Update - 23 November
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Mystara Fourth Edition, rules regarding Races.
Mystara Fourth Edition, ageing for non-human races.
Mystara Fourth Edition, feats for Known World peoples Shadowelves option 1 and Shadowelves option 2.
Mystara Fourth Edition, feats for Hollow World peoples Antalian, Azcan, Beastmen, Brute-Man, Jennites, Merry Pirates, Milenia, Neathar, Nithia, Oltecs, Schattenalfen and Tanagoro.
Mystara Fourth Edition, racial traits for Known World peoples Alfheim elves, Rockhome Dwarves, Shadowelves option 1, Shadowelves option 2 and Shire halflings.
Mystara Fourth Edition, racial traits for Hollow World peoples Beastmen, Brute-Man and Schattenalfen.
Mystara Fourth Edition, racial traits for Half elves.
Mystara Fourth Edition, feats for Demihumans.
Mystara Fourth Edition, Known World nations Alfheim, Five Shires, Glantri, Ierendi, Karameikos, Rockhome and Ylaruam.
Mystara Fourth Edition, Regional Benefits.
Mystara Fourth Edition, feats for Clerics and Paladins.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 6, with descriptions of the Pantheons including Narvaez (Savage Barony), Nimmur, Orc’s Head Peninsula, Renardy, Saragón (Savage Barony), Pearl Islands, Hyborea, Yazak Steppes, City-States of the Hulean Gulf, Robrenn, Eshu, City-state of Jakar, Suma’a, Western Orclands, Thanegioth Archipelago, Ochalea, Undersea and Teki-nura-ria.
English translation of the Norwegian adventure NM2: The Treasure on Crocodile Island.
New rule regarding immortals, Congregations.
4E classes in OD&D: Warlock.
Revised Thief Class for OD&D.
Revision Of The General Skills System OD&D.
Tieflings in Mystara.
New immortal, Tiamat.
Who's Who of Thunder Rift.
Immortals of Thunder Rift.
Pit Fighter Prestige Class, 3E.
Gladiator Prestige Class, 3E.
Information on a couple of Mystara modules from Norway.
More sessions and information from actual play sessions of the Blood Brethren Trilogy.
The Thunder Rift Almanac Entry has been updated.Update - 09 November
This is only a partial update with most files up to 09 November, a further update will be available shortly.The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:
Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer including a short FAQ about the Gazetteer: A Public (Dis)Service Message From The Fraternity Of Shadows.New links added.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis I, chapter 2, with descriptions of the Immortals of Mystara including Aracne Prime, Arnelee, Bemarris, Brandan Earthshaker, Buglore, Carnelian, Clébard, Cochere, Cretia, Danel Tigerstripes, Diulanna, Eternal General, Finidel, Fugit, Gorrziok, Hattani Stoneclaw, Hircismus, Hymir, Idraote, Iliric, Infaust, Ka the Protector, Kagyar the Artisan, Kersy, Khoronus, Korotiku, Koryis, Kythria, Land, Lornasen, Loup, Luca, Mahmatti Running Elk, Marwdyn, Mâtin, Mazikeen, N’grath, Ninsun, Nob Nar, Oleyan, Paarkum, Pharamond, Protius, Qywattz, Raith, Ralon, Raven, Saturnius, The Shaper, Simurgh, Skuld, Slizzark the Lurker, Soubrette, Ssu-Ma, Tahkati Storm-Tamer, Taroyas, Tourlain, Urtson, Usamigaras, Valerias, Yagrai and Zalaj.
Translation on Immortal Candidates from the Codex Immortalis.
Legend for Chapter 2 of the Codex Immortalis.
PDF version of the English translation of Immortals of Mystara, chapter 2 of volume 1 of the Codex Immortalis.
Translations from the Codex Immortalis, with descriptions of the Priests.
PDF version of the English translation of Priests, chapter 3 of volume 1 of the Codex Immortalis.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 6, with descriptions of the Pantheons including Sind and Jaibul, Thyatis (hinterlands and adjacent islands), Almarrón (Savage Barony), Bayou (Ator, Cay and Shazak), Bellayne, Cimarron (Savage Barony), Dunwick, El Grande Carrascal and Badlands, Eusdria, Gargoña (Savage Barony), Guadalante (Savage Barony), Herath, Hule, Jibarú, Land of the Wallara, Richland, Torreón (Savage Barony), Vilaverde and Texeiras (Savage Baronies), Alpha, Autuusmaa, Denagoth, Foresthome, Frosthaven, Ghyr, Icereach Range, Final Range and Wyrmsteeth, Landfall, Leeha, Oceansend, Vyolstagrad and Stamtral, Aeryl, Gombar, Graakhalia and The Plain of Fire, Plain of the Urduks, Ulimwengu and Yavdlom.
Maps of the Yavdlom, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Broken Lands (Upper and Lower), 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Darokin, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Nithia 1000 BC, 24 miles per hex.
Maps of Taymora 2300 BC, 24 miles per hex.
The Glantrian version of the Robe of Archmagi: Robe of the Great School’s Master and a more powerful version Robe of the Great School's Grand Master.
Staff of the Great School of Magic a magical item created at The Great School of Magic of Glantri.
PC Backgrounds from a 1000 AC Game.
Notes to create a Thunder Rift Adventure Path.
"Forestkiller" is basically an attempt to showcase how oard meddling can create an interesting adventure. The adventure is followed on in part 2, and there are some additional notes.
Interview with Walter Velez from The Piazza posted 22 September 2008.
Bargle as a bandit wizard.
Bargle as a bandit.
A younger and older version of Bargle, 4E.
Ylaruam Campaign ideas.
Ylaruam Campaign ideas from other publications.
Adventures of the Corunglain Free Rifle Company, a story.
Blood Brethren Trilogy sessions from actual play.
New immortal, Durga Mother of Demons.
Dark School of Magecraft, Karameikos.
Thunder Rift numbered hex map good for a wilderness exploration oriented campaign set in Thunder Rift.
An addition to the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project, The Column of Flavian Osteropulos.
Maps of the Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Known World, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Alphatia, 24 miles per hex have been updated.
More Tribes of the Great Waste - the caravan experience.
Altered Savage Coast 4E campaign updated after the second game in the campaign.
Updated translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 6, with descriptions of the Pantheons including Cynidicea, Darokin and Heldannic Territories.Update - 06 October
This is only a partial update with files up to about 20 September, a further update will be available shortly.The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:
Video - Introduction to Mystara: The Known World.Immortals from the Codex Immortalis previously translated by Marco have now been added into that area, as well as the more recent translations into the Information on the Immortals of Mystara page.
Fantasy Cities: Specularum.
Module CM2, The Ride of Death converted to 3E, in Italian as La Cavalcata della Morte.
3E conversions of Tanadaleyo, Radiant Princess of Shadow Elves, Shurengyla, Gilfronden Erendyl, Generale dell’Esercito di Alfheim and Durifern Widefarer.
Kill Bargle!, notes from a Bargle centred campaign.
Adapting Keep on the Shadowfell to Mystara.
Extent of the Nithian Empire.
More thoughts about the Extent of the Nithian Empire with map.
Darokinian Peoples.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis, description of Immortals of Mystara.
Altered Savage Coast 4E campaign.
Thunder Rift - Lost and Found, alterations for a 4E campaign.
The Thunder Rift Firmament and Abaddon.
The Oards and their Plans.
Detecting and Opposing the Oards.
Oard related monster write-ups, Oard Infiltrators and Bioengineered Monsters.
4E conversion of the Lupin.
Alphaks converted to a 2E power.
WotI Immortals and the Known World.
A cutting from the Aaslan Inquirer "MMOs on Alphatian Soil - A Step Too Far?".
Maps of the Known World, 8 miles per hex.
Mapping around Threshold, edited map of the Threshold area.
Crests of the The Kingdom of Alfheim (1000AC).
Crests of the The Grand Ducky of Karameikos (1000AC).
More Mental Ramblings.
More Locations of the Great Waste.Update - 24 August
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:New translations from the Codex Immortalis, description of Immortals of Mystara.
A unified Alphatian mythology.
New prestige class - Darokin Merchant.
New prestige class - Minrothad Merchant-Prince.
Story, The World Games.
The Multifunctional Gear, the relic of Garal.
Map and description of the Alphatian Undersea.
Table of prizes: magic objects you can buy in great cities.
Another option listing Thyatian emperors.
Maps of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Savage Coast Central Region, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Trident Bay Region, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex.
Flameflicker and the Priest.
Geography of Specularum has been updated with a new contour map of the city.
The article on The N'Gora and the Oiobá has been updated.
Maps of the Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex have been updated.Update - 05 August
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Mystara 3E Conversion Project.The list of articles in Dungeon Magazine has been updated with the Blackmoor adventure in Issue 115.
Maps of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Aengmor, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of The Five Shires, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex.
Maps of the Known World, 24 miles per hex.
Maps of the Shadow Elf Territories, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex.
The next chapter in the The Mystara Chronicles with "The Consuming Dark" is available.
Mental Ramblings.
Savage Coast Traladaran Timeline.
Savage Coast Traladarans and Heraldry.
Specularum population breakdown.
A Specularum city map.
Thoughts on the Traladaran campaign of AC 900.
Tribes of the Great Waste.
Locations of the Great Waste.
Crests of the House of Ritterburg.
Crests of the Clan of Alhambra.
Crests of the Clan of Erewan.
White gold, long tusks: looking for ivory in Davania jungles.
Islands of the Sea of Dread.
About the Alphatian Emperors.
Aleena, 4E statistics.
Threshold fleshed out.
More about Kelvin.
Specularum fleshed out.
Fleshing out Penhaligon.
Information on Stallanford.
The village of Rifllian.
Luln fleshed out.
Geography of Specularum.
Modified Thunder Rift timeline.
Some thoughts about Upper and Lower Slagovich.
Ylari Prestige Class Order of the Spell Skirmisher.
History And Evolution Of Rakastas.
Maps of the Sea of Dread Submerged Lands, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Glantri, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of The Valley of Wolves, 1 mile per hex have been updated.
Maps of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Sind and Jaibul, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Alatian Islands, 24 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of The Known World, 48 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Iciria, 40 miles per hex have been updated.Update - 13 July
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Kingdom of Kaarjala, gazetteer.
Map of The Kingdom of Kaarjala and the Autuaasmaa Plain.
Map of The Territory of Itämaa.
Maps of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex.
Maps of Sind and Jaibul, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, 24 miles per hex.
Maps of the Alatian Islands, 24 miles per hex.
Maps of Alphatia, 24 miles per hex.
Maps of Iciria, 40 miles per hex.
Maps of Glantri, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Sea of Dread Submerged Lands, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of the Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex.
World Map (non-hex).
Maps of The Known World, 48 miles per hex.
Placing the Village of Kirkuk.
Ylaruam map geographic references.
Additional Ylaruam map geographic references.
Glantri map geographic references.
Atlatl: dart-thrower.
Dwarves outside Rockhome.
How can we balance non-armour cultures in OD&D Hollow World .
Mystaran Immortal equivalents of 4E Gods.
Immortal God equivalency by region.
Communication in the Known World.
The Postwizards Service Net.
Human Races, the categories of humans in Mystara.
Races and Cultures in rules terms.
The N'Gora and the Oiobá are two different Tanagoro groups from the Serpent Peninsula.
The Specularum City Guard.
Map from Tortles of the Purple Sage.
Thorf's sets of hexes for mapping are now on the Vaults.Update - 28 June
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of Sukiskyn, from B10.
Basic/Expert DM Screen - The Moldvay/Cook Version.
Night of the Strawmen mock cover.
Palace of the Silver Princess - First Level. removed at the creators request
Palace of the Silver Princess - Second Level. removed at the creators request
The Climate of the Polar Openings.
Extending the Dravish Civilisation.
Collected information about the Stonecarver culture of Colima.
Description of Magan and the Duchy of Maganshire in Norwold.
Another Vacros and Cathos placement theory.
Map of the Duchy of Vyolstagrad.
Hollow World Planetary Map.
An idea filling the Western Sea.
Warforged character class for BECMI D&D.
The Egg of Coot described as a Relic.
Blackflame, Selbrinnor's Wavestone, I7 Balton's Beacon and a Light Heldannic Warbird, an adventure path idea tying adventures and ideas together.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos.Update - 01 June
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Notes to re- Mystara-fy the recent Dungeon adventure Night of the Strawmen.
Draft version of a gazetteer for Caerdania, the area of the southern Isle of Dawn.
Yezchamenid at 1000BC located in the Alphatian Sea.
Sand Folk picture.
A reference map with names.
A general map of the trade network.
Two new character backgrounds.
An Extended Blackmoor Timeline.
Update to the idea To a bleak future we go.
Further adaptations for the Night Below adventure in Mystara.
The itinerant Wheel of Fortune - Tyche is happy, a travelling wheel of fortune idea for your campaign.
A view on the Oltec ethnography problem.
Weapon mastery rules for the Thompson Sub Machine Gun M1928A1.New and updated news in the news section.
Update - 13 April
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Building A Mystara City.
Famous Lupin and Rakasta Proverbs.
The TRUE Heldannic Code of Conduct - The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord.
More Mystaran Humour.
Joshuan's Manual of Evil Cults Etiquette.
Good Knight.
More Mystaran Mirth.
We're Sick And Tired Of Raising Your Young.
Advertising seen in Mystara.
Famous Ochalean Proverbs.
Humour from Cimarron County.
Song, Mystaran Pie (or Mad Wizard's Lament).
Sarcastic Mystara.
Humphrey's Awesome Obfuscator.
All your ....
Song, D&D Man.
Humourous Artifacts.
Ierendi Jones: Raiders Of The Blackmoorian Ark.
Beyond the Final Range: The Ransarn-Vinisk Valley, map: beta version.
Ransarn Valley adventure/campaign ideas.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos.
Flintlock Pistol and Flintlock Rifles - Weapon Mastery.
Real World Inspiration for the Isle of Dawn.
An alternate version of Eusdria.
An alternate version of Herath.
To a bleak future we go.Update - 17 March
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Lupins for 3.5.
An update to the Crowns section in the Mystaran Numismatics entry for Karameikos and a draft for the entry for Darokin.
Dierum Clausula, setting the tone for the final run of a campaign.
Modified Campaign Outline for the module series X4, X5 and X10.
A new file on the MOrient page on The Tree, the Dragon Trone and clerics.Update - 18 February
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The next chapter in the The Mystara Chronicles with "A New Debt-Burden" is available.
A list of rumours and legends for the expansion of the wilderness mapping expedition adventure suggested in GAZ1.
An update to the Mystaran Numismatics entry for Karameikos and a new entry with some beginning thoughts for Darokin.
Religions of Karameikos, their history and organisation and a discussion about two major entropic cults: the Dark Triad (or Cult of Demons), and the Gens Caelenes. A brief coverage of demihuman, goblinoid, and foreign religions closes up the work.
A new Belcadiz Theory building on some of the previous pieces.Update - 27 January
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Into the Hills an adventure for three or more first level adventurers set in Soderfjord.Added The Newbie's Guide to Mystara
Early notes about the end of the Caravan Campaign.
Eight more character backgrounds for your perusal and a couple more from a recently started campaign.
More views of Google Mystara.
Ierendi - The First Families.
My Alternate Ierendi Project: What Everyone Knows About the Pirate Kingdom of Ierendi.
A Guide To The Barony Of Threshold. The majority of information is either cannon or taken from non cannon sources at the Vaults of Pandius, whilst other parts are adapted from the campaign.
Exapnding upon the wilderness mapping expedition adventure suggested in GAZ1.
Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos describes the major goblinoid tribes of Karameikos.
Guilds, Orders and Secret Societies in Karameikos delves into the knightly orders, guilds, and secret societies of Karameikos.
Traladaran Timeline, from 1000 BC to 1000 AC.
Map of Traladara.
Mystaran Numismatics, the Karameikos entry.
Pooka Racial Write Up and Progression.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Omm-wa. And more information on the Pooka.
The List of Monsters, by Type has been updated with the above information.
List of Monsters, by CR, updated with the current information.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been updated with the above information.New and updated news in the news section.