Update - 28 November
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The start of the Magic Item Conversion and Creation Index.The HTML version of Book II: Events of the AC1019 Almanac is up. The internal links between the entries will be available later.
3E conversions of the Undersea Boat, Chime of Time, Egg of Wonder, Hurricane Lamp and Lamp of Long Burning.
Description of the Merchant's Guild Hall of Darokin.
A Timeline of the Oltec Man.
bin Wadi Monastery in Ylaruam.
A description of cultures, realms and places in the Norwold region.
"The Lost Spear" an adventure scheme for Niflheim.
"Ultimate" Blackmoor in the sense of Marvel Comic's Ultimate series.
Some of the faiths of Darokin.
Additional and updated Monster Lore entries for Mystaran monsters.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Termite, Water: Fresh Water, Termite, Water: Saltwater, Nikt'oo, Saragón Lyra Bird, Rock/Cave Toad, Giant Weasel, Narwhal and Yellow Mould.
An update to the meaning of Verdan (Vilaverdan and Texeiran) names.
An update to the meaning of Jibar names.
An update to the meaning of Espa (Narvaezan, Torreóner, Gargoñan, Almarrónan, Saragónan and Guadalantean.Update - 05 November
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Monster Lore for Mystaran monsters.The Mystaran "Net" Almanac is now hosted on the Vaults of Pandius.
Part 3 of the rules for reconciling the different immortal forms introduced between the two boxed sets - this part focussing on immortal level powers as well as immortal campaigns.
Population figures for the northern Isle of Dawn.
Villages of the northern Isle of Dawn.
Map of the Southern Isle of Dawn.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Cläu-rin, Kla'a-Tah, Aranea, Arashaeem, Temple Critter, Cursed One, Deathmare, Echyan, Eyeweed, Fachan, Forest Ray, Frelôn, Ghriest, Goatman, Golem; Aelder, Golem; Glassine Horror, Red Golem, Juggernaut, Grudgling, Jorri, Juhrion, Snake; Pit Viper, Snake; Rock Python and Sporacle. And the Giant Bison has been updated.
3E conversion of the Lycanthrope; Weresabretooth.
Notes on the current situation of the caravan campaign.
The Mages Guild of Karameikos - set up for a campaign where Teldon did not make a guild. It is written for 3.5.
"Red Hand of Doom" adventure altered for a Karameikan campaign.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been further updated.
A new ideas has been added for the caravan based campaign.
Ideas for Niflheim.
Backgrounds for starting characters with eight 1st level characters in a Karameikan campaign.
More character backgrounds - Goanos and Milos Kostov.
An update to the meaning of Verdan (Vilaverdan and Texeiran) names.
The meaning of a couple of Oiobá names.
An update to the meaning of Jibar names.
An update to the meaning of Espa (Narvaezan, Torreóner, Gargoñan, Almarrónan, Saragónan and Guadalantean.A minor addition to the FAQ with an article about the Empire of Izmer.
Update - 05 October
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Conversion notes for setting the Savage Tide Adventure Path in Mystara.
New Questions and Answers with Mystaran Authorities with Dragon and Dungeon Magazine Staff and Writers and Joseph Goodman.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Lesser Phoenix, Greater Phoenix, Bull Shark, Marine Cat, Great White Shark, Mako Shark, Giant Shrew, Parasites (Diseases), Giant Slug and Giant Snail.
The contiuation of Act II of Tales from the Broken Lands with the parts Wakey, Wakey, Trolls and Bakey, On the Life of Grr - courtesy of fitz and Trolls with a Vacuum?
The next chapter in the The Mystara Chronicles with "Motivations" is available.
The ideas for a caravan based campaign have been updated and expanded.
The elf and ee'aar entries in the sentient races of Mystara list has been updated.
The Alphatian Faith.
A new creature, a takh-vhol or Mind Thrall of Akh'All.
The Izmer campaign, based on the D&D Movies and set in Alphatia.
The The Hidden Treasure of Ghyr Gazetteer provides descriptions of the history, nations, races, and personalities of a land where men and women take up arms in the cause of valor and justice, where temptresses seek to pull away the righteous, and unclear hearts can destroy all that is held dear. It also provides new rules for jousting and extended guidelines for playing paladins, avengers, and knights.
Map of the Kingdom of Ghyr and Allies.
Map of the Northern Isle of Dawn.
New creature: Eyeless Orb; Beholder-kin.
Alphatian Faith: The Path of Pure Thought.
Dark Glantri, horror based Glantri ideas.
Evil Known World, darker ideas for the future of the Known World.Update - 10 September
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Questions and Answers with Mystaran Authorities with Gary Gygax, Andrew Steven Harris, Bruce Heard, Lance, Mike McArtor, Steven R. Marsh, Frank Mentzer, James Mishler, Douglas Niles and Chris Pramas.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Faerie and Faerie subtype, Giant Ferret, Fish; Giant Bass, Utukku, Fish; Giant Rockfish, Fish; Giant Strugeon, Wood Golem, Black Hag, Vermilion Pudding, Sea Hag, Man; Headsman/Thug, Man; Brigand, Man; Buccaneer/ Pirate, Man; Dervish, Man; Noble, Man; Nomad, Man; Trader, Manta Ray Normal and Giant, Man; Mystic and Red Zombie.
The beginning of Act II of Tales from the Broken Lands with Orcs on a Mission and the first part of this act Troll Stomping Fun, Oh Yeah.
Map of the Blacklore Peninsula.
Background for the Blacklore Peninsula.
Detail of the Threshold Region.
The Harmonious Realms of Bahldaraat-Khor.
An entry from the campaign journal of Arakor.
Known World and Norwold surface areas.
Karawenn is the region featured in the First Quest novels: Pawns Prevail, Suitors Duel and Immortal Game suggested to be in Norwold. The following includes Map Locations, Timeline, Characters of Karawenn, Creatures of Karawenn and Magic of Karawenn. There is also an alternate location for Karawenn north of the smaller of the two lakes of central Brun.
Image of the FSS Beagle Crew.
The Dark Shire, the dark side of The Five Shires.
A map of Blackmoor.
Five Shires Gazetteer: Alternate Edition. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the original Five Shires Gazetteer, as it handles some things which didn't need changing; but sticks to things which are fiddled with or added to the Shires. The core change which this makes to the Shires is to throw it into a Malthusian crisis--centuries of peace and security have caused the Hin to overpopulate their land and now they must find a way out of the Malthusian cycle before the 'chaos and death' phase fully kicks in... The Shires are still recognisable but with some added interesting conflicts.
Denizens of Nightmare.
Dwarven clans and cultures.
War Machine in 3E.
Map of the Known World 24 miles per hex.
Map of the Known World and Sea of Dread 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Known World, Sea of Dread, Isle of Dawn, Alphatia. etc 72 miles per hex.Update - 10 August
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:With the permission of the guys over at our Planescape counterpart Planewalker.com the Vaults is now hosting Mystaran creatures that have been converted into 3.5E. The creatures have been taken from the documents Denizens of the Inner Planes v1.0 and Denizens of the Transitive Planes v1.1 and also from the Planescape Message Boards, from which a new document similar to above might eventually be created. The creatures added are the Elemental of Chaos; Eolian, Erdeen, Pyrophor and Undine, Elemental of Law; Anemo, Kryst, Helion and Hydrax, Horde and Spectral Death from Denizens of the Inner Planes v1.0. There is the Ebon Tiger, Planar Spider, Shadow Symbiont and Spectral Hound from Denizens of the Transitive Planes v1.1. The Planar Tracking feat, particular to the Spectral Hound is also added from Denizens of the Transitive Planes v1.1. There is the Plasm, Greater Ebon Tiger, Arashaeem and Narvaezan Fiend from the Planescape Message Board.
Gazetteer of the Northern Wildlands the third in a new series of unofficial Gazetteer gaming aids for enthusiasts of the world of Mystara. This work covers the Great Northern Wildlands, a region that lies north of the Realm of Wendar.
Map of the Northern Wildlands.
A map of Glantri in AC 500.
Thoughts about Bellissarian maps, with "spiced" up versions created.
A summary of a Timeline of the Immortals.
Some names and brief descriptions for Mystaran 'devils'.
Description of Tru the Urt counterpart in the Nightmare Dimension.
An Oltec Timeline and another Oltec (Complete) Timeline with some later comments based on the other timeline.
The Return of Thanatos, trying to reconcile the account of Thanatos is GAZ2 and the HWA Trilogy.
A campaign view of the Church of Karameikos.
Description of the immortal al-Kalim.
Immortal Aliases, the letter A.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortal Eiryndul.
Mystara AC 1030 - First Year of the Orc Wars.
Mystara AC 1200, ideas for future campaigns.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Cinnavixen, Giant Bat, Giant Vampire Bat, Sea Glutton, Amber Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Jade Dragon, Onyx Dragon, Red Hawk Dragon, Ruby Dragon, Sapphire Dragon, Crimson Dragon, Man; Bandit, Caniquine, Grizzly Bear, Man; Berserker, Great Boar, Cat; Mountain Lion (Cougar, Puma), Cat; Panther, Feliquine, Genie; Djinni, Greater (Pasha), Dolphin, Noble Dolphin, Shimmerfish, Genie; Efreeti, Greater (Amir), Elemental Ruler; Air, Elemental Ruler; Earth, Elemental Ruler; Fire, Narvaezan Fiend and Elemental Ruler; Water.
Additional information for Mystaran Dragons.
Other information for converting elementals into 3.5E.Update - 27 June
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:
An updated to the 3E conversion of the Pocket Dragon.The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been updated with the new conversions and has also been combined with the OD&D creatures in 3rd edition list making just one list.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Spider; Huge Wood, Strangleweed, Water Weird, Whipweed, Winged Warrior, Wychglow, Wychlamp, Dragon Spirit, Death Leech, Oard, Phygorax, Possession, Reflecter, Stalwart, Batracine, Rock Baboon, Snow Ape and White Ape, Archon, Uxor and Archon, Vir.
Descriptions of the immortals Opal, Pearl, Sinbad, Ninfangle, Macroblan, Utnapishtim, Madarua, Malafor and Razud.
A re-look at the size of Thunder Rift valley.
A look at the history of the study of geology in the Known World.
A geological map of the Known World with accompanying text.
Thunder Rift Almanac Entry.
Strange Mystara-based PCs.
More ideas for a caravan based campaign.
Major Planar Races and the spheres they could be linked to.
Skill Mastery system.
Norwold Dominions and their Rulers as of AC 1016 from the map.
A compilation of maps of various places of Laterre through the ages.
New rules for fighter planes: Mk Fighters.The list of files on the Vaults of Pandius has been updated.
Update - 29 May
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Baronato de Bênção on Yalu Bay in 1020 AC.
Past maps of the Savage Baronies in 935 and 968 AC.
The meaning of Verdan (Vilaverdan and Texeiran) names.
The meaning of Espa (Narvaezan, Torreóner, Gargoñan, Almarrónan, Saragónan and Guadalantean.
The meaning of Jibar names.
Some thoughts about the Verdans and other "related" people.
The Denizens of Denagoth gazetteer and map.
Realm of Wendar, gazetteer.
The "Tragedy" of Lord Vindex, a deadly villain from a campaign.
Some capmaign notes on the Mystara Solar System.
Invisible Crystal Spheres, theories for adapting some of the elements from Spelljammer into the Mystara cosmology.
Representation of the Alpha Centauri system.
A Mystaraspace used in a Spelljammer campaign.
Immortals of Thunder Rift.
Part 2 of the rules for reconciling the different immortal forms introduced between the two boxed sets - this part focussing on immortal forms.
A 3E conversion of the Pocket Dragon.
Thorf has been creating new maps: Replica map of Foamfire Valley from B10 and Replica map of The Lost Valley of Hutaaka from B10.
Descriptions of the immortals Vanya, Eiryndul, Atruaghin, Atzanteotl, Bachraeus, Ilmarinen, Alphatia, Bastet, Benekander, Loki, Harrow, Forsetta, Ixion, Jammudaru, Wogar, The Twelve Watchers, Turmis, Liena, Water Elemaster, Air Elemaster, Fire Elemaster and Earth Elemaster. Updates to the descriptions of the immortals Gylgarid, Pflarr, Chardastes, Maat, Demogorgon and Rathanos.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Giant Serpentweed, Vamora Shark, Sirenflower, Normal Skunk, Giant Skunk, Snake; Rock Rattler, Snake; Giant Rock Rattler, Giant Sand Spider and Giant Shroud Spider.Update - 15 May
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Kara-Kara, Killer Tree, Lamara, Man, Isolated; Qaurik, Man, Isolated; Traldar (Lost Valley), Man, Primitive; Barbarian, Man, Primitive; Native, Man, Primitive: Wild Man/ Pagan, Masher, Oyster, Giant, Pachydermion, Porcupine, Giant, Sea Horse, Sea Serpent, Lesser and Sea Serpent, Greater.New and updated news in the news section.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been updated with the new conversions.
Economics of the Black Eagle Barony.
Thorf has been busy with updating the maps: Combined map of the Gulf of Hule region, 1000 AC, Savage Baronies, 1000 AC, Map of the Alatian Islands, Pearl Islands and Ochalea, 1000 AC, Map of the Empire of Alphatia (Mainland), 1000 AC based on Dawn of the Emperors, Map of the Shadow Elf Territories, 1000 AC, Replica map of the Shadow Elf Territories, 1000 AC from GAZ13, Map of the Savage Baronies, 1000 AC from Dragon issue 174, Map of the Known World from X1, 1981 version, Map of the Known World from X1, 1983 version, Map of the expert set Known World, 1000 AC, Replica map of the Vestland Area, 1000 AC from X3, Replica map of the Great Waste, 1000 AC from X4, Replica map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC from GAZ1 and Broken Lands - The World Under, 1000 AC.
Thorf has also been creating new maps: Replica map of the City of The Stars Cavern, 1000 AC from GAZ13 and Map of the City of The Stars Cavern, 1000 AC from GAZ13.
To go with the City of the Stars maps there is also a map legend for underground realms.
3.5E Character Traits for Mystaran Known World cultures.
The Witchfinder Cometh - The Writ of Vanya.
A theory about the Svartalven.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage a Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.
New 3E conversions of Karameikan known personalities: Aleena Halaran.
Description of the immortals Noumena, Alphaks, Diamond and Mealiden Starwatcher.
A continution in the campaign journal, the Ist Campaign.
Yet another Wendar timeline.
The Lay of Almarand, a piece of literature DMs can use as a campaign hook for their unsuspecting players.
Tainted Blackmoor Technomancy.
A picture of a lone pyramid in the Nithian Desert.Update - 16 April
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The next chapter in the The Mystara Chronicles with "A Strange, Strange World" is available.
New 3E conversions of Karameikan known personalities: Lord Valdo Tisza, Lord Bartran Cordelius, General Zandra Sulanov, Lord Zogrev Yarol, Terari - Minister of Magic and Lord Alexius Korrigan.
3E conversions of the following Karameikan known personalities have been updated: Prince Justin Karameikos, Baron Desmond Kelvin, Alfric Oderbry, Adriana Hyraksos, Lord Devon Hyraksos, Olliver Jowett, Queen Olivia Karameikos, Lord Alexius Korrigan, Ludwig von Hendriks and Prince Valen Karameikos.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Fish; Piranha, Giant, Steam Weevil, Frog, Giant Poisonous/ Monstrous Poisonous, Fungoid, Garl, Hypnosnake, Jellyfish, Giant Man-O-War and Kal-Muru.
Thorf has also been creating new maps: Map of the Isle of Dread from the 1981 version of X1, Map of the Isle of Dread from the 1983 version of X1, Map of the Isle of Dread 1000 AC and Replica map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 1000 AC from GAZ1, Replica map of the Karameikos from Exper Set 1981 and Replica map of the Karameikos from Exper Set 1983.
Glantri's Secret Crafts as Prestige Skills.
Witch Circle Craft for 3.5E, still a work in progress.
The Iglesia del General (Church of Thor) in Ciudad Matacán, Saragón.
The Nithian Cult (in Italian).
New Immortal Llothandaros.
Economics of the Estate of Marilenev.Update - 02 April
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Description of the immortals Talitha, Garal Glitterlode, Aserius, Tarastia, Urd, Verthandi, Ouranos and Ground. And updates to the descripton of the immortals Brindorhin, Karaash, Thor, Frey and Freyja.New news ... well sort of.
3E conversions of Karameikan known personalities: Anton Radu, Boris Torenescu and Aleksander Torenescu.
Timeline for Wendar, Denagoth, Ghyr and the Northern Wildlands.
Historical maps of Denagoth featuring the plateau in five moments of its troubled history.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Dragon, Sea, Eel, Electric, Eel, Weed, Feywing and Fish; Carp, Giant.
An addition to the Horse Breeds of Mystara, the True Rochuin Giltirn.
Maps of the Known World before and after the GRoF.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, a resource listing for all OD&D creatures any 3E and 3.5E conversions and references has been updated.
A conversion table between Blackmoor deities and Mystaran immortals.
The history of Eykaivial and the Dwarfgate Mountains Region has been updated.
An update to the enhanced map of the Kingdom of Wendar.
Katapecs in the modern days.
Broken Lands picture.Cleaned up some of the out of date links.
Hopefully the errors that some people were finding with reloading of pages has been fixed now, let me know if you continue to experience problems.
Update - 19 March
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Thorf has been busy with updating the maps: Republic of Darokin, 1000 AC, Combined map of the Gulf of Hule region, 1000 AC, Combined map of Eastern Herath, Shazak, Ator and Cay, 1000 AC, Northern Reaches, 1010 AC, Combined map of Wallara, Jibaru, Nimmur and Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC, Combined map of the Arm of the Immortals and the Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC, Kingdom of Robrenn, 1000 AC, Kingdom of Robrenn, 1000 AC, Kingdom of Eusdria, 1000 AC, Le Royaume de Renardie, 1000 AC, Kingdom of Bellayne, 1000 AC, Eastern Herath, 1000 AC, Shazak, Ator and Cay, 1000 AC, Land of Wallara, 1000 AC, Land of Jibaru, 1000 AC, Kingdom of Nimmur, 1000 AC, Black Orchid Tribeland, 1000 AC, Arm of the Immortals, 1000 AC and Combined map of the Savage Coast, Central Region, 1000 AC.
Thorf has also been creating new maps: Map of the The Known World, 1000 AC from Wrath of the Immortals and Map of the Province of Averoigne (Old Averoigne).
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Elk; Giant, Phororhacos, Titanothere, Beetle, Earthquake, Great Cat; Bekkah, Great Cat; Spotted Lion, Wildcat, Cryion, Desert Ghost, Mature, Desert Ghost, Immature, Dog, Elven, Dog, War and Dragon, Undead.
3E conversions of Karameikan known personalities: Bolton Nordenshield, Jenkin Flintfoot, Sheik Abdallah ibn Hamid, Dona Marianita Lucia de Leon y Valdez, Lord Cornel Osteric, Lord Gustav Vandevic, Milo Korrigan, Sir Retameron Antonic, Lady Halia Antonic, Lord Vlad Lutescu, Lord Zemiros Sulescu, Prestelle, Arteris Penhaligon, Dorfus Hilltopper, Aleena Halaran, Sascia of Luln, Lord Lev Dromilov, Baron Sherlane Halaran, Lady Magda Marilenev, Baron Philip Vorloi, "Lord" Dmitrios, Yolanda of Luln, Luthier Sforza and Emilio the Great. The conversions of Bargle the Infamous and Prince Justin Karameikos have been updated.
Description of the immortal Orisis.
Details about Eruul Zaar King of Heldun, Duke of Helskir.
Northern Wildlands map.
Immortals actively worshipped by the Atruaghin Clans and in the Shadowelves Territories.
Arachne the Island of Spiders in the eastern Thanegioth Arcipelago.
Information about the History of Arachne.
Information on the city of Hearts the main settlement of Arachne.
An update to the list of Gates, Portals and Wormholes of Mystara.
Thyatian ambassadors, Lord Decimus Ordekis and Jarandros Monikar.
Coats of Arms: d'Ambreville new style, d'Ambreville old style, Karameikos and Gabronius Torion.
A Timeline of the North.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, a resource listing for all OD&D creatures any 3E and 3.5E conversions and references has been updated.
Ideas about Katapec people and their Crystal Pyramids.
Mystaran Songs, using songs in your game.
Sea of Dread ancient cultures.Update - 26 February
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Manikin (Mandragora), Mek, Nuckalavee, Plasm, Normal, Plasm, Giant, Rock Man, Saberclaw, Scamille, Metamorph, Randara, Spider; Planar, Living Statue; Jade, Living Statue; Rock/Ooze, Living Statue; Silver, Living Statue; Steel, Surtaki, Thunderhead, White Fang, Annelid, Great, Caecillia, Fyrsnaca, Leviathan (Mystaran), Desert, Leviathan (Mystaran), Marine, Red Worm and Amoeba, Giant. And as promised by Gary Davies a conversion of a Werehawk.New news about something new coming up in Dragon magazine.
A new entry from the campaign journal of tjedge1 - The Odd Company.
Loritil Drayroth a new entry in the Known World Book of Badies.
New fifth, sixth and seventh level spells.
An exhaustive list of Mystaran fleets grouped my nation.
Thyatian Gladiator prestige class.
The Rogues' Den, a new inn and tavern of the Known World.
3E conversions of Shalander, Gunter Schonberg, Aladan Voll, Estella Whitehall, Bargle the Infamous, Ludwig von Hendriks, Ludwig von Hendriks, Stefan Karameikos, Lord Alexius Korrigan, Queen Olivia Karameikos, Olliver Jowett, Prince Valen Karameikos, Prince Justin Karameikos, Lord Devon Hyraksos, Adriana Hyraksos, Alfric Oderbry and Baron Desmond Kelvin.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, a resource listing for all OD&D creatures any 3E and 3.5E conversions and references has been updated.
History of the Dwarfgate Mountains Region.
Isiidium in 3.5E.
Some new magical items: The Ring of Vandergast, Ring of the Cats, Thonduin Diamar (Root of Under-Earth) and Imperial Thyatian Fasces.
Thorf has been busy with updating the maps: Kingdom of Alfheim, 1000 AC, Western Isle of Dawn, 1000 AC, Kingdom of Nithia, 1000 AC, Expert set Known World, 1000 AC, Wendar and Denagoth, 1000 AC from X11, Empire of Alphatia (Mainland), 1000 AC from Dawn of the Emperors, Orc's Head Peninsula, 1000 AC, Republic of Darokin, 1000 AC, Gulf of Hule region, 1000 AC, Savage Baronies, 1000 AC, Slagovich and the City States, 1000 AC, Southern Hule and the City States, 1000 AC, Combined map of Southern Hule and the City States, 1000 AC, Savage Baronies, 1000 AC, Savage Baronies, 1000 AC, Savage Baronies, 1000 AC and Kingdom of Sind, 1000 AC. The Legend has also been updated.
Thorf has also been busy creating new maps:Kingdom of Sind, 1000 AC with notes.A new addition in the Mystaran NPC Catalogue.
Northwestern Shahjapur, 1000 AC and the map with east facing north.
The Serpent Peninsula, 1000 AC from X6.
The Savage Coast, 1000 AC from X9.
Colourised Old Style Art Legend.
Black & White Old Style Art Legend.
Mapping the Plateau with and without the original B3 module.
Map of Darokin 700 AC based on the 1000 AC map.
Map of Darokin 300 BC based on the 1000 AC map.
Denizens of Denagoth, a map.
Ideas about magical and non-magical standing stones.
Material about the Wood Imp court in the Canolbarth after WotI.
House rules for different character classes.Update - 17 January
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, a resource listing for all OD&D creatures any 3E and 3.5E conversions and references.The new section has been updated with new, bad, news about the HackWurld of Mystaros product.
Description of the immortals Zirchev, Halav and Petra.
The listings of creatures by nation or region has been added to with The Region of the Midlands and The Immortal's Arm.
Part 3 of the origin and history of the Master of Hule.
An idea for a "Return to" update for the classic module Rahasia.
A framework to define Known World Macroeconomics.
Valenthamp's Guide to the Known World - Thunder Rift. This is an incomplete rough draft and is the beginning bit of a new project.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures by the hardworking Jamie Baty: Hivebrood, now with Hivebrood Mother and Controller conversions; Horde, Huptzeen, Imp, Bog, Imp, Garden, Jellyfish, Giant Death's Head, Jellyfish, Giant Marauder, Jellyfish, Giant Galley, Lizard, Lava, Lizard, Rockhome and Sis'thik (Desert Scourge). And not to be left out Gary Davies has a conversion of a Hawk, Giant.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortals Tarastia, Maat and Demogorgon.
Overview of the Churches of the Known World.
Continuation of Tales from the Broken Lands - Orcs on the Rampage a Campaign Log/Story of a warband adventuring in and about the Broken Lands.
Some thoughts on Magic and Mystara.
Variants on the Rockhome lizard.
Chatdemon's Known World Adventure Seeds.
The Mystic class has been updated with fighting styles newly added.
The Forester class as a 3E core class.The list of files on the Vaults of Pandius has been updated.