowlands” and in my Koskatep series6. The adventure could start its own path or be used easily in the Black Eagle path.Possible connection to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path
In the original adventure Dentiata comes from the Black Eagle and has agreed to serve the Baron until it suits him. However if he belongs to the Church of Nyx he could be an opposer of the Black Eagle, but still not exactly an ally of the Duke and his men.
The Ghost of Harrow Hill
By Bruce Nesmith, AD&D 2ed First Quest Boxed set, Adventure book page 28, TSR 1105, 1994
Location: Near the town of Krondsfield, placed by fans between Kelvin and Penhaligon
PCs level: 1-3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Gunter Weiss, ghost wizard
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Klaus Cleric 3; High Wizard Nethril, Morganth Wizard 1-3, Slinker Thief 1-3, Delvar dwarf Fighter 1-3, Silverleaf elf Fighter Wizard 1-3, Lordan Cleric 1-3, Beldar Fighter 1-3.
Main Treasure: Gunter’s Silver Heart, Long sword +2, mace +1, ring of invisibility
Plot/main accomplishment: A wizard who failed a necromantic ritual a hundred years before imprisons the PCs in his haunted house and they have limited time to find his magical silver heart and destroy his remains.
Connections: Gunter’s library could contain any clue, leading to Glantri necromancy, the Church of Nyx, the secret of Skarda or anything else (Other Lands, Nyx and Skarda Paths).
Night of the Vampire
By L. Richard Baker III, “Night of the Vampire” CD Adventure, 1994
Location: Vandevicsny Manor, west of Sulescu.
PCs level: 1-3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Ourosco’s assassins and thugs, Janjevo stablemaster warrior 3, Laina if turned into a minion vampire, wolves, Andru Vandevic vampire.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Lord Gustav and Selena Vandevic, Laina Vandevic, Moustan butler of the manor, Constantina Brezovo, Tonja and Bani Constantina’s maids, Lord Moubotka, Iajo Moubotka, Lord Vasil Ourosco, Krinac Lord Moubotka’s Wizard 2, Hosk Lord Ourosco’s Warrior 3, Lord Hugo Strolojca.
Main Treasures: Reward in gems.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Andru Vandevic has returned to his family house, claiming to be a lost relative, but he is really an ancestor of a hundred years before, now a vampire, who wishes to take back his manor and all its occupants, in particular the innocent Laina. The PCs are shipwrecked near the manor on the eve of the betrothal of Laina Vandevic and Iajo Moubotka.
Connections: Both Sulescu and Koriszegy could be somehow involved in this, eventually leading to the Order of the Griffon video game story, see above. PCs could have been sent by Sulescu and/or the Church of Nyx to investigate a rumor about Andru Vandevic, rather than appear in the area after a shipwreck as in the adventure.Fan resources and adventures
“Lords of the Cruth Lowlands” by Giampaolo Agosta (a sandbox campaign in Western Karameikos) http://pandius.com/CruthLowlands-joined.pdf and also “The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon”
http://pandius.com/kuresthg.html by Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue #16“The Achelos Adventure” http://pandius.com/ach_camp.html by Patrick Sullivan (first original development of Western Karameikos)
“Koskatep” series (a megadungeon in Western Karameikos) http://pandius.com/mretnght.html by Francesco Defferrari (author) and others from Threshold Magazine issues #1 to #15 and “Riverfork Area” http://pandius.com/rvrforka.html by Francesco Defferrari (author)
“Riverfork Keep” http://pandius.com/rfrkkeep.html by John Walter Biles
“Vampire Queens of Taymora” by John Calvin from Threshold Magazine issue #12 http://pandius.com/vmprqunt.html and more 2300 BC material by John Calvin and others http://pandius.com/taymor.html
“Taymora Land of the Dead” by Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue #12 http://pandius.com/taymora.html
“The Darkness Beneath: Ancient buried secrets in the Sea of Dread” by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue #3 http://pandius.com/dknsbnth.html
“Religions of Karameikos” by Giampaolo Agosta http://pandius.com/kararelg.html
“The Vampiric Bloodlines of Mystara” by Giampaolo Agosta http://pandius.com/vampmyst.html
“Sisak, Night Tower, Abbey Isle and Knights of Halav” http://pandius.com/abbeyisl.html by religon
“Welcome to our village” http://pandius.com/vllgwlcm.html by Niels Just Rasmussen
The Lost Cities and Relics Path
A number of Basic modules end up with the PCs discovering a lost city or, in the case of B3, saving a city from becoming lost. This obviously could have quite a lasting impact on Karameikos and its society as well as finding some ancient and important relic, as happens in some adventures. Some are instead just places to explore, obviously infested with some kind of monsters.
Also relevant to a Karameikos campaign could be module XS2: “Thunderdelve Mountain”, possibly set just north west of Karameikos, in the Five Shires or Darokin territory, see also “Thunderdelve placement theory” by Demos Sachlas in the Vaults of Pandius http://pandius.com/thndrdlv.html (and Threshold Magazine issue #2 http://pandius.com/dwrftdlv.html) and XS2’s sequel “Dragon’s Delve” in Dungeon Magazine issue #62, and B4: “The Lost City”, set in Ylaruam near the Karameikan border( see also “The Dungeon Master's Guide to Cynidicea” by multiple authors in the Vaults of Pandius http://pandius.com/cynidgaz.html). Obviously all parties interested in controlling Karameikos would be much interested in discovering and controlling such locations.The Attic
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 39, 1983
Location: Threshold
PCs level: 1-5 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Stirges.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Coins in the body of a dead thief.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A widow’s attic is infested by stirges.
Connections: This is just an introductory adventure which could led PCs to specialize in to the exploration of lost places.
The Old Mill
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 39, 1983
Location: Threshold
PCs level: Any (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Giant insects and spiders.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Coins, random.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Bugs come out of the ruins of the Old Mill on the tip of Fogor Island in Threshold.
Connections: An old dungeon below the Mill could lead to Traladaran, Hutaakan, Taymoran or Blackmoorian ruins. See also “The Old Abandoned Mill” by Anthony Bird http://pandius.com/oldgmill.html and “The Old Mill” http://pandius.com/oldmill.html by Hayley Hummerston
The Museum
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: None.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Ian, the Smith’s son.
Main Treasures: Clues, information.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Ian, the Smith’s son, is a taxidermist and opens a museum to show monster heads and parts he has acquired, including a very strange one.
Connections: The strange monster could lead to the location of strange creatures, or new monsters connected to the past of Karameikos, or maybe to an Hutaakan tomb.
Into the Wilderness
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Any wilderness area.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Monsters, lost races, hostile humanoid tribes.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Lord Alexius Korrigan.
Main Treasures: Payment, treasures.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Lord Alexius Korrigan hires the PCs to map the unknown region of Karameikos for the ducal cartographers.
Connections: This could happen after the PCs have already reached some fame as explorers of lost ruins, maybe a recommendation from Sherlane Halaran. See also “Wilderness Mapping Expedition For Lord Alexius Korrigan” http://pandius.com/mapexpid.html by Jimmy Rowe
B1 In Search of the Unknown
By Mike Carr, Module B1: “In Search of the Unknown”, 1981
Location: Western Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Orcs, kobolds, troglodytes, berserkers, zombies, goblins, monsters determined randomly.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: 48 names of potential characters, 48 named potential hirelings with statistics.
Main Treasures: Treasures are determine randomly and include mace, shield, chainmail +1, spear+2, ring of protection +1, potions, scrolls, coins, gems.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Famous warrior Rogahn the Fearless and famous wizard Zelligar the Unknown built a stronghold many years ago in a remote area, the Caverns of Quasqueton. They left years ago, and the caverns are now unclaimed.
Connections: Originally set in Greyhawk, but later placed in B1-9 in Western Karameikos and as a possible side quest with a map found in the pocket of a Black Eagle spy, Anton Turino, (see B9: “The Great Escape”). In B1-9 there is also a rumor about Rogahn being now employed by the Black Eagle.
Possible connection to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle PathIf Rogahn is really still alive and employed by the Black Eagle, he should be interested in taking back his old complex, but maybe Zelligar is alive too and has an opposite allegiance now.
Under Mount Dread
By Bruce Nesmith, AD&D 2ed First Quest Boxed set, Adventure book page 54, TSR 1105, 1994
Location: Mount Dread, in Western Karameikos.
PCs level: 2-3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Hatchling Red Dragon, Kordak W2, undead, kobolds, lizardmen.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Tinker and other gnomes; a Lammasu; Axerock Dwarf Cleric 3, Shadowelves7; Morganth Wizard 1-3, Slinker Thief 1-3, Delvar dwarf Fighter 1-3, Silverleaf elf Wizard 1-3, Lordan Cleric 1-3, Beldar Fighter 1-3.
Main Treasure: Battle axe +1, ioun stone, longsword +1 flame tongue, longsword of wounding, portable hole.
Plot/main accomplishment: Evil sorcerer Azazabus built his home under Mount Dread over a hundred years ago, then disappeared, and monsters occupied the place.
Connections: This adventure could easily be connected to B1, as the Quasqueton dungeon is canonically placed in the area, or to the Nyx Path, also taking place in this area.
B8 Journey to the Rock
By Michael Malone, Adventure B8: “Journey to the Rock”, 1984
Location: North of Threshold.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: goblins, ogres, harpies, winged warriors of Tuma (without password), ghostly horsemen, rock baboons, Gorbash and Grullkk bugbears, sand spiders, water weirds, goblin leader, Crone of Chaos, living statues.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Hargath Stonehand Dwarf 2, Katanya Fighter 1, Medriev Elf 2, Peldor Homeheart Halfling 1, Viviel Thief 3, Volshalla Cleric 2, Wolkenz Fighter 2, Yilil-Aylen Wizard 2, Hakeem the merchant, Lirdrium Arkayz, Jenlar Temlin Fighter 7, elves of Sylvanhome, sprites, gnomes of the Barkel mountains, chameleon men Kanreon and Thronik and the Omnerubesk, Lord of Shade and Hue, Dunnak Ironhammer Dwarf 3 and dwarves of Krayzen moutnains, Stiv Jentir the old hermit Fighter 3, Rahg El-Mahr seeker of Truth, Robern Sternslate and other gnomes of the Motherlode Rover ship, Krag and other rockmen.
Main Treasures: reward, coins, gems, potions, ring of protection +1, potions, rope of climbing, daggers +l, Talisman of Tuma.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The wizard Lirdrium Arkayz offers a reward to PCs willing to discover the mysterious secret of the Rock. In truth, Arkayz was once a member of the ruling Council of the lost city of Tuma, trapped in another dimension, and he needs a magical talisman to free his people. Contains suggestions for further adventures with the possible exploration of the city of Tuma.
Connections: Generic, suggested in Darokin or Western Karameikos, later placed north of Threshold in B1-9, see also “Detail of the Threshold Region” by Simone Neri in the Vaults http://pandius.com/thrshld.html.
Possible connection to the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path, Dark Triad Path and Humanoids and Argos Path
If connected to any of the adventures against the Iron Ring in the Threshold area, the secrets of Tuma could well become an objective of the Iron Ring or other parties (and Lirdrium and his city an ally against them).
Hail the Heroes
By Tim Beach, “Hail the Heroes” CD Adventure, 1994
Location: Mirros, Threshold, then Zadreth.
PCs level: 1-4 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Agents of the Cult of Halav, the Order of the Griffon and the Church of Karameikos, depending on circumstances, goblin bandits, ogre, wight, skeletons, guardian statues.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Oldrinn Sacnissen dwaren explorer, Desmik and Jenna Cleric 3 and Barris Cleric 5 of the Church of Traladara, Brefrick of the Order of the Griffon Fighter 5, Klas Jorga Cleric 5 and Andros Levinik Cleric 2 of the Cult of Halav, Ozata Bard 3, Cryss werewolf Warrior, Frinius of the Mirros Magician’s Guild library.
Main Treasures: Reward, Shield of Halav, coins, dagger +1, scrolls, books, jewelry.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Hundreds of years ago the famous female warrior Solveig White Gold found the lost Shield of King Halav, and her friend, the wizard Perrantin, built the Temple of the Shield for it. The temple was eventually abandoned and lost, but recently a map describing its possible location surfaced, and the Church of Traladara hires the PCs to find the temple and the Shield. The other churches, however, have agents too with different plans. In the temple, the PCs may also find details about the story of the Dragonlord (see also “Dragonlord Chronicles - Detailed Summaries” by David Keyser in the Vaults of Pandius http://pandius.com/dlrdchrn.html).
Connections: Finding the Shield should have long term repercussions on Karameikos and on the Thyatian/Traladaran relationship, see also below.Possible connection with the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path and the Veiled Society and Specularum Path
The Iron Ring and the Black Eagle could be involved in this adventure if it is set before the fall of the Baron, or if the Iron Ring learns about it. In the Order of the Griffon video game described above under Koriszegy Keep, another Shield appears, in Specularum. The Veiled Society and/or Lady Magda Marilenev could have their own plans to use the Shield to awaken Traladaran nationalism, especially if the Order of the Griffon takes it.
The Tomb of Demara
By Bruce Nesmith, AD&D 2ed First Quest Boxed set, Adventure book page 6, TSR 1105, 1994
Location: Near the town of Krondsfield, placed by fans between Kelvin and Penhaligon
PCs level: 1-3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Bonegnasher the Ogre and his humanoids
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Taran of the Elvenguard, Elf 2 Wizard 1, High Wizard Nethril. Pre-generated PCs: Morganth Wizard 1-3, Slinker Thief 1-3, Delvar Dwarf Fighter 1-3, Silverleaf Elf Fighter Wizard 1-3, Lordan Cleric 1-3, Beldar Fighter 1-3.
Main Treasures: Orb of Dragonkind, Shield of Demara, Ring of Demara
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs can discover the tomb of a mythical King of Central Karameikos, becoming quite famous in the region, and avoid that the ogre villain take control of an orb which can control dragons!
Connections: This adventure could be easily connected to the following one if clues in Demara’s tomb lead to the discovery of Lavv.
The Discovery of Lavv
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Kelvin.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: undead gnolls.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Desmond Kelvin II.
Main Treasures: Reward, ancient treasures.
Plot/Main accomplishment: While digging a dungeon beneath his fortress, Baron Kelvin discovers the ruins of Lavv, city of King Halav. Many faithful Traladarans flock to the place, wishing to see it, but an ancient magic reanimates the mass grave of a gnoll army. The PCs are present to deal with all this.
Connections: This adventure could be easily connected to the one above if the Temple of the Shield contains clues about the location of Lavv. The video game “Order of the Griffon” could also be connected as described above. See also “Kelvin” http://pandius.com/kelvin.html by Brian CarawayPossible connection with the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path and the Veiled Society and Specularum Path
The Iron Ring and the Black Eagle could use this event to take control of Kelvin. The Veiled Society and/or Magda Marilenev could instead use the event to fuel the fire of Traladaran nationalism, particularly if the Baron stops pilgrim from visiting the place and/or prevent the Traladaran Church from accessing it.
The Treasure of the Hideous One
By David Cook, AC2: Combat Shield and Mini Adventure, 1984
Location: Luln and the Blight Swamp.
PCs level: 4-7 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Hydra, giant serpentweed, Elven bandit chieftain Elf 7, bandits, Slough of Despair, ghouls, Rosentos vampire and his slaves.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Grisbaldos’ ghost, Korat and villagers, cay men.
Main Treasures: Four possible: Normal treasure, 10,000 gp, Jewel of Achmed, giant sapphire worth 2,000 gp, Magical treasure, Armory of Morphos sword +3 Int 10 find traps detect magic extra damage 20, stone of controlling earth elementals, Combined treasure, coins, gems, ring of regeneration, Special treasure, Essence Orb of Trinkla the Black Sage. Ring of fire resistance, ring of protection +1, flaming sword +1
Plot/Main accomplishment: A hundred years ago Colonel Rosentos guided an expedition to the swamp with 200 men and disappeared, only five men returned alive. Now he has become a vampire, and rules over the local villagers.
Connections: Due to the similarity between the Black Opal Eye of B7 and the Essence Orb of this adventure, it would be easy to connect the two adventures. The Eye of Traldar of DDA3 may be connected too. See also “Rahasia - a D&D 5E Adaptation” by Giuliano Michelon from Threshold Magazine issue #9 http://pandius.com/rhsia_5e.html and “The History of Karameikos” by Simone Neri from Threshold Magazine issue #1 http://pandius.com/karhstry.html. Some fans have suggested the B7 orb and Trinkla’s orb may be the same orb, but nothing in canon actually suggest it, so the total number of magical orb with divination powers, including the Eye of Traldar, may well be 3.About the Blight Swamp, see also “Blight Swamp Compilation” http://pandius.com/blight_swamp_compilation.pdf by Irving Galvez
Possible connection with the Iron Ring and Black Eagle Path, the Dark Triad Path, the Church of Nyx and Koskatep Path, the Skarda Path, the Humanoids and Argos Path and the Veiled Society and Specularum Path
The Iron Ring and the Black Eagle, as any villainous party the PCs may face in Karameikos, could well have an interest in taking possession of the Orb(s), as its/their divination powers will clearly give a great advantage to any cause.
Hrothgar’s Resting Place
By Stephen J. Smith, Dungeon Magazine issue #25, 1990
Location: north east of Kelvin.
PCs level: 4-7 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Trolls, harpies, spiders, worms.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Inhabitants of Relfren.
Main Treasures: Seeker, neutral intelligent sword +2 with detect gems, metals and invisible objects, precious statuette.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Guided by a wizard’s treasure map, the heroes search for an intelligent sword in a remote cave.
Connections: This adventure could be played at any time, with any possible competing party involved in taking possession of an intelligent sword.Possible connection with the Other Lands, People and Creatures Path
As Hrothgar and his companions were from the Northern Reaches, this could also be an occasion for the PCs to travel there.
The Veiled Society and Specularum Path (or Traladaran rebellion Path)
This Path is often focused on city adventures and the actions of the Veiled Society, which could easily become the main antagonist of the PCs in the environment of Specularum. As shown in the previous issue of Threshold Magazine (#21), dedicated to the city, there are, however, many more intrigues and possibilities in the capital of Karameikos.
This Path is also connected with another main theme of Karameikos - the possibility of a Traladaran rebellion against Duke Stefan. The Veiled Society and the Radu, rather than sincere Traladaran nationalists, seem to be just opportunists who want to exploit Traladaran grievances for personal gains. The main party willing to overthrow Duke Stefan is Magda Marilenev. She could find allies in the Veiled Society, Boris Torenescu and other parties, and eventually act against the government. If the PCs are Traladaran they could be with her rather than against her.B6 The Veiled Society
By David Cook, Adventure B6: “The Veiled Society”, 1984
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Veiled Society thugs, hobgoblins, kobolds, zombies, soldiers, Akarios and Zacharias murderers, Cartha Radu Fighter 6, Antonito Radu Wizard 3.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Lucia and Fortunato Vorloi, Philip Vorloi, Aleksander Torenescu, Mikel Commander of Guard Phorsis, Estaish Elf 1, Zweiss Radu Fighter 3.
Main Treasures: reward, gems, jewels, sword +2, sword +1.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Radu create unrest in the city during the Festival of Lucor to cast a bad light on their rivals, the Torenescu. Later the Veiled Society, a criminal organization they control, tries to assassinate Lucia Vorloi, daughter of Fortunato, and spark a rebellion against the Duke. Later they try to assassinate Simion Torenescu. The adventure could lead to the death of Anton Radu and the defeat and removal of Cartha and Antonito Radu.
Connections: The original module contains a version of the Specularum city map that is different from the one in GAZ1, but as per GAZ1 timeline it is set in 999 or 1,000 AC after the death of Christoph Torenescu. At the end of B1-9, all the paths of the super module lead to Specularum. The adventure needs some work by the DM, but could introduce PCs to the great noble families of Karameikos. The Iron Ring, the Black Eagle and the Dark Triad could also be involved in this great struggle. See The Complete Path Chapter below for more about this. See also “Unveiling the Radu Clan” http://pandius.com/raducln2.html by Andrew Theisen, from Threshold Magazine issue #1.
Millenium in the Streets
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Gambler, people he cheated.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: People the gambler cheated.
Main Treasures: Possible payment.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A PC looks very much like a gambler who, during the New Year’s Millenium celebrations, has cheated a lot of people in Specularum, and so has to prove his innocence and find the real culprit.
Connections: Officially set during the Millenium celebrations, but could be set at other times easily. The Veiled Society could be involved if the gambler owns money to them.
The Sins of Valdo Tisza
By Aaron Allston, Gazetteer 1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Torenescu agents, Tisza’s men, ministers agents, others.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Payment, reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs help a mugging victim in the street, but the man has been killed and he had a document addressed to Alek and signed V. The document contains secret trade agreements negotiated with Ierendi, and is a leak that Valdo Tisza is providing to Aleksander Torenescu. The PCs could find themselves at the centre of a big intrigue with different parties wishing to cover or expose Tisza.
Connections: This could all be a big plot by Boris Torenescu to discredit Aleksander and take control of the family with the help of the Veiled Society.
Poisoners in the Night
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Boris Torenescu’s thugs, alchemist.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Aleksander Torenescu.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs stumble on Boris Torenescu receiving a mysterious package, and then sending assassins against them. A local alchemist is providing Boris with a nigh-undetectable poison to kill Aleksander Torenescu, who indeed has fallen sick.
Connections: Following the adventure above, Boris could gain control of the Torenescu family and work toward a Traladaran rebellion with the Veiled Society and Magda Marilenev.
The Menacing Malady
By Christopher Perkins, Dungeon Magazine issue #58, 1996
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 2-4 (AD&D)
Main Antagonists: Cultists of death Immortal, possibly Leptar or Orcus, mold men (transformed patients), Skargle the doppelganger,
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Crescent Street Hospital and Herbalist staff, Dr Edwin Alastair and Allenna, clerics, nurses.
Main Treasures: Reward, potions.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Cultists of a dark Immortal infect the patients of an hospital with a dread malady which turns them into mold men.
Connections: Suggested for Mirros in 1,012 AC but could be played at any time.Possible connection with other Paths
The Dark Triad, possibly in league with the Iron Ring, is the ideal evil party of this adventure, but the Veiled Society too could exploit the situation for its own purposes.
The Missing Rose
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Vorloi and/or Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Veiled Society, Grygori Vorloi.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Philip Vorloi, Marianna Vorloi, Kingdom of Thieves.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are hired to find Marianna Vorloi, kidnapped by the Veiled Society with inside information, and expose the plot. Grygori Vorloi is one of the conspirators. Marianna has been hidden in the Nest, and the Kingdom of Thieves is willing to sell information about the exact location.
Connections: The weakening of Philip Vorloi should be a major requirement to work toward a successful Traladaran rebellion against the Duke. See also “The Kingdom of Thieves” http://pandius.com/kingthiv.html by George Hrabovsky.
Davinos’ Complaint
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Anton Radu and the Veiled Society, Thyatian thugs hired by the Society, false Thyatian merchant paid by the Society, Veiled Society thugs.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Emilio the Great, possibly Magdel, Yolanda of Luln, Lord Dmitros, the Duke and Duchess.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Davinos, a young Traladaran from Kelvin presents a complaint to the Duke about the economic damage suffered by several Traladarans 30 years before. He is attacked by some Thyatian thugs and later assassinated by Thyatian assassins. In truth, Anton Radu and the Veiled Society have arranged the assassination to foment racial hatred in the city. While the city is rioting, PCs are hired by Emilio the Great to find the true culprits and prevent a full scale Traladaran revolt.
Connections: The purpose of the Veiled Society here could be a failed revolt, forcing the Duke’s troops to resort to violence to fan the fires of Traladaran resentment against the Thyatians.
The Capture of Flameflicker
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 10-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Kingdom of Thieves or Specularum guards.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Alya aka Flameflicker, captain of Guard Phorsis.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A PC falls in love with Alya of the Street of Dreams. The PC is later tasked by the captain of the Guard Phorsis to capture Flameflicker, which leads to the discovery of her real identity and being faced with a moral choice.
Connections: As the Kingdom of Thieves is a rival of the Veiled Society, the capture of Flameflicker could be a major victory for the Society, which is probably trying to achieve exactly this goal. In this case if the PCs follow the law they may end strengthening the Society and endangering Karameikos.
Holy War
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 64, 1987
Location: Specularum or other cities.
PCs level: 15-25 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Oderbry and his allies.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Sherlane Halaran and his allies, Desmond Kelvin, Duke Stefan.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Oliver Jowett dies and the Church of Karameikos is split between followers of Oderbry and followers of the official successor, Sherlane Halaran. From a hidden location, Oderbry and parts of the Order of the Griffon attack the Church of Traladara. PCs are asked by the Duke to help uncover Oderbry’s hiding place.
Connections: This could also be a plan by the Veiled Society or any other evil party, interested in weakening the Duchy with more ethnic divisions and strife.Possible connection with other Paths
Any evil party or group wishing to ultimately remove Duke Stefan may have an interest in sponsoring Oderbry and strike after his failure.
The Marilenev Uprising
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 63, 1987
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Magda Marilenev and her subordinates, Traladaran extremists.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Karameikan forces, city guards.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Magda Marilenev gives a speech in the Grand Market and her men starts a rebellion in the city. After all is over she will probably be dead or in prison and a PC could obtain her Estate.
Connections: This should be the end of this Path, and if the Veiled Society is squarely behind it. their purpose may be more to profit from Magda’s failure than the actual removal of the Karameikan rule. See also “Marilenev Rebellion” http://pandius.com/marilreb.html by Glim Garrick, “AC1022, Lady Magda Snaps” http://pandius.com/magdasnp.html by Sean Meaney and “Andros Marilenev” http://pandius.com/andros.html by Jennifer Guerra.Possible connection with other Paths
Any evil party or group wishing to ultimately remove Duke Stefan may have an interest in sponsoring Magda and strike after her failure.
Fan adventures and resources
The whole content of Threshold Magazine issue #21 http://pandius.com/Threshold_21.pdf for details and links on Specularum and Karameikos noble families and guilds.
“St. Kruskiev's Gold: a Specularum adventure” http://pandius.com/StKruskiev.pdf and “Guild Wars” adventure http://pandius.com/gildwars.html from Threshold Magazine issue #1 by Giampaolo Agosta
“Traladara Mini-Gazetteer” http://pandius.com/tral_gaz.html by Jennifer Guerra
“King Stefan Karameikos, the Dark Ruler of Traladara” http://pandius.com/dkstefan.html by Giulio Caroletti
“Mass Hysteria - (or “when you tell people what they want to hear”)” http://pandius.com/msshystr.html by Niels Just Rasmussen
Specularum Scenario Series by Ville Lähde, Part I: “Coloured was the Bay, bloody were the streets” http://pandius.com/dye_adv.html, Part II: “Omens and Portents” http://pandius.com/theomens.html, Part III: “Stuffed heads and lethal weddings” http://pandius.com/hunting.html, Part IV: “Davinos’ Complaint “ http://pandius.com/davinosc.html.
The Other Lands, Peoples and Creatures Path
Several important canon and fan adventures start in Karameikos in order to bring the PCs elsewhere or allow them to meet the non human inhabitants of the Duchy or strange, new creatures.
Modules XSolo: “Lathan’s Gold”, and X1: “The Isle of Dread”, which both start in Karameikos, could also fit well in this Path. However, they are not listed here because most of those modules take place in the southern seas.
The adventures in this Path can normally be connected easily to any Path detailed above, so the connections are indicated in the corresponding paragraphs rather than in special paragraphs as above.Night of Fear
By Mark Lucas, Dungeon Magazine issue #28, 1991
Location: Any place on the edge of the wilderness.
PCs level: 1 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Rudvarien the doppelganger.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Crellar Fighter 1 and his family: Gertrude, Kellogg, Kelsey and Mary, all Fighter 1, Krac Dwarf 1, Brent Fighter 1, Galen Cleric 1, Goddle Halfling 1, Mirapesh Thief 1, Lyons Wizard 1, Lif Elf 1.
Main Treasures: Coins, long sword +1 +3 vs dragons.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A mysterious killer, Rudvarien the doppelganger, threatens the inhabitants of Crellar's Trading Post.
Connections: This adventure is not necessarily set in Karameikos but could be easily connected to any path or used with the dopplegangers working for Bargle in Threshold. Rudvarien could also become a recurring enemy in the Dark Triad Path or others.
The Elven Home
By Anne Gray McReady, Dungeon Magazine issue #1, 1986
Location: Elven lands.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Treant, stirges.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Derrim Elf 2, Atlee Elf 3, Yanna Elf 1, Repo Elf 3.
Main Treasures: Money, gems, magical “calendar” vase.
Plot/Main accomplishment: While traveling off-road through the wilderness, the PCs happen upon a group of reclusive elves, a troublesome treant, and irksome stirges8.
Connections: Can be used anywhere near elven lands and connected to the following ones as they also contains fairy creatures. The elves could also be connected to the community featured in B7.
The Witch of Windcrag
By Stephen J. Smith, Dungeon Magazine issue #51, 1995
Location: Any wilderness.
PCs level: 2-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Kyrrak harpy Wokan 3.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Coins, gems, ring of animal control, amulet of protection from sleep.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Adventurers hear rumors of a mysterious old spellcaster who dwells in a cliffside cave on Windcrag Mountain and decide to investigate the legend.
Connections: Not specifically set in Karameikos, but appropriate as harpies appear in several canon modules. Could be easily connected to the Dymrak path or used as side trek.
Redcap’s Rampage
By Christopher Perkins, Dungeon Magazine issue #54, 1995
Location: Any forested region.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Dyrk the redcap, Anton and Kristof wererats.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Luskwald inhabitants, Coryston Dwarf 3, Skaldar Fighter 2, Vaxalt Wizard 2, Hazel Wizard 5.
Main Treasures: Reward, wand of trap detection.
Plot/Main accomplishment: An invisible menace threatens the village of Luskwald; it’s a redcap former slave of a shadow elf wizard, who killed his master and now resents the intruders of the castle he has chosen as home.
Connections: Not specifically set in Karameikos, but but could be easily set in any region and connected to other adventures featuring fairies. The shadow elf corpse could lead the PCs to the Shadowdeep.
Riverside Tragedy
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 39, 1983
Location: Near Threshold
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Snakes and leeches.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: None, random.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A local lad disappears near the river, in the marshy riverbank south of town.
Connections: This adventure could also include old ruins, hidden bandits, troglodytes or lizardmen, possible connection to the following one.
The Man Who Sings to Fish
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Lake and rivers north of Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Water creatures.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Nixies.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A former adventurer, now fisherman, has learned from the nixies to talk to fish, and knows where they live.
Connections: The PCs could become allies of the nixies if they perform some service from them, possibly leading to the fairy folks detailed in PC1: “Tall Tales of the Wee Folk”, and the Adventure Booklet contained in it. Evil parties could seek the alliance of evil fairies, and friends in the fairy courts could be of great help to the PCs.
Gentle Giants
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Hill giants.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Stone giants
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Stone giants, who regularly visit Threshold and live near it, need help against hill giants.
Connections: Could be connected with other two adventures featuring giants below. The Iron Ring or another evil party could try to recruit hill giants or other giants for their purposes.
The Questing Barbarian
By James Ward, AC10: “Bestiary of Dragons and Giants”, 1987, page 9.
Location: Any mountain.
PCs level: 1-4 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: bandits, Scut bandit leader, living statue, giant hawks, shrieker, saber-toothed tigers.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Jarl young mountain giant, Shadar the metamorph, Mountain giant dad.
Main Treasures: Random coins, jewels, scrolls, weapons, armor, rings.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A mountain giant young boy in search of adventure tries to pass for a human adventurer and lead the PCs to his dad’s castle.
Connections:. Generic but adaptable to Karameikos.
Trouble in Tall Stone Pass
By Steve Perrin, AC10: “Bestiary of Dragons and Giants”, 1987, page 18.
Location: Any mountain pass.
PCs level: 5-7 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Duncan Thief 6, cave bears, Rockheart, Stonebrow and Gem stone giants.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Local traders or Duncan and the giants, depending on the outcome of the adventure.
Main Treasures: Coins, scarab of protection, square wheel, scroll and, if giant are killed, also wand of polymorphing and three stone giants eggs.Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are hired to take care of some stone giants who are raiding caravans passing through Tall Stone Pass. The giants say they are only exacting a toll from traders passing through their territory.
Connections:. Generic but adaptable to Karameikos. The giants could easily be allied with Traladaran rebels or other parties.
The Beggar
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Dragons or else.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Gold dragon
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A gold dragon living in town disguised as a blind beggar reveals to the PCs he needs their help in a far place.
Connections: Could be linked to the adventure below or to other featuring dragons in AC10. The allegiance of dragons could be of the utmost importance for any party wishing to remove Duke Stefan and control Karameikos. The beggar could also be an agent of Azem tasked of hindering Argos’ plans, see also “Who’s Who Among Dragons” by Bruce Heard http://pandius.com/whoswho.html
The Haunted Helm
By James Ward, AC10: “Bestiary of Dragons and Giants”, 1987, page 6.
Location: Altan Tepes.
PCs level: 1-4 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: mountain lions, large white dragon.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Caeric small white dragon, Renn Fighter 4, Bearkiller Fighter 2.
Main Treasures: coins, gems, Crystal ball, long sword +1 +3 vs white dragons.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A helmet is haunted by a barbarian whom has been killed by a white dragon. The helmet has to be brought back to the dragon’s hoard to free the ghost.
Connections:. Generic but adaptable to Karameikos, see also above. Argos may try to win the alliance of the white dragons inhabiting the Altan Tepes mountains.
The Wizard in the Woods
By John Nephew, AC10: “Bestiary of Dragons and Giants”, 1987, page 21.
Location: Radlebb or Dymrak woods.
PCs level: 8-11 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Harpies, trolls, orcs, ogre, devil swine, bugbears, Viridis green dragon, Parindes Wizard 9.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Fairleaf elf female 5.
Main Treasures: Coins, gems, reward, dagger +2, ring of spell turning, wand of fear.Plot/Main accomplishment: Viridis the green dragon is marauding through the forest and the elves need help. The truth is an evil wizard named Parindes has enslaved the dragon and is now using him to occupy the forest.
Connections:. Generic but adaptable to Karameikos. Parindes could be a Iron Ring agent, a Black Eagle agent or an ally of Argos or the Dark Triad.
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Purple worms, caeciliae and others.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A purple worm comes out of the ground and a maze of worm tunnels is discovered under the town.
Connections: This adventure could lead the PCs to the underground lands of Karameikos and its mysterious inhabitants, see also Threshold Magazine issue #14, The Shadowdeep.
Blackstone Heath
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Near Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Black pudding or else.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Threshold’s Wizards Guildmaster.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The Magic User’s Guildmaster has created a garbage dump with a charmed black pudding found in a nearby dungeon.
Connections: Possibly connectable to the previous one or to any ancient Traladaran ruins.
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 40, 1983
Location: Threshold.
PCs level: 4-14 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: A renegade Efreeti.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Djinni, Treant, Water Elemental.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A djinni arrives in town to greet his old friends, a treant living in the park and a water elemental in the fountain, then he asks help against a renegade efreeti.
Connections:. This adventure could lead to Elemental planes or locations inhabited by elementals, and to the parties interested in exploiting such connections.
Of Nests and Nations
By Randy Maxwell, Dungeon Magazine issue #13, 1988
Location: Specularum.
PCs level: 8-12 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Hivebrood.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: People and shopkeepers in Specularum.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The city of Specularum is in an uproar, and the heroes must track down the sinister source of the evil and mayhem.
Connections: This adventure could be easily connected to the Veiled Society and Specularum Path. The Hivebrood are probably enemy of all humans, but maybe an evil party has find a way to direct them against specific targets.
The Wererats of Relfren
By Grant Boucher and William Kurt Wenz, Dungeon Magazine issue #14, 1988
Location: Mountain pass.
PCs level: 3-6 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Wererats.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Inhabitants of Relfren.
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: Relfren hasn’t been the same ever since that mysterious sideshow came to town. Now the town is overrun with wererats, and heroes are hired to put things right.
Connections: This adventure is not necessarily set in Karameikos but could be easily connected to the Rodemus family and the Iron Ring path.
In Pursuit of the Slayer
By Carl Sargent, Dungeon Magazine issue #15, 1989
Location: Anywhere.
PCs level: 6-9 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Gakarak, Grey philosopher, Wolfram.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Kaldarek village, Dwarves, Dapleth elves, Steinmeyer Cleric 10, Wolfram (if saved).
Main Treasures: Reward.
Plot/Main accomplishment: A family is slaughtered by a man called the Slayer. The heroes track this brutal killer, unaware that he's been possessed by an evil sword spirit.
Connections: This adventure is not necessarily set in Karameikos but could be easily connected to any path or used to flesh out a small region. Any evil party may be after the magical sword.
Across Wildspace!
By Bruce Nesmith, AD&D 2ed First Quest Boxed set, Adventure book page 45, 1994
Location: Krondsfield, placed by fans between Kelvin and Penhaligon, or any other town/city
PCs level: 3 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Raver the neogi Wizard 3 and hobgoblins.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Captain Blotomus, Giff, and crew; Morganth Wizard 1-3, Slinker Thief 1-3, Delvar dwarf Fighter 1-3, Silverleaf elf Fighter Wizard 1-3, Lordan Cleric 1-3, Beldar Fighter 1-3.
Main Treasure: Cloak of elvenkind, Wand of magic missiles
Plot/main accomplishment: A space pirate has captured the crew of a space travelling flying ship near three asteroids of Mystara’s solar system, and the captain needs help.
Connections: This adventure is a perfect gate to the Spelljammer setting, or to travels to the moons of Mystara, Patera and Matera, and Mystara’s Solar System (see also Threshold Magazine issue #15, Mystaraspace: http://pandius.com/Threshold_15.pdf).
By Frank Mentzer, D&D Expert set, page 39, 1983
Location: The Volaga river.
PCs level: 1-5 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: River pirates and monsters.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Payment.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are hired to drive rafts of lumber from Threshold to Specularum.
Connections:. Easy way to move the PCs from Threshold to Specularum.
The Gnome CaravanBy Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 62, 1987
Location: Highforge to Specularum.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: bandits, monsters.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: None.
Main Treasures: Payment.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs are hired to protect the annual Gnome Caravan which in Thaumont goes from Highforge to Specularum.
Connections: A poster asking for caravan guards also appear in the “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure” boxed set. See also my article “The Kingdom of Highforge” http://pandius.com/highfrgk.html in Threshold Magazine issue #16, dedicated to dwarves, gnomes and hin.
Voyage of the Crimpshrine
By Tony Ross, Dungeon Magazine issue #59, 1996
Location: From Kelvin to Seragrad.
PCs level: 3-5 (AD&D 2ed)
Main Antagonists: Werewolf, Kristos Thief 6, Merrows (AD&D water ogres).
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Fiona Wizard 6, Lucretius, Marsallus Bard 3 (conner), Yuri, Oleaginous Gnome 0, Promenthius Gnome captain.
Main Treasures: Reward, coins, bag of holding, flask of essence of darkness.
Plot/Main accomplishment: The characters book passage on the grand riverboat Crimpshrine, built by gnomes, which runs from the city of Kelvin to Seragrad, but the boat sinks.
Connections: Explicitly set in the time of “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure”, about 1,012 AC.
The Complete Path
It is also possible to combine all these Paths in one unique very big Campaign
B1-9 In Search of Adventure
By Jeff Grubb and previous authors, Adventure B1-9: “In Search of Adventure”, 1987
Location: Karameikos.
PCs level: 1-3 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: As individual adventures.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: As individual adventures.
Main Treasures: As individual adventures.
Plot/Main accomplishment: From Threshold PCs can choose different paths as explained in a flow chart on page 6.
Connections: This super module connects all the B series of adventure in an explicit Karameikos setting. Rumors which are available in Threshold lead to specific adventures, while others may lead to more adventures to be developed by the DM.
A possible Path is B9 (Caldwell’s Castle) to B8 to B1 to B9 (Great Escape).
Another is B9 (Elwyn’s Sanctuary) to B2 to B3 to B5.Another is B7 and to B4 (The Lost City, not included in this article as it is officially set in Ylaruam).
B6 is the end of all three paths.
The B series’ adventures are not complete in this super module, see also “B1-9 In Search of Adventure abridgments” by Andrew Theisen in the Vaults http://pandius.com/insearch.html.
Additional relevant rumors in Threshold are:
- A foreign nobleman who owned a whole fleet of ships was assassinated by the Iron Ring a week ago in Specularum.- Gnomes are smuggling gems down the river in hollowed logs.
Creating a Complete Path
With some work by the DM, B1-9 could be molded in a more coherent story:
Starting from Caldwell’s Castle in Threshold, the PCs discover a Iron Ring cell exploring the place, hunting for treasures. The cleric of the cell, probably a follower of Leptar, leads them to Elwyn’s Sanctuary, and, following Elwin’s correspondence, to the Caves of Chaos and local followers of Orcus.
There the PCs can discover the plot to awaken Arik in Haven, leading to B3. Moving to B5, PCs could continue opposing the plans of the Black Triad (and clues about Argos could be present too). B1, B7, B8 and eventually B4 could then be played in any order as places where the Dark Triad or its allies (Argos and/or The Iron Ring) are seeking artefacts and knowledge. The path could end with the PCs captured in B9 (The Great Escape), to follow with B10, DDA3, DDA4 or B6 if they move to Specularum. But to create a more complete Path, this framework needs some expansion.
Expanding the Path
The Black Eagle, The Iron Ring, The Veiled Society, Argos, Koriszegy, Skarda, The Dark Triad, The Church of Nyx, The Veiled Society, Magda Marilenev and Traladaran rebels: the villains of many Karameikos campaigns can also work well without any connection between them. They could just be a series of threats the PCs may face at different times.
The DM could choose to connect only some of them. The Black Eagle and The Iron Ring are actually connected in canon, but The Iron Ring somehow survives the fall of the Black Eagle in K:KoA. Some of these villains could also be enemies, allowing the PCs to temporarily ally with some to defeat others, with all the practical and moral risks of such alliances.
Still, it could also be interesting to connect all these villains in one unique, complex Path. The PCs will obviously discover this only later, maybe at the very end of the Campaign.
Orcus, as leader of the Dark Triad and powerful Immortal interested in Mystara, is the most likely candidate to be a master puppeteer in such a huge Path. His Church could be involved in the Iron Ring, the Black Eagle and/or Bargle could be secretly his followers and Skarda could have received the Mirror from him. Orcus could plot to have all the above villains entangled in temporary cooperations and some competition too, with the ultimate purpose of having just one, probably the worst one, defeat the others and plunge Karameikos into complete chaos.
The PCs may succeed in eliminating many of these villains, helped by some mysterious figure that is always some proxy for Orcus. This campaign could last for years in-game (and maybe of real time) and also use adventures not originally meant for Mystara, as several fans have done during the years, see below. Even if all the villains are defeated, Orcus will not be and will probably plan his vengeance, allowing the DM to take the campaign to the Master and Immortal level.Non-Mystaran adventures and stories adapted by fans for Karameikos
“Moonlight Madness in Karameikos” http://pandius.com/mlghtmdn.html by Ripvanwormer
“Original Lost Caverns of Tsojconth - found in Karameikos?” http://pandius.com/tsojcnth.html by Demos Sachlas
“Lost Mine of Phandelver on Mystara” http://pandius.com/phndlver.html by Krimson
“Red Hand of Doom and Karameikos” http://pandius.com/red_hand.html and “Scourge of the Iron Ring” http://pandius.com/sirnring.html by Steven B Wilson.
“Adapting Keep on the Shadowfell to Mystara” http://pandius.com/shdwfell.html by John Walter Biles
Real world history could serve as inspiration as well, see for example “The Karameikan Civil Wars” by Steven B. Wilson http://pandius.com/karacwar.html.
Master and Immortal Adventures
By Aaron Allston, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” page 64, 1987
Location: All Karameikos.
PCs level: 26-36 (BECMI)
Main Antagonists: Entropic Immortals and their cults, Foreign powers.
Allies/NPCs/Pre-generated PCs: Halav, Petra, Zirchev and their churches.
Main Treasures: Immortality.
Plot/Main accomplishment: PCs who remain in Karameikos could be sponsored to Immortality by the Traladaran Three, in the paths of Epic Hero, Dynast or Paragon.
Connections: If Orcus and the Dark Triad are a major threat in Karameikos as explained above, the PCs or some of them could be sponsored to the Path of Immortality by one of the Traladaran Three or by Chardastes or other appropriate Immortals, with the Tasks to stop the activities of Orcus and the Black Triad in Karameikos.
1See the thread here http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=14327 and the other current threads in the same forum at The Piazza.
2Partially here: http://media.wizards.com/downloads/dnd/DnD_Next_ReturnCavesChaos.pdf, but the complete adventure was available only for the D&D Next Playtest .
3See also a discussion about this by NPCDave on The Piazza and Rpg.net http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20316&p=219238&hilit=TARFIL%27S+TOMB#p219238
4 Available free online here on the Wizards of the Coast website http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/SD_Fast_Play.pdf
5Available free online here on the Wizards of the Coast website http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/ADND_Fast_Play.pdf
6“The Lords of the Cruth Lowlands” campaign by Agathokles is available on the Vaults http://pandius.com/CruthLowlands-joined.pdf. The Koskatep series by the author was published in Threshold issues #1-15 and is also availble in html format http://pandius.com/thrs_mag.html
7The adventures has drow elves and Axerock as a duergar, but as such races are unrelated to Mystara they could be appropriately substituted with the Modrigswerg dwarves of GAZ7 and the Shadow Elves of GAZ13.
8Descriptions of the Dungeon Magazine adventures come from this article by David Keyser http://pandius.com/dungeon.html