Update - 22 December
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Titanspace write-up from way back when has finally been found and is now a part of the Vaults. Huzzah.Some mistyped and old internal links to the Vaults of Pandius have been fixed up, hopefully there should be a lot less of them around now.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Homunculus; Aryth, Homunculus; Bogan, Homunculus; Fylgar, Homunculus; Gretch, Homunculus; Ulzaq, Crab, Ice, Fundamental, Golem; Rock, Golem; Silver, Guardian Warrior and Horse, Gargantua, Herex and Hivebrood. And proving the timing is everything rpivanwormer has a conversion of the Nagpa, though not as a template.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage a Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands. I've also broken up the story into it's separate parts (finally) to make it more readable.
A new entry from the campaign journal of tjedge1 - The Odd Company. I've also broken up the story into it's separate parts (finally) to make it more readable.
Part XXV of the The Mystara Chronicles has been added. This one has always been broken up into separate parts so I never know why I waited this long to do the same with the above two.
Further entries from the campaign journal of RPGPundit. I've also broken up the story into it's separate parts (finally) to make it more readable.
The block, punch, grab and athletic special moved in the complete overhaul of the Mystic class have all been updated.
Details about the Marshes of Maggorath, an area just to the north of Denagoth.
Thoughts about running module X10 during winter.
Ideas for a caravan based campaign.
Information about the Stronghollow Clan.
Events leadings up to the War of the Flying Castle.
Immortals actively worshipped in Ethengar.
Origin and History of the Master of Hule.
Origin of the Isle of Dread.
Glorin Ironhand a Master Inquisitor of Ixion in Darokin.
Almanac style entry for the Kingdom of Højgylden.
Map of the Kingdom of Højgylden AC 1000.
Some Inns and Taverns of Specularum.
New Settlements of Karameikos.
Some thoughts on the Church of Thyatis.
A look at the population of Sind.
Attitudes towards foreign Immortals.
Mystaran Churches.The news section on the index page has been updated.
Some new links have been added to the links page.
Update - 27 November
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Callarii.The link to ESDs that are available has been moved over to the Paizo store [not that I particularly endorse or disendorse that store or any other but the old links weren't working].
New immortal, Lady Callarii.
Almanac style write-up for the Callarii Woodlands.
The Callarii elves.
Some events fleshing out the timeline of Karameikos.
Timeline of some events for Karameikos.
An update to the Timeline for the adventure from AC2: The Treasure of the Hideous One.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Newt, Ebon Tiger, Bamboo Warrior, Portal Monster, Frog, Killer, Frog-folk, Camarilla, Cyborg; Class III Terminator, Cyborg; Class IV Terminator, Gakarak, Grazer, Man; Hide Hunter, Robot; DBOT, Robot; EBOT, Robot; SBOT, Robot; UBOT, Sand Folk, Dragon; Lesser Night, Dragon; Greater Night, Cestian Gobbler, Guardian Tree, Mugumba Mud-Dwellers, Snake; Giant Boa Constrictor, Snake; Giant Anaconda, Snake; Tik Polonga, Snake; Black Cobra, Snake; Rainbow Viper (Musoke Fitina), Ash Crawler, Baldandar, Bargda, Bhut, Bird; Magpie, Bird, Piranha, Colypixy, Crone of Chaos, Deep Glaurant, Dragonfly, White, Dragonfly, Black, Dragonfly, Blue, Dragonfly, Green, Dragonfly, Red, Dragonfly, Nymph, Dragonfly, Gold, Drake, Air-, Drake, Earth-, Drake, Flame- and Drake, Water-. A draft of a 3E conversion by Andrew Theisen: Cryion.
A look at the newts of Thunder Rift.
Some additional things expanding newts.
A look at the druids of Thunder Rift.
A look at the Hollow World connection in Thunder Rift.
Further entries from the campaign journal of RPGPundit and tjedge1.
More inns and taverns of the Known World.
New fourth level spells players have developed in game over the years.
Maps and informatiom on Blackmoor in Pre- and Post-Cataclysmic Mystara.
Blackmoor Technology for 3.5E.
Description of the immortals Frey, Freyja, Ranivorus, Hel and Stodos.
New old immortals from old modules and some Dungeon Magazine's adventures.
Faiths and Pantheons of the Known World.
The nagpa entry in the sentient races of Mystara list has been updated.
More entires in the treasure chest of Mystaran ideas. The ideas are meant to add flavour and colour to adventures by adding details that give it that "extra touch" - that sense of believability.
The base information of the clerical spell lists have been updated.
The pre-Mystara History and Culture of the M'kar.
A campaign summary of the Mystaran Solar System.
New Player Background for B5, related to the Sielo's Fort campaign.
Some Privateers and Merchantmen added to the list of Masters and Commanders of the Known World.
Know World fleet sizes.
A new theory about the Belcadiz elves.
An attempt at revising the Mystaran Cosmology.
Mystara Planes under 3E.
Another hypothesis about Hollow World Blackmoor.
A map of the Hollow World with many fan created areas and another map of the Valley of the Eternal Sun.
Some thoughts on using Sigil in the Mystara, Gold Box-style cosmology.
More on Mystara and planes.
Some more thoughts on Faiths and differences between them.
Map of the Northern Wildlands of Wendar.
Air Fleets of Mystara.
Prestige classes for the Glantrian's secret crafts, but created with only 4 levels. Classes for Alchemy and Dracology have been done so far.
The Hellish Hound of the Highlands a new entry in the Known World Book of Badies.The news section on the index page has been updated.
Some new links have been added to the links page.
Update - 09 October
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Nameless One, something hidden in a real vault on Pandius.The news bits at the front have been cleaned up a bit and updated.
A brief description and map of Ilsa Miena a Karameikan Prison Colony in the Thanegioth Archipelago.
The community of Westbridge in Karameikos.
A map of a watchtower for any adventure along the frontier.
The first two parts of the timeline of the Wendarian Northern Wildlands have been updated and a third part taking us up to AC 474 has been added.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Gruquotec, Discorporate, Feathered Serpent, Mature, Feathered Serpent, Queen, Golem; Ganetra, Prying Eyes, Guardian Hand, Skullwraith, Eater-of-Magic, Kartoeba ("Thing in the Pit"), Wolf, Flame, Malusite, Kirekan, Lochnar, Archer Bush, Baric, Bubble, Diger, Snake; Giant Marble, Jupiter Blood Sucker, Monkey; Giant Marmoset, Protector, Purple Moss, Ubue, Eel, Giant Swamp, Eel, Giant Swamp, Slug, Giant Freshwater, Turtle, Giant Swamp Snapping, Dusker, Normal, Dusker, Brute, Dusker, Giant, Beetle, Spitting, Golem; Armour, Ratling, Spider; White Widow and Galumph.
The list of OD&D creatures in 3rd edition has been updated (now combined with the Consolidated Creature Conversion Index).
Description of the immortal Odin.
Further entries from the campaign journal of RPGPundit and tjedge1. Major new updates to the campaign journal of Goldrak with his campaign the Ark of Nader. A new campaign journal, the Ist Campaign.
The timeline for the Twin Campaigns campaign has been updated.
Paths to Immortality for groups.
One system defining separate Spheres for Entropic immortals.
Another system defining separate Spheres for Entropic immortals and classifying immortals bysphere under both systems.
Path of the Dominant, a path to immortality for elementals.
Cultural bias rules for Hollow World cultures.
The Spell Enhancement rules have been added to with the malevolent powers that can be implored.
Character Crossover: taking ideas for characters from outside of D&D.
The region of Thunder Rift and timeline.
Races of Thunder Rift.
Map of the Thunder Rift valley.
An option for the placement of the Thunder Rift area.
The denizens of Thunder Rift.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortal Rathanos and most of the other spell lists have been updated.
The conversion of the spell Sea Fury from PC3 converted to 3E has been updated, although it is still a working draft.
A continuation of the complete overhaul of the Mystic class including numerous manoeuvres.
A Norse style pantheon for the northlands of Mystara.
An idea on the history of Specularum (aka Mirros).
Broken Lands hordes.
Go for an adventure on the Highforge Flyer a new form of steam powered land transportation.
The Two Silver Palaces of Haven and Gulluvia.
A Mini Gazetteer for Wendar, still a work in progress.
Part one of the Origins of the Callarii: Tale of Lady Callarii.
Some thoughts on the origin of Elven horses, all tied in with the Callarii stuff.
Old Secrets of Mystara.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage a Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.
The listing of creatures by nation or region has been added to with The Region of the Serpent Peninsula, The Region of the Black Mountains, The Hagiarchy of Hule and The Island of Bellissaria.
A collection of some of the books that PCs found, or heard about, over the course of their adventures.
The Faenare Windsigner as a prestige class.
The spell combination feat has been updated, including now being called Arcane Amalgamation.
Thought notes on Taymor.
Another take on Arik.
Isle of Cathos and vicinity: option 1 and option 2. Cathos is the island and city that the adventure M2: Maze of the Riddling Minotaur begins in. Vacros is the nearby island that the maze is on. The two are also mentioned in the module Return to the Keep on the Borderlands.
3E conversions of Alrethus and Hosadus.
Timeline for the adventure from AC2: The Treasure of the Hideous One.Update - 08 September
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:A list of OD&D creatures in 3rd edition (now combined with the Consolidated Creature Conversion Index).
3E conversions of a number of creatures by Jamie Baty: Dinosaur, Generic Carnivore, Darkhood, Dinosaur, Generic Herbivore, Dinosaur; Icthyosaurus, Dinosaur; Pisanosaurus, Phobosuchus, Dinosaur; Pteranodon, Giant, Dinosaur; Tylosaurus, Automaton (Blacklore Valley), Auroch, Shaggy, Bear, Cave, Bison, Giant, Flapsail, Lizard, Foot-pad, Lizard, Thumper, Reindeer, Giant, Small Riding Animal, Wolf, Arctic, Bounder, Lyadrachnus, Karakos the Zargosian Hydra, Jellyfish, Agrisian, Hound, Amorian, Bat, Zargosian, Changeling, Zargosian, Feathered Serpent, Nothosaurus, Moan Bird, Tepictoton, Tzitzimitl, Chimer, Crystalweed, Sand-star, Dream-Hunter, Refractor, Worker, Refractor, Soldier, Refractor, Steed, Refractor, Noble, Refractor, Pharaoh, Annelid, Great (Juvenile), Gridbug, Giant and Gridbug Swarm.
The listing of creatures by nation or region has been added to with The Sind Desert, The Barren Plain, The Region of Graakhalia (Lahkvarg - the Land Below), The Region of the Plain of Fire, The Region of the Burning Waste, Isle of Dawn, The Serpent Peninsula and The Region of the Konumtali Savannah.
Further entries from the campaign journal of RPGPundit and tjedge1.
Statistics for the Beast of Radlebb Woods.
Short sketches about former Boldavians nobles.
Brief sketches about former Virayanas.
A brief synopsis of the McGregor's.
The McGregor family tree.
Descriptions of the immortals Great One, Karaash, The Korrigans, Land, Nyx, Patura, Rad and Thor. The description of Ordana has been updated.
Remains of the Old Empire, a descriptions of the Known World area in a campaign.
Immortals actively worshipped in Wendar.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortal Korotiku.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage a Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.
The spell Sea Fury from PC3 converted to 3E.
A new campaign journal by nemarsde.
New rule, Spell Foci a way for wizards to cast spells without needing material spell components.
New rule, Spell Enhancement a way for wizards to enhance their spells by calling higher powers.
Midnight Dreams and Other Miscellany a book that DMs can use in their campaigns; especially useful as a plot device.
Timeline of the Wendarian Northern Wildlands.
Fitting Rahasia into a Mystara campaign.
A background write-up of a new race, the boor. A magical crossbreed of gnolls, kobolds, and halflings.
An overview of a module Saga of the Shark Lord.
The chapters in part three of The Mystara Chronicles have all been updated.
The evil eye a new character class.
Thoughts about Winged Elves on Mystara.
Interpretations on Immortals and the 0e multiverse setup.
The Four Spheres of Entropy.
Immortal Mythos: The War of the Years Before Eternity.Update - 31 July
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Immortals actively worshipped in the Minrothad Guilds and the Broken Lands.
More character stories developed for a campaign.
3E conversions of a number of creatures by Jamie Baty: Zombie, Greater Lightning, Zombie, Lesser Lightning, Zombie, Frost, Sun-Wight, Ghoul, Elder, Topi, Ghoul, Vapour, Phantom; Apparition, Phantom; Shade, Phantom; Vision, Phantom, Lesser, Revener, Skeletal Beast, Chimera, Undead, Hephaeston and Dinosaur, Generic Aquatic and an update of the Velya.
3E conversions of creatures by Angry-Gibbon: Spider; Plopped and Sprackle, Lesser.
3E conversions of creatures by Gary Davies: Skywyrm, Lesser and Skywyrm, Greater.
3E conversions of a creature by Zendrolion: Golem; Iron Gargoyle.
New creature, Lilia.
A new campaign journal by katana_one and further entries from the campaign journals of RPGPundit and tjedge1.
Some different alternate/divergent histories for Mystara.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortal Atzanteotl.
Description of the immortal Idris.
The listing of creatures by nation or region has been added to with The Region of Norwold and Adri Varma Plateau. The entry for Sind has been updated.
The Other Doomsday Device, a short story has been updated and greatly expanded upon.
Rules for reconciling the different immortal forms introduced between the two boxed sets.Update - 17 July
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The listing of creatures by nation or region has been added to with The Malpheggi Swamp, Ethengar Khanates, Shadow Elf Territories, Atruaghin Clans, Wendar and Sind. The early entries have all been updated: Karameikos, Ylaruam, Glantri, Ierendi, Alfheim, Rockhome, Soderfjord Jarldoms, Vestland, Ostland, Five Shires, Minrothad Guilds, Broken Lands, Darokin and a found anywhere.
Descriptions of the immortals Saimpt Malinois and Thanatos.
3E conversions of a number of creatures by Zendrolion: Golem; Bronze, Golem; Skeletal, Golem; Amber, Golem; Obsidian, Spirit, Spirit, Druj and Spirit, Revenant.
3E conversions of a number of creatures by Jamie Baty: Agarat, Spirit, Druj, Spirit, Revenant, Sacrol, Ghostly Horde, Grey Philosopher, Wyrd, Greater, Haunt, Lesser, Velya and Nosferatu.
3E conversions of a number of creatures by Valentius: Malfera, Wyrd, Lesser, Actaeon, Spectral Hound, Hsiao, Spirit, Odic, Poltergeist, Banshee, Fey and Banshee, Lesser.
New creatures, Old Man Fly and Embalmed Noble.
Additional tactics for War Machine.
The Dune Horrror a new entry in the Known World Book of Badies.
Campaign journals by RPGPundit, tjedge1, Zendrolion, Twin Campaigns, Damon Brown, Goldrak, RobJN, JTrithen, Maddog, Geoff Gander, Jamie Baty, David Tauriainen and Sheldon Morris.
A list of Immortals by Patrons.
Two ways on handling Mystaran cosmology with an adaptation to 3.5 and a modification of the Doppel Cosmology from the Manual of the Planes.
Wendar has been expanded and filled out with more towns and locations.
Stories developed for characters in a campaign.
Adventure references in Mystaran adventures, gazetteers and other official sources.
Thorf has been busy with the maps again:Map of Azcan Empire, 1000 AC.
Overlay map of Azcan Empire.
Map of Milenian Empire, 1000 AC.
Overlay map of Milenian Empire.
Map of Iciria, 1000 AC has been updated.
And an enhanced map of the Kingdom of Wendar (still under construction).Update - 26 June
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Thorf has been busy with the maps again:The current status of the ESD project has been updated with stuff from the Bastion website and other sources.Map of the Alatian Islands, 1000 AC.Descriptions of the immortals Guidarezzo, Gylgarid, Orcus, Pax, Rafiel, Ruaidhri Hawkbane, Thalia, Tiresias and Tyche.
Map of Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, 1000 AC.
Map of the Alatian Islands, Pearl Islands and Ochalea, 1000 AC.
Map of the Isle of Dawn, 1000 AC.
Map of the Outer World from the Masters Boxed Set.
Map of the Serpent Peninsula, 1000 AC based on Champions of Mystara.
Map of the Serpent Peninsula, 1000 AC based on Champions of Mystara and the Expert Set with notes.
Map of the Kingdom of Sind and the Great Waste, 1000 AC from X4, X5, Dragon 169 and Champions of Mystara.
Map of the Empire of Alphatia (Mainland), 1000 AC from Dawn of the Emperors.
Map of the Empire of Alphatia (Mainland), 1000 AC based on Dawn of the Emperors.
Map of the Empire of Alphatia (Mainland), 1000 AC based on Dawn of the Emperors and Wrath of the Immortals.
Map of the Western Isle of Dawn, 1000 AC from the Mystara Message Board posted 15 June 2005.
Map of the Southern Kingdom, Kingdom of Nithia, 1000 AC.
Map of the Delta Kingdom, Kingdom of Nithia, 1000 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Nithia, 1000 AC based on HWR2.
Legend for the Undersea Map.
Map of the The Sea of Dread, Submerged Lands, 1000 AC .
And updates to the legend and the following maps:
Combined map of the Gulf of Hule region, 1000 AC.
Combined map of the Savage Coast, Central Region, 1000 AC.
Combined map of Wallara, Jibaru, Nimmur and Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC.
Combined map of Eastern Herath, Shazak, Ator and Cay, 1000 AC.
Combined map of the Arm of the Immortals and the Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC.
Map of the Thyatian Empire, 1000 AC.
Map of the Known World, 1010 AC.
Map of Wendar and Denagoth, 1000 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Sind and the Great Waste, 1000 AC from Champions of Mystara.
Map of the Shadow Elf Colony of Aengmor, 1010 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Alfheim, 1000 AC.
Map of the Broken Lands - The World Above, 1000 AC.
Map of the Broken Lands - The World Under, 1000 AC.
Map of the Republic of Darokin, 1000 AC.
Map of the Ethengar Khanates, 1000 AC.
Map of the Five Shires, 1010 AC.
Map of the Principalities of Glantri, 1000 AC with evergreen forests.
Map of the Kingdom of Ierendi, 1000 AC.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC with forested hills.
Map of the Minrothad Guilds, 1010 AC.
Map of the Northern Reaches, 1010 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Rockhome, 1000 AC.
Map of the Emirates of Ylaruam, 1000 AC.
Immortals actively worshipped in the Five Shires and the Northern Reaches.
Some basics of the organisational structure of the Church of Karameikos and the Church of Traladara.
An additional Horse Breeds of Mystara, the Bombfar Heavy Horse.
An update to the look at the forests of Mystara.
A 3.5E prestige class for the Radiant Shamans of the Shadow Elves, and a new spell selection of divine Radiance Magic.
The geonid entry in the sentient races of Mystara list has been updated.
An alternative non-scientific more fantastic theory for the Radiance and Blackmoor.
A very minor spell.
A listing of creatures by nation or region with Karameikos, Ylaruam, Glantri, Ierendi, Alfheim, Rockhome, Soderfjord Jarldoms, Vestland, Ostland, Five Shires, Minrothad Guilds, Broken Lands, Darokin and a found anywhere list.
All of the files from the Houses of Glantri website have been added to the Vaults of Pandius at Harri's request. Some of the files were already on the Vaults but these are updates, other files are new to the Vaults. All of the files are at about the vintage of mid 2000.History of House Alhambra.A tale of an important moments in Known World and/or Mystara world history. The fall of Ardelphia in AC 846.
History of House Ellerovyn.
History of House of Ritterburg.
History of House of Sirecchia.
History of House of Glantri.
History of House of Linden.
History of House of Silverstone.
Glantrian Political History from AC 828 to 884 as well as some documents relating to the history.
The history of House Beaumarys, Moorkroft and Beaumarys-Moorkroft.
The history of House Fulvina.
The history of House Krollnar.
The history of House Vandehaar.
Lists of the holders of the Council Charges since the establishment of the Council in AC 829.
Heads of the ruling houses of the Glantri since the establishment of the Republic in AC 829.
Nobles since AC 829 listed by their title.
Lists of the Noble families since AC 829.
Timeline of Glantrian History.
Official Portraits of the Rulers of von Drachenfels Family.
Descendants of Count Sigmund Von Drachenfels.
Konrad von Drachenfels, Glantrian Ambassador to Vestland.
Heroes of Mystara campaign journal.
Epic Hero prestige class.
A treasure chest with loose ideas for campaigns in Mystara. The ideas are meant to add flavour and colour to adventures by adding details that give it that "extra touch" - that sense of believability.
A new addition in the Mystaran NPC Catalogue.
The Da Vinci Code: great plots and secrets in Mystara.
Known World Book of Badies.
A series of basic ideas for quests that NPCs can solve and the PCs only hear about.
Curse of the Cyclops.
Known World Dwarves 3E with a timeline, a look at the Kogolor and Modrigswerg including 3E racial information.News about an upcoming Best of Dragon release.
Update - 15 May
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The 3D VRML model of Mystara has been updated.The Vaults are at a new home, pandius.com.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortals Djaea and Kallala of the Seven Veils.
Descriptions of the immortals Demogorgon, Djaea, Kallala of the Seven Veils, Terra and Zugzul.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage with the next two parts. A Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.
More inns and taverns of the Known World.
The immortals of the Ochalean Court.
Story: A Dark Day in Pandius.
Spell combination feat.
Hin denial feats.
The Brute-Men from the Hollow World races conversion into 3.5 E has been updated.
Diplomat of Darokin Diplomat Corps prestige class.
Prestige class for the Shepherds of Rad.
A look at the different currencies of the Known World.
The continuation of the death of Oran Meditor.
The aranea entry in the sentient races of Mystara list has been updated.
The Testament of Corinn Marylebon an item of not necessarily good bedtime reading for your characters.
Some additional Horse Breeds of Mystara, the Krugel Pony and the lesser Rochuin Giltirn Pony. Where the different horse breeds are commonly found by nation.
A Ylari campaign with some pregenerated characters.
More NPCs in the Mystaran NPC Catalogue.
Thorf has been busy with the maps again:The map of the Ethengar Khanates, 1000 AC has been updated.Hand drawn map of the Known World.
Map of the Savage Baronies, 1000 AC from Dragon issue 174.
Map of the Savage Baronies, 1000 AC from Dragon issue 175.
Map of the Savage Baronies, 1000 AC from Dragon issue 176.
Combined map of the Gulf of Hule region, 1000 AC.
Combined map of the Savage Baronies, 1000 AC.
Map of the Shadow Elf Territories, 1000 AC.
Map of the Known World, 1010 AC.
A revised map of the Atruaghin Clans, 1000 AC.
Map of the Known World, 1004 AC.
Map of Norwold, 1000 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Robrenn, 1000 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Eusdria, 1000 AC.
Map of Le Royaume de Renardie, 1000 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Bellayne, 1000 AC.
Combined map of the Savage Coast, Central Region, 1000 AC.
Map of Eastern Herath, 1000 AC.
Map of Shazak, Ator and Cay, 1000 AC.
Combined map of Eastern Herath, Shazak, Ator and Cay, 1000 AC.
Map of the Land of Wallara, 1000 AC.
Map of the Land of Jibaru, 1000 AC.
Map of the Kingdom of Nimmur, 1000 AC.
Map of the Black Orchid Tribeland, 1000 AC.
Combined map of Wallara, Jibaru, Nimmur and Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC.
Map of the Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC.
Map of the Arm of the Immortals, 1000 AC.
Combined map of the Arm of the Immortals and the Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC.
Map of the Known World, 1004 AC.
Map of the Known World and the Sea of Dread, 1000 AC.
Map of Southern Iciria, 1000 AC.
Map of Iciria, 1000 AC.
Hand drawn map of the Northern Reaches.
The NPCs from the cover of the Karameikos Gazetteer.
Some speciality drinks of Karameikos.
The evaluation page and the reminder list are back up and running again.
The current status of the ESD project with what I have currently been informed as missing from the ESDs.
Some new links have been added.Update - 05 May
The updated dated 11 March went up.Update - 11 March
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage with the next two parts. A Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.I got around to adding some news I forgot to last time and I cleaned up some other things. Check out the news for the announcement of the post-ESD project.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortals Chardastes, Minroth and Pflarr and the entry for Ranivorus has been updated.
Descriptions of the immortals Arik, Bagni Gullymaw, Chardastes, Ilsundal the Wise, Maat, Masauwu, Ordana, Palson, Pflarr, Rathanos, Wayland and Yav.
A look at the forests of Mystara and the break down of deciduous versus evergreens.
The next chapter in the The Mystara Chronicles with "The Hag" is available.
Sets of hexes for mapping.
A legend for Thorf's maps, which include:Map of the Known World and the Sea of Dread, 1000 AC with notes.An update to the wonders of the Known World.
Map of the expert set Known World, 1000 AC.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC with shaded forests.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC with forested hills.
Map of the Emirates of Ylaruam, 1000 AC.
Map of the Principalities of Glantri, 1000 AC with evergreen forests.
Map of the Kingdom of Rockhome, 1000 AC.
Map of the Northern Reaches, 1010 AC.
Map of the Five Shires, 1010 AC.
Map of the Minrothad Guilds, 1010 AC with notes.
Map of the Broken Lands - The World Above, 1000 AC with notes.
Map of the Republic of Darokin, 1000 AC.
Map of the Broken Lands - The World Under, 1000 AC.
Map of the Ethengar Khanates, 1000 AC.
Map of the Shadow Elf Territories, 1000 AC.
Map of the Thyatian Empire, 1000 AC.
Map of the Atruaghin Clans, 1000 AC.
Map of Northern Iciria, 1000 AC.
Map of the Great Waste, 1000 AC from X4.
Map of Hule, 1000 AC from X5.
Map of Wendar and Denagoth, 1000 AC from X11.
Map of the Kingdom of Sind, 1000 AC from Dragon Magazine 169.
Map of the Kingdom of Sind and the Great Waste, 1000 AC from Champions of Mystara.
Map of Slagovich and the City States, 1000 AC.
Map of Southern Hule and the City States, 1000 AC.
The last couple of breeds in the Horse Breeds of Mystara have been finished and edits have been made to the existing pony entries. Base statistics have also been added so that you can make your own breeds.
The expanded Darokin timeline has started to be updated and expanded.
The start of the conversion of Hollow World races into 3.5 E.
Alternate rules for handling demihuman races in basic D&D.
The history of the Hutaakans of the Lost Valley.
An idea from a campaign, the death of Oran Meditor.
New links addedUpdate - 30 January
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortals Coberham Shadowglint, Nyx, Ranivorus and Talitha.I've started to look into the structure of some of the index pages. At the moment I have just reversing the order so that the newest files are at the top of the list and go backwards in age down the list (except for a couple of exceptions where I think it makes better sense to have it otherwise). Whilst doing this I'm also concatenating some files which existed as part 1, 2 etc or whatever into single files.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage with the next two parts. A Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.
Ideas about a centaur rune system.
Description of the battleaxe Winnower (The Beast Blade).
Updated characters and NPCs from the "Heroes of Mystara" campaign.
The Horse Breeds of Mystara have been expanded with further information on various breeds.
The make up of the Antalian immortals based on the Norse pantheon through time.
Some spellbooks with spells from players handbook 3E in them.
More inns and taverns of the Known World.
A racial workup for phanatons for 3E.
A mini gazetteer for the Baronía de Torreón.
The bare bones of a racial workup for hutaakans for 3E.
A compilation of the modern, ancient, natural, magical and other wonders of the Known World.
More NPCs in the Mystaran NPC Catalogue.
Rules for bringing PC4 style lycanthropic characters into 3E.
Yet another Belcadiz Theory. I never realised they were so troublesome.
The Conspiracy within Corun House, a background plot synopsis with a conspiracy of Coruns and shadowelves.
Fixing the timing of events of module X13 and the history in GAZ7.
The Fount of Vitality the clan relic of the Shiye.
Some new Glantrian Personalities. Vincienzo di Randazzi, a little known-about character in Glantri politics, and an incomplete entry for Ezechiel Naramis, a Glantrian NPC that has rarely been mentioned.
A wizards convent in Glantri, The Josephine Blanchard Convent.
A look where slaves in the Known World come from.
Minimum wages in the Known World - a look at the social and economic situation in three nations in the known world.
New rules for demihuman advancement in OD&D.New links and updated news flashes.