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Last Update

Update – 23 February 2025

I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.

The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
Encounter of the Day: The Beholder’s Rant.

Basic Gear Set.

Tim’s Five Shires, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: "The Bone Daddy’s Lament".

Tim’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex.

Adventure of the Weekend: The Sanctuary of Crawling Chaos.

Tim’s Ierendi, 8 miles per hex.

Tim’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Red Tape of Death.

Tim’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: A Bridge Too Far (or, How to Get Mauled by a Troll and Still Look Cool Doing It).

Shrines as a game mechanic.

M-Mars: The Empire.

Tim’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Deck of Horrendously Bad Decisions.

Tim’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Serpent’s Maw – A Deep Dive into Worship and Woe.

Shrines: Holy War?

Tim’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: "The Unblinking Horror".

Tim’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex.

My interview with Ken Rolston (GAZ2, GAZ4, GAZ7, IM3, Dragon's Den).

Adventure of the Weekend: The Dungeon of Misplaced Doom.

Tim’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex.

Tim’s Known World, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Grumbling Axe Gang.

Updated map of Karameikos 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Saddest Bloodsucker in the World.

Updated chronological map of Sea of Dread Underwater, 24 miles per hex (1987).

Encounter of the Day: The Roving Revelers (Who Will Absolutely Rob You).

M-Mars: The Empire: Military Structure.

Replica map of B10 Eastern Karameikos.

Encounter of the Day: The Simian Syndicate.

Reviving the Peasant Hero kit: Heldannic Freeholder.

The Tooth of Ka (and the Fall of the Carnifex).

Updating 2e character kits: Bestiarius or Venator (Gladiator Ranger).

Dan’s Leehashire, 4 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Crone of Haggard Hollow.

M-Mars: The Empire: The Provinces.

Dan’s Known World, 24 miles per hex.

Adventure of the Weekend: The Filthy Maw.

The Village of Lakeside A New Beginning.

Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex (1987).

Estlor’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: Spill the Wine, Take That Pearl.

Mystara referenced in Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel - Godsbreath in the Hollow World.

Sverre’s Limn, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Baron's Little Helpers.

Encounter of the Day: Bogged Down with Bullywugs.

Siege Weapons - Adding new siege weapons to BECMI?

Thoughts on Vehicle Improvement Rules for BECMI.

Agathokles’ Sea of Dread Area.

The Killium Corporation.

Agathokles’ Savage Baronies.

M-Mars: new creature: Lurefiend.

Nuage Calligraphy, magical advertising guild.

Agathokles’ Taymora 2000 BC, 24 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Honk That Hunts.

Schamman, nagpa clockmaker.

Golem, Bone - Monster.

Magic Teapots.

Agathokles’ Myoshima, 24 miles per hex.

Adventure of the Weekend: The Tomb of the Great (Self-Proclaimed) Wizard Garganthulon.

Jasper Bauer.

The Sylvan Highlands: The Flinty Ridge.

Arcanda’s Patera, 72 miles per hex.

LoZompatore’s Patera, 72 miles per hex.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).

Another dramatic session of Dungeons & Dragons in Five Decades: The Tale of A Campaign.

Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels).

Update – 29 January 2025

I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.

The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
HTML versions of articles from the thirty-fifth issue of Threshold are available: The isle of Garald the Blue.

Adventure of the Weekend: The Cave of Gruumsh.

Playable Aarakocra Class.

Encounter of the Day: The Tomb of Hungry Echoes.

Encounter of the Day: A Nightmare Beneath the Hills.

Encounter of the Day: The Tarantella's Lair.

Encounter of the Day: The Grinning Crypt.

Playable Troll Class.

Adventure of the Weekend: The Labyrinth of Eternal Whispers.

Encounter of the Day: The Vampire of Sulescu Manor.

Encounter of the Day: The Shadows of Sulescu Manor.

The Sylvan Highlands: Gnarlbough Chillshade.

Encounter of the Day: The Ashen Curse of Sulescu Manor.

Northern Reaches: Oath of the Wild Hunt (5.5e Paladin Oath of the Ancients re-skin).

Northern Reaches: "Glory Hound" warrior, Oath of the Sagas (5.5e Paladin Oath of Glory re-skin).

sirjonsnow’s Kobos.

New spell: Building to Rock.

Encounter of the Day: Enter Malechor!

Pigment of Blackmoor and the Shadow Prince.

Northern Reaches: "Dream-Walker" Seithr (5.5 Aberrant Sorcery re-skin).

sirjonsnow’s Safari Island, 8 miles per hex.

Terra's Flatworld: Phanatons of the Southern Forest.

Encounter of the Day: The Shadow of Malechor.

Playable Hobgoblin Class.

Northern Reaches: Havfolk (5.5 Circle of the Sea Druid subclass).

Updated chronological map of Safari Island (1987).

The Gemstone Triad.

Jormungandr - The Midgard Serpent.

Baraith, Nagpa Archeologist 5E conversion.

Rolf’s Skothar.

Terra's Flatworld: Humans on the Flatworld.


Northern Reaches: The Wyrd as an Old One.

Reworked In Search of the Unknown map.

cmonty’s Karameikos.

Map of the ruins of Zadreth.

Encounter of the Day: The Veilshredder of the Forgotten Marsh.

Northern Reaches: Blodørn Daugr (Blood Eagle Lich).

cmonty’s Threshold Area.

Vélstjóri Priest Specialist Priest of Huul'daac.

Encounter of the Day: The Orcish Horde: A Delightful Exercise in Savage Hospitality.

Tim’s Karameikos.

Rules Cyclopedia General Skills d6 conversion.

Map of GAZ8: The Burnt Shires, 8 miles per hex.

Other Galaxies

Tim’s Five Shires.

The Sylvan Highlands: Ralithos Melandil.

Encounter of the Day: The Cursed Crypt of Khalid-Aram.

Tim’s Thyatis.

Map of Bellissaria, 24 miles per hex.

Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels).

Reference velocities in space in BECMI.

Encounter of the Day: The Ragequit Hydra.

Playable Kobold Class.

Tim’s Known World, 24 miles per hex.

Ammos Archipelago.

Adventure of the Weekend: The Temple of the Forgotten Muse.

Thyatis Patrons and Clients.

Tim’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex.

Tim’s Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex.

Barleycorn Monastery (Barleycorn Chot’uul Ghedrem).

Encounter of the Day: The Hill Giant Who Missed the Memo on Portion Control.

Tim’s Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: The Trouble with Tentacles.

Tim’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex.

Encounter of the Day: “The Best Stew in the Swamp”.

Tim’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:
Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels).

Terra's Flatworld, revised map.

Update – 18 January 2025

The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
Threshold issue 35 POD A4 paperback cover.

Threshold issue 35 POD A4 interior.

Update – 14 January 2025

I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.

The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
The call for contributions for Issue 36: Adventures and Modules has been made.

High quality versions of maps from the thirty-fifth issue of Threshold are available: Ierendi: The Haumea Valley.

Sturm’s Brun, 24 miles per hex V1.

Species of Shark Kin.

Species of Shark Kin.

Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V1.

Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V2.

Sturm’s Halag, 0.9 miles per hex.

Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V3.

Sturm’s Empires, 24 miles per hex.

Sturm’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V1.

The Macabre: Dread Elemental Genasi for Boldavia.

Sturm’s Pirate’s Rock, 0.9 miles per hex.

Sturm’s New Blackmoor 3050 BC, 24 miles per hex.

M-Mars: The Missing City: Rathania.

Map of Deshret, 6 miles per hex.

Free Anachronic Society of Aalban as anti-Oard organization.

5E feats at the Glantri Great School of Magic.

Sturm’s Brun, 24 miles per hex V2.

Sturm’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V2.

Sturm’s Fyarash, 8 miles per hex.

The Miser.

The Sylvan Highlands: Beyond the Sylvan Highlands.

The Wild Hunt of Mystara.

Sturm’s Actoian, 8 miles per hex.

The Sylvan Highlands: New Ringlo.

The Sylvan Highlands: Conflicts within the Sylvan Highlands.

Sturm’s Wiassian, 8 miles per hex.

Thoughts and Notes about Deshret.

Hollow World Set Outer World Planetary Map.

D&D 5.5 "Bastions" + Clearing Castle Caldwell.

Hollow World Set Outer World Planetary Map V2.

Dungeon Master's Gaz’s Karameikos.

Dungeon Master Gaz’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.

Adventures in The Underground City a supplement to The Lost City campaign sourcebook.

Thyatis City map.

Solmyr’s Alphatian Region.

Musing on the Rockhome's Good Kingdom-Feywild counterpart.

Solmyr’s Bellissaria and Esterhold.

Quick idea: Dwarven vampires as "Kinslayer" threat.

Solmyr’s Ochalea, Pearl & Alatian Islands.

Solmyr’s Hinterlands.

Oggles : Rockhome lizards.

Solmyr’s Known World.

Solmyr’s Known World Area.

A bit of Rockhome world-building: The Almas.

Lore idea: Chokers revised.

Solmyr’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.

Solmyr’s Karameikos.

Solmyr’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex.

Adding a bit of Soderfjord Lore: Tablut.

Solmyr’s Minrothad.

Northern Reaches: the Drengr (5.5e Fighter Champion subclass).

Solmyr’s Glantri 1013 AC, 8 miles per hex.

The Sylvan Highlands: Major NPCs of the Sylvan Highlands.

Northern Reaches: Storm-Walker (Psi Warrior Fighter subclass for 5.5).

Northern Reaches: Runic Warrior (5.5e Eldritch Knight Fighter subclass).

Solmyr’s Known World 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex.

Schattenalfen & Psionics?

Nagpa Necromancer, 5E conversion.

Solmyr’s Savage Coast Political.

Northern Reaches: Cold Blade (5.5 Rogue Soulknife subclass re-skin).

Terra's Flatworld.

Terra's Flatworld: Gator-men of Tangleroot Bay.

Solmyr’s Hollow World Political.

Divination Spells.

Thyatis: Eidolons and Daimones (integrating 5.5e Aasimar and Tieflings).

Northern Reaches: Thurs (5.5e Goliath with Frost Giant ancestry).

Terra's Flatworld: Geonids of the Southern Heights.

Solmyr’s Norwold Political.

Northern Reaches: Goðar as 5.5e Cleric.

Terra's Flatworld: Geonids of the Northern Ridges.

Northern Reaches: Galdr Schools of Magic (5.5 Wizard subclasses).

Solmyr’s Known World Political.

Northern Reaches: Niddhog and his brood as Night Dragons?

[Strongholds] Creating Your Magical Garden.

2punti’s Shadowlands.

Mappers of Mystara: Aleksei Andrievski.

Northern Reaches: Wyrd Sisters/Wise Women (5.5 Clockwork Sorcery re-skin).

Northern Reaches: Fafnirian Sorcery (5.5 Draconic Sorcerer re-skin).

2punti’s Oostdok.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:
Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands.

Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: Redwood Vales.

The Sylvan Highlands: The Redwood Elves in the Hollow World.

Valkyries as Gloom Stalkers (5.5 Ranger).

The Sylvan Highlands: Map.

Hollow World: The Sylvan Highlands: Animals & Monsters in the Sylvan Highlands.

RC General Skills Revised List.

Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with extensive art updates and corrections.

Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 2 - an unofficial DM's supplement for classic D&D and OSR games with big updates to treasure type tables with inclusion of special treasures, new system for jewellery determination and more tables for random determination of goods and items.

Update – 9 January 2025

The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
Issue 35 of Threshold Magazine is now available.


What happened here in 2024.

What happened here in 2023.

What happened here in 2022.

What happened here in 2021.

What happened here in 2020.

What happened here in 2019.

What happened here in 2018.

What happened here in 2017.

What happened here in 2016.

What happened here in 2015.

What happened here in 2014.

What happened here in 2013.

What happened here in 2012.

What happened here in 2011.

No updates in 2010

What happened here in 2009.

What happened here in 2008.

What happened here in 2007.

What happened here in 2006.

What happened here in 2005.

What happened here in 2004.

What happened here in 2003.

What happened here in 2002.

What happened here in 2001.

What happened here in 2000.

What happened here in 1999.

What happened here in 1998.

What happened here in 1997.