Update - 28 November
This is only a partial update.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Glantrian NPC, Quanil Urbaal.
PC Races for Mystara from a Newbie Point of View.
Bonds of Silver Part I: The Nephthisian Struggle against Taymora.
BC 1700 Catastrophes.
The Great Rain of Fire.
Taymora in Canon with some comments.
The Fairie-Folk of Alphatia.
Island of the Cannibals.
Hollow Moon Timeline.
Alphatian Army.
Glantrian NPC, Mirn Krollnar.
Combined History of the Flaem and a corresponding expose of the 40 years war.
Mystara: Red Dawn, a near future campaign setting.
Elves of Karameikos.
Non-human language fragments.
Map and thoughts about Athenos Harbour.
Riverfork Keep, with 4E stats.
Mogreth, Family.
Mogreth, Places of Interest.
Mogreth, the Legend of Soolkhir.
The Armies of Mogreth.
Mogreth NPCs.
Morgan Ironwolf one of the signature characters from the 1981 Basic Set.
Glantrian NPC, Julian Steurt.
Glantrian NPC, Roeland Koorteweg.
Elven Ethnicities: canon sources.
Modrigswerg: Clans, Houses and Families.
The Fishing Village of Silnithiniv.
Trees of Life in Mystara.
Shadow Elf Lineages.
3.2 miles/hex map of Karameikos.
Map of the Tribes of Karameikos.
Karameikos Noble Families.
Karameikan Nobles and their heirs.
Ierendian Government and Aristocracy.
Some ideas about the Radus.
The Grand Duchy of Karameikos AC970-AC1000.
Gnomes and Dwarves of Highforge.
Event: Bargle’s Forces Attack.
History of Specularum for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
Elven Migrations.
Belcadiz Origin.
Well of the Moon, X5 Temple of Death and the origins of Lycanthropy.
"The Forbidden Love", a secret known to few but rumoured by many.
Maps of Elstrich Valley.
Map of the Tiefling Empire of time.
A New Mystaran Dark Age.
Mystaran Dark Ages, alternate cover.
Thorn's Chronicle: Song, and Countersong.
Thorn's Chronicle: The Trigger Encounter.
Broken Lands Supplement to the conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World.
Highlands of the Known World Supplement to the conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World has been updated.
The Karameikos Supplement to the conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World has been updated.
The conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World has been updated.
The campaign journal, Thorn's Chronicle has been updated.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part I: "Coloured was the Bay, bloody were the streets" has been updated.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part II: Omens and Portents has been updated.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part III: "Stuffed heads and lethal weddings" has been updated.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part IV: Davinos’ Complaint, Revised Edition has been updated.
The final instalment of the Mental Ramblings story (for now).
NPCs for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project have been expanded with descriptions for many more NPCs.
The Regional Map of the Issus River Delta has been updated with some notes.
More of the 101 Miscellaneous Alphatian Encounters.
The mapping around Malpheggi Swamp has been updated.Update - 18 October
This is only a partial update.
The second site in the Geocities Relocation Project is available now on the Vaults: The Boldavian Prince.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Alternative cover for The Kingdom of Kaarjala gazetteer.
Karameikos Supplement to the conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World.
Customised Classic D&D Character Sheet.
Monstrous Player Characters for Mystara 4E Campaigns.
Hollow Moon: Nation Overview.
Types of Shark-kin.
The frontier region between Mogreth and Taymor.
Glantrian NPC, Sergei Wutyla.
Glantrian NPC, Rolf von Graustein.
The Origin of Worgs.
Unique Mystaran Vessel - Stone Toad.
Unique Mystaran Vessel - Lichcraft.
Castle Animus, a D&D Rules Cyclopedia adventure for 5-8 PCs of Level 6-9.
Kubitt, OD&D.
Death Worm.
3E Class Variants in Mystara.
An Entropic Civil War Slash Pan-Sphere Island Hopping War.
Maps of Darokin and surrounds through history.
Map of the Westerlands.
Mapping around Malpheggi Swamp.
Map of Darokin 685 AC.
Darokinian Names.
Fantasy Cities: Specularum, St. Kruskiev's Gold: a mini adventure.
Mystara's Iconic Party.
The Grand Army of Glantri ... revised and updated.
Sever the Tie, new Radiance spell.
PHB2 information for Mystara.
M4E in Mystara.
Alphatia Birthright: Kingdom of Ambur, more places of interest.
The conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World has been updated.Update - 30 August
This is only a partial update.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Conversion of WotC's Character Builder to the Known World.
Currencies of the World.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 4 Religious Organisations, with descriptions of the of Council of Alphatian Temples, Temple of Bozdogan and Temple of Rafiel.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 5, with descriptions of the Philosophies and Movements of Asatru, Celestial Court, Children of Atruaghin, Cult of the Dawn, Cult of the High Heroes, Druidism, Eternal Truth, Nithian Cult, Samdu, Shamanism, Tanagogre Cult and Tortle Cult.
“Only Mylertendal Could Go To Aasla”.
A tentative list of Milenian Emperors in the Hollow World.
An option listing Thyatian emperors.
Revised timeline regarding Thyatian tribes.
Mogreth Regional Map.
Entropic Immortals.
Hollow World, Path of the Despoiler.
New Lawful Entropic Immortals.
Ideas for Leptar.
Mystaran Numismatics for Alfheim.
Some thoughts regarding Immortals and the Chicken and Egg of Cultural Development.
Fitting Mystara Video Games into the Timeline.
History of Northern Darokin Forts.
The Kingdom of Kerothar (Abandoned).
The Humanoids of the Broken Lands post Gaz-10.
Shadowdeep - The Cavern of Thirith.
Skimming, new Radiance spell.
HR supplement Mighty Fortress in the Savage Coast.
Gunpowder in Mystara.
Barter System/Alternate Economies.
Official details about Metropolitan Alphatia.
Lost Cities of Darokin.
Races and Cultures in rules terms has been updated with lupins and the Dom.
Another option listing Thyatian emperors has been updated.
The campaign journal, Thorn's Chronicle has been updated.
More Mental Ramblings and a map.
Kill Bargle!, further notes from a Bargle centred campaign.
Alphatia Birthright: Kingdom of Ambur, more places of interest.
The Orc Wars campaign has been updated.Update - 14 June
This is only a partial update.
The first site in the Geocities Relocation Project is available now on the Vaults: Mystara's Map Navigator. Expect to see more soon.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:D&D 3.5 Conversion of Night’s Dark Terror.
Thorf's Mapping Tools.
Maps of the Milenian Empire, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of New Grunland, 2 miles per hex.
Maps of Known World Trading Routes, non-hex.
Map Legends.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 5, with descriptions of the Philosophies and Movements of Elendaen, Karimari Cult, Phanaton Cult and Temple of Rad.
Once in a blue moon..., Mystaran expressions and sayings.
Orc Wars.
Maps of the Shadowlands, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of the Trident Bay Region, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Maps of Hollow Moon: Nearside, 40 miles per hex have been updated.
More of the 101 Miscellaneous Alphatian Encounters.
Further experiences after running the redraft of the Davinos's Complaint scenario.Update - 31 May
This is only a partial update.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Teaser sample of M3E, the combined Mystara 3E tome.
Radiance: The Secret Craft of Destiny.
Seven Secret Crafts of Glantri, which with the above can be quite unbalancing if not used sparingly in a campaign.
New character class The Wokani.
Glantrian Noble’s Spell List.
Wokani Spell List.
GAZ 13: The Shadow Elves Players' Guide PDF.
Society in Mogreth.
101 Miscellaneous Alphatian Encounters.
Translations of the List of Patron Immortals from the Codex Immortalis.
New translations of Religious Organisations from the Codex Immortalis, Church of Renardie, Church of Universal Harmony, Ruthinian Cult, Church of Thyatis, People’s Temple and the Temple of Yav.
Translation of chapter 1 The Immortals and the Spheres of Power of Codex Immortalis volume1.
Analysis of the Languages of Mystara.
Further analysis of the Languages of Mystara.
Words from the Alphatian Calendar with comparisons to the Thyatian Calendar.
Elven Myths.
Mapping Issues.
Alphatia Birthright: Kingdom of Ambur.
Populating the Hollow World: Immortal Action.
New creature from the Mental Ramlbings story, the Swamp Trilobite.
New classes the Glantrian Noble and Magus of the Great School of Magic in Glantri have been updated.
Kill Bargle!, further notes from a Bargle centred campaign.
The campaign journal, Thorn's Chronicle has been updated.
Glantrian NPC, Mikail Zirchevski has been updated.
Updated translations of Religious Organisations from the Codex Immortalis, Church of Traladara and the Cult of Halav.
Experiences after running the redraft of the Davinos's Complaint scenario.
The History And Evolution Of Rakastas has been updated.Update - 25 April
This is only a partial update.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Central Altan Tepes Mini Gazetteer.
Maps of Davania, 72 miles per hex.
Maps of the Known World, 72 miles per hex.
Maps of the Islands of Lake Amsorak, non-hex.
Maps of Kogolor Lands, 8 miles per hex.
Hollow World: World Map, non-hex.
Maps of Shahjapur, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Hollow Moon: Nearside, 40 miles per hex.
Maps of the Shimmering Lands 2300 BC, 8 miles per hex.
Blackmoor: Grief Eternal.
Alphatia and Laterre - The Tribes of Manihkas.
Some Thyatis map additions.
Weapons of Mystara - Eallurin.
Map of Slagovich AC 1000.
Glantrian NPC, Mikail Zirchevski.
Glantrian NPC, Josef Stransky.
New translations of Philosophies and Movements from the Codex Immortalis, Dainrouw and Minrothism.
New translations of Religious Organisations from the Codex Immortalis, Church of Darokin and Church of Narvaez.
Thoughts about Zölaströya, from a scrawl on the GAZ5 cover.
An idea, The Karameikan Civil Wars.
Threshold Area Map.
Possible location of a saved Mogreth in the Hollow World.
Building Campaign Settings and Adventures.
The maps of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
The maps of the Known World, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
The World Map (non-hex) has been updated.
The maps of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
The maps of Selhomarr, 40 miles per hex have been updated.
The maps of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
Updated translation of a Religious Organisations from the Codex Immortalis, Church of Karameikos.Update - 12 April
This is only a partial update.
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Mystara 2300 BC, Nations of the Known World.
Mystara 2300 BC, Thoughts about the Cultures and Nations.
Mystara 2300 BC Major Conflicts and Interactions - Azcan/M-Inca.
Mystara 2300 BC Major Conflicts and Interactions - Kopru Dominarchy.
Mystara 2300 BC Major Conflicts and Interactions - Taymora.
Mystara 2300 BC Major Conflicts and Interactions - Vulcanian Immigrants.
Mystara 2300 BC Major Conflicts and Interactions - Urzud.
Map of Mystara 2300 BC.
An organisation of Naval Combat rules into a meaningful order.
Weapons of Mystara - Double Axe of Tarastia.
Map of Selhomarr with Provincial Borders.
Government and the Law in Mogreth.
Maps of Thyatis, 8 miles per hex.
Ambur - Outside Starpoint.
Sea Merchant character class 3E.
Sind History.
Sinister Sands Campaign.
Kubitts Reimagined.
The Styrdahl Terror.
Kingsguard of Karameikos.
Thoughts About Kogolors, some problems and some possible solutions.
Information on the Barbarians of Viaskaland.
The information on the maps of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex has been revised, and a new variant map has been added.
The information on the maps of Darokin, 8 miles per hex has been revised, and a new updated map has been added.
The campaign journal, Thorn's Chronicle has been updated.
The Minotaur Character Class has been expanded.
Maps of the Known World 2300 BC have been updated.Update - 08 March
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Thoughts About the Different Red Steels.New links have been added
Potential Products and The Grand Campaign.
4E creature conversions: Hydrax, Hyenadon, Jellyfish, Agrisian, Kryst, Leveller (Bodendruker), Living Statue, Lizard, Rockhome, Lycanthrope; Devil Swine, Lycanthrope; Were-Bear, Lycanthrope; Were-Jaguar, Malfera, Manscorpion, Mek, Mujina, Nightgleet, Nekrozon / Catoblepas, Nightshade, Nosferatu, Nuckalavee, Oard, Lava Ooze, Pegataur, Phoenix, Phygorax, Plasm, Possession, Snow Ape, Rock Baboon, Reflector, Rhagodessa, Rock Fang, Sacrol, Seergar, Shadow, Shadowelf, Feathered Serpent, Slug, Giant, Spectral Hound, Spider, Planar, Spider, Silk, Spirit, Animal, Spirit; Aspect of a Spirit Lord, Spirit; Evil, Spirit; Nature, Spirit; Druj, Spirit; Odic, Spirit; Revenant, Stalwart, Thoul, Toad, Giant, Tzitzimitl, Undine, Vapour Ghoul, Weasel, Giant, Worm, Giant and Wyrd.
Minotaur Character Class.
Mythic Origins of the Minotaurs.
Firestorm, Spillworld adventure idea.
Adapting Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path to Mystara.
Dark History of the d'Ambreville Family.
The d'Ambreville Family Tree.
Petra, Community in the Borderlands.
Module Ideas for Karameikos, The Dark Theocracy and The Great Families.
The Torenescu Clan.
Estates of Karameikos.
3.5E description of the Thunder Rift town of Kleine.
4E Intro to Mystara Immortals.
Maps of the Known World and Taymora 2300 BC.
Mogreth - Overview.
Mogreth - Races.
Mogreth - What People Say.
Mogreth - Monsters.
Religion in Mogreth.
Aldaran Races and Cultures.
Cultural Bias and the Spell of Preservation.
Mystaran Immortals as 4E gods.
Mystaran Villain Challenge.
Map of Mogreth.
Redrafting of the Davinos's Complaint scenario.
Drakhaba al Kaloon.
Weapons of Mystara - Sword of Karameikos.
Elves post the Great Rain of Fire.
Weapons of Mystara - Children of the Horse's Spear.
Rakasta racial traits and heroic tier feats.
A Meeting with a Sorcerer King.
Maps of Selhomarr, 40 miles per hex.
Sailor rumours in the sea ports of Darokin (and nearby).
Who's Who of Thunder Rift - Nicholas Maybrush.
Villains of Mystara issue #1: Bargle the Infamous.
An Elven Supremacist With Ties to The Shadow Elves.
Maps of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex.
Maps of Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex.
Playtested ideas for a better CM9 Legacy of Blood game.
The campaign journal, Thorn's Chronicle has been updated.
More sessions and information from actual play sessions of the Blood Brethren Trilogy.
More Mental Ramblings from 5th of Eirmont, AC 993 (alert - this entry contains some violent scenes).
Some of the ideas in the 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign have been updated, and some have been added.
Some additional new types of Meks.
Additional sets of crests of the Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos.
More creatures making up the Lost Lore of Aldara.
Altered Savage Coast 4E campaign updated with a recent campaign event.
The updated map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex has been revised.
Flintlock Pistol and Flintlock Rifles - Weapon Mastery has been updated with encumbrance values.
The maps of Glantri, 8 miles per hex have been updated.
The maps of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex have been updated.Update - 27 January
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Worlds of the Nexus, an idea bringing together the disparate players Mystara's into a single coherent campaign setting via the Nexus.The list of files on the Vaults of Pandius has been updated
Map of Mystara, AC 1000, part 2, part 3.
Map of the Borea region.
Map of Brun, AC 1160.
Map of Central Norwold, AC 1160.
Map of Norwold, AC 1160.
Map of Sind, AC 1160.
3E conversion of Angus McGregor.
3E conversion of Duncan McGregor.
Races of the Serpent Peninsula.
Races of Sind.
Adventures set in Ylaruam.
D&D conversion of the Tarrasque.
Thoughts on Ulimwengu.
Farrow the shadowelf, described in the Planescape setting, returned to Mystara.
International Organisations on Mystara.
Who's Who of Thunder Rift - Historical Characters.
4E Quick And Dirty Conversion.
3E Quick And Dirty Conversion.
Views of Specularum for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
The Ruined Church in Specularum for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
Ethnic Gangs in Specularum from the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
More Specularum NPCs for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
Specularum NPCs and Places for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
Information from "Of Nests and Nations" for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
Statue of Ban Bogdan Ivanovich for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
The Kruskiev Order for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
District heraldry and patrons for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project.
Campaign journal, Thorn's Chronicle.
Crunch from Thorn's Chronicle: On Magic.
Thorn's Chronicle: PCs.
The Adakaners - Frontier Folk of Davania.
The Tokham.
Map of the Milenian Empire of Davania.
Adri Varma Plateau timeline.
Soul Eater, 4E.
4E conversions of Bargle, Stefan and the Black Eagle. All three were made 11th level to roughly reflect their original levels but also to basically position them as the big targets for the end of the heroic tier as allies or enemies.
Future Timeline Inspired By New Editions.
New cultures in look at Races and Cultures in rules terms.
Thar, in 4E.
Beasthunter, Clanmaster of Clan Long Runner in 4E.
Coolhands, Wife of the Clanmaster of Clan Long Runner in 4E.
Don Diego de Belcadiz, “Manuel of the Plains”, Belcadizan Hero in 4E.
King Doriath in 4E.
Shurengyla in 4E.
Alfric Oderbry, Patriarch-Wannabe of the Church of Karameikos in 4E.
Jaervosz Dustyboots, Sheriff of Seashire in 4E.
Loberlin Mulgor in 4E.
Zanzer Tem, 4E.
Mystara Fourth Edition, Known World nations Broken Lands, Darokin, Ethengar Khanates, Minrothad Guilds, Northern Reaches and Thyatis.
4e conversions of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures: Archelon, Adult, Baluchitherium, Adult, Dinosaur; Allosaurus, Dinosaur; Ankylosaurus, Dinosaur; Archaeopteryx, Dinosaur; Brontosaurus, Dinosaur; Dimetrodon, Dinosaur; Ichthyosaurus, Dinosaur; Nothosaurus, Dinosaur; Pachycephalosaurus, Dinosaur; Pisanosaurus, Dinosaur; Plesiosaurus, Dinosaur; Pterosaur, Dinosaur; Pteranodon, Giant, Dinosaur; Stegosaurus, Dinosaur; Triceratops, Dinosaur; Tylosaurus, Dinosaur; Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur; Velociraptor, Fantasy, Lake Klintest Monster, Phobosuchus, Tanystropheus and Trachodon.
4E creature conversions: Actaeon, Adaptor, Aerial Servant (Haoou), Agarat, Ant, Giant, Archon, Mystaran, Beetle, Giant Oil, Beetle, Giant Tiger, Beholder, Undead, Moan Bird, Blacklore Devices, Cheval, Choker, Crab, Giant, Death Leech, Deep Glaurant, Devilfish, Djinn, Dog; Blink Dog, Dragon-Kin; Flapsail, Dragon, True, Dwarves, Mystaran, Eladrin and Elves, Mystaran, Elemental; Helion, Feywing, Gargantua, Athach, Giant, Frost, Golem, Amber, Golem, Bone, Golem, Bronze, Drolem, Golem, Mud, Golem, Obsidian, Golem, Wood, Halflings, Horse; Elven Warhorse, Hsiao, Humans, Mystaran and Huptzeen.
Map of the City of Blackmoor.
Streets of Specularum.
Crests of the Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos.
More Personalities of Maganshire.
An idea for Duergar in Mystara.
Centaurs in Ethengar after the conquest of Alfheim.
Ya Suc Ho: Land of the 1000 Tunnels.
Mystaran Archaeology - Tools of the Trade.
Dominions of Karawenn.
Suggested locations for the Dragon Conclaves.
The Principality of Selinar, eighty years of elvish rule in Darokinian town of Nemiston.
The Confederated Kingdom of Niscosenia, a survival of Lhomarrian culture on the surface world.
Druid Class Reinterpreted.
Heraldry and Knighthood in Thunder Rift.
Darokin History.
History of Darokin Part III.
Campaign Log from a modified version of the Savage Tide AP.
Moldvay Cook OD&D House Rules, house rules for character classes.
Who's Who of Thunder Rift - Quest For The Silver Sword NPCs, Rage Of The Rakasta Characters, Assault On Raven’s Ruin Characters, Goblin’s Lair Adventure Pack Characters, Haunted Tower NPCs, Knight Of Newts NPCs, Escape From Thunder Rift Characters, Sword And Shield NPCs, Characters From Zanzer’s Dungeon and Others.
Consideration for the Placement of Thunder Rift.
Origin of the Mek: The Strange Affair of the God Hallucigenia.
New types of Meks.
Maganshire Timeline from AC 1000 onwards.
Cynidicea/Nithia interactions.
Possible Maps for Nithia's Towers of Evil.
Details about Mogreth.
Tropos, a sample island floating through Spillworld.
Spillworld Planetary Database.
The Gateway Observatory to Spillworld.
The Reflectory.
Lost Lore of Aldara.
The ITAV Lucinius.
Hin Master Prestige Class, 3E.
Forester Prestige Class, 3E.
Knight-Hero Prestige Class, 3E.
Gladiator Prestige Class, 3E.
Hin Master Spells.
Thoughts on the Denial feat.
Priest Core Class.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 6, with descriptions of the Pantheons including Caerdwicca, Lost Plateau, Alphatia, Qeodhar and Yannivey, Alatian Isles (Aegos, Aeria, Gaity, Ne’er-do-well), Bellissaria, Cathos and Vacros, Cestia, Oceania, Addakia, Arypt, Brasol, Emerond, Izonda, Meghales Amosses, Thyatian Hinterlands (Four Kingdoms), Esterhold, Tangor, Thonia, Thorin, Meghala Kimata, Pelatan, Vulture Peninsula, Ice Peaks and Lost Valley, Vulcania, Shadow Coast (Provincia Septentriona and Meridiona), Dunadale, Ekto, Furmenglaive, Helskir, Kendach, East Portage, Redstone, Thothia, Trikelios, West Portage, Westrourke, Jen, Nentsun, Zyxl, Antalians, Beastmen, Brute-men, Elves, Blacklore, Elves, Icevale, Hutaaka, Kubitts, Nithians, Oltecs, Minaea, Azcans, Elves, Gentle Folk (Truedyl), Elves, Schattenalfen, Gnomes, Oostdokian, Jennites, Malpheggi, Milenians, Neathar, Shahjapur, Tanagoro, Traldar, Dwarves, Kogolor, Orcs, Krugel, Merry Pirate Seas, Richland and Jungle Coast.
PDF version of the English translation of Immortals of Mystara, chapter 6 of volume 3 of the Codex Immortalis.
New translations from the Codex Immortalis II, chapter 5, with descriptions of the Philosophies and Movements including Augrism.
More sessions and information from actual play sessions of the Blood Brethren Trilogy.
The Karawenn Timeline has been updated.
Mystara Fourth Edition, feats for Clerics and Paladins has been updated.
Notable buildings by district for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project has been updated.
NPCs for the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project has been updated.
More Mental Ramblings from 28th of Sviftmont, AC 993.
Some of the ideas in the 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign have been updated, and some have been added.
The Simbasta Overseer has been updated with comments.Thorf's maps pages have been updated with thumbnail views of the maps on each page.
With the renumbering of ideas in the 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign, the Damsel in Distress have been removed and given their own page.