Update – 25 November 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of October 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 20 of Threshold Magazine has been updated.
X6/I1 Quagmire/Dwellers of the Forbidden City mash-up, another idea for a possible location for The Forbidden City.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
The Wonderful World of Mystara: A Manuscript about the Natural Magical World of Mystara new chapter with Chapter 8: "Through the Hills of Maghyar-Orzag".The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:The Great School of Magic in Detail.
The Blacky Holes: a dice game for taverns.
Plan of Radlebb Keep.
Map of Radlebb Keep and Village.
Description of Radlebb Keep.
Description of Village of Radlebb.
HTML versions of articles from the twenty-first issue of Threshold are available: HTML versions of articles from the twentieth issue of Threshold are available:HTML versions of articles from the nineteenth issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles /hex
- The Great History of Skothar
- The Political Maps of Skothar
- Three Nations of Skothar
- Notes on Skotharian Rakasta
- Beholders of Mystara
- STARPORT a Campaign in the Duchy of the Peaks
- Returned Blackmoor: A Darkened Grim Shadow of its Former Self
- The Tigers of Kuraman
- A very different Mind-set: Playing Zhochal in Mystara
HTML versions of articles from the eighteenth issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial and Cover Art
- Atlas of the Elemental Planes
- Reidyll
- Alphaks Gallery of Villains
- Omen of the Old Ones
- History of the Neathar Pantheon
- Stories of Mortals and Immortals
- Savage Tide Adaptation Part 2
- The Unknown World Trail map - part VI
- Dwarven Families Expanded - Part 2
HTML versions of articles from the seventeenth issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- People of the Savage Coast
- La Baronía de Torreón
- The Great Northway Lands
- The Trident Isles
- The Unknown World Trail map - part V
- Dwarven Families Expanded
- Engdyr’s Game II - Ruins of Layhash
HTML versions of articles from the sixteenth issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- The Great Map of Brun
- Western Brun in 8 miles per hex
- The Great Timeline of Western Brun
- Creatures of Western Brun
- The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals
- Engdyr’s Game part 1 - Journey North
- To the Mistmyr Falls
HTML versions of articles from the fifteenth issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- The (Not so) Young Races Part 2
- Updates to Your Rockhome Campaign
- The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon
- Darmouk
- Jyrdri Kerghid, the Mad Mistress
- Engdyr’s Game Intro
- Issue #15 Coloring Contest Winner
- The Unknown World Trail map - part IV
- The Kingdom of Highforge
- The Disappearance of Jebediah Gallidox
- Twin Soul Rocks
- The Tomb of Thob Shanwood
- The Great Crater AC 1016
BECMI NPC record sheet.
- Editorial
- Sharon Dornhoff Interview
- A Guide to Mystaraspace
- A Training Day for the Thyphatia’s First Wing
- A Tale of two Ancient Anomalies in Mystaraspace
- The Pachydermions
- The World of Ishtar
- Damocles - Mystaraspace's Fourth Planet
- Hollow Moon - A Quick Reference Guide
- Once in a Blue Moon - Nations of the Midlands
- Shikugawa A Tale of Myoshima
- Flight of the Nachtklaue
- The Exiles Campaign Setting
- The Unknown World Trail map - part III
- Koskatep Level 13: Ixashira, The Dream of Fire
The Troll Queen.
Map of Blackheart, 8 miles per hex.
Gnome Realms of Mystara.
Bargle the Infamous updated for 2nd edition.
Rogue Wizard kit.
New creature: ZapGrr.
New creature: Boobrie.
New creature: Candiru.
New creature: Shark, Thresher.
New creature: Dracowarg.
BECMI-style stats: Yuan ti.
BECMI-style stats: Bullywug.
BECMI-style stats: Tasloi.
New creature: Bed Bug (Giant).
New creature: Violet (Amethyst) Dragon.
New creature: Skeletos.
New creature: Dybbuk.
New creature: Walker.
New creature: Ichneumon, Giant.
New creature: Knocker.Update – 22 October 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Robin's Hex mapping Legend has been updated with additional symbols.
Heights and Altitudes has updated information for Ethengar.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 21 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
High quality versions of maps from the twenty-first issue of Threshold are available:La Ricerca della Legio Manticorae volume 1 (MA3) an adventure for 3 to 5 first to second level characters, 5E (in Italian).
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: The Hill District
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: Bricktop
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: The North End
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: Merchant District
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: The Old Quarter
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: The Nest
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: The South End
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: Church District
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: Stronghold District
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: Traders Corridor
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum: The Foreign Quarter
- Mapping the Estate: The Estate of Marilenev
Palace of the Silver Princess supplement which provides a different backstory, some wilderness encounters, and a rewrite of the "Programmed Adventure" portion of the module into more standard format.
Special Combat Magic II.
Special Combat Magic I.
Revisiting BECMI skills.Update – 23 September 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of August 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Compilation of Skills.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:NPC, Otar of Soderfjord.
New creature from Atruaghin: Chindi Spirit.
New creature from Atruaghin: Two Face.
New creature from Atruaghin: Deer Woman.
New creature from Atruaghin: Skinwalker.
New creature from Atruaghin: Thunderbird.
New creature from Atruaghin: Uktena.
New creature from Atruaghin: Forwyn Oedran.
New creature from Atruaghin: Kachina.
New creature from Atruaghin: Wendigo.
B11 and B12 as campaign start.
Shadow Elf specific Magical Items.
Heights and Altitudes of features around Mystara.
Skyrealms of Mystara.
Thoughts about Ethengar Conquering the Known World.
BE Spells Sheet v 1.2.
BE Character Sheet v 1.2.
Skyship Spells IX.
Skyship Spells VIII.
Skyship Spells VII.
Skyship Spells VI.
Rules for Improving Ability Scores.
Skyship Spells V.Update – 19 August 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of July 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The charts on projected continued Radiance usage have been recalculated with removal of flaws, and the adding of the Sphere of Darkness for the Test of Darkness adventure from GKoM.
Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels).The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Who is Gareth - the full answer.
Small changes to B9 Castle Caldwell to help flesh out a lead up to B10 Night's Dark Terror.
Compilation of Skills.
Creature list version 1.1 from AC9 in a sortable spreadsheet format.
Skyship Spells IV.
Skyship Saving Throws.
Skyship Spells III.
Zhochal research art.
Map of Ylaruam, including variant without hexes.
Map of Rockhome.
Map of Glantri.
Map of Thyatis.
Map of Darokin.
Map of Karameikos.
Glantri Pyromancer Stronghold.
The Return of Rad - a story of what might happen immediately next.
Alternate fate for Alphatia at end of WotI.
Boulder Rugby, a passtime for Glantrian mages.
HTML versions of the last article from the tenth issue of Threshold is available:Update – 29 July 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of June 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Replica map of Slagovich, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 171.
Replica map of Black Orchid Tribelands, 8 miles per hex from Dragon 196.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 20 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
High quality versions of maps from the twentieth issue of Threshold are available:High quality versions of maps from the nineteenth issue of Threshold are available:
- Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles/hex: Continental map of Skothar
- Atlas of Mystara - Skothar - 72 miles/hex: Climate map of Skothar
- The Political Maps of Skothar: Map of Skothar in 7,050 BC
- The Political Maps of Skothar: Map of Skothar in 4,000 BC
- The Political Maps of Skothar: Map of Skothar in 2,300 BC
- The Political Maps of Skothar: Map of Skothar in 1,000 AC
- Three Nations of Skothar: Original MOrient Map of Skothar
- Beholders of Mystara: Map
- Beholders of Mystara: Location of Kargash
- The Tigers of Kuraman: Map of Tangor Bay area
Skyship Spells.
- Atlas of Elemental Planes: Elemental Plane of Water
- Atlas of Elemental Planes: Elemental Plane of Earth
- Atlas of Elemental Planes: Elemental Plane of Air
- Atlas of Elemental Planes: Elemental Plane of Fire
- Reidyll: Rafiel's Home Plane: Plane of Reidyll
- Alphaks Gallery of Villains: Kingdom of Alphaks Volcano
- Alphaks Gallery of Villains: Blackheart the Dark Plot
- Omen of the Old Ones: Mound of the Sleeping Stones and Surroundings
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part VI, The North: Heldannic Territories, Denagoth and Wendar: Map of Known World Populations
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part VI, The North: Heldannic Territories, Denagoth and Wendar: North population map
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part VI, The North: Heldannic Territories, Denagoth and Wendar: North WilderlandsMap
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part VI, The North: Heldannic Territories, Denagoth and Wendar: Wendar Population map
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part VI, The North: Heldannic Territories, Denagoth and Wendar: Wendar Wilderlands map
Skyship Spells II.
Tactical Analysis of the Structure of the Armed Forces of the Alphatian and Thyatis Militaries as Observed by Prince Jagger Von Drachenfels.
Q and A with Michael Gray (author of the 1984 D&D adventure XL-1, Quest for the Heartstone).
Traladaran Sword Maiden.
Combined map of the Known World from screengrabs of "Fantasy Empire" a 1993 DOS game.
Escape from the Hidden Dungeon an adventure for 4-7 1st level characters.
Non-standard Classes Charts.
Rockhome Dwarven Senators.
Rockhome Guilds, Groups and Organizations.
Dwarves: Distant Related Clans and Families.
Thoughts on Expanding CM2.
Advanced Technology / Fantasy Science on Mystara.
The town of Threshold.
A mid-Expert campaign in the Sea of Dread.
Setting module G1-2-3/Against the Giants in the Northern Reaches.
Alphatian History.
Classic D&D / Mystara Products with Cards.
Replica map of Teki-nura-ria, 0.5 miles per hex from X8.Update – 17 June 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until mid-May 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:1 mile hex map of the Great Canolbarth (including environment).
Vesubian Route Corunglain to Glantri.
Map of The Great Pass.
Combined replica map of Western and Eastern Countries Map, 8 miles per hex from TM1 and TM2.
Replica map of The Eastern Countries 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from TM2.
Replica map of The Western Countries 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex from TM1.
Replica map of Orcs of the Dark Jungle 1000 AC, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 196.
Replica map of the New Alphatian Region AC 1012, 72 miles per hex from Poor Wizard's Almanac III.
Replica map of the Sea of Dread AC 1011, 72 miles per hex from Poor Wizard's Almanac II.
Replica map of the Alphatian Region AC 1010, 72 miles per hex from Poor Wizard's Almanac.
Replica map of the Islands of Lake Amsorak, non-hex from GAZ11.
Replica map of Major Trading Routes from GAZ9.
Replica map of the Wild Lands from X6.
Replica map of the Isle of Dread from X1 (1983 version).
Replica map of the Isle of Dread from X1 (1981 version).The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Jack, new thief alternative character class.
Thoughts on a Gold Box Immortals campaign.
Mystara Collector's Guide.
Mystara Almanac AC 1014 cleaned up PDF version 2.0.
Interesting Locations in the Broken Lands.
Notes on Southern Glantri from the western Broken Lands after the meteor map.
Goblin Inventions.
Dragons in the Broken Lands.
Flow Directions in the Lower Broken Lands.
Bridge of Steel.
Expanding on The Secret of Oenkmar.
Map of the Krandai/Streel River Ethengar/Vestland, 1 mile per hex.
Thoughts about the Archons of Bettellyn.
Blackmoor languages equivalents.
Replica of chits from Red Arrow, Black Shield.
Floors 2 to 7 below Stonefast.
Reasonable population breakdown in a Dwarven/Gnomish stronghold.
Google Earth placement of several maps of Mystara.
Additional thoughts about Witchcraft.
Broom of Flying variants.
Death Chariot spell.
History of Western Davania.
Expedition Record Sheet based on Lathan's Gold.
Standups and Minis from D&D products (except for DDA4 The Dymrak Dread).
Replica map of Twolakes Vale, 1 mile per square from CM2.
Replica map of Arm of the Immortals 1000 AC, 24 miles per hex from Dragon 200.
Replica map (with standardised hex art) of Glantri 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex from Glantri: Kingdom of Magic.
Replica map of Specularum, 0.5 miles per hex from B6.
Replica map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex from CM1.
Replica map of Major Trading Routes from GAZ11.
Replica map of the Known World from XSOLO.
Replica map of the Outer World from Dragon 153.
Replica map of Quagmire, 1 mile per hex from X6.
Replica map of Brun from the Companion Set.
Replica Legend from the Companion Set.
Replica Legend from Expert Rulebook (1983 version).
Replica map of the Central Plateau from X1 (1983 version).
Replica map of the Central Plateau from X1 (1981 version).
Replica map of Brun from Dragon 6.Update – 14 May 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of April 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Item/pocket dimension creation spells now including a sample map of the Guardians Tomb.
Adventuring groups in Thunder Rift.
Thunder Rift Adventure Path and Treasure including redo using an 8 PC party.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
Updated map of the Shadowlands, 8 miles per hex.
Replica map of the Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, 24 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors.
Replica map of the Alatian Islands, 24 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors.
Replica map of the Empires of Alphatia and Thyatis with Neighbouring Kingdoms, 72 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors.
Replica map of the Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex from Dawn of the Emperors.
Replica map of the Milenian Empire, 8 miles per hex from HWR3.
Replica map of the Kingdom of Nithia Southern Region from HWR2.
Replica map of the Kingdom of Nithia Delta Region from HWR2.
Replica map of the Azcan Empire, 8 miles per hex from HWR1.
Replica map of Shahjapur, 8 miles per hex from HWA3.
Replica Legend from Expert Rulebook (1981 version).
Replica map of the Isle of Dread from X1 (1983 version).
Replica map of the Isle of Dread from X1 (1981 version).
Updated map of Old Averoigne.
Replica map of the Serpent Peninsula from Champions of Mystara.
Replica map of Wendar and Denagoth from X11.
Replica map of the Known World from X10.
Replica map of the Savage Coast from X9.
Replica map of the Wild Lands from X6.
Replica map of Hule from X5.
Replica map of the Wilderness Map of the Great Waste from X4.
Replica map of the Vestland area from X3.
Replica map of Karameikos from the Expert Set 1983.
Replica map of Karameikos from the Expert Set 1981.
Replica maps of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Expert Set.
Replica maps of the Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex from GAZ6.
Replica map of the City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex from GAZ13.
Replica map of La Vallée des Loups, 1 mile per hex from PC4.
Lining up Mystara Revisited V.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 19 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
Encumbrance house rules related to character's strength and not slowing down the game too much.
Ten Tales from around the Known World.
Plants of Mystara.
Rats (EB01) an introductory adventure set in Selenica for 4 to 7 first level characters.
The forgotten history of Dwarves.
Interpreting starting wealth/CHR using birth tables.
New/Unique Magical Items in Thunder Rift.
The World Unknown, final hex map for the core region of a homebrewed, post-apocalyptic version of Mystara.
Graves Log part 2.
History of Threshold.
Unique Dragons: Tarrasque (Tarrasqueus Uniqua).
Unplaced places and populations of Mystara.
A list of magic and arcane books from canon Mystara.
Thoughts on the location of the Midlands.
Thunder Rift: Undead Version.
Thunder Rift: Wight's Castle with a take on the question of the Marshwoods undead problem.
Classic D&D Products with Paper Standups, Chits, Miniatures Maps, etc.
BECMI rules for Medusas.
Thoughts about a different WotI outcome.
Pixies Peril, adventure.
Warriors of the Eternal Sun Named NPCs.
Complete Thunder Rift Monster List.
Noble Titles in Mystara.
Lower Borean Valley: Notes and Maps.
Replica map of the Province of Averoigne from X2.
Placing B3’s Gulluvia Map.
Replica map of the Sea of Dread from X8.
Replica map of the Sea of Dread Underwater Map from X7.
Replica map of the Great Northway Lands, 24 miles per hex from Dungeon 6.Update – 1 April 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of January 2018.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Thorf's Hex Mapping Tools.
Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from the Rules Cyclopedia.
Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from X1 (1983).
Replica map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex from X1 (1981).
Updated map of Sind, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Glantri, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex.
Replica map of The Lost Valley of Hutaaka from B10.
Replica map of Foamfire Valley from B10.
Replica map of the Outer World from the Master Rules Set.
Combined replica Known World Trail Map, 8 miles per hex from TM1 and TM2.
Updated map of the Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of the Savage Coast Central Region, 8 miles per hex.
Grey Philosopher, 5E.
Quick History of Classic D&D.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Call for contributions for Threshold magazine Issue 20: Skothar.
The full cartography of the Principalities of Glantri, 1 mile per hex.
The Lost City Campaign Sourcebook.
Beholder Breeds on Mystara and their Cities.
Beholder City: Kargash.
Potion Guide.
Karameikos Players Guide v1.0.
Warriors of the Eternal Sun Monster List and Pictures.
Thoughts on enhancing the map of Sind.
Complete List of Mystara Artifacts.
Fan fiction: Glantri fragment.
Swashbuckler class for D&D RC.
Alternate Mystara.
Updated map of the Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex.
Updated map of Hollow World, 40 miles per hex.
Updated map of the Imperial Territories, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Blackheart, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Shiye-Lawr, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Frisland, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Greenspur, 8 miles per hex.
Replica map of Eastern Karameikos from B10.
Updated map of Eadrin.
Replica map of Brun from CM1.
Updated map of Continental Skothar, 72 miles per hex.
Mystara Climate Maps II.
Lining up Mystara Revisited IV.
Lining up Mystara Revisited III.
Lining up Mystara Revisited II.
Lining up Mystara Revisited.
Jurassic Earth as Mystara.
Mystara Climate Maps.
2018 Mystara Project Updates.
Lining up Mystara XIX.
Lining up Mystara XVIII.
Lining up Mystara XVII.
Lining up Mystara XVI.
Lining up Mystara XV.
Lining up Mystara XIV.
Lining up Mystara XIII.
Lining up Mystara XII.
Lining up Mystara XI.
Lining up Mystara X.
Lining up Mystara IX.
Lining up Mystara VIII.
Lining up Mystara VII.
Lining up Mystara VI.
Lining up Mystara V.
Lining up Mystara IV.
Lining up Mystara III.
Lining up Mystara II.
Lining up Mystara I.
Lining up Brun.
Naga River's Disappearing Act.
Updated map of Alphatia, 24 miles per hex.Update – 1 February 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of December 2017.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Central Davania Humanoids, some thoughts by the author for revision.
City map of Trintan, updated with Fort Boastt from Dungeon 22.
Map of the Western Half of the Broken Lands, before the meteor, 1 mile per hex updated with Fort Boastt from Dungeon 22.
Map of the Western Half of the Broken Lands, after the meteor, 1 mile per hex updated with Fort Boastt from Dungeon 22.
Quick History of Classic D&D.
Swords & Blades from BECMI material.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 18 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
High quality versions of maps from the eighteenth issue of Threshold are available:Lhomarr technology, inspired by tech that existed in various forms in multiple ancient civilizations or that with a little more trade and interaction "could" have existed earlier this is something which would have made Lhomarr successful against the Carnifex.
- People of the Savage Coast: Savage Coast East
- People of the Savage Coast: Savage Coast West
- People of the Savage Coast: The Arm of the Immortals
- The Great Northway Lands: The Orc's Head Peninsula and the Great Northway Lands
- The Great Northway Lands: Great Northway Lands Portals
- Kingdom of Oshkamab: The Trident Isles
- Kingdom of Oshkamab: Paktha Isle
- Kingdom of Oshkamab: Map of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl
- Kingdom of Oshkamab: Ojbayal Isle
- Kingdom of Oshkamab: Tsipil Isle
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Map of Known World Populations
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Atruaghin lands population map
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Atruaghin Wilderlands
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Sind population map
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Sind Wilderlands
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Adri Varma population map
- The Unknown World Trail Map Part V, The West: Atruaghin lands, Sind and Adri Varma: Adri Varma Wilderlands
- Dwarven Families Expanded Part I: Ramelin's Rockhome
- Dwarven Families Expanded Part I: Rockhome: Mixed Version
- Engdyr's Game Part II - Ruins of Layhash: BC 2300 to AC 1000 Comparison
- Engdyr's Game Part II - Ruins of Layhash: Ruins of Layhash
- Engdyr's Game Part II - Ruins of Layhash: Ruins of Layhash Lower Levels
The Great Crater Conundrum.
Rock men family.
Wanted Poster for Skarda issued by Stephan Karameikos.
Marvellous Azcan Deck, inspired by the Deck of Many Things.
Hand drawn, watercoloured map of Karameikos.
Replacing Ylaruam.
Map of Calengaer, AC 1000.
Crabfolk, Mystaran.
Spheres of Power and Outsiders.
Divergan borders.
Central Davania Humanoids.
Campaign journal by Bouv.Update – 6 January 2018
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until mid-December 2017.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Basic Goblin, issue 1 updated with additional articles - over double the content.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Call for contributions for Threshold magazine Issue 19: Planes and the Immortals.
Pages of Virtue for Clerics, Healers, Shaman, Shamani, Exorcists and other Followers of the Immortals. Note by the author: Important; The (so far) compiled list of sources I used in the creation of these books. Nothing used herein is meant as an infringement on the right of the owners of these materials.
Map of Arogansa, 8 miles per hex.
Key to the maps of the Great School of Magic.
The nasty side effects of Magic.
Wall of Paper spell.
NPC Level Conversion BECMI to 5e.
NPC conversion BECMI to 5e.
Material about Caymen.
Giants of Mystara and their skills.
Material about False Giants and Half Giants.
Magic Based on Music.
Endless Quest Books for Mystara.
Dragon Growth Stages.
Other thoughts on Dragon Growth Stages.
Additional thoughts on Dragon Growth Stages.
Mystara Planetary System.
Astereater conversion to D&D.
Star Signs.
Finding Spillworld.