Update – 27 December 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Poor Wizard's Almanac AC1021 - an event.
Image of Bargle.
Festivals and the Planes - thoughts about the idea of festivals being held during times when the veil between the planes of existence is thinner.
AI-Generated Immortal Art.
Addressing the nasty side effects of Magic.
Thibault’s Gulf of Hule Area, 8 miles per hex.
Chronicles of Zoa Kram.
Stitched map of all the Bellisarian Kingdoms and surrounding lands, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Minaean coast, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Alphatian continent, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Pearl Islands, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Midlands, 8 miles per hex.
Map of The Arm, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Yalu Bay and Yezchamenid empire, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Zuyevo, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Klagorst, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Valhara, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Borean Valley, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Samarak, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Arypt and Cestia, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Amalur, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Adakkian sound north, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Megales Amoses Desert, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Davania Fricana, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on the Skyship of Love after Alphatia.
Immortals associated with the Bead of Oblivion.
Thunder Rift: Some musings on population numbers.
The World of Karawenn.
Thibault’s Known World North, 8 miles per hex.
Glantrian Elemental Healing Spells.
Thibault’s Known World South, 8 miles per hex.
Additional Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
World of Karawenn logo.
Aelos logo.
Thibault’s Hule and the Great Waste, 8 miles per hex.
3.5e qualifications to be a member of the Thousand Wizards of Alphatia.
Alternative locations for Rahasia.
Thibault’s Known World and the Great Waste, 8 miles per hex.
Matera logo.
Covers for Thunder Rift Adventures.
Thibault’s Savage Coast East, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Phoenix, Winter.
Image of Boris Torenescu.
Invisible Moon logo.
Thibault’s Brun Southeast, 8 miles per hex.
Invisible Moon (Patera / Myoshima) logo.
The Thonian Church, 1004 AC - an alternative for immortal worship within Mystara.
Part Seventeen: Spooky Scary Skeletons for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Isles of Steam, 24 miles per hex.
World Tour through Modules - possible progress paths through the modules.
Thibault’s Isles of Steam, 8 miles per hex.
5e stats for Outer servitors.
Thibault’s Hinterlands, 24 miles per hex.
Fear system.
Thoughts towards addressing cultural insensitivities in Mystaran cultures.
Thoughts about renaming Broken Lands peoples.
Broken Lands: The False Olympians and the Seven Realms.
Neural Arcane Infusion Apparatus.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn North, 24 miles per hex.
Additional thoughts on the False Olympians and the Seven Realms.
The Cyclopedia Companion - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games v 1.25 bow has a bard class and bardic spellsongs.
Thibault’s Davania, 24 miles per hex 2003.
New creature: The Bone Bandit's Zombie Chicken.
Thibault’s Western Davania, 8 miles per hex.
Pages from Glantrian Mages.
Adventure Idea: The Night the Moon Came.
Thibault’s Eastern Davania, 8 miles per hex.
Part Eighteen: Ruins of the Abbey for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
What’s in a Name? – Thoughts on the Heldannic Port of Forton.
Thibault’s Vanya’s Rest Region, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: The Great Orcs.
Puff Rivernoggin-Lemonseed - Known World halfling in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight adventure.
Thibault’s Vanya’s Rest Region, 8 miles per hex.
Linguistic Archaeology: T Linguistic Group. The T linguistic group are a pre-Aztec/Toltec group who migrate to Africa from Americas. The Comet sighting puts them at 10,000BC so it's ideal for a pre-Azcan culture who migrate to Southern Davania to become an African culture. They seem to have observed a comet striking the Atacama region (10,000BC) across the Sea to the west.
Thibault’s Mivosia 1018 AC, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Silent Knight.
Thibault’s Hinterlands Area 1018 AC, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Polakatsikes 1019 AC, 24 miles per hex.
Updated map of Heldann 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex.
Huul'daac Tarthuul, Patron of the Endless Game.
Problem with the Alphatian Calendar.
Updated map of Wendar 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex.
Greyhawk Summoning Spells in Glantri.
The Adventurers Guild.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:D&D Products available for Print on Demand on Dungeon Masters Guild / DriveThruRPG.Update – 5 December 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Mappers of Mystara: Adamantyr.
Mappers of Mystara: Geoff Gander.
Mappers of Mystara: Paul Holroyd.
Mappers of Mystara: James Mishler.
The Green Mill.
Mappers of Mystara: Ricardo Matheus.
Basic Cloister designs for Karameikos.
New spell: Delayed Message.
Nithian Hieroglyphs.
Get Bargle! adventure from the 2021 MystaraCon.
Thibault’s Bellissaria, 72 miles per hex.
Part Fourteen: Tower of the Usurper for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Bellissaria 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex v1.
Thibault’s Bellissaria 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex v2.
Session 5: Battle of Gereth Minar of Experiences in X11: Saga of the Shadowlord.
"Invisible" countries: tribes and villages which didn't get a red-lined border.
Thyatian and Alphatian names for planets.
Thibault’s Darokin, 24 miles per hex v2.
The Vast Lands of Norwold: The Companion World — A Mystaran subsetting and logo.
Membership of the Secret Crafts of Glantri (1014)
Providing more flavor and variation for Magic Users: Expanded Spell Lists.
Additional Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
Thibault’s Great Waste, 8 miles per hex.
The Gateway Lands regionalization and logo (Great Waste, Serpent Peninsula, City-States, Hule).
Southold logo (Savage Coast + Red Steel + Orc's Head Peninsula + Yazak Steppes + Great Northway Lands).
Known World logo (based on Threshold mag / GAZ logo).
Alphatia logo (including the Floating Continent and the New Alphatian Empire).
Arm of the Immortals subsetting logo.
Dungeon Master Screen recreated, modified PDF version with Mystara logo PDF version, latex source.
Thibault’s Adri Varma, 8 miles per hex v2.
Thibault’s Norwold South, 8 miles per hex.
Other names for the Known World.
More subsetting logos (Jungle Coast, Thunder Rift, Sea of Dawn, Sea of Dread).
The Rainbow Realm - Overview.
New creature: Giant Stink Bug.
New spell: Markov's Protection from Intoxication.
Part Fifteen: The Secrets of the Skyhorn Lighnouse for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
New Kolland Cultural Curiosities.
Thibault’s Norwold North, 8 miles per hex.
Two Ravenloft subsettings from Mystara: Swamp of the Hideous One and the Surrounding Lands (Gulluvia).
Thibault’s Schweidnitz, 8 miles per hex.
Evolution of Mystaran planetary conceptions.
Thibault’s Alphatian Sea, 24 miles per hex.
Dungeons of Drakkenheim Eldritch Contamination - Red Curse for 5e?
Thibault’s Alphatian Sea 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex v3.
Part Sixteen: Skull Dunes for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Glantrian Economic Activity System Version 2.0.
Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex v3.
AI-Generated Mystaran Book Covers.
Reconciling 3.5 deity ranks with immortal ranks using mathematics.
Spellcaster Pay.
Glantrian NPC: Aozy Markov.
Thibault’s Calengar, 24 miles per hex.
Northern Reaches - expanded Viking equipment.
Thibault’s Sind, 8 miles per hex v2.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
New Spells commonly known by members of the Secret Crafts of Glantri.
Glantrian spells adapted from previously published spells.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games 1.25 has medicine man, phanaton, reptilians races (lizard man, gator man, cay man, chameleon man), boomerang weapon mastery added and the druid spells are fiddled with a little.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
Map of Glantrian Trade Centers.
Map of Glantri 1014 AC, 8 miles per hex.Update – 24 November 2021
The links to the MystaraCon 2021 videos have been added to the main page.
Update – 21 November 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Land of Denagoth, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of All Davanian Shallows, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Known World, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of Norwold, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: A Brun Sea of Dread, map, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: A Brun Sind-Serpent, map, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: A Brun Savage Coast, map, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: A Sea of Dawn Islands, map, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Isles of Steam, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of Oceania, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of Vulture Peninsula, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of Davania: Alol and Ka, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of Frosthaven and Northern Norwold, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: A Brun Sindh Desert, map, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of Minaea - West, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Alphatia Imperial Territories, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Island of Zyxl, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Barony of Qeodhar (Empire of Alphatia), 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Kingdom of Shiye Lawr (Empire of Alphatia), 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Esterhold Peninsula, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Kingdom of Surshield, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Kingdom of Eirun-Drynn, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Dawrim Territories, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Kingdom of Notrion, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Kingdom of Meriander, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Kingdom of Horken, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin Mystara: Map of the Archwizardate of Lagrius, Bellisaria, Empire of Alphatia 8 miles per hex.
Some visuals to the Museum of Monsterology in the Great School of Magic.
Vaarn Tisserand.
Radiance Spells and Meta Powers.
Shops In Glantri.
Thibault’s Izonda West, 24 miles per hex.
Part Eleven: Gold Tooth Mine for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Pelatan West, 24 miles per hex.
Morgennon - Glantrian navy airship.
Thibault’s Pelatan East, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Brasol West, 24 miles per hex.
MyZtara Smooth font kerning pairs.
The Ancient Egyptians - An Analysis. Includes an analysis of names and hieroglyphs which are readily useable for enhancing Nithian, Thothian and related campaigns.
Thibault’s Vulcania, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Brasol East, 24 miles per hex.
The Spell of Preservation is the Power of Urt.
Part Twelve: The Tower of Zenopus Part I for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Sis'thik - compiled information.
New spell: Magnus's Locate Component
Thibault’s Vulcania Far East, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Sis'thik Crusher.
Thibault’s Davania, 24 miles per hex.
Armeria di Mystara: Guida ad armature, scudi, armi bianche, da fuoco e d’assedio (Italian), v 1.78 - with added rules for siege machines.
Razze di Mystara (Italian), v 1.86.
Manuale delle Abilità Generali (Italian), v 8.8 - newer system with skill points.
Classi di Mystara (Italian), v 2.75 - detailing 24 classes, new rules for skill points, saving throws, magic points, positive AC and BAB, new combat and stealth feats and over 40 kits.
Thibault’s Mystara, 24 miles per hex.
Exotic Ammunition.
Thibault’s Bellissaria, 24 miles per hex v2.
My Monsters Collection.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex v2.
Map of Threshold, research and compilation.
New spell: Static Electricity.
Thibault’s Thothia and Greenspur, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Gila Monster.
Thibault’s Haven and Dunadale, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex v3.
Dagorononi - Glantrian navy airships.
Thibault’s Adri Varma, 24 miles per hex.
Master of Components at the Great School of Glantri.
Part Thirteen: Dungeons & Daddies for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
History as seen from the Eyes of the M'Kar.
Thibault’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex v4.
Dark Thonian Science: a history of the Machine of Lum the Mad and Talon Isle.
New Glantrian Spells compiled by Micky the Mage.
Thibault’s Norwold, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex v3.
The Sis'thraka.
Glantrian spells adapted from previously published spells.
New Spells commonly known by members of the Secret Crafts of Glantri .
Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex v4.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Regions from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Linguistic archaeology map for human civilizations.
Codex Immortalis - Tomo Primo: Guida agli Immortali version 4.0.
Codex Immortalis - Tomo Secondo: Religioni di Mystara version 2.1.
Tomo della Magia di Mystara version 3.55 - revised in one single manual and supporting the new Saving Throws and Skill points system.
Updated Druid Class.
D&D Products on Dungeon Masters Guild / DriveThruRPG.
D&D Products available for Print on Demand on Dungeon Masters Guild / DriveThruRPG.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games v 1.25.
DMR1: Dungeon Master Screen recreated, modified PDF version, latex source, Ms. Pacman variant.Update – 31 October 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Character Backgrounds from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Thibault’s Minaea Central, 24 miles per hex.
Part Eight: Danger at Dunwater for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Oceania, 24 miles per hex.
Merchant Ship Trading Rules.
Trading Caravans Overland rules.
Mystara on the map of Flanaess.
Thibault’s Davania, 72 miles per hex.
Weapon Mastery: Spiked Plumbata.
New PC race: Brock (Badger folk).
Session 3: Into the Wild of Experiences in X11: Saga of the Shadowlord.
Thibault’s Hule, 8 miles per hex.
Covad-Toril - a world merged from Toril, Oerth, and Mystara.
Thibault’s Hyborea, 24 miles per hex.
Barhopping in Glantri City.
Wood Elf class.
Thibault’s Alphatian Empire, 72 miles per hex.
Elvish "Druid" Class.
Thibault’s Brun, 24 miles per hex 2000.
The Warrior of Godan Zaiyan - Mystara Secret Warrior part 2, the rules and Background for the Godan Warrior when they become a Titan exalted creature.
Part Nine: Danger at Dunwater Part II for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Minea, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Skothar Central East, 24 miles per hex.
Custom Monster Assortment.
Catacomb - halfway house for souls who spent their life in service to the immortals of the Sphere of Matter.
Thibault’s Skothar Northwest, 24 miles per hex.
Subclasses from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Mirror Fiend, 5E conversion.
New creature: Great Barracuda.
Thibault’s Thonia, 24 miles per hex.
Session 4: Darn that Sword of Experiences in X11: Saga of the Shadowlord.
Thibault’s Serpent Peninsula, 24 miles per hex.
Additional Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
New creature: Peuchen.
Thibault’s Ochalea, 8 miles per hex v2.
Highly Non-Canon Take on the Rainbow Bridge.
Thibault’s Pearl Islands, 8 miles per hex.
Nerpa - freshwater wereseals.
Part Ten: Logger's Camp for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Known World, 24 miles per hex v2.
The Immortals are Explorers, and an immortal-deity level comparison.
Thibault’s Brun, 24 miles per hex.
Location of Zadreth.
Conceptual Prime - the underlying planar layer of thought.
Monster Reaction Table.
Thibault’s Adakkian Sound, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Vrykolakas.
Thibault’s Vulture Peninsula, 24 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Hattians and Plague.
New creature: Dhampir.
Thibault’s Jungle Coast, 24 miles per hex.
Economics of Norwold.
Thibault’s Jungle Coast East, 24 miles per hex.
The Firelords and the Hidden Valley of the Qauriks.
Thibault’s Davania, 24 miles per hex mid 2001.
Thibault’s Izonda East, 24 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Character Kits from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
AD&D Mystara Product List.
Red Curse from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Revised Magic Item Tables.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
Map of Glantrian Trade Centers.Update – 9 October 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Cover for the Unofficial Known World Gazetteer.
Character Kits from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Skyships from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Red Curse from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Mystara Timeline vs. other TSR worlds.
New creature - Myconid: Volvariellid.
Thibault’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex 2000.
Thibault’s Blackmoor, 12 miles per hex.
Centaurs of Mystara.
Compilation/merging BECMI Oard somewhat with Star Trek Borg.
Thibault’s Eastern Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New Immortal: "Uther the Deathless" (CI-3).
New Thonia, home plane of "Uther the Deathless" (CI-3).
Thibault’s Borea, 24 miles per hex v2.
Weapon Mastery - Urmuni.
New creature - Myconid: Armillarid.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex v1.
Giant Pelican, mounts of the N’djatwa 5E.
Idea for The Thorns.
Dryads of Mystara.
Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex v2.
Fauns (Satyrs) of Mystara.
[5E] Wild Beyond the Witchlight and Mystara.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex.
Treants of Mystara.
Hsiao of Mystara.
New spell: Thoul Healing.
Thibault’s Alphatia, 24 miles per hex v2.
Experiences in X11: Saga of the Shadowlord.
Thibault’s Adri Varma, 8 miles per hex v1.
New PC race: Hodmedod (Hedgehog Folk).
Thibault’s Tangor, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Esterhold, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Minaea West, 24 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Weapon Mastery: the Urmuni.
New creature - Myconid: Geastrid.
Map of Port Tenobar.
Regions from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Hex mapping Legend.
Races from Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.Update – 28 September 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Thibault’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex V2.
Thibault’s Five Shires, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex.
Interviews Bill Wilkerson and Ralph Wagner: players in Moldvay & Schick's Original Known World.
Magic Item Table - Rings.
Converting morale between BECMI and 2E.
Converting treasure types between BECMI and 2E.
Thibault’s Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex.
Magic Item Table - Wands, Staffs, Rods.
Thibault’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex V1.
New Character Class: Gnome Artificer.
Thibault’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex.
Karameikos/Ravenloft connections.
Thibault’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex V1.
Mystara/Ravenloft timeline.
The Immortal Hallucigenia.
Thibault’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex V2.
Thibault’s Cestia, 24 miles per hex.
Weapon Mastery: the Urmuni.
Thibault’s Mystara, 72 miles per hex 1999.
New creature: Dileptus, giant.
New creature: Holy Mackerel.
Thibault’s Mystara, 72 miles per hex 2000.
Part Five: the Sea Ghost, Part Six: Butterskull Ranch, and Part Seven: Tower of Storms for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Final episode of Isle of Dread playthrough (freeform LARP + Star Trek cross-over).
Maneuvers in BECMI.
Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex V1 revised.
New spell: Vaarn's Dissection Orthographe.
Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex V2.
Thibault’s Western Borea, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Traladara, 8 miles per hex 960 AC.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games.
New creature - Myconid: Pilobolus.
New creature - Myconid: Morchellid.
New creature - Myconid: Marasmian.
New creature - Myconid: Geastrid.
New creature - Myconid: Coprids.Update – 12 September 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me.
The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
Glantri City: The Noble Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
Glantrian Political Changes AC 1000 - 1014.Update – 11 September 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
I have updated the list of all files on the Vaults of Pandius to assist with people who want to make a copy of the Vaults with a download manager.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Tower of Doom: The Republic and Surrounding Territories.
The Commissioner's Billy Club, unique weapon of Glantri's constabulary.
Thibault’s Aegos, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Aeria, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Lich, Mystic.
Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure Art Compilation.
Thibault’s Gaity and Ne’er-do-well, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Bone King.
New Personalities of Fiddlers Green.
Thibault’s Blackmoor, 24 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Nuar, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Ochalea, 8 miles per hex V1.
Haldemar's Handy Handbook of Heroism - A New 5th Edition Mystara Supplement.
Part Three: Doing Haunted House Backwards and Part Four: And Now for Something Completely Different for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex V1.
Lifespans of Races.
Thibault’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex V2.
New creature: Jaculus.
Weapon Mastery: Sledgehammer.
Magic Item Tables - Weapons and Armour.
The Dragon Spires.
Thibault’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex V2.
Tower of Doom: The Capital at the Heart of the Republic.
Magic Item Table - Potions.
Thibault’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex V2.
Thibault’s Ierendi, 8 miles per hex.
Magic Item Table - Scrolls.
The Unofficial Known World Gazetteer.
Thibault’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex V2.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The Mystical Floating Island of Tír na nÓg.
Lost Immortals: Yoosef.
Hex mapping Legend.
Glantrian Principality of Erewan.Update – 29 August 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
I have updated the list of all files on the Vaults of Pandius to assist with people who want to make a copy of the Vaults with a download manager.I have altered the link to Glen Welch's 5E Player's Guide from the earlier version which had previously been made available to the RPGmp3 website where the current version is available.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
Magic Items by Type and Source.
New creature: Sabre-toothed tiger dragon displacer beast.
Jella-Lan Di Lorenzo, Baroness of Goriidel AC 1014.
Sita Peshwir, Viscountess of d’Ylourgne AC 1014.
New creature: Sleipnir.
Weapon Mastery: the Sling Staff.
Tarastia's Quest for Immortality.
Thibault’s Hule, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Riddler.
Thibault’s La Vallée des Loups, 1 mile per hex.
New creature: Mannequin.
[Dominions] Natural and Unnatural Disasters.
Thibault’s Olgar, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Nasutoceratops.
Q and A with Lawrence Schick on where the Original Known World was played.
Thibault’s Sind, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Spriggan.
The Globe of Peril.
Thibault’s Known World 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Dragon, Purple (Charoite).
Map of the Barony of Buhrohur, 2 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex V1.
Additional Spells of Aozy Markov.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: The Galleon.
Thibault’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex V1.
New creature: Golem, Armour.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: The Swamp.
Thibault’s Alphatia, 24 miles per hex V1.
New creature: Brock.
Spreadsheet of Locations in Ylaruam.
The Imperial Realm of Glevum.
Map Legend to Glantrian 1 mile square scale maps.
Updated chronological map of Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1981).
New creature: Octospider.
Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1981).
New creature: Water Scorpion, Giant.
Weapon Mastery: the Hooked Sword.
Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1982).
New creature: Contrivance.
Incomplete Timeline towards 1752AC+ from The Piazza posted 6 August 2021.
Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dread, 4 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Dragon, Turquoise (Aquamarine).
Magic Power Sources.
The Future Troll Queen.
Updated chronological map of the Central Plateau, 0.5 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Gegenees.
New creature: Elephant, Flying.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: The Ambush.
Land of Maidh.
Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Hatzegopteryx.
Map of Wyrmsbend.
Updated chronological map of Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Tyndall.
BECMI Adventure Design - hallmarks of high level adventures.
RW ethnolinguistic facets of the peoples of the Isle of Dread.
Updated chronological map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Hyena.
Untangling the Worlds of Basic D&D - the Holmes BASIC implied setting.
Known World Firearms.
Events in the breakup of Darokin.
Updated chronological map of the Great Waste, 24 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Barbegazi.
M-Taíno and M-Caribs, indigenous M-Caribbean Amerindians, in Karameikos.
Historical Highlights of Maidh.
Thoughts on the breakup of Darokin and formation of Greatshire.
Updated chronological map of Hule, 24 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Rotifer, Giant.
Updated chronological map of Brun, 24 miles per hex (1983).
New creature: Dragon, Palladium (Moonstone).
Squads, rules to simplify small groups of monsters or retainers to act as a single "creature" in battle.
Updated chronological map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex (1983).
New creature: Iguanodon.
Lost Immortals: Yoosef.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: Hideout in the Mountains.
Map Legend (1983).
New creature: Triffid.
M-Russians, M-Ukrainians, and M-Circassians in east-central Karameikos.
Updated chronological map of The Multiverse (1984).
New creature: Inflationes Ignis.
Thibault’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V1.
New creature: Logi (Balrog).
Adding details to the Crossdawn Road, East Portage and West Portage.
Thibault’s Bellissaria, 24 miles per hex V1.
A few thoughts on Thonia and the fey.
Thibault’s Known World, 8 miles per hex V2.
The Mystical Floating Island of Tír na nÓg.
Immortals of Maidh.
Thibault’s Known World, 24 miles per hex V1.
Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.
Glantrian Minor Dominion of Goriidel, Barony of.
Thibault’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex V1.
Thibault’s Known World, 24 miles per hex V1 1010 AC.
Hutaakan Tapestry from B10.
Places in Tír na nÓg.
Thibault’s Western Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Lich, Warrior.
Hutaakan Tapestry from B10.
Players map for Xitaqa from B10.
The Zargash Region.
Differentiation of swamps, marshes, fens, bogs etc.
Personalities of Fiddlers Green.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: The Fort.
El Arbol, an alternative Belcadiz Tree of Life.
Thibault’s Glantri 1010 AC, 8 miles per hex.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: Town Under Siege.
Weapon Mastery: Kpinga.
Thibault’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex V1.
Linguistic Archaeology: the Pantheon of the Serpent Peninsula.
First campaign log and Part Two: Death Claims It's Tool for the Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup.
Thibault’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex V1.
Weapon Mastery: Kpinga.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: The Main Road to the Capital.
Thibault’s Alphatian Sea, 72 miles per hex.
Glantrian Minor Dominion of Lantruen, Barony of.
Creatures from the Cauldron V: Elven Spellcasters.
Battle Maps inspired by the Tower of Doom: Monster Down The Road.
New Spells of the Shepherds of the Temple of Rad.
Q and A with Bruce Heard on the AD&D Mystara line.
Thibault’s Wendar, 8 miles per hex V1.
Some thoughts on the Rod of Inertia and the Rod of Cancellation.
Thibault’s Serpent Peninsula and Great Waste, 24 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Josef Stransky, Baron of Brulefer AC 1014.
Niccolo Galateo, Viscount of Fausseflammes AC 1014.
New creature: Skeletos.
Adik de Chevas, Baron of Sherlin AC 1014.
Ansel Widefarer, Viscount of Redstone AC 1014.
Michel Leconte, Viscount of Amboise AC 1014.
Glantrian Trade Centers.
Trail Map Mystara 1752AC+.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1, v 1.25 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games - tortles, some more weapons and a new skill added.
Replica map of the Vestland area, 24 miles per hex from X3.
Colourised replica map of Hule, 24 miles per hex from X5.
Map of the Free Province of The Black Mountains, 1 mile per hex.
Map of New Averoigne, 1 mile per hex: image version.
Map of Sablestone region, 1 mile per hex: image version.
Fernando de Casanegra, Duke of Hightower AC 1014.
Glantrian Minor Dominions of Amboise, Viscounty of, Brulefer, Barony of, Edleview, Barony of, Egorn, Barony of, Fallsburg, Barony of, Fausseflammes, Viscounty of, Hightower, Duchy of, Leadyl, Barony of, Nandin, Barony of, Oxhill, Barony of, Sherlin, Barony of, Touraine, County of, Westheath, Archduchy of and d’Ylourgne, Viscounty of.
Glantrian Free Provinces of Isoile, Free Province of, Moulins, Free Province of, Tchernovodsk, Free Province of, The Black Mountains, Free Province of, The West End, Free Province of (formerly Sablestone), Western Wendarian Ranges, Free Province of, Central Wendarian Ranges, Free Province of, Eastern Wendarian Ranges, Free Province of and Three Fires, Free Province of.
Glantrian Principalities of Morlay-Malinbois, Principality of and Sablestone, Principality of.
Glantrian Demographics AC 1000.
Map of the Karameikos Coast, 1 mile per hex.
The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Noble Quarter AC 1014.Update – 25 July 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
I have updated the list of all files on the Vaults of Pandius to assist with people who want to make a copy of the Vaults with a download manager.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Call for contributions for Threshold magazine Issue 28: Trade routes and Darokin.
High quality versions of maps from the twenty-seventh issue of Threshold are available:HTML versions of articles from the twenty-seventh issue of Threshold are available:
- Cry Wolf! - Map of the south western coast of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos
- Cry Wolf! - 1 mile per hex map of the region described (taken from map of south-west Karameikos)
- Of Masters and Deceptions - part 1 - Hule and Surroundings by the time of Hosadus' Reincarnation (AC 580)
New creature: Sceadugenga.
- Editorial.
- A Mystara Glossary.
- A Brief History of the Vaults of Pandius Website
- Fan Productions Overview.
- 40 Years of Mystara Maps.
- Mappers of Mystara - Geoff Gander.
- Cry Wolf!.
- The Isle of Dawn and the Isle of Night.
- Mystara Story Generator - part 2.
- The Talking Whisker.
- Of Masters and Deceptions - Behind the Hulean Wars - part 1.
- Threats and Terrors of Returned Blackmoor.
Another variant of Elementals.
Christian’s Central Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Deinonychus.
The Duke's Road Pass Trail Map.
Christian’s Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Kallikantzaros.
Thibault’s Renardy, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Dwarf Elephant.
Weapon Mastery: Billy Club.
Weapon Mastery: Billy Club.
Thibault’s Robrenn and Eusdria, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts about Taxation in Glantri.
Thibault’s Renardy, Bellayne, and Eastern Herath, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Dragon, Orange (Sunstone).
Geyser Bouncer Islands on Mystara.
Thibault’s Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Ghula.
Sean McAllister, Son and heir of Duke Alasdair McAllister of Fenswick, Grandson of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014.
Quentin McGregor, Son of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014.
Mary McGregor, Daughter-in-law of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014.
Barbara McAllister, Wife of Son of Duke Alasdair McAllister of Fenswick, Daughter of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014.
Bruce McGregor, Nephew of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre, Former Castellan of Crownguard AC 1016.
Thibault’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Dunkleosetus.
New playable BECMI Race: Mugumba Mud Dwellers (Beaverfolk).
Weapon Mastery: Plumbata
Thibault’s Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Golem, Straw.
Map of the Duchy of Kantrium, 2 miles per hex.
Thibault’s Nueva Ispañola, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Utahraptor.
Beavers, Giant Beavers and Mugumba Mud Dwellers in Mystara.
Map Legend for the Atlas of Mystara.
New creature: Doppler.
Thibault’s Isle of Dread, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Gainda manaav (Rhino Man).
Map of Port Tenobar.
Thibault’s Hutaaka, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Dragon, Holmium (Morganite).
New creature: Suit armor golem.
New creature: Chain armor golem.
Weapon Mastery: Plumbata.
Thibault’s Iciria, 40 miles per hex.
Angus McGregor, Member of the Brotherhood of the Radiance AC 1014.
Kagyar’s Instant Forge-tress.
Thibault’s Lhomarr, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Struthiosaurus.
Weapon Mastery: Sword Staff.
Thibault’s Shadow Elves Caverns, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Aunt Sally.
The Erewan Feywoods or The Feywoodlands.
Part 3 and part 4 of the story The Lotus and the Eagle.
Sapphire Gate - City of The Archons.
Unusual Weapons, Armor and Equipment of the Savage Coast.
Thibault’s City of the Stars, 2 miles per hex.
New creature: Jack in Irons.
Economics of the Kingdom of Vestland version 7.4 (in English).
Thibault’s Known World Area, 72 miles per hex.
New creature: Venturi.
Thibault’s Dragon 175 Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Caracal.
Thibault’s Isle of Dawn, 8 miles per hex, 1998.
New creature: Bonnacon.
New creature: Dragon, Silver (Galena).
Thibault’s Savage Coast, 8 miles per hex, 1998.
New creature: Xiphiorhynchus.
Sage Advice.
Spell Advice.
Glantri City: The Entertainment Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Middle Class Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Port Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The West End Quarter AC 1014.
Map of Glantrian Trade Centers.
Thibault’s Mystara, 72 miles per hex, 1998.
New creature: Jubokko.
Pages from Aoz's Spellbook.
Mystara Characters in Non-Mystara Books.
Thibault’s Denagoth, 24 miles per hex, 1998.
New creature: Hedgehog, Giant.
Weapon Mastery: Bastard Axe.
Mapping Wetlands.
Mystoerth Timeline.
Spellfire cards with Mystara Art.
Thibault’s Arm of the Immortals and Orc’s Head Peninsula, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Clausius.
Thibault’s Arm of the Immortals, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Golem, Coral.
Tentative matching of timelines across TSR's settings.
Thibault’s Savage Coast, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Onza.
Thibault’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex, 1999.
New creature: Spinosaurus.
New creature: Deep Whistler.
Isle of Dread playthrough (freeform LARP + Star Trek cross-over).
Thibault’s Brun area, 72 miles per hex, 1999.
New creature: Hodmedod.
Thoughts about Ennaej.
Dungeon's #9 Ivory Tower maps, readjustments and expansion.
Thibault’s Borea, 24 miles per hex, V1.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Linguistic archaeology map for human civilizations.
The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
New creature: Candiru.
Mapping of the Emirate of Nicosthenia, 2 and 0.67 miles per hex.
Unusual Weapons, Armor and Equipment of the Known World.
Map of the Karameikos Coast, 1 mile per hex
Natural Healing and Halfling Cooking.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
Glantri City: The Business Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Noble Quarter AC 1014.
Glantrian Dominion of Glantri City and Suburbs.
Economics of the Kingdom of Vestland - the summary table in updated.Update – 12 July 2021
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 27 of Threshold Magazine is now available.Update – 27 June 2021
I have updated the list of all files on the Vaults of Pandius to assist with people who want to make a copy of the Vaults with a download manager.
Update – 27 June 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Dragons of 2300 BC: Veritaph (aka Great Bull of the Sky) - Adult Gold Dragon.
Origin of the Gemstone Dragons.
Dragons of 2300 BC: Ehrssus (Heir of Soolkhir) - Young Adult Green/Jade Dragon.
Dragons of 2300 BC: Yrrghvillid (Snow Blood) - Ancient White Dragon.
Magic-User Spell List.
Experience Recalculator version 4. A tool (Excel spreadsheet) to help create homebrew character classes.
Reproduction of Classic D&D Game (1994) character sheet.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E1.
École des Sorciers.
Different Take on Elemental Planes
Additional Exotic Materials for Weapons and Armour.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E2.
Smuggler's Pass Trail Map.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E3.
Mystara in JumpChain version 0.2.
Pensionnat d’élite des Arts Obscurs.
The Grand School of Illusions.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E3.
Different Take on Elemental Planes.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1.
Crafting Rules for the Hollow World.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E1.
A fresh perspective on the RC crafting cost formulas.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E2.
Updated Elf Class (OSR D&D-BECMI).
The Orc School of Wizardry.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E3.
Mystara Weather.
Exotic Materials for Weapons and Armour.
The Basic character record sheet for characters level 1 to 3.
The Basic character record sheet for characters of all level.
The Legend of Elf-King Uhlmar 1 page 1, page 2.
A College that Makes you a Wizard.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E3.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E2.
Additional Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
M-Mars: Daedalia Planum, the Land of Shifting Mazes.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E1.
Character Record Sheet as an Acrobat form.
Random Gemstone Determination.
Divine, Arcane, Nature or Combination kits for Mystara.
Darkblood’s Legend.
First spells for students of the Great School of Magic.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex.
The Plane of Niflheim - Realm of Winter.
Marianita Lucia de Leon y Valdez, Master Diplomat of the Foreign Chancellery AC 1014.
Zacarius: Wizard of Cathos, Seashell Ambassador.
Businesses for a City.
Adamantyr’s Known World, 8 miles per hex.
Updated Thief Class (OSR D&D-BECMI).
New creature: Draugr.
New creature: Scorpion Fly.
New creature: Niflheim Warhorse.
New creature: Icemen (Niflings).
Replica map of Karameikos 2E Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure.
Regarding Frost Giants.
Replica map of Safari Island from GAZ4.
Updated map of Aengmor, 8 miles per hex.
Nu-Ravenloft and Mystara: Cosmic Parallels - Domains, the Dark Powers, and Etienne d'Amberville.
Starting Character: Etha of Threshold ( Human / Fighter / 1 / female ).
Niflheim Timeline.
City of Kerendas.
Timothy Klanderud’s Mystara.
Heldannic Knights, stats for 5e.
Rules for usage of Radiance after 1000 AC.
Updated map of Milenia, 8 miles per hex.
L'Uovo di Folaga, part 1 5E (in Italian).
New creature: Dragon, Yellow (Citrine).
New creature: Elephant of Surprise (BECMI).
Replica map of Gulluvia from B3.
New creature: Bluecap.
Ekaterina Andreyevna Zhigulenko, Supreme Shepherd of Rad AC 1014.
What the Brotherhood of the Radiance were up to in 1000 AC.
Updated chronological map of the Isle of Dread, 4 miles per hex (1981).
Updated Halfling Class (OSR D&D-BECMI).
NE Davania: Call of the Champions.
New creature: Beholder Gug.
New creature: Devils Coach Horse.
New playable BECMI Race: Otterkin (Jorri).
Black Birds of Uigmuir.
Updated chronological map of the Central Plateau, 0.5 miles per hex (1981).
New creature: Black Shuck.
New playable BECMI Race: Ratlings.
Updated chronological map of the Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1981).
New playable BECMI Race: Sasquatch, Mountain (Yeti).
Updated chronological maps of Mystara: Legend (1981).
New creature: Bloody Bones.
The Pirates of Mystara a Ghosts of Saltmarsh/Sea King's Malice/Isle of Dread conversion/mashup & 5E campaign log.
The Economics of Spellcasting.
Fast food...Glantrian style.
Cthulhudrew’s Great Crater, 8 miles per hex.
New Nations In Skothar - the Myang Dynasty and the Tsexia Empire.
DragonStrike (1993) and Mystara.
Mogreth/Nithia/Ylaruam research compilation map.
New creature: Quicksilver (Starstone) Dragon.
New playable BECMI Race: Sasquatch, Wood (Big Foot).
Cthulhudrew’s Great Crater Sublevel 1, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Bombardier Beetle, Giant.
M-Mars: The Geonid Path.
Pirate Traits, 5E.
Users of the Radiance, 1014 AC
Cthulhudrew’s Great Crater Sublevel 2, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Shugmonkey.
River flow Mogreth/Ylaruam comparison.
Cthulhudrew’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.
Cthulhudrew’s Cathos and Vacros v1, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Dunnie.
Additional questions and answers with Frank Mentzer from Dragonsfoot on 31 July/1 August 2006, 15 August 2006, 16-19 August 2006, 31 August-3 September 2006 and 4 February 2007.
Cthulhudrew’s Cathos and Vacros v2, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Adhlacthaí portaigh.
Erosional features in Ylaruam.
Almanac events involving the Seashell Ambassador.
Cthulhudrew’s Blackmoor, 24 miles per hex.
Map overlays of Ylaruam through time.
Expanding the Emerlas for a campaign.
New creature: Cheetah.
Cthulhudrew’s Eastern Shadow Coast, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Shark, Hammerhead.
Cthulhudrew’s Ghyr, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Shellycoat.
Creatures from the Cauldron III: Rzechian.
Cthulhudrew’s Xyqata, 8 miles per hex.
Islands of the Thanegioth Archipelago.
Aquaria/Empyrea in Mystara.
Quill Cadieux and Barony of Os.
L'Uovo di Folaga, part 2 an adventure for characters levels 5 to 10, 5E (in Italian).
New creature: Dragon, Platinum (Quartz).
Cthulhudrew’s Caerdwicca, 8 miles per hex.
Replica map of the Outer World, from Dragon 153.
Cthulhudrew’s Gnollheim, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Cave Lion.
New creature: Giant Bluebottle.
Map of Glantri 1014 AC, 8 miles per hex with more context.
Kingdom of the Dead.
Cthulhudrew’s Dogvale, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Sathar.
Healing Spells of the Great School of Magic.
New spell: Aoz's Dangerous Mechanical Medic.
Cthulhudrew’s Journey to the Rock, 1 mile per hex.
New creature: Baobhan sith.
Healing Spells of the Great School of Magic.
Cthulhudrew’s Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex
Economics of the Kingdom of Vestland version 7.3.
Cthulhudrew’s Fenhold, 1 mile per hex.
New PC Race: Gingerbread-Folk.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Terentias, 2 miles per hex.
New creature: Dragon, Ultraviolet (Fluorite).
Cthulhudrew’s Hutaaka, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex.
Classic D&D Settings.
Cthulhudrew’s Limn, 8 miles per hex.
Outpost Insight - a Ravenloft domain about a Blackmoor deep space station left stranded after the Great Rain of Fire.
New creature: Aralez.
Mapping of the Emirate of Nicosthenia, 2 and 0.67 miles per hex.
Cthulhudrew’s Bararna Island, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Dralasite.
For Love, Not Money, a mini-adventure.
Christian’s Hule, 24 miles per hex.
Christian’s Nine Kingdoms, 1950 BC.
New creature: Valravn.
New creature: Dobhar-chú.
The article The spell of the Talming Hills now has a map of the area included.
Thoughts on Elven Healing Magic in Glantri.
Christian’s Hule, 700 BC.
[BECMI] Temples of Lawful and Neutral Clerics.
New creature: Trollgädda.
Christian’s Hule, 150 AC.
New creature: Dragon, Infrared (Garnet).
Updated Gnome Class (OSR D&D-BECMI).
Christian’s Olgar, 8 miles per hex.
Q and A with Merle Rasmussen.
Edward Newbute, Baron of Oxhill AC 1014.
Playing in Mystara with my kids.
Xyxl as the setting of the 3-D Dragon Tiles adventures.
Zyxl is the Jurassic island of Java.
New creature: Erlkling.
Christian’s Bulzan, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the County of Halathius, 2 miles per hex.
New creature: Bregdi.
The Master of Illusion.
Christian’s Antasyn, 8 miles per hex.
The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina, extrapolation from the names in the adventure.
A fan-made Atlas of North and Central Arypt.
New creature: Titanopteran.
Christian’s Monzag, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Quetzalcoatlus.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games. Includes character generation, classes and races, spells, additional general skills, weapons and weapon mastery, magical research and lists and equipment.
M-Mars: Fire Lake.
Christian’s South Central Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Yazarian.
Christian’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex.
New creature: Saltosaurus.
Christian’s Hule, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Copper (Sphalerite) Dragon.
Hollow World Physics and Structure.
[Undersea] Mystara's Tritons compared to other editions.
Christian’s Western Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Mattress.
Black Eagle independent?
New playable BECMI Race: Newt, including two new subraces of newt: the flame and frost varieties.
Glantrian Dominion of Sablestone, Principality of.
Creatures from the Cauldron IV: Orkarian.
Christian’s Borea, 24 miles per hex.
Glantrian Dominion of Nandin, Barony of.
Building Mystoerth.
New creature: Dropper Beetle.
Christian’s Northeastern Davania, 24 miles per hex.
New creature: Velociraptor.
Christian’s Davania, 7000 BC.
Glantrian Dominion of d’Ylourgne, Viscounty of.
Map of the Duchy of Retebius, 2 miles per hex.
Map of the City of Retebius, 2 miles per hex.
Duchy of Retebius-Mini-Gazetteer.
Christian’s Davania, 3000 BC.
New creature: Vrusk.
Christian’s Davania, 1850-940 BC.
New creature: Swordfish.
The Lotus and the Eagle, story.
Christian’s Davania, 1000-100 BC.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
Borodin, Baron of Nandin AC 1014.
Thoughts about Taxation in Thyatis.
New creature: Dragon, Iridium (Spectrolite).
Christian’s Davania, 127 BC-465 AC.
Conquest of Veydra - Land of the Gemstone Dragons.
Christian’s Davania, 1000 AC.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Detailed Map of Northeast Brun.
Weapon Mastery - New Weapons, tables updated.
New creature: Boobrie.
Fernando de Casanegra, Duke of Hightower AC 1014.
Glantrian Demographics AC 1000.
Tenebras Favosi, Baron of Fallsburg AC 1014.
New creature: Dragon, Violet (Amethyst).
Replica map of the Outer World from the Master Rules Set.
New creature: Knocker.
Map of Glantri 1014 AC, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Thresher Shark.
New creature: Bed Bug (Giant).
The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
Updated map of Thyatis, 8 miles per hex.
Glantrian Political Changes AC 1000 - 1014.
Glantrian Dominions of Egorn, Barony of, Edleview, Barony of, Fallsburg, Barony of, Hightower, Duchy of, Oxhill, Barony of, Sherlin, Barony of, and Westheath, Archduchy of as well as The West End, Free Province of (formerly Sablestone) as well as Morlay-Malinbois, Principality of and Nouvelle Averoigne, Principality of.
Map of New Averoigne, 1 mile per hex: image version.
Map of Sablestone region, 1 mile per hex: image version.
Hex mapping Legend.
New creature: Dybbuk.
Gerrid Rientha, Baron of Egorn AC 1014.
Angus McClintock McDuff, Baron of Uigmuir, Master at the Great School of Magic AC 1015.
Mikail Zirchevski, Baron of Lipetsk AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Noble Quarter AC 1014.
Katya Verlien-Zirchevski, Student at The Great School of Magic AC 1014.
New creature: Ichneumon, Giant.Update – 25 April 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Lightfoot Halfling character class.
Locations in Eastshire and Seashire.
Map of the Gran Ducato di Karameikos (in Italian).
Q and A with Michael Dobson.
Cost of Healing: Potion and Honey.
Honey and Magical Honey.
Geoff’s Regelnis, 8 miles per hex.
Herrnhall - The Doomed City - A New Adventuring Locale For Mystara.
Mogreth Timeline.
Geoff’s Imperial Domain, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Regelnis.
BECMI, Gazetteer and Rules Encyclopaedia Spells Index.
Geoff’s Tynerii, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Tynerii.
Geoff’s Ardeth, 8 miles per hex.
Peoples of Hyboria Gazetteer, English translation.
Geoff’s Soroth, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on the Imperial Domain.
Eight Official Mystara world configurations.
Elven Magic Review (Gaz 5, Gz 13 and PC1).
Geoff’s Callair Hills, 2.7 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Ardeth.
Additional Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
Geoff’s Barrowfields, 0.5 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Nastoreth, 8 miles per hex.
Q and A with Frank Mentzer on the map of the outer world.
Geoff’s Vertiloch, 24 miles per hex.
Stalwart Subraces and Bloodlines.
Geoff’s Ilyoris, 8 miles per hex.
Thoul Variants.
The Giant's Vale.
Thoughts on Ilyoris.
Geoff’s Akalis, 8 miles per hex.
Conan the Barbarian ( Human / Thief / 5 / male ).
Thoughts on Akalis.
Geoff’s Atlissini, 8 miles per hex.
Forest Jen.
Rules for Travelling by ship.
Geoff’s Klath-T’zarth, 24 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Klath-T’zarth.
Tomb of Annihilation in Mystara.
Geoff’s Sexerothnyi, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Sexerothnyi.
Geoff’s Lhomarr.
Geoff’s Vassek, 8 miles per hex.
Cruth Lowlands - orc totems and the orcish vision quest site.
On The Free Cities.
More Aurum Hounds Regiments & Solo Ops.
Geoff’s Selhomarr, 8 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Cynidicean Underworld, 8 miles per hex.
Housekeeping - the fate of the former Viscountess Arbana Jerbat.
D&D BECMI Alternate Saving Throws.
Hoddie’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex.
Glantri's sky navy - filling in a gap in its evolution.
Rake Character Class, revised.
D&D BECMI Alternate Saving Throws Pt. II.
Hoddie’s Redstone, 8 miles per hex.
Corruption and Skulduggery In the Free Kingdom.
Aurum Hounds - AC 1005 - War For Tilerna - an event (of sorts).
Representations in Glantri AC 1014.
Merchant Character Class, revised.
Updated map Karameikos 1007 AC, 8 miles per hex.
Dread Pass Trail Map.
Students of the Great School of Magic.
Q and A with Jeff Grubb on the name Ylaruam.
Q and A with Lawrence Schick on the name Ylaruam.
Updated map Karameikos 1009 AC, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Sea of Dread, with hexes (in Italian), made with reference to the Sea of Dread gazetteer.
Moldvay & Schick’s Known World.
Single save mechanic.
Thoughts on scholarships for the Great School of Magic.
Arcane Arts the "Eighth" Secret Craft of Glantri.
Mystaros’ Ancient Nithia, 24 miles per hex.
Mystaros’ Isle of Ochalea.
New Race - Cucarachan.
Etienne's disappearance and the Temples of Rad.
Nonhuman members of the Secret Crafts.
Mystaros’ Southeastern Brun 2500 BC.
Mystaros’ Taymora 3000-2000 BC, 24 miles per hex.
D&D BECMI "Revised" Paladin Class.
Mystaros’ Nueva Ispañola, 8 miles per hex
Clerical Spells List (and new spells).
Character Class: Theist.
Mystaros’ Westerlands, 8 miles per hex.
Fighters, Paladins, Avengers and Druidic Knights, revised.
Mystaros’ Atruaghin, 8 miles per hex.
Victor Von Wulf and the Wulf Academy of Wizardry.
Map of South Alfheim (in Italian)
Detailed map of Specularum, without text, text only, information (in Italian).
Mystaros’ Tepeshiya, 24 miles per hex.
Updated Druid Class.
Myconid: Pilobolus.
Mystaros’ Tepeshiya, 8 miles per hex.
Myconid: Omphalotus.
Myconid: Coprids.
Myconid: Cordyceps.
Adamantyr’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex.
Map of Selenica.
Myconid: Marasmian.
Myconid: Muscarid.
Myconid: Morchellid.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid 0.
Further Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
Organizations of Tilerna.
Other Locations of Interest in Tilerna.
Myconid: Arthrobotryd.
Myconid: Craterellid.
D&D BECMI Alternate Experience Levels.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E1.
On the Myconids of Mystara.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E2.
On The Ethnicities of Tilerna.
Map of the City of Machetos.
Fernando de Casanegra, Duke of Hightower AC 1014.
Katya Verlien-Zirchevski, Student at The Great School of Magic AC 1014.
Michel Leconte, Viscount of Amboise AC 1014.
Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1.
Glantrian Dominions of Hightower, Duchy of, Westheath, Archduchy of and Verazzano, Viscounty of.
Deadwood College.
Judith Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Archduchess of Westheath AC 1014.
Glantrian Demographics AC 1000.
Glantrian Demographics AC 1014.
Myconid: Geastrid.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Other thoughts about Mogreth in the Hollow World.
Assassin and Thief classes, revised.
Revised Mystic Class.
Lost Valley and Foamfire Valley and Threshold region map updated an additional information added.
The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
Glantrian Dominion of Amboise, Viscounty of.
D’Ambreville History and Family Tree, AC 1014.Update – 18 March 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Maps from X12: Skarda's Mirror.
Maps from X4: Master of the Desert Nomads.
Thoughts on the Jungle Coast—Aryptian Savannah.
Geoff’s Aryptian Region, 72 miles per hex.
Dragons on Vaniae.
Thieving skills - updated, with new abilities.
The Warrior of Godan Zaiyan - Mystara Secret Warrior.
Briganti a Castello Tennenkay (BM1) a sandbox adventure for 4 to 6 characters of level 1 to 4, BECMI (in Italian) with maps. The adventurers explore the Urst-Urt Valley in the Makistan Emirates and its surroundings. During the adventure they may stumble into the Tennenkay Castle's Ruins where the Iron Ring try to discover the source of strange mutation magics caused by a cluster of alien fungi from the Nightmare Dimension.
Geoff’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Heldann.
Geoff’s Lhomarr, 48 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Lhomarr.
Geoff’s Littonia, 8 miles per hex.
New creature: Spellcreaper.
Aurum Hounds Regiments.
Geoff’s Norwold, 24 miles per hex.
Thoul subraces.
DMR1: Dungeon Master Screen recreated, modified PDF version, latex source, Ms. Pacman variant. The differences are for attack rolls where the optional demihuman rules are used in the back and a few weapons from the splays are added to pad some space.
Geoff’s Y’hegg-T’uhath, 24 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Y’hegg-T’uhath.
Geoff’s Dark Shire, 8 miles per hex.
N5: Under Illefarn in Darokin.
Geoff’s Hinterlands, 24 miles per hex.
Adapting Golarion's Thassilon to Mystara.
Shadow Elf 5E.
Geoff’s Kastelios, 8 miles per hex.
Talisman of the Wild - new wondrous item to give the ability for form a mind link with normal wild animals.
Maps from X5: Temple of Death.
Geoff’s Arkan, 24 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Qeodhar, 24 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Southeastern Brun 2000 BC, 24 miles per hex.
Additional Wizard Spells contains several new spells and updates of other spells.
D&D "Revised" Gnomish Class.
Thorf's Mystara Logo.
Geoff’s Threshold and vicinity, 1 mile per hex.
Experiences in Castle Amber, the OAR version.
5e Fey Races in Mystara.
Geoff’s Mykonos, 1 mile per hex.
Thoughts on Mykonos.
Rules for using crystal balls.
Ancient secrets of Inlashar.
Nithian Mandates Theory: Part 1: Introduction.
Geoff’s Northern Wildlands, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on the Northern Wildlands.
Wendarian Wild Elves.
The Orkahn, a race as class character that Wendarian Half orc/elf.
Geoff’s Davania, 72 miles per hex.
Map of Major Known World Trading Routes from GAZ9 (in Italian).
D&D "Revised" Half-Orc Class.
Geoff’s Annurios, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Annurios.
Mogreth in the Hollow World.
Geoff’s Varannis, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Varannis.
Creating Your Own Regiments of Renown.
Populating NE Davania.
Some additional thoughts on the Fallen Realm of Ildarinos.
Geoff’s Myiad, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on Myiad.Update – 27 February 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of Aelos, 56 sq miles per hex.
Map of Arqwen, 56 sq miles per hex.
MyZtara Smooth font version 0.9.
Critical Hits and Fumbles.
D&D Alternate Spell Progressions.
Colourised replica map of The Valley of Kings, 24 miles per hex from M5.
Halflings, reworked.
Glantri: Exploring the Ruins of Torkyn Falls.
Standardised replica map of The Known World, 24 miles per hex from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure.
L’histoire du Multivers Tome 1 (in French), volume 1 of a compilation of the history of Mystara - covering from inception until the end of the Proterozoic Era 355 million years ago.
D&D Elf Spell Progression Table.
Colourised replica map of The Known World, 150 miles per hex from M4.
Mini-adventure A1: Pusultun Dowen.
Mini-adventure A2: The Temple of Turhan.
Adamantyr’s Map Legend.
Aftermath: Maze of the Riddling Minotaur.
Minotaur Maze, a spell to explain the Maze of the Riddling Minotaur.
Adamantyr’s Isle of Dread, 8 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Known World, 24 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Eastern Gulf of Hule, 8 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex.
Merchant: Monsters & More for Sale.
Adamantyr’s Barbarian Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex.
D&D Revised Thief Class.
Layout of the Caves of Chaos, remade.
Adamantyr’s Animal Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.
Inherit a Dungeon - an idea where the PCs inherit a share in a Dungeon Venture Tour in Ierendi.
Adamantyr’s Herath, 8 miles per hex.
Bug Juice Alchemy.
What if Rafiel is an AI?
Thoughts on classic D&D bards.
Linguistic archaeology map for human civilizations which, given the use of Earth-like civilisations in the setting can offer significant historical information.
New creature: Haagent Magen.
D&D Revised Halfling Class.
Adamantyr’s Jibarú and Nimmur, 8 miles per hex.
Map of a Typical Wizards Keep in Glantri.
Adamantyr’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex.
King of the Ashes, campaign idea.
Adamantyr’s Reptile Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex.
The Aurum Hounds a homebrew mercenary faction for the Unknown World.
The Aurum Hounds Leadership.
Cities of the Aurum Hounds.
Adamantyr’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Trident Bay and Orc’s Head Peninsula, 8 miles per hex.
Adamantyr’s Savage Coast, 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Cynidicean Underworld, 8 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Adakkian Sound, 72 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Izondian Deep, 72 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Cestia and Oceania, 72 miles per hex.
Character Handbook 7 - The Shadow Elf for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks campaign.
Names and Ethnicities in the Principalities of Glantri.
Glantrian Tarots - a guide about fortune-telling, card games and a little bit of magic.
Printable Glantrian tarots - with 4 possible card layouts for the back.
Geoff’s Selhomarr, 40 miles per hex.
Geoff’s Denagoth, 8 miles per hex.
Metamorphs - racial write-up and advancement.
Geoff’s Pelatan, 72 miles per hex.
Locations from the Bay of Pelatan Region map, expanded information.
Location of the Cities of the Aurum Hounds.
Geoff’s Vulcania, 72 miles per hex.
Locations from the Vulcanian Peninsula Region map, expanded information.
Experiences in X2: Chateau d'Amberville: session 6, session 7, and session 8.
Geoff’s Lost Valley, 72 miles per hex.
Locations from the Lost Valley Region map, expanded information.
Geoff’s Jungle Coast—Aryptian Savannah, 72 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The map of Western Brun, AC 1000 24 mph was a poor quality, but a better quality version of that original map is now available.
Game accessory: Herbs of the Principalities of Glantri.Update – 24 January 2021
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; the Mystara Reddit; and the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Call for contributions for Threshold magazine Issue 27: Vaults of Pandius 25th Anniversary Special.
HTML versions of articles from the twenty-sixth issue of Threshold are available:Map of the Karameikos Coast, 1 mile per hex.
- Editorial.
- A Mystara Glossary.
- Organizations and Societies of Karameikos.
- Mystara Story Generator - part 1.
- The Actor Troupes of Darokin.
- Ra-Hotep the Accursed.
- The Factions & Foes of Returned Blackmoor.
- Savage Tide AP Characters for Mystara.
- Deadly Deceivers.
- Specularum’s Stronghold District part 2.
Some thoughts on The Price of Magic Items, buying and selling magic items and a few things more.
Colourised replica map of the Great Northway Lands, 24 miles per hex from Dungeon 7.
[5E] Using Ravnica in BC 2300.
World Diagram.
B10 Night´s Dark Terror - DMs help text.
Map of the village of Ameron and vicinity.
Acrobat variant for character classes, (RC/BECMI).
The Song of Orcus.
Combined updated map of the Known World 1000 AC, 8 miles per hex.
Glantri City: The Business Quarter AC 1014.
Replica map of Kelvin, 1 inch = 400 feet from GAZ1.
OSE Solitary Adventure Defending Fyrwood Town: the continued experiences.
Barony of Two Lakes Vale.
Replica map of Threshold, 1 inch = 500 feet from GAZ1.
Glantri City: The Noble Quarter AC 1014.
Scion of the Immortals Rules.
Replica map and scaled adaptation of the Hollow World from the Hollow World Campaign Set.
Mystara calendar and moon tracker using Donjon.
Mystara calendar and moon tracker using Donjon: Karameikos calendar as per B10.
Colourised replica map of the Southern Azcan Territories, 8 miles per hex from HWR1.
Colourised replica map of The Azcan Empire, 40 miles per hex from HWR1.
City Encounters.
Princess Arelina and Sverdlov Alliance.
Improving Ability Scores.
Scepter of Ages campaign guide for a 2E campaign set in the years following the Wrath of the Immortals.
Greater Tharsis Region Timeline.
Replica map of The Sea of Dread, 1 inch = 156 miles from PC3.
The Plane of Muspelheim.
Visual Timeline.
Unique Magic Armour and Shields of Mystara.
Game accessory: Herbs of the Principalities of Glantri.
Population and NPC levels - a demographic analysis of level and population in the nations of Mystara.
Experiences in X2: Chateau d'Amberville: session 4 and session 5.
The first adventure book AB01: Of Wine and Snow and associated posters maps for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks campaign project.
Colourised replica map of the Isle of Dawn, 24 miles per hex from M5.
La Strappa Anime (MAX1) an adventure for 4 to 6 characters of level 3 to 5, 5E (in Italian).
Mystic Technique Cards for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks campaign project.
Map of Glantri City, 30 feet per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Replica map of Wendar and Denagoth from X11.
Combined replica map of the Known World, 8 miles per hex from the Rules Cyclopedia.
Replica map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from GAZ1.
Replica map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex from GAZ2.
Replica map of Glantri, 8 miles per hex from GAZ3.
Replica map of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex from GAZ4.
Replica map of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex from GAZ5.
Replica map of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex from GAZ6.
Replica map of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex from GAZ7.
Replica map of The Five Shires, 8 miles per hex from GAZ8.
Replica map of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex from GAZ9.
Replica map of the Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from GAZ10.
Replica map of the Lower Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex from GAZ10.
Replica map of Darokin, 8 miles per hex from GAZ11.
Replica map of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex from GAZ12.
Replica map of the Shadow Elf Territories, 8 miles per hex from GAZ13.
Replica map of Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex from GAZ14.
Updated map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Glantri, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Ierendi, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Alfheim, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Rockhome, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of The Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of The Five Shires, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of the Minrothad Guilds, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of the Lower Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of the Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Darokin, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Ethengar, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of the Shadowlands, 8 miles per hex.
Updated map of Atruaghin Clans, 8 miles per hex.
Colourised replica map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex from the Expert Set.
The Eastern Countries Trail Map (currently available for free) added to the list of D&D Products on DriveThruRPG.
Replica map of the Sea of Dread Submerged Lands, 8 miles per hex from PC3.
Unique Magic Weapons of Mystara.
In the Arsenic and old Spellbooks campaign project the Campaign Book has been updated as well as the six Character Handbooks.