Update 3 December 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until mid-September 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of Southern Belcadiz 1 mile per hex.
Map of Erewan 1 mile per hex.
City map of Trintan, updated.
Map of De Glace and Hightower 1 mile per hex.
City map of Ardelphia 840 AC.
Map of Wylon, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.
Maps of Blackhill, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.
Hex mapping Legend.
The Wonderful World of Mystara: A Manuscript about the Natural Magical World of Mystara new chapters with Chapter 6: "Venturing in the Black Hills", and Chapter 7: "A Moment of gentle Seduction in orgiastic frenzy" which includes a new character class: the Seducer/Seductress.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:High quality versions of maps from the thirteenth issue of Threshold are available:The Dragon Kingdom of Wyrmsteeth Gazetteer.
- Undead of Elegy Island: Elegy Island
- Undead of Elegy Island: Shadowdeep Map
- Undead of Elegy Island: Ala'ia, Limbo's Elegy
- Nations of the Duskward Rim: Matera - The Hollow Moon
- Treatise on the History of Lycanthropy: Extent of Lycanthropy in the Ancient World
- Nations of the Duskward Rim: Independent Trade Cities
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Map of Known World Populations
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Karameikos Populations Map
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Karameikos Wilderlands
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: The Five Shires Populations Map
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Five Shires Wilderlands
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Minrothad Populations Map
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Minrothad Wilderlands
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Ierendi Populations Map
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Ierendi Wilderlands
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Thyatis Populations Map
- The Unknown World Trail map - part I: Thyatis Wilderlands
- Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun: Map of people and regions of Hesperia in 250 BC
Map of the Eastern Half of the Broken Lands, 1 mile per hex.
Map of Free Province of Nyra 1 mile per hex.
Map of Ardelphia to Corunglain 1 mile per hex.
Temporal Bridge Gate of Ardelphia.
Seducer/Seductress character class.
Plane of Earth.
Changes and improvements to the Savage Tide 6: The Lightless Depths.
Weapons and Equipment of the Atruaghin Clans.
Revised Bow Rules.
Dynamic Alignment System.
Revised Class Specifications for Nithian characters.
Stone Age Equipment for BECMI.
X9/C1 Savage Coast/Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan mash-up.
Nature Elemental.
Mystara's Inner Planes.
Raw Recruits campaign.
Mystara Dimensions (WotI).
Mystara's Outer Planes.
List of Planes.
Immortal Realms.
Planes, dimensions, worlds.Update 18 October 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until the end of July 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Great Crater and Underneath, the AC 1015 map has been redone with better and more altitudes.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 13 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
Toys of a Mad Man, adventure set in Karameikos AC 1000.
Cave Paintings: Books of the Ancients.
Updated Thunder Rift setting map.
Hexed Thunder Rift setting map 1 and 2.
Drovers & Dragons: The Yazak Blood Drive a cattle drive adventure across the Yazak Steppes.
Material about Gargantua.
Plane of Fire.
Elemental Planes.
Terra's War (The Elemental Wars).
Para-Quasi Elemental Planes.
Plane of Water.
Gyerian bloodlines.
Gyerian bloodlines.
Bridge Trolls.Update 31 July 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until mid-July 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 9 of Threshold Magazine has been updated with some errors rectified.
Chapters 1: Introduction, 2: Animals, 3: Lowlife and 4: Undead from Robin's Monster Manual compilation have been updated.
Version 1.2 of the Adri Varma Gazetteer, English translation.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:High quality versions of maps from the twelfth issue of Threshold are available:Chapter 5: Constructs from Robin's Monster Manual compilation.
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 8000 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 5000 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 3500 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 3050 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 2900 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 2300 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 2000 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 1750 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 1710 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 1500 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 1255 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 1000 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 500 BC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 1 AC
- Past Ages of the Known World: The Known World around 580 AC
- Hail Thonia!: Map of the Thonian Empire
- Taymora Land of the Dead: Base Map of Taymora
- Taymora Land of the Dead: Comparison Map Showing AC 1000 Shorelines
- Taymora Land of the Dead: Players' Map of Taymora
- Taymora Land of the Dead: Full Map of Taymora
- Erkalion - The Dusk of an Empire: Pre-cataclysmic Map of Davania and Lhomarrian Empire
- Erkalion - The Dusk of an Empire: Map of the City of Erkalion
- The Lost Origins of the Elves: Map of civilizations before the Eldar Split: Reference Pre-Cataclysmic map of Mystara showing major civilizations around BC 16000
- The Lost Origins of the Elves: Mystara at the end of the War of the Gates: Pre-Cataclysmic map of Mystara showing elvish, human and other cultures before the final attack on Lhomarr
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: Residence of Bargle the Elder
- Vampire Queens of Taymora: Map of Taymora, BC 2300
- Vampire Queens of Taymora: Taymoran Migration from Uhaara
- Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun: Map of people and regions of Hesperia in 250 BC
- Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun: Detailed map of Hesperia in 250 BC
- A Gazetteer of Limn - Part 2: Limn 1000 AC
Chapter 6: Fairykin and Weefolk from Robin's Monster Manual compilation.
City map of Ardelphia 840 AC.
City map of Trintan, updated.
Great Crater.
The town of Threshold poster map.
Tayma and the Ceremony of Blood.Update 14 July 2016
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 12 of Threshold Magazine is now available.Update 10 July 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until the end of June 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Monster Manual: 5E conversions of Mystaran monsters.
Locations of the Great Waste version 1, version 2, and version 3.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Fortified Inn / Keep plan.
Hidden Valley Routes.
DM basic D&D screen.
Horror on the Hill reimagined: Level 0, Level 1.
Populating Castellan Keep.
Jaime Honey-Creeper Ahua.
Gnomish Skyships.
Gnomes of Mystara.
Trolls of Mystara.
Trolls of Mystara.
Hex mapping Legend.
Map of Erewan 1 mile per hex.
Maps of Blackhill, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.
Map of southeast Glantri (Ritternour), before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.
Maps of South Kabree, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.
Map of southern Belcadiz 1 mile per hex.
Map of Hightower 1 mile per hex.
Map of Satolas 1 mile per hex.
Maps of Wylon, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.
Maps of Nathrat, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex.Update 27 June 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until mid-June 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Geoff Gander's module The Wanderer's Grave (module GGA1), re-worked, re-edited, and enhanced.
Map of Northern Black Mountains, 24 miles per hex, new version.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads), many links fixed.
Great Hule and Kavkaz Gazetteer, English translation version 1.3.
Mystara: Player's Guide, 5E conversion version 27.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Duumtor 2300 BC, before the construction of Fort Doom.
Call for contributions for upcoming issue of Threshold magazine in particular for issues 13 - A Crucible of Creatures; 14 - The Shadowdeep; and 15 - Mystaraspace.
Cordigliera della Fine del Mondo [Endworld Spine] Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
3E Domains for the Spheres.
The Shadow Pearls, the Sea Reavers and Scuttlecove - additional information on the Savage Tide.
Are parts of Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords set in Mystara.
New spell, Teleport Ward.
Chronology of Luln & Western Karameikos.
Adri Varma Gazetteer, English translation, version 1.1.
The Wonderful World of Mystara: A Manuscript about the Natural Magical World of Mystara.
Tracking down clerics in Glantri, inquisitor hounds.
Charting and projecting continued Radiance usage.Update 11 April 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until the end of March 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Player's Guide, 5E conversion version 20.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 11 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
High quality versions of maps from the eleventh issue of Threshold are available:Ramelin Mystara and alternate Mystara with a description of the differences and maps for the Known World and Serpent Peninsula.
- Once Upon a Time in Ar - Part Six: The County of Grünfold in Ar, where Dardaniel was captured
- Atlas of Mystara - Thyatis: Update map of the Empire of Thyatis (Mainland), 8 miles per hex
- The Elemental Evil in Mystara: Map 1: The Esterhold Peninsula and nearby lands, replica of Poor Wizard's Almanac Maps by EPiK Team
- The Elemental Evil in Mystara: Map 2: Players' map of Esterhold
- The Elemental Evil in Mystara: Map 3: GM map of Esterhold and nearby lands
- The Elemental Evil in Mystara: Players map of the adventure area
- The Elemental Evil in Mystara: DM map of the adventure area
- The Judicates of Carytion: Carytion in 8mph (original Thyatis map) in 4 mph (by the author Giulio C.) and in 1 mph (by Robin D.)
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 8000 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 5000 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 3100 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 2500 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 2000 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 1000 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 100 BC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 600 AC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 800 AC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 900 AC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 1000 AC
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 1009 AC, bonus map, not present in the article, Alphatia maximum expansion during the Great War, but with Alphatia not sunk<
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 1011 AC, bonus map, not present in the article, Thyatis maximum expansion in the Isle of Dawn, but with Alphatia not sunk
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Alphatian Sea circa 1020 AC, after the fan almanacs, but with Alphatia not sunk
- Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia: Thyatis circa 1000 BC
- A Gazetteer of Limn: Limn 1000 AC
- A Gazetteer of Limn: Limn 1018 AC
- A Gazetteer of Limn: Limn Population Density, 1000 AC
- An Atlas of the Isle of Dawn: Isle of Dawn
The Stirge, map of a vessel.
Module cover for an adventure in a forest in Karameikos.
Times Travel from Threshold magazine part 2: page 1, page 2; part 3: page 1, page 2; part 4: page 1, page 2; and part 5: page 1, page 2.Update 26 March 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until mid-March 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Maps of the Broken Lands (Upper and Lower), 8 miles per hex updated maps and replica maps of the Upper and Lower Broken Lands updated.
Maps of Darokin, 8 miles per hex updated and replica maps updated.
Maps of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex replica map updated.
Maps of the Shadowlands, 8 miles per hex updated and replica maps updated.
Maps of the Known World, 8 miles per hex replica combined Rules Cyclopedia map added.
Maps of Thyatis, 8 miles per hex replica map updated.
Maps of Iciria, 40 miles per hex replica maps of Northern and Southern Iciria updated.
Maps of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex updated map updated.
Alternative and expanded Thyatian Military updated with information on the Thyatian Chain of Command.
Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels), 2 more added.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Complete Monster Manual 5E conversion.
Steppe Yazak Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Adri Varma Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
La Grande Desolazione Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Grande Hule and Kavkaz Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
La Costa Selvaggia Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Regni and Nobilitΰ: Modulo per la Gestione dei Possedimenti (Italian) version 1.
Penisola Testa d'Orco Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Rakasta; Italian translation, version 1.
Il Braccio degli'Immortali Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Evergrun Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Penisola del Serpente Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Oceania - Terra dei Draghi Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Terre dell'Eterno Inverno Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Popoli di Hyborea Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
The Atropal of Kerothar, BECMI stats.
Thoughts about the powers of the Wand of Orcus.
Revamping Matera.
Valley of the Skeletal Kings, somewhere in the Hyborean Reaches.
The Riesengard Ogres, a tribe of Ogres living in the Valley of the Skeletal Kings.
Maps of the Isles of Steam.
The Protectorate of Carytion.
Blood Keep, isometric maps: level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4.
Dragon Dungeon Master Screen.Update 14 February 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until the end of January 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Maps of The Five Shires, 8 miles per hex: updated map and replica map updated.
Maps of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex: replica map updated.
Maps of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex: replica map and updated map updated.
Maps of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex: replica map updated.
Maps of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex: replica map and updated map updated.
Maps of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex: replica map updated.
Maps of Glantri, 8 miles per hex: replica map updated.
"Mystaraizing" the Savage Tide 5: Tides of Dread with different hand to hand fighting styles for Tenoch.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Call for contributions for Threshold Issue 12: Ages Past.
Slagovich ancient history.
Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels).
Alternative and expanded Thyatian Military.
History of Aengmor/Oenkmar important to the Geomorphology and Ecology.Update 30 January 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until mid-January 2016.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Maps of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex: replica and variant maps updated.
Maps of Thyatis, 8 miles per hex: updated map updated.
Map of Stoutfellow, Stonewall, and Limn, 8 miles per hex: updated.
Maps of Norwold, 1000 AC: with new original hex art map.
Maps of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex: updated map updated.
Maps of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex: updated and replica maps updated.
Maps of Alphatia, 24 miles per hex: replica map updated.
Maps of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex: replica maps from dragon issue 169 and Champions of Mystara updated.
Maps of Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex: replica and updated maps updated.
Converting BECMI Dragons to 3E.
Great Hule and Kavkaz Gazetteer, English translation version 1.1.
Map of Olgar.
Map of Antasyn.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:The first nine issues of Threshold (Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4, Issue 5, Issue 6, Issue 7, Issue 8, and Issue 9) have been re-released as smaller, optimised, files. Issue 9 has also has an error in one of the files fixed.
1 mile hex map of the Great Canolbarth (including environment).
Map of Vertiloch, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Theranderol, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Bettelyn, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Haven, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Foresthome, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Randel, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Ar and Ambur, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Floating Ar, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Lower Stoutfellow, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Cestia and Oceania.
Converting BECMI Dragons to 3E - Clerical Alignment Domains.
Map of Bulzan.
Map of Monzag.
Known World Area circa BC 1000.
Glantrian name generator.
Races of Mystara, 3rd edition.Update 9 January 2016
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am now instigating a two-to-four-week waiting policy and I am current up until the end of December 2015.
The links page has been cleaned up with a lot of defunct links removed and some new blogs added.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Modules and adventures in Mystara.
"Mystaraizing" the Savage Tide 5: Tides of Dread.
The Demise of the Great Canolbarth Forest (1004-1250 AC) updated to companion the article in the new issue of Threshold.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 10 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
High quality versions of maps from the tenth issue of Threshold are available:Once Upon a Time in Ar, Part Five.
- The Elven Clans and Their Migrations: Elven Migration
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: The region of Engledoc's assassination
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: The Great Meteor Impact
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: Canolbarth Forest, 1013 AC
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: Canolbarth Forest, 1018 AC
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: Canolbarth Forest, 1020 AC
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: Canolbarth Forest, 1100 AC
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: Canolbarth Forest, 1150 AC
- The Fall and Rise of Canolbarth: Canolbarth Forest, between 1200 and 1250 AC
- The Stalkbrow Bad Magic Node: Map of Stalkbrow Bad Magic Node
- The Stalkbrow Bad Magic Node: Stalkbrow Locations
- Once in a Blue Moon Vesperlands Atlas: Map of the Vesperlands Region
- Once in a Blue Moon Vesperlands Atlas: Vesperlands Hollow Moond, 8 mph
- Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth part 3: Wyrmsteeth Kingdom Map
References to Hule, The Master or Hosadus.
Dragonlord Chronicles - Detailed Summaries.
5E Background Information Specific to GAZ1.
Hand-painted map of Brun.
Mystara BC1000 Height of the Nithian Civilization.
Mystara Cities Project: Luln.
Plan of Luln.
Luln - Regional Map.
Map of The Orc's Head Peninsula, Savage Coast, Great Northway Lands and Greater Hule (a.k.a. "Southold").
Great Hule and Kavkaz Gazetteer, English translation.
Map of Olgar.
Map of Antasyn.