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Marc Saindon

The Athlete from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 May 2022.

Thoughts about the origin of the Espa from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 May 2022.

Gnomish auto-mapper mouse automaton (GAMMA) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 August 2022.

Dark Sun/Mystara crossover from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 April 2023.

The Forgotten Realms' Sword Coast in Skothar/Bellissaria from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 April 2023.

Krakatos School of Magecraft - salvaging Strixhaven from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 April 2023.

WotI: Alphatia Lite from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 April 2023.

Merging the Savage Coast's Ator Kingdom with Ravenloft's Souragne from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 May 2023.

Replacing Thyatis and Ylaruam with the Chinese/Japanese mix of culture of the Rokugan/Legend of the Five Rings setting from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 May 2023.

Gnomish Guild Gearheart from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 May 2023.

Minrothad Dwarves vs. Rockhome Dwarves: Creating a Rivalry from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 May 2023.

Alfheim Elves / Minrothad Elves split retcon idea from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 May 2023.

Minrothad: re-imagining the Thieves Guild as the Facilitators' Guild from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 May 2023.

Guilds! Guilds! Guilds!: Minrothad Politics revised from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 May 2023.

Retconning Bards as part of Rockhome from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 May 2023.

Adapting the old Quest for Glory series as modules from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 May 2023.

Future fates... Unification of the Savage Baronies from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 May 2023.

Future fates... unification of the Northern Reaches... from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 May 2023.

Pragmati's Creed from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 May 2023.

"Elseworld" Darokin: what if there was a civil war? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 31 May 2023.

Treasure Hunt (N4) in Mystara from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 June 2023.

Alternate WotI ending: full-scale Oard invasion of Alphatia from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 June 2023.

Dark Water Mystara from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 June 2023.

Teratologist Wizard from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 June 2023.

Reinventing Port Tenobar from the Mystara Facebook group posted 2 July 2023.

Mystara 1050 AC -- Athenos Ascendant from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 July 2023.

Cossack of Chardastes (Monk subclass) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 July 2023.

Cult of Chardastes: Main Pilgrimage Route from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 July 2023.

Yasuko retcon suggestion: Myoshiman Colony from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 July 2023.

Oath of the Jaguar Knight Paladin 5e / or Templar 2e from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 July 2023.

Minean Invasion! from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 July 2023.

Alternate Esterhold / Theros "lite" from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 July 2023.

Atruaghin: College of the Hoop Bard subclass 5e from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 July 2023.

Mystaran alternatives for plane-hopping from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 July 2023.

Ghostbuster/Mystara crossover from the Mystara Facebook group posted 23 July 2023.

After the War: Sind from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 July 2023.

After the War: Expanded Western Defence League from the Mystara Facebook group posted 26 July 2023.

Possible future: Minrothad-Thothian Alliance from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 July 2023.

Mysthammer from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 July 2023.

Manacupuru Tribal Lands from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 July 2023.

Thoughts about the Pearl Islands from the Mystara Facebook group posted 31 July 2023.

Chicomoztoc (the Place of 7 caves) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 August 2023.

Possible future: Trouble in Qeodhar from the Mystara Facebook group posted 2 August 2023.

8th Secret Craft of Mystara : Chronomancy from the Mystara Facebook group posted 3 August 2023.

Nightmare Elements from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 August 2023.

7th Seas: "Mystheah" or a pirate-centric campaign from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: the Oath of Heimdallr Paladin from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Qeodhar Helmsman (Whale-Hunter) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Skald Fellowships from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Kin of Ratatoskr from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Wizardry of the Greycloaks and Chants of the Witches from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Handmaiden from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: the Huskarl from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 August 2023.

Isle of Dawn: Rogue Archetype - Fetch Trickster from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Giving Ostland their own Elf community (and an alternative for Halflings) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Ranger 5e - The Fylgja Beast Master from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Bryggermester from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: the Soderfjord League Games from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Undead Paths to Adventure from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 August 2023.

Salvaging Bigby's Guide to Giants for the Mystara setting from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 August 2023.

Possible Future Fate: Heldannic Knights invade Norwold from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 August 2023.

Possible Future: Alfheim refugees in Ethengar help cleanse the World Mountain from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 August 2023.

Ancient Nithia as a Setting: Adding Dark Sun's Defilers to Mystara from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Continuity Problems & Fixing Yggdrasil from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Jotunheim as 'Frostfell Mystara' from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 August 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Alternate Loki from the Mystara Facebook group posted 31 August 2023.

Crazy campaign idea: Lone Wolf saga recycled as a Sind Campaign from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 September 2023.

Crazy Campaign Idea 2: "Greystara" or Grey Star set in the Serpent Peninsula from the Mystara Facebook group posted 2 September 2023.

Quick campaign idea: Super Snartan Sentai from the Mystara Facebook group posted 3 September 2023.

Strongholds & Dominions for Nomadic cultures from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 September 2023.

Possible Future: Possible Future: Condotierri Orcs of Darokin from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 September 2023.

Possible Future: Mystara+Birthright: Makai Campaign from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 September 2023.

Artificer+Necromancer: Necrotech from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 September 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Artificers from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 September 2023.

Thyatis: Oath of the Furies from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 September 2023.

Mystara 40k from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 September 2023.

What if? "Waterworld" Mystara from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 September 2023.

Expanding the Atruaghin Clans: Bear Tribe Kachina Maker, Artificer 5e from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 September 2023.

What if...? Alternate Thyatis: Ochalea Triumphant from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 September 2023.

Expanding Darokin: the Gondoliers of Athenos (Swamp Rangers) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 October 2023.

Expanding Darokin: importing the Marionette race from Brancalonia from the Mystara Facebook group posted 2 October 2023.

Expanding the Savage Coast -- Eusdria: Feywild Eusdria as Grimm Fairy tale Black Forest from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 October 2023.

The Followers of the Code - Ranger Serial Killer conclave (npc antagonist faction) of Karameikos from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 October 2023.

Maleficia -- Secret Craft of Witchcraft + Ravenloft 5e Hexblood from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 October 2023.

"The Reaping' holiday (Eirmont/Tembirr 22) as Hallow'Hin from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 October 2023.

Expanding the Northern Reaches: Álfablót from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 October 2023.

What if ? : Super-Glantri from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 October 2023.

College of Sound Advice: Bards for the Gnomes of Serraine from the Mystara Facebook group posted 31 October 2023.

Alternate Mystara: the MacTruaghin Clans from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 November 2023.

Campaign idea: Heldannic Revolution from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 November 2023.

Thanksgiving one-shot: Giant turkeys on the Darokin-Atruaghin border from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 November 2023.

Possible Fate: Gentle Folk revival in the Five Shires from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 November 2023.

Mystaran "Planescape" derived from Basic D&D Alignment from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 November 2023.

Expanding Qeodhar: Pact of the Jolasveinar Warlock from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 November 2023.

5e non-asian monk options: Isle of Dawn (Dunadale) Baitaireacht Fighter from the Mystara Facebook group posted 26 November 2023.

Milenian Empire: retconning the Artificer into 5e Mystara as the Tekton from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 November 2023.

Minor tweak proposal: Milenian titles from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 November 2023.

Milenian Empire tweak: Zargos as Zargon instead of Nyx from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 December 2023.

Cute Goblins as character PCs from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 December 2023.

Thoughts on a Minrothad Skyfleet from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 December 2023.

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess Aftermath from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 December 2023.

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess... a few thoughts from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 December 2023.

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess: Expanding Rowena's role from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 December 2023.

B3 - Gulluvia - Canals from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 December 2023.

Gulluvia - Misty Swamp musings from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Gulluvian Elves from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Dead Mule re-write from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - N’Sau re-write from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Gulluvian Humans from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Thorold rewrite from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Velders re-write from the Mystara Facebook group posted 23 December 2023.

B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Meer from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 December 2023.

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess (orange version) - Gulluvian Marauders (Path of Wild Magic Barbarians) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: "Circle of Harmony" Druids and Ranger martial artists? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Tiger Warrior (Barbarian variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Oath of the Mandate of Heaven from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: "Friend of the Brass Monkey", 5e Rogue/Thief variant from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Joss Master & Jinx (5e Bard variants) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Fu Lion Magistrate ("Fu Wizard") from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Wind-Horse Knight (5e Cavalier Fighter) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: the Ten Thousands Eternal Guardians (Warforged) as a new character race from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: White Crane "Ghost-Touched" Sorcerer (5e Shadow Magic Sorcerer) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Treasure Fleet Ochalean Privateers ("Wharf Rats") Rogue faction from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Ochalean Heavy Infantry ("Crab Soldier") - 5e Battle Master Fighter re-skin from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: "Scorpion" Regiment Crossbowman (5e Fighter Champion re-skin) the Mystara Facebook group posted 23 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: “Tall Grass” Pikeman (5e Champion Fighter variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: "Fenghuang" Auxiliary Light Infantry (Battle Master Figher variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Thunder Squadron Engineer (tweak of the 5e Artillerist of the Artificer class) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Integrating more "Silk-punk" content? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: adding Oxheads (Minotaurs) as a Player Class/Race from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: BECMI High-level Monk rules recycled as Martial Arts Tournaments from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 January 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Triads as alternative Thieves' Guilds from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 February 2024.

Possible Campaign in Ochalea: Mandate of Hell from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : the Carp School from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 February 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: 5e Warlock - Pact of the Shen Lung (Celestial Warlock variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Way of the Night Hunt from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Way of the Fivefold Firefly Lantern from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Monastic Orders: the Way of the Long Death in Jaibul from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Monastic Orders: Way of the Kirin (Way of the Astral Self for 5e Monk variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Way of Mana (5e Monk Way of the Sun Soul variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Way of the Naga (Way of the Ascendant Dragon 5e Monk variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Way of the Circus Star (5e Monk variant of the Drunken Master) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Kyujutsu Monk (5e Kensei Monk variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 February 2024.

Monastic Tradition : Pranayana Monk (Way of Mercy 5e Monk variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 February 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Feywild/Good Kingdom : Populating Kunlun with animal-folk inspired from the Chinese zodiac from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 February 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Masters of Unique weapons (5e Monk-Artificer multiclass mix) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 23 February 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: creating Domains of Delight in Kunlun (Feywild) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 February 2024.

Expanding Ochalea: Providing Diyu-Shadowfell with Ravenloftian Domains of Dread from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko (Mystara Japan): Korobokuru as "Lost Halflings" from the Mystara Facebook group posted 26 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko (Mystara Japan): the Tano People (Human - Tanagoro variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 26 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Bakemono (Goblin) as a Character race from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Onna-musha (Female Samurai 5e Fighter subclass) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Kappa as a character race (Tortles) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Meganeko (Domestic Rakasta variant, see MPG) as a Character race from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 February 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Wako Pirate (5e Rogue Swashbuckler variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 March 2024.

Expanding Davania: Wā (Froglin) civilization from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Hōrai as a Feywild/Good Kingdom region from the Mystara Facebook group posted 3 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Ninja Notes and Three Rings of Clan Politics from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Geisha as a 5e Bard College of Glamour variant from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Mujina as a character race (5e Changeling from Eberron tweaked and adapted for Mystara) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Tora (Greater Rakasta) as a character race from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 March 2024.

Expanding Davania: Oni as Bogdashkan Jungle Orcs from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: "Izanami" as a mantle for the Immortal Hel from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Sumo Wrestler (5e Fighter Champion variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 March 2024.

Yasuko thoughts on a "tropical Japan" from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Kitsune as Hunter Lupin (instead of Were-foxes) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Bonsai-Mon (Lesser Treant Companion/Familiar) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Ashigaru Spearmen / Light Infantry (5e Battle Master re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Yōsei as a playable race (Sidhe re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: the Origami Enchanter (Artificer variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Bakemono Scout (Goblin Artificer variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 March 2024.

Expanding Davania: The Chhmathom (Khmer culture Pardastas) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Tengu as a playable race (Kenku re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 March 2024.

Expanding the Jungle Coast: Jorogumo as Aranea variants from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 March 2024.

Expanding Yasuko: Tanuki as a player race (Swiftstride Shifter re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 March 2024.

Expanding Davania: Yama-Uba (Hags) as an antagonistic faction and Hexblood as a player option from the Mystara Facebook group posted 23 March 2024.

Utter Island Albinos: upgraded as a 5e Sorcererous Origin? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 May 2024.

Expanding Ierendi: Menehune (Ierendi Hin) as a Character Option from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 May 2024.

Adding Ierendi player options: Nawao ("Tropical" Goliath) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 May 2024.

Ierendi idea: Northern Reaches Runes adapted as "Te Moko" magic from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 May 2024.

Ierendi Artificer subclass: Mixologist (Cocktail Specialist - Alchemist re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 May 2024.

Ierendi Character options: Pelean Kahuna (Circle of Wildfire Druid re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 May 2024.

Moai for the Sea of Dread Druids from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 May 2024.

What if? The Rising Tides of Tangor from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 May 2024.

Talespinner of Tangor: the Griot (College of Lore 5e Bard re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 May 2024.

Developing Tangor: The City-States of Ahomey from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 May 2024.

Tip of the Tangoran Army: Ahomean Spearman (Battle Master 5e Fighter re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Ahomean Seer (Circle of the Stars 5e Druid re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: the Ahomean Poisoner (Assassin 5e Rogue re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Emissary (Tangoran Cleric) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 23 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Sahib - Tangoran Wizard (Magic-User variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 24 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: the Witch-Doctor (Sorcerer) versus Sahib (Wizard) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: The Silent City from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Ibariki, Tangor Bay Fishing Communities from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Circle of the Conch - the Ibariki Sea Warden (Circle of Land [Coast] 5e Druid re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: The Well of Wisdom (The Great School of Magic) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 May 2024.

Expanding Tangor: "SarbArcanist" (Blowgun Arcane Archer variant) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Village Totem as a tool for Dominion-level gameplay taking an idea from the Wagadu Chronicles from the Mystara Facebook group posted 2 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Tangor Bay Kiboko (Giff Enclave) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: the Zegasus ("Mstari") from the Mystara Facebook group posted 5 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Rakeeshi / Simbawatu (Lion Rakasta/Leonin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Chuiwatu ("chewy-watu" Clouded Leopard Rakasta) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Askari (Bird Familiars) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: the Forest of the Mother Trees and the Hadozee tree villages from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Pact of the Mask 5e Warlock (Pact of the Tome re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: the Tembowatu (Loxodon/Pachydermion of Tangor) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 June 2024.

Character option: Stalwarts re-purposed as 5e Goliaths from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Zebrans (Zebranaurs) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 June 2024.

Skothar retcon idea: the "Empire of the Great Khan" revised from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: the Bida Serpent (Unique Monster) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 June 2024.

Quick idea: Enoptromancy - The Glantrian Secret Craft centering around Mirror Magic from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Tangorian Acrobat (6e College of Dance Bard re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 June 2024.

Expanding Tangor: Aziza (Tangorian Gnome) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 June 2024.

The Goose Flamen (Druid re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 June 2024.

Warlock in Mystara: Eternal Proxy from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 June 2024.

Summon Piñata (5e Goodberry spell re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 July 2024.

Campaign idea: a tale of two Krakens from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 July 2024.

Minrothad Merchant-Princes as Arcane Tricksters for 6e from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 July 2024.

Wedging the Shackled City into Black Rock Island from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 July 2024.

Expanding Robrenn: Good Kingdom politics from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 July 2024.

Five Shires idea from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 July 2024.

Non-Asian Monks/Mystics in Mystara from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 July 2024.

Robrenn adventure idea: the Guns of Vilaverde from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 July 2024.

Robrenn highlight: the cycle of chaos and re-unification of the humanoids from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 July 2024.

Robrenn's Orcs from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 July 2024.

Updating the Ylari minority in Ierendi from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 July 2024.

Re-writing the Yavi plotline from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 July 2024.

Alternate origin for Eusdria from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 July 2024.

Eusdria: Half-Elf tweak from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 July 2024.

Mystara Shard: Black Eagle Ascendant from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 July 2024.

Dark Mystara: Scholomance, School of Sorcery of Aquilonia (in Krakatos) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 July 2024.

Dark Mystara: Welkinhold (Serraine) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 July 2024.

Dark Mystara: the Golden Ring from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 July 2024.

Terentian Elves from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 July 2024.

Manō: Shark-Kin minor tweaks from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 July 2024.

Savage Coast: Cimarron "Moonshine" Gnomes from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 July 2024.

Expanding Cimarron: "Gulch Dwarves" from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 July 2024.

Cimarron Tortles: Terrapin Swamp Folk from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 July 2024.

Cimarron County: Coyotl as a replacement for Gnolls from the Mystara Facebook group posted 31 July 2024.

Cimarron Nimerigars: Goblins of the Badlands from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 August 2024.

Kobalos - Alphatian Halflings? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 August 2024.

Ylaruam: Feywild/Good Kingdom as "Djinnistan" from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 August 2024.

"Halloween Elves" as the Shiye-Lawr? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 August 2024.

Sind: Apsara as a Sidhe equivalent from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 August 2024.

Expanding Sind: Campaigning in the Maya (Good Kingdom/Feywild) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 21 August 2024.

Moros: Third Moon of Mystara? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 August 2024.

Sind: Garuda race option (Aarakocra re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 27 August 2024.

Expanding Sind: Akuparan Cities from the Mystara Facebook group posted 28 August 2024.

Hashaburminal Ascendant - WOTI alternative from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 September 2024.

Alfheim: Goblin Park mystery creature idea from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 September 2024.

Karameikos re-imagined: Folk Horror Traladarans from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 October 2024.

Homebrew idea: Thyatian Thermae from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 October 2024.

Possible Future: Neon nights of Magitech Aetherpunk Glantri? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 October 2024.

Possible future: Magitech Aetherpunk Glantri -- The Trade Standards Regulatory (TSR) Board from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 October 2024.

Possible future: Aether-Punk Glantri - The Vault from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 October 2024.

Taverns as a mini-game? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 October 2024.

The Macabre: Dread Elemental Genasi for Boldavia from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 December 2024.

Free Anachronic Society of Aalban as anti-Oard organization from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 December 2024.

The Miser from the Mystara Facebook group posted 22 December 2024.

D&D 5.5 "Bastions" + Clearing Castle Caldwell from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 December 2024.

Musing on the Rockhome's Good Kingdom-Feywild counterpart from the Mystara Facebook group posted 29 December 2024.

Quick idea: Dwarven vampires as "Kinslayer" threat from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 December 2024.

Oggles : Rockhome lizards from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 January 2025.

A bit of Rockhome world-building: The Almas from the Mystara Facebook group posted 3 January 2025.

Lore idea: Chokers revised from the Mystara Facebook group posted 3 January 2025.

Valkyries as Gloom Stalkers (5.5 Ranger) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 4 January 2025.

Adding a bit of Soderfjord Lore: Tablut from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: the Drengr (5.5e Fighter Champion subclass) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 7 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Runic Warrior (5.5e Eldritch Knight Fighter subclass) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Storm-Walker (Psi Warrior Fighter subclass for 5.5) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 January 2025.

Schattenalfen & Psionics? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 9 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Cold Blade (5.5 Rogue Soulknife subclass re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 January 2025.

Thyatis: Eidolons and Daimones (integrating 5.5e Aasimar and Tieflings) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Thurs (5.5e Goliath with Frost Giant ancestry) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Goðar as 5.5e Cleric from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Galdr Schools of Magic (5.5 Wizard subclasses) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 12 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Niddhog and his brood as Night Dragons? from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Wyrd Sisters/Wise Women (5.5 Clockwork Sorcery re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Fafnirian Sorcery (5.5 Draconic Sorcerer re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 14 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Oath of the Wild Hunt (5.5e Paladin Oath of the Ancients re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: "Glory Hound" warrior, Oath of the Sagas (5.5e Paladin Oath of Glory re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 15 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: "Dream-Walker" Seithr (5.5 Aberrant Sorcery re-skin) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Havfolk (5.5 Circle of the Sea Druid subclass) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: The Wyrd as an Old One from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 January 2025.

Northern Reaches: Blodørn Daugr (Blood Eagle Lich) from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 January 2025.

Thyatis Patrons and Clients from the Mystara Facebook group posted 25 January 2025.