Update – 10 December 2024
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Great School of Magic in Detail PDF.Update – 9 December 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
Thanks to Jeremy Doolin who provided a CSS framework which should make the Vaults easier to use on mobile devices - please let me know whether it is a better experience on mobile devices, or not.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:PC map of the Shadow Elf Territories (in Italian).
Cover for The Jade Hare.
Thoughts on Mystara post Gazetteers.
What could cause Five Shires Civil War.
GAZ14 Atruaghin Clans map, near-replica map, 8 miles per hex.
Herbalism vs. Alchemy in BECMI.
Gnome Alchemist.
The Outer Plane of Yggdrasil.
Minor Locations of the Inner Planes.
Homebrew idea: Thyatian Thermae.
Possible Future: Neon nights of Magitech Aetherpunk Glantri?
Possible future: Magitech Aetherpunk Glantri -- The Trade Standards Regulatory (TSR) Board.
Possible future: Aether-Punk Glantri - The Vault.
Gnomish Engineer.
Stonefast, an adventure for 5 to 8 characters of levels 1 to 2 remade PDF with Thunder Rift cover (front, back and inside map) as well as the initial contents and introduction pages.
Escape from Zanzer's Dungeon, remade PDF adventure with Thunder Rift cover (front, back and inside map) as well as the initial contents and introduction pages.
A straightforward comparison between Brun and North America.
Taverns as a mini-game?
Possible Savage Coast Related Realms in the Hollow World.
The Forbidden Temple of Pflarr — a short sequel to B10 Night's Dark Terror an adventure for 4 to 6 characters of level 6 to 8, and print version.
Thoughts on Mystara post Gazetteers.
Temple of Rafiel battlemap.
Map of Oostdok.
Arenosum Aurum Glantrian NPC on the Isle of Dread and new spells.
Covers for Thunder Rift Adventures.
Books of Mystara.
New developments of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Serraine: Two new inventions.
Nagpa Henchmen, 5E conversion.
Nagpa Supporter, 5E conversion.
Nagpa Agent, 5E conversion.
JTR’s Leehashire, 8 miles per hex.
New Mystara NPCs from D&D Worlds and Realms Book.
JTR’s Idrisian Sphere, 24 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Northwestern Davania, 72 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Northwestern Davania, 72 miles per hex.
Expanding the City of Quagmire.
Sturm’s Schweidnitz, 8 miles per hex V1.
Sturm’s Schweidnitz, 8 miles per hex V2.
Sturm’s Tlik’kkil, 8 miles per hex.
Short story: A Good Deed.
Sturm’s Eseri, 8 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Mogluu, 8 miles per hex.
The Radiance for 5E.
Map of Fort Doom.
Enemy Outpost from B9 module The Great Escape.
Sturm’s Isle of Dawn Central, 8 miles per hex.
Situating CM8 "The Endless Stair" in Glantri.
M-Mars: Dathys.
Sturm’s Glantri 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex V1.
M-Mars: Ankhata.
M-Mars: Pflaaopolis and Thetophis.
Sturm’s Glantri 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex V2.
Expedition/Adventure Record.
Thoughts on Almanac era Jaggar von Drachenfels.
Sturm’s Adri Varma Plateau, 8 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Blackheart, 8 miles per hex.
M-Mars: The Magistracy of the Coast.
M-Mars: The Dead Cities: Reophis and Nuathys.
M-Mars: The Warping.
Map of Fort Doom.
Sturm’s Pelatan, 24 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Izonda, 24 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Southern Pelatan, 24 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Izonda & Pelatan, 24 miles per hex.
Fighting Arenas on Mystara and the Planes.
Sturm’s Minaea, 24 miles per hex.
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands.
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: Westryn Vales.
Sturm’s Nemosar, 8 miles per hex.
New developments of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: Animals & Monsters in the Sylvan Highlands.
Sturm’s Elafi Forest, 0.9 miles per hex.
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: Map.
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: The Westryn in the Hollow World.
Sturm’s Erineos, 8 miles per hex.
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: Emerald Roof Valley.
Facts and theories about Gargantua.
Sturm’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex.
Sturm’s Midlands, 24 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Mystara Novels.
Top Ballista, 5E Player's Guide.
Hex mapping Legend.
Temple of Set vs Aleena's Dungeon: new detailed version, and clean version updated.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR game updated with new general skills, and added a new character class, the detective, some page cross references fixed, and some art formatting changes too.
The Great School of Magic in Detail, maps 9 and 10 updated as well as the corresponding PDF.Update – 3 October 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Wight Guard, 5E conversion.
Undead Frozen Pig Carcass, 5E conversion.
Striper, Top Ballista 5E.
Corporal, Top Ballista 5E.
Undead Sphimera, 5E conversion.
Undead Pegataur, 5E conversion.
Golem, Bone, 5E conversion.
Heydrech, Nagpa, 5E conversion.
Lamp of the Shroud, 5E conversion.
Gremlin, Typical, 5E conversion.
Tarras Firehand, 5E conversion.
Lightning Bat, 5E conversion.
Kobalos - Alphatian Halflings?
Ylaruam: Feywild/Good Kingdom as "Djinnistan".
Ragnadir Hawkhelm’s Air Transport Company.
Temple of Set vs Aleena's Dungeon.
"Halloween Elves" as the Shiye-Lawr?
Sind: Apsara as a Sidhe equivalent.
Runes of Odin - Alternate Mechanics.
Expanding Sind: Campaigning in the Maya (Good Kingdom/Feywild).
Moros: Third Moon of Mystara?
Scotch Breach.
Sind: Garuda race option (Aarakocra re-skin).
Expanding Sind: Akuparan Cities.
History of Glantri, player's perspective.
Hashaburminal Ascendant - WOTI alternative.
Meg of Wheatons Book of Household Management: Mystaran Recipe Book.
Alfheim: Goblin Park mystery creature idea.
Magic Scabbards.
Scabbard of Sunlight.
Quiver of Holding.
Quiver of Infinite Crappy Arrows.
Hags, Crones and Witchcraft.
Keep on the Borderlands The Temple of Chaotic Evil.
Magic Quivers.
Material about Oghriz.
Karameikos re-imagined: Folk Horror Traladarans.
General Skills: 1 Point per level, Changed costs.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).Update – 11 August 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:The call for contributions for Issue 35: Glantri and Magic has been made.
HTML versions of articles from the thirty-fourth issue of Threshold are available:High quality versions of maps from the thirty-fourth issue of Threshold are available: War Machines! Command Chariot.
- Editorial.
- Mystaran Sliders.
- Dungeons & Dragons 50-year Celebration in Finland – Mystara on display.
- Bruce Heard’s “World in Flames” an overview.
- The Future of Mystara.
- Denizens of Returned Blackmoor.
- Radio and Robots – High-Tech Equipment for Classic D&D.
- Guns and High-Tech Weaponry — from black powder to ray guns – Guns for Classic D&D.
- Magitech of Returned Blackmoor.
- The Mystery of Oisar — A Journey through Mystara’s Past and Future.
- Against the Wizards: Temperamental Tollbooth of Theradenal Thaumaturge.
- The Known World of Dracopolis: Faith in Ylaruam.
- Races of the Galactic Federation — Playable alien species for BECMI games.
- Rescuing Edera — A Solo Adventure.
Revised weapon mastery rules and charts aimed to make certain aspects simpler in play, incorporating ideas from other sources(like 1e), and better represent more modern weapon research(such as missile ranges) into weapons, while maintaining the simplicity of Classic D&D.
Campaign idea: a tale of two Krakens.
Summon Piñata (5e Goodberry spell re-skin).
Mystaraspace: Remnants of Blackmoor and other explorers in the AC1000 era.
Character Creation Sheet.
Minrothad Merchant-Princes as Arcane Tricksters for 6e.
DM Screen element: Arms and Equipment Sheet.
Fillable Monster Cards.
War Machines! Mammoth Masher.
Wedging the Shackled City into Black Rock Island.
Expanding Robrenn: Good Kingdom politics.
Five Shires idea.
DM Screen elements: Combat Sheet, Attack and Saves Sheet from the D&D BECMI Facebook group posted 13 July 2024.
Non-Asian Monks/Mystics in Mystara.
Robrenn adventure idea: the Guns of Vilaverde.
Robrenn highlight: the cycle of chaos and re-unification of the humanoids.
Northern Reaches: Stronghold features.
Robrenn's Orcs.
Updating the Ylari minority in Ierendi.
Re-writing the Yavi plotline.
War Machines! The Great Carriage.
Alternate origin for Eusdria.
Eusdria: Half-Elf tweak.
Mystara Shard: Black Eagle Ascendant.
Dark Mystara: Scholomance, School of Sorcery of Aquilonia (in Krakatos).
Dark Mystara: Welkinhold (Serraine).
Dark Mystara: the Golden Ring.
Terentian Elves.
Manō: Shark-Kin minor tweaks.
Quests from the Infinite Staircase: Explicit Mystara references.
Land Movement and Ammunition Sheet.
Savage Coast: Cimarron "Moonshine" Gnomes.
Le bagage perdu de l’Ylari, an adventure for 3 to 6 characters English translation.
Expanding Cimarron: "Gulch Dwarves".
Cimarron Tortles: Terrapin Swamp Folk.
Cimarron County: Coyotl as a replacement for Gnolls.
Cimarron Nimerigars: Goblins of the Badlands.
GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendi, near-replica map, 8 miles per hex.
New item: Rod of Sterling.
Monster Ruler: Korgo the Gorilla King.
Weapon mastery: Garrotte.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Character Record Sheet.
Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.
Map of Threshold, research and compilation.
Extended Equipment List v3.
B/X, OSE, Rules Cyclopedia character sheet v1.6.
Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo.
B10 Night's Dark Terror: Tweaks.Update – 16 July 2024
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Threshold issue 34 POD A4 paperback cover.
Threshold issue 34 POD A4 interior.Update – 9 July 2024
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 34 of Threshold Magazine is now available.Update – 27 June 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of Karameikos, 1 mile per hex.
Expanding Tangor: The Silent City.
B10 Night's Dark Terror: Tweaks.
Expanding Tangor: Ibariki, Tangor Bay Fishing Communities.
Expanding Tangor: Circle of the Conch - the Ibariki Sea Warden (Circle of Land [Coast] 5e Druid re-skin).
Expanding Tangor: The Well of Wisdom (The Great School of Magic).
Official and fan location in Mystara's Solar System.
Official and fan location Beyond the Solar System.
More Icevale ideas: Player Options.
Expanding Tangor: "SarbArcanist" (Blowgun Arcane Archer variant).
Expanding Tangor: Village Totem as a tool for Dominion-level gameplay, taking an idea from the Wagadu Chronicles.
Expanding Tangor: Tangor Bay Kiboko (Giff Enclave).
Luminarion Expansion.
Expanding Tangor: the Zegasus ("Mstari").
Expanding Tangor: Rakeeshi / Simbawatu (Lion Rakasta/Leonin).
Expanding Tangor: Chuiwatu ("chewy-watu" Clouded Leopard Rakasta).
Expanding Tangor: Askari (Bird Familiars).
Expanding Tangor: the Forest of the Mother Trees and the Hadozee tree villages.
Expanding Tangor: Pact of the Mask 5e Warlock (Pact of the Tome re-skin).
Expanding Tangor: the Tembowatu (Loxodon/Pachydermion of Tangor).
Character option: Stalwarts re-purposed as 5e Goliaths.
BECMI Initiative House Rule ideas.
Initiative and spellcasting.
Expanding Tangor: Zebrans (Zebranaurs).
Underworld extension, to the east of the Shadow Elf Territories.
Karameikos In Chaos!, campaign idea.
Skothar retcon idea: the "Empire of the Great Khan" revised.
Expanding Tangor: the Bida Serpent (Unique Monster).
Quick idea: Enoptromancy - The Glantrian Secret Craft centering around Mirror Magic.
Character Record Sheet.
Detailed Player Sheet.
Expanding Tangor: Tangorian Acrobat (6e College of Dance Bard re-skin).
Expanding Tangor: Aziza (Tangorian Gnome).
The Goose Flamen (Druid re-skin).
Golem, Amber, 5E conversion.
Warlock in Mystara: Eternal Proxy.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.
Thoughts on a fast-paced BECMI campaign.
Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo.
Map of Threshold and Environs, 100 yards per hex.Update – 26 May 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Barrik's Keep - redesigned.
Skifir's Mine an adventure for 2-4 players of levels 1 to 4.
[The Five Shires] "New" Weapons and Equipment mentioned in Gaz 8.
Interrogating Captives: Reaction Roll.
Banhammer Thumbhook, a Top Ballista squadron officer.
BECMI Initiative House Rule ideas.
More BECMI/Mystara Combat Manouvers.
Harpy groups/subraces.
Harpy Variants.
BECMI Thief Skills - My 2024 variant rules.
Lower Kol: Translocation Trap.
Skill packages for thieves.
Utter Island Albinos: upgraded as a 5e Sorcererous Origin?
Expanding Ierendi: Menehune (Ierendi Hin) as a Character Option.
Web Spell's Use and Proposed Adjustments.
Adding Ierendi player options: Nawao ("Tropical" Goliath).
Web Spell's Use and Proposed Adjustments.
Ierendi idea: Northern Reaches Runes adapted as "Te Moko" magic.
Immortal Rule Breaking and consequences.
Ierendi Artificer subclass: Mixologist (Cocktail Specialist - Alchemist re-skin).
Ierendi Character options: Pelean Kahuna (Circle of Wildfire Druid re-skin).
Thoughts about Skyrealms of Mystara.
Squirt, pilot.
Placing Spelljammer and Planescape into Mystara (instead of the other way around).
Moai for the Sea of Dread Druids.
What if? The Rising Tides of Tangor.
[HWR2] Nithian Fighter Class Variants.
Talespinner of Tangor: the Griot (College of Lore 5e Bard re-skin).
Developing Tangor: The City-States of Ahomey.
[HWR2] Nithian Thief Variants.
[5E] Non-Wizard Arcaners in Glantri.
M-Mars: Crater Lake.
Tip of the Tangoran Army: Ahomean Spearman (Battle Master 5e Fighter re-skin).
Expanding Tangor: Ahomean Seer (Circle of the Stars 5e Druid re-skin).
Expanding Tangor: the Ahomean Poisoner (Assassin 5e Rogue re-skin).
A very loose, broad-scale timeline of Vaniae.
Expanding Tangor: Emissary (Tangoran Cleric).
Expanding Tangor: Sahib - Tangoran Wizard (Magic-User variant).
M-Mars: Deshret.
[5E] Non-Wizard Arcaners in Glantri.
Expanding Tangor: the Witch-Doctor (Sorcerer) versus Sahib (Wizard).The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:1010AC Dwarven Tunnels to Attack Oenkmar.
Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo.
Mystara Video Games and the Timeline.
Hex mapping Legend.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games.Update – 14 April 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Expanding Yasuko: Bakemono Scout (Goblin Artificer variant).
Map of Melinir (in Hebrew).
Part VII: The Second Solo Phase of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Expanding Davania: The Chhmathom (Khmer culture Pardastas).
Expanding Yasuko: Tengu as a playable race (Kenku re-skin).
Mystara Cities Project: Foreston.
New spell: Spiritus Covenant.
Expanding the Jungle Coast: Jorogumo as Aranea variants.
Between Adventures (BECMI/MYSTARA).
Part VIII: Niflheim and Nithia of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Expanding Yasuko: Tanuki as a player race (Swiftstride Shifter re-skin).
Part IX: The Aphastes War – Breaking the First Wave and Part X: Rockhome, Glantri & Broken Lands of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Expanding Davania: Yama-Uba (Hags) as an antagonistic faction and Hexblood as a player option.
Part XI: Brooding in Darokin, Part XII: The Sky is Falling, and Part XIII: The Gathering, Bombardmend & Assassinations of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Part XIV: The Battle of Riverfork of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Part XV: Forest and Rainbow and Part XVI: “You are in the Village” of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Part XVII: The Chaos Egg of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Part XVIII: The Sylvan Realm of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Part XIX: In Aphastes’s Home Turf of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Part XX: The Mother Tree and Part XXI: Fighting Aphastes on Two Fronts of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Image of Aleena and the Griffon in the mist....
New Character Class: Psychic.
Keep on the Borderlands Wilderness Map.
Keep on the Borderlands Players Map.
New BECMI creature: Ape, Great.
Thoughts on Gold Piece Scaling.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.
Mystara Miniatures.Update – 17 March 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Expanding Ochalea: Providing Diyu-Shadowfell with Ravenloftian Domains of Dread.
Expanding Yasuko (Mystara Japan): Korobokuru as "Lost Halflings".
Expanding Yasuko (Mystara Japan): the Tano People (Human - Tanagoro variant).
Expanding Yasuko: Bakemono (Goblin) as a Character race.
GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam, near-replica map, 8 miles per hex.
Part IV: Twin Campaigns and Part V: Going Solo of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Expanding Yasuko: Onna-musha (Female Samurai 5e Fighter subclass).
Grunland Gazetteer (Italian).
Expanding Yasuko: Kappa as a character race (Tortles).
Expanding Yasuko: Meganeko (Domestic Rakasta variant, see MPG) as a Character race.
Mystara campaign report.
New creature: Undead Avenger.
Expanding Yasuko: Wako Pirate (5e Rogue Swashbuckler variant).
Expanding Davania: Wā (Froglin) civilization.
Part IV: Nomad War of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Expanding Yasuko: Hōrai as a Feywild/Good Kingdom region.
Expanding Yasuko: Ninja Notes and Three Rings of Clan Politics.
Expanding Yasuko: Geisha as a 5e Bard College of Glamour variant.
Expanding Yasuko: Mujina as a character race (5e Changeling from Eberron tweaked and adapted for Mystara).
Expanding Yasuko: Tora (Greater Rakasta) as a character race.
Expanding Davania: Oni as Bogdashkan Jungle Orcs.
Expanding Yasuko: "Izanami" as a mantle for the Immortal Hel.
Expanding Yasuko: Sumo Wrestler (5e Fighter Champion variant).
The Daughters of Aegir.
Yasuko thoughts on a "tropical Japan".
Expanding Yasuko: Kitsune as Hunter Lupin (instead of Were-foxes).
Expanding Yasuko: Bonsai-Mon (Lesser Treant Companion/Familiar).
Expanding Yasuko: Ashigaru Spearmen / Light Infantry (5e Battle Master re-skin).
A map of Corunglain.
Expanding Yasuko: Yōsei as a playable race (Sidhe re-skin).
Expanding Yasuko: the Origami Enchanter (Artificer variant).The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.
Mystara Cities Project: Rifllian.Update – 24 February 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Thoughts on the Evolution of the Isle of Dread.
Expanding Ochalea: "Friend of the Brass Monkey", 5e Rogue/Thief variant.
Expanding Ochalea: Joss Master & Jinx (5e Bard variants).
Pelatan Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Expanding Ochalea: Fu Lion Magistrate ("Fu Wizard").
On healing ...
Alternative General Skills System - Deminhumans.
Expanding Ochalea: Wind-Horse Knight (5e Cavalier Fighter).
On healing ...
On healing ...
Expanding Ochalea: the Ten Thousands Eternal Guardians (Warforged) as a new character race.
Expanding Ochalea: White Crane "Ghost-Touched" Sorcerer (5e Shadow Magic Sorcerer).
Expanding Ochalea: Treasure Fleet Ochalean Privateers ("Wharf Rats") Rogue faction.
Expanding Ochalea: Ochalean Heavy Infantry ("Crab Soldier") - 5e Battle Master Fighter re-skin.
A4 print handouts of Jason Hibdon's Kavorquians Basement maps.
Expanding Ochalea: "Scorpion" Regiment Crossbowman (5e Fighter Champion re-skin).
Expanding Ochalea: “Tall Grass” Pikeman (5e Champion Fighter variant).
Expanding Ochalea: "Fenghuang" Auxiliary Light Infantry (Battle Master Figher variant).
Fire Valley Magic Tea known as Fire Tea.
Frog Tea Grog.
The Bone Bandit Returns.
DM Screen insert for recurring NPCs (and Monster NPCs) in Karameikos.
Expanding Ochalea: Thunder Squadron Engineer (tweak of the 5e Artillerist of the Artificer class).
Expanding Ochalea: Integrating more "Silk-punk" content?
Expanding Ochalea: adding Oxheads (Minotaurs) as a Player Class/Race.
Expanding Ochalea: BECMI High-level Monk rules recycled as Martial Arts Tournaments.
Mystaran Tides.
Winter 1021 AC: Aozy Markvo dreaded vacation to Ierendi.
Picchi Ghiacciati Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Expanding Ochalea: Triads as alternative Thieves' Guilds.
Possible Campaign in Ochalea: Mandate of Hell.
Doctor Gabrielle Rene.
Monastic Tradition : the Carp School.
Expanding Ochalea: 5e Warlock - Pact of the Shen Lung (Celestial Warlock variant).
Monastic Tradition : Way of the Night Hunt.
Reworking Heyday Gifts.
Monastic Tradition : Way of the Fivefold Firefly Lantern.
Monastic Tradition : Monastic Orders: the Way of the Long Death in Jaibul.
New creature: Coinsect.
Monastic Tradition : Monastic Orders: Way of the Kirin (Way of the Astral Self for 5e Monk variant).
The Great Greyhawk Campaign in Mystara, incorporating T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil, A1-4 Against the Slave Lords, and GDQ1-7 Queen of the Demonweb Pits into Karameikos.
B11 roll20 maps.
Monastic Tradition : Way of Mana (5e Monk Way of the Sun Soul variant).
Monastic Tradition : Way of the Naga (Way of the Ascendant Dragon 5e Monk variant).
Goedendag weapon mastery.
Monastic Tradition : Way of the Circus Star (5e Monk variant of the Drunken Master).
Zanzer's Dungeon - redesigned.
Monastic Tradition : Kyujutsu Monk (5e Kensei Monk variant).
Monastic Tradition : Pranayana Monk (Way of Mercy 5e Monk variant).
Lords of Hearth-Home.
The Shadow Prince: Lord of the Veil.
Expanding Ochalea: Feywild/Good Kingdom : Populating Kunlun with animal-folk inspired from the Chinese zodiac.
Expanding Ochalea: Masters of Unique weapons (5e Monk-Artificer multiclass mix).
Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.
Expanding Ochalea: creating Domains of Delight in Kunlun (Feywild).Update – 14 January 2024
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Threshold issue 33 POD A4 paperback cover.
Threshold issue 33 POD A4 interior.
Blackmoor, a rendition of the maps from the DA-series, 8 miles per hex.
Abecedarian Wizard.
Shaman and Druid Enchantment and Spell Research Rules.
B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Gulluvian Elves.
Lock and Trap Quality.
B3 (Orange) - Dead Mule re-write.
B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - N’Sau re-write.
B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Gulluvian Humans.
Izonda & Arica Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Thorold rewrite.
B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Velders re-write.
B3 (Orange) - Palace of the Silver Princess - Meer.
La Tomba (GP2015) an adventure for 6 to 7 characters of levels 6 to 8, BECMI or 5E (in Italian) as well as printer friendly version.
L’albero della Vita (GP2022) an adventure for 5 to 7 characters of level 11, 5E (in Italian) as well as character sheets: Vanar Leafwalker, Theriatis Longspear, Theirastra Feadil, Talaric Redarrow, Rolen Ereneath, Ielenia Erendyl, and Caelynn Mealidil.
La Carovana (GP2023) an adventure for 4 to 6 characters (in Italian): BECMI version (for characters of levels 5 to 7), 5E version (for characters of level 4).
Images of hobgoblins.
Remixing B11 King's Festival and B12 Queen's Harvest (and a bit of B2 and B5).
Images of gnolls.
Lower Gnollistan.
Sunken Catacombs of the Fallen Magus (DMTR01) an adventure for 4 to 6 characters of level 3 to 5 with Scorch, the huge red dragon from the Thunder Rift folio!
Scourge of the Bone Hills (DMTR02) an adventure for 6 to 8 characters of level 5 to 8 - a dungeon crawl in the Bone Hills.
Critical Fumbles.
Table of 50 Critical Hits for D&D.
Fantasy Empires: stats list of Player's Characters in Skirmish mode.
Huul'daac Tarthuul Clerics.
The Adventurers Guild: Adventure Star Points.
New creature: Saggart's Python.
New creature: Sabre-toothed Tiger Snake.
The Glantrian Almanac Vol 3 The Great Recovery - AC 1010 – AC 1014.
Glantri: Just Some Math for 1020 AC.
B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess (orange version) - Gulluvian Marauders (Path of Wild Magic Barbarians).
The Noble Shadows.
Expanding Ochalea: "Circle of Harmony" Druids and Ranger martial artists?.
Update Fire Creek Valley.
Expanding Ochalea: Tiger Warrior (Barbarian variant).
Alternative General Skills System.
Expanding Ochalea: Oath of the Mandate of Heaven.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Visual Timeline.
Glantri City: The Entertainment Quarter AC 1014.