Update – 25 December 2023
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:The call for contributions for Issue 34: Future & Alternate Mystaras has been made.Update – 22 December 2023
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:HTML versions of articles from the thirty-third issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- 40 Years of BECMI
- Remembrance Day
- Ancient Dungeons
- The Islands of Death
- Against the Wizards: Moving Mountain Menagerie of Morkhulan Minister
- Terrors in the Mists: Monsters of Mystaran Ravenloft
- In Cold Blood – Reptilian Races of Mystara
- Fists of the Five Elements - Mystics and Acrobats of Mystara
- Mappers of Mystara - Eric Anondson
- Legends of the Known World part 2
Update – 18 December 2023
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 33 of Threshold Magazine is now available.Update – 17 December 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:New creature: Niflheim Yowlers.
Thoughts about Merging B8 and B10.
Penhaligon (in Italian).
Sling ammo for BECMI.
The Plane of Helheim.
Wrath of the Immortals: Alphatian Wizards Teleporting over Glantri City?
Garmr - Lord of Hounds.
Expanding Qeodhar: Pact of the Jolasveinar Warlock.
JTR’s Itämaa, 8 miles per hex.
Móðguðr - The Furious Battler.
New creature: Giraffe, War.
BECMI Fumble Tables.
New creature: Panda & Red Panda.
Random thought on the Barleycorn Monastery.
JTR’s Northern Brun, 24 miles per hex.
New Campaign recap (in Italian) - chapter 2 and 3.
The Empire of Thyatis, replica map, 8 miles per hex.
JTR’s Davania.
Examples of Magical Ability by Ethnicity/Nation (circa 1000).
5e non-asian monk options: Isle of Dawn (Dunadale) Baitaireacht Fighter.
Milenian Empire: retconning the Artificer into 5e Mystara as the Tekton.
Minor tweak proposal: Milenian titles.
0Merging CM1 and M2 wars: a unified timeline for the War of the Crown of Norwold.
Helreginn - Hel's consort.
Colonel General Hans Grüber, Vice Commander of 1st Glantrian Army Division AC 1014.
Rhunn Gnoirid, Tribune of 9th Cohort (Bugbear) Kol’s Legion and prospective Great School of Magic Student AC 1014.
Die Easy, an AC 1010 event which is an easter egg for later happenings in Nouvelle Averoigne.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Valkyrie Ranger subclass.
Milenian Empire tweak: Zargos as Zargon instead of Nyx.
Heije Schnitger, Personal Mage of the Vlaardoen Family, Head Mage of the 3rd Division AC 1014.
New Radiance Spells Developed During The War of the Immortals And The War With Alphatia.
The Ethengarian Hordes AC 1015.
Possible Factions w/ Domains in Western Karameikos.
Cute Goblins as character PCs.
Campaign Experience.
Thoughts on a Minrothad Skyfleet.
Event generator.
B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess Aftermath.
B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess... a few thoughts.
B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess: Expanding Rowena's role.
Lock and Trap Quality.
Sunken Catacombs of the Fallen Magus: covers and maps for a Thunder Rift adventure.
B3 - Gulluvia - Canals.
Gulluvia - Misty Swamp musings.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo.
New Spells commonly known by members of the Secret Crafts of Glantri.
Glantri City: The Business Quarter AC 1014.
Glantri City: The Citadel Quarter AC 1014.
The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014.
Glantri City: The Noble Quarter AC 1014.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with some tinkering in the content in places, nothing substantial. Also, new (and truly excellent) front and back cover artwork, made by Senarch.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 2 - an unofficial DM's supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with more grenade types from WotI (yes, there were tech grenades hiding in there), some missing equipment (especially chronocoms), clarifications in some weapons, costs for buying robots and androids, added computer classes alongside robot classes, added the weapons recently added to volume 1 to magic item table and the high-tech weapons section has been extensively reworked. Also, new (and truly excellent) front and back cover artwork, made by Senarch.Update – 19 November 2023
I have mostly maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of the Idrisian Sphere.
"The Reaping' holiday (Eirmont/Tembirr 22) as Hallow'Hin.
Goldsmith Skill and gems.
Alternate rules for handling Disease.
Lorenzo’s Threshold.
Anondson’s Known World North, 8 miles per hex.
Brasol Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess maps and assets.
B7 Rahasia maps and assets.
Glantri Great School of Magic maps and assets.
Skyship - Light Heldannic Warbird, images.
Anondson’s Known World South, 8 miles per hex.
The Nucleus of the Spheres.
Soul Crystal.
Anondson’s Western Brun.
Thoughts on a Shire Reeve.
Thoughts on what powers clerical powers.
Secret Craft of Necromancy in 5e.
Thoughts on an Elven Stronghold.
Thoughts on a Dwarven Stronghold.
JTR’s World Before the Rain.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Álfablót.
JTR’s Glacial Patterns of the Known World.
Mystic name levels.
JTR’s Denagoth, 8 miles per hex.
What if ? : Super-Glantri.
College of Sound Advice: Bards for the Gnomes of Serraine.
JTR’s Northern Wildlands, 8 miles per hex.
Alternate Mystara: the MacTruaghin Clans.
Overhauling the GAZ 9 & 11 trade good prices and weights.
The Great Thief Candy Heist Gone Horribly Wrong.
HWR1 Sons of Azca, map.
HWR2 The Kingdom of Nithia, map.
Thoughts on clerical strongholds.
JTR’s Ghyr, 8 miles per hex.
New creatures: Screeching and Muttering Demons.
The Black Lion: Chapter 5 - The Long Road Home, the 5th and final part.
Rithla "Shadow of the Charnel Land", greater night dragon.
M-Mars new creatures.
New character class: Defender.
Some new/old creatures for Gold Box cosmology: Vorpalis and Mega-colossus.
JTR’s Western Alliance, 8 miles per hex.
Campaign idea: Heldannic Revolution.
JTR’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex.
JTR’s Landfall, 8 miles per hex.
Clues of the Real Murderer.
New Campaign recap (in Italian).
Images of Brain Collectors and Killer Trees.
Image of a frost salamander.
JTR’s Landfall.
New general skill: Mental Defense.
Thanksgiving one-shot: Giant turkeys on the Darokin-Atruaghin border.
Possible Fate: Gentle Folk revival in the Five Shires.
JTR’s Oceansend, 8 miles per hex.
JTR’s Ransarn, 8 miles per hex.
Artwork for The Black Lion: Cast of Characters/Locations.
What if - Mystaran "Planescape" derived from Basic D&D Alignment.
JTR’s Kaarjala, 8 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of northwestern Mygalla, map fixed and expanded.
Minor versions of Cure Disease and Neutralize Poison.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
The Radiance in 5E, expanded and edited.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with individual polearm weapon mastery, updated versions of acrobat and mystic and some other tinkering.
Top Ballista, 5E Player's Guide.Update – 15 October 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Reconciling 5E and Princess Ark Nagpa.
Official In-World Justifications for the Appearance of AD&D Features in Mystara.
Known Hakomon Locations: Ostagai.
Terrain Types, Terrain Features and Terrain Traits.
Locations within the Fortress of Fangs.
View of the Fortress of Fangs.
Cantrips and Spell casting.
Cantrips and more versatile spell memorization.
RC General Skills Revised List.
Strengthening low level mages.
Turn Undead: now with a smoother curve.
Alternate undead turning mechanic.
Turn Undead modification.
Turn Undead: now with a smoother curve.
The Devil's Bridge a Slavic 5E adventure adapted to Karameikos, in English, with descriptions and background stories in the scenario translated to French.
Map of Karameikos as it appears in B1-9.
Ramelin’s Animal Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex.
What if? "Waterworld" Mystara.
Map of Kleine.
Expanding the Atruaghin Clans: Bear Tribe Kachina Maker, Artificer 5e.
Ramelin’s Reptilian Kingdoms, 8 miles per hex.
What if...? Alternate Thyatis: Ochalea Triumphant.
Lake Ostrel and Kleine.
Ramelin’s Denagoth, 8 miles per hex.
Lorenzo’s Karameikos.
GAZ8 The Five Shires, replica map.
Expanding Darokin: the Gondoliers of Athenos (Swamp Rangers).
The Black Lion: Chapter 4 - Growing Pains.
Expanding Darokin: importing the Marionette race from Brancalonia.
BECMI High Level Planar Adventure Class/Race Rules.
HWR3 The Milenian Empire, replica map.
Principalities of Glantri translated into the Crowns & Castles system.
The Ier and the Di.
Ramelin’s Isles of Steam, 8 miles per hex.
Ramelin’s Ochalea, 8 miles per hex v1.
Ramelin’s Vulture Peninsula, 8 miles per hex v1.
Minor versions of Cure Disease and Neutralize Poison.
Cost of Magical Items (particularly potions and scrolls).
Expanding the Savage Coast -- Eusdria: Feywild Eusdria as Grimm Fairy tale Black Forest.
Bacino Aryptiano & Platea Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Minor versions of Cure Disease.
Halloween one-shot suggestion: The Followers of the Code - Ranger Serial Killer conclave (npc antagonist faction) of Karameikos.
Map of northwestern Mygalla.
Jason Hibdon’s Great Waste, 24 miles per hex.
Maleficia -- Secret Craft of Witchcraft + Ravenloft 5e Hexblood.
Potion Costs.
Jason Hibdon’s Hule, 24 miles per hex.
The Radiance in 5E.
New character class: Avenger.
Lorenzo’s Specularum.
Anondson’s Great Waste & Hule, 8 miles per hex.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of Hakomon sites BC 1700, 8mph.
Framework for a new Mystaran Campaign for a new playgroup with backwards Mistamere - a way to start a party captured in Mistamere and some AI assets.
AD&D Mystara Product List.
Collection of Sage Advice from Dragon Magazine version 1.0.
Collection of Errata for BECMI version 1.0.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 2 - an unofficial DM's supplement for classic D&D and OSR games now with rules for buying common potions.Update – 28 September 2023
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Threshold issue 32 POD A4 paperback cover
Threshold issue 32 POD A4 interiorThe following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:D&D Products available for Print on Demand on Dungeon Masters Guild / DriveThruRPG.Update – 25 September 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:The call for contributions for Issue 33: Dungeons! has been made.
HTML versions of articles from the thirty-second issue of Threshold are available:High quality versions of maps from the thirty-second issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans
- Alphatian Undersea Expanded
- To Build an Undersea Hex
- On the Surface of the Sunlit Sea
- Old Mariner’s bluff
- Underwater Dangers: Sharks and Crustaceans
- Mappers of Mystara - Ricardo Matheus
- Primate Races of Mystara
- Medicine Man: A Mystaran Character Class
- Legends of the Known World part 1
Additional from the thirty-second issue of Threshold are available:
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Bathymetric map of Mystara in 72 miles per hex, showing also the main sea currents (warm in green, cold in blue, neutral in grey)
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Mapped regions of Mystara’s oceans discussed in this article (see key below)
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - The Northern Sea of Brun region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - The Southern Sea of Brun region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Western Far End Ocean region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Strait of Izonda region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Adakkian Sound region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Pelatan Coast region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Antarctic Sea region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Southern Vulcania region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Fire Sea region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Sea of Steam region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Gulf of Mar region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Cestia and Arypt region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Oceanian Sea region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Tangor Bay region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Eastern Far End Ocean region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Northeastern Skothar region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Sea of Skothar region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 2 - Nentsun Sea region
- Alphatian Undersea Expanded - Old Hand-drawn Map for the Alphatian Trench and Undersea – 2008
- Alphatian Undersea Expanded - Estimated time needed to flood the continent of Alphatia (in hours)
- Alphatian Undersea Expanded - Sketch of Seashield and of its Surroundings
- Alphatian Undersea Expanded - Alphatian Undersea Expanded Map
- Old Mariner's Bluff - Old Mariner's Bluff
- Old Mariner's Bluff - Falhraz Tower
Thoughts on including a piece of Rod of Seven Parts in Mystara.
- To Build an Undersea Hex - Undersea Hex Template
Venomancer's spells.
Create Papyrus or Blood Papyrus.
Dental spells at the GSoM.
Some adventure ideas for Mystara in Glantri.
Sacrifice Spells.
Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo.
1010AC Dwarven Tunnels to Attack Oenkmar.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Giving Ostland their own Elf community (and an alternative for Halflings).
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Ranger 5e - The Fylgja Beast Master, subclass tweak.
The importance of spiders... in Vaniae (M-Mars).
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Bryggermester, 5e Artificer Alchemist tweak.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: the Soderfjord League Games.
M-Mars: The Geonid Theocracies.
Urzud Factions: Ragar's Horde.
Simple Weapon Mastery (House-rule).
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Undead Paths to Adventure.
Salvaging Bigby's Guide to Giants for the Mystara setting.
Legacies of Ill-Gotten Loot.
Star Frontiers Vehicles for Classic D&D.
Who was Kerhy Matrongle?
Possible Future Fate: Heldannic Knights invade Norwold.
The Ruins of Ranak.
Possible Future: Alfheim refugees in Ethengar help cleanse the World Mountain.
Ancient Nithia as a Setting: Adding Dark Sun's Defilers to Mystara.
Ronowac and the Sea Monster Wars.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Continuity Problems & Fixing Yggdrasil.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Jotunheim as 'Frostfell Mystara'.
Turtle Clan Expanded.
M-Mars: Map of Western Mygalla, 24 miles per hex.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Alternate Loki.
New creatures: Robots for Classic D&D.
Crazy campaign idea: Lone Wolf saga recycled as a Sind Campaign.
More high-tech equipment for classic D&D.
Crazy Campaign Idea 2: "Greystara" or Grey Star set in the Serpent Peninsula .
Quick campaign idea: Super Snartan Sentai.
Strongholds & Dominions for Nomadic cultures.
Possible Future: Possible Future: Condotierri Orcs of Darokin.
The Turtle Clan and the Gaz14 Map.
Possible Future: Mystara+Birthright: Makai Campaign.
Artificer+Necromancer: Necrotech.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Artificers.
Tenpenny Company.
Campaign Experience.
Magnox Abby Crypts, a 1st-3rd level small dungeon for BECMI.
Spirit Circles.
Thyatis: Oath of the Furies, paladin 5e Oath of Vengeance re-skin.
Bronze and Iron: Arqwen, map from CM6: Where Chaos Reigns.
Ramelin’s City States, 8 miles per hex.
In the Beginning, map from CM6: Where Chaos Reigns.
The Cursed Crypt, a quick adventure.
Fighter features.
Ramelin’s Savage Baronies, 8 miles per hex.
Image of Aleena Halaran.
Ramelin’s Orc’s Head Orclands, 8 miles per hex.
Turtle Clan Timeline.
The World of Dragon's Den.
Names for higher levels.
Map of Thunder Rift.
Ramelin’s Nimmur, 8 miles per hex.
Thoughts on weapon mastery.
Ramelin’s Robrenn, 8 miles per hex.
Restyled map of Threshold.
Map of the Known World, 24 miles per hex.
M-Mars: Mygalla.
M-Mars: Map of Eastern Mygalla.
New character class: Paladin.
Mappers of Mystara: Eric Anondson.
Ramelin’s Eusdria, 8 miles per hex.
The Farolas Hills.
Mystara 40k.
Emirates of Ylaruam translated into the Crowns & Castles system.
PC4 The Valley of Wolves, replica map.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Updated chronological map of Norwold, 24 miles per hex (1987).
Unusual Weapons, Armor and Equipment of the Known World.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 2 - an unofficial DM's supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with many more monsters, high tech vehicles, random tables, clarifications on some high-tech weapons. Some reformatting too.Update – 15 September 2023
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 32 of Threshold Magazine is now available.Update – 13 August 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Deflect.
Revised Zajar Research Station.
Zajar and Disciples of Flame.
New creature: The Blightmare.
Spells from the Darkwoods.
A house-rule idea for Skills.
War Machine and making levels matter.
New spell: Mummy’s Poisonous Curse.
Lower Red Orkia.
Cult of Chardastes: Main Pilgrimage Route.
Yasuko retcon suggestion: Myoshiman Colony.
Oath of the Jaguar Knight Paladin 5e / or Templar 2e.
Haunted Island, adventure in Haven (Alphatia).
Thoughts on a fast-paced BECMI campaign.
Minean Invasion!.
New creature: Supersaurus.
New spell: Create Gloomfang.
Alternate Esterhold / Theros "lite".
Wyrwarf Geomancers.
Atruaghin: College of the Hoop Bard subclass 5e.
Urzud Factions.
Mystaran alternatives for plane-hopping.
BECMI character sheet.
Classic D&D BECMI Character Sheet.
Roc's Nest, Urzud.
Mystara dragons preferred minions.
Find Humanoid Familiar, draconic spell.
M-Mars: The Lithic Territories.
Ghostbuster/Mystara crossover.
After the War: Sind.
Thoughts on Contracting the Mystara Timeline.
Languages of Mystara.
After the War: Expanded Western Defence League.
Possible future: Minrothad-Thothian Alliance.
Mysthammer, Mystara with a Warhammer Fantasy redisposition of their lands.
Manacupuru Tribal Lands.
City of Urzud: Descriptions - description of areas 17, 18, 19 and 20 added.
Thoughts about the Pearl Islands.
New creature: Allocammelus.
Campaign suggestion: "Planescape Lite": Chicomoztoc (the Place of 7 caves).
New creature: Blood Moth.
Possible future: Trouble in Qeodhar.
Weapon Mastery with natural weapons.
th Secret Craft of Mystara : Chronomancy.
New creature: Doodlebug.
New creature: Deep Hammer.
Nightmare Elements.
7th Seas: "Mystheah" or a pirate-centric campaign.
Magic-user variant: Yogi.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: the Oath of Heimdallr Paladin.
Switching the baddies in The Veiled Society (also, Davinos' Complaint) (SPOILERS).
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Qeodhar Helmsman (Whale-Hunter), ranger variant.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Skald Fellowships.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Kin of Ratatoskr, 5E Ranger tweak of the Swarmkeeper subclass.
Different Wandering Monster Encounters.
Prime is the Elemental Plane of Void - a What If...
Prime is the Elemental Plane of Void - a What If....
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Wizardry of the Greycloaks and Chants of the Witches.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: Handmaiden, 5E Inquisitive Rogue Archetype re-skin.
Realm Sheet for the Grand Duchy of Karameikos.
Expanding the Northern Reaches: the Huskarl, re-skin of the Samurai 5E Fighter Archetype.
Isle of Dawn: Rogue Archetype - Fetch Trickster.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Mystara Novel & Video Game Timeline.
Classic D&D Settings.
Unusual Weapons, Armor and Equipment of the Known World.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with humma, ifshnit and osakar (three races adapted from Zebulons Guide, Star Frontiers) in addition to yazarian, sathar, dralasite and vrusk that were already in there. Oh, and gremlins as a playable race.Update – 8 July 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Threshold issue 31 POD A4 paperback cover
Threshold issue 31 POD A4 interior
HTML versions of articles from the thirty-first issue of Threshold are available:High quality versions of maps from the thirty-first issue of Threshold are available:
- Editorial
- Ten Years of THRESHOLD Magazine
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans
- Sunken Taymora
- So, you've swum to a Taymoran ruin...
- Terrors of the Sea of Dread
- Magical Bubbles of Undersea
- Against the Wizards: Undersea Laboratory of Aquan Archmage
- An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer
- Hidden Empires of the Kopru
- Gnomish Submarine
- A Mystaran Survey of the Mists
- Fiefdom Generator (v. 7.5)
Nelle Tenebre del Caos, adventure for 5 to 8 characters of level 6 to 8 (in Italian).
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - Bathymetric map of Mystara in 72 miles per hex, showing also the main sea currents (warm in green, cold in blue, neutral in grey)
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - Mapped regions of Mystara’s oceans discussed in this article
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - The Izondian Deep region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - The Sunlit Sea region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - The Bellissarian Sea region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - The Alphatian Sea region
- Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1 - The White Sea region
- Sunken Taymora - The Map
- Terrors of the Sea of Dreas - Geological Zones of the Sea of Dread
- Against the Wizards - Map of the Undersea Laboratory
- An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer - DM’s Map of the Nixies of Undersea and Coralinia
- An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer - Player’s Map of the Nixies of Undersea and Coralinia
- An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer - DM’s Map of the Nixie Kingdom
- An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer - Player’s Map of the Nixie Kingdom
Karameikos RuneQuest 3rd Edition Conversion NPC adaptation Lady Magda Marilenev.
Reptilian Skills.
Attack Bonuses.
Reinventing Port Tenobar.
New creature: Dawn Horse.
Karameikos RuneQuest 3rd Edition Conversion NPC adaptation Bargle the Infamous.
Lizardfolk and the Elemental Planes.
Mystara 1050 AC -- Athenos Ascendant.
Cossack of Chardastes (Monk subclass).
Mystical Monasteries of Mystara.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Snake kin of Mystara.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with reptilian races (some novel, some updated), more skills, and other random upgrades.
Products Featuring Warduke, Strongheart and other LJN Iconic Characters for use with Mystara's Kingdom of Ghyr.Update – 28 June 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 31 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
The call for contributions for Issue 32: Return to Undersea and Issue 33: Dungeons! has been made.
Faedorne Silver Ship.
Lower Broken Lands Research Dimensions.
Teratologist Wizard.
Roleplaying Serrainers.Update – 27 June 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:B12 The Queen's Harvest translated to Italian including cover.
New spell: Revive Dragon Soul.
Revised Votar and Council of Vras Kor Nen Nadarog.
The Shubani and the Mornei Gypsies a new Character Handbook for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks Campaign.
RuneQuest 3rd Edition Conversion Mystara Immortals and Cults, ODT version.
New creature: Moschops.
New spell: Bridge of Force.
New spell: Bridge of Wood.
Karameikos RuneQuest 3rd Edition Conversion Character Creation Notes.
Karameikos RuneQuest 3rd Edition Conversion NPC adaptation Aleena Halaran.
The Rise of Cybrikian Revised.
The Tanagoro Plains.
Images of Characters of the Savage Coast.
Castle Mistamere, compiled from the Basic Dungeons and Dragons set, the expansion adventure from Dungeon Magazine #150 and converted to BECMI.
Ships in Space: Artwork for MystaraSpace and Spelljammer Campaigns.
New creature: Pyramid Crab.
Images of Keiros and the Last One.
Images of Characters from the Known World.
New creature: Magyarosaurus.
Atlas style map of Myskatyr Island.
Alternate WotI ending: full-scale Oard invasion of Alphatia.
Chapter 3 of The Black Lion: Latchkey Kid.
Images of Skyships.
The Half-Ogre a new Character Handbook for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks Campaign.
DT07: School of Magic – Final Exam a new set of Dungeon Tiles for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks Campaign and hi-res full exam map.
Dark Water Mystara.
DT08: School of Magic and DT09: School of Magic II new sets of Dungeon Tiles for the Arsenic and old Spellbooks Campaign.
The Werehawk.
Votar Mine Shaft.
Top Ballista: Crash Landing 5E solo.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:B11 The King's Festival translated to Italian including cover.
Top Ballista: Scream of Terror 5E solo.
Tanagoro PC options.Update – 4 June 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:The fall of Taymora.
New spells.
Muppet Race for BECMI.
New character class: Hoppit.
Doctor Who monsters.
Reformatted Weapon Mastery Sheets.
Replacing Thyatis and Ylaruam with the Chinese/Japanese mix of culture of the Rokugan/Legend of the Five Rings setting.
Meghales Amosses Desert Gazetteer (Italian).
The Curse of the Immortal King.
The Known World of Dracopolis: languages and history of the Dunharian people.
Gnomish Guild Gearheart.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 2 - an unofficial DM's supplement for classic D&D and OSR games.
Minrothad Dwarves vs. Rockhome Dwarves: Creating a Rivalry.
Elven Town of Rifllian with Map.
Alfheim Elves / Minrothad Elves split retcon idea.
Minrothad: re-imagining the Thieves Guild as the Facilitators' Guild.
Guilds! Guilds! Guilds!: Minrothad Politics revised.
The Known World of Dracopolis: The Low Goths.
New spell: Final Strike.
Current rumour list.
Retconning Bards as part of Rockhome.
Expansion to the general skill rules.
The Known World of Dracopolis: The High Goths.
General skills.
Adapting the old Quest for Glory series as modules.
The Known World of Dracopolis: The Denagoths.
Future fates... Unification of the Savage Baronies.
Tropic Actaeon - The Antelope Folk Protectors (BECMI/RC).
Future fates... unification of the Northern Reaches....
Pragmati's Creed.
Gathering rumours.
"Elseworld" Darokin: what if there was a civil war?
Fighting styles for weapon mastery.
Treasure Hunt (N4) in Mystara.
Combat Dominance.
Steam vents and geysers of the Broken Lands.
The Known World of Dracopolis: The Antalians.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Collection of Errata for BECMI version 0.5.
Fiefdom Generator v 7.5.
Top Ballista: Scream of Terror Solo.Update – 11 May 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Top Ballista: Tabi Hunt 5E Solo.
Top Ballista: Scream of Terror Solo.
Worm Spells and Undead.
Fleshing out the Brasol Region.
Glantrian Crown Properties.
The Decapus.
The Grand Duchy of Ochalea: Cover art.
D&D Class: The Dragon Rider.
New creature: Marmæle (Aquatic Monster).
The Decapus.
Ethengar pre-unification by Moglai Khan.
Your First Dungeon Threshold cover inspired by the introductory adventure in the Basic Set.
Glantrian Bureaucratic Agency (GBA).
Dark Sun/Mystara crossover.
The Forgotten Realms' Sword Coast in Skothar/Bellissaria.
Mechanics for Aerial Bombing.
Adakkia Gazetteer (Italian).
Il feduo di Penhaligon e dintorni (in Italian).
Krakatos School of Magecraft - salvaging Strixhaven.
Brute Men: PC Options.
WotI: Alphatia Lite.
Image of Morgan Ironwolf facing the hobgoblins of the Haunted Keep back in 1974.
Image of the old idol of Moloch.
Setting up Jason Hibdon's maps in VTT.
The Outer Plane of Alfheim (Ljosalfheim, Alfheimr, High Evergrun).
Merging the Savage Coast's Ator Kingdom with Ravenloft's Souragne.
Fiefdom Generator v 7.5: Excel spreadsheet, rules, Excel spreadsheet (Italian), rules (Italian).
The Nucleus of the Spheres : Almost No Spell Components.
Recover a Doll [Mini-Story adventure].The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
Isle of Dread - comparison.
Spreadsheet of modified BECMI character class with a couple of homemade classes (in Italian).
Collection of Errata for BECMI version 0.3.
Collection of Sage Advice from Dragon Magazine version 0.2.
Jungla della Costa Gazetteer (Italian).
Mare del Vapore Gazetteer (Italian).
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with an update to the assassin class.
Weapon Mastery and Firearms.
Threshold issue 21 POD A4 paperback cover.Update – 8 April 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Weapon Mastery and Firearms.
Dragon Steeds Pt. 3.
GSoM Traditions: The Way of Rad and The Trial of the Fish.
Official methods of travelling from Mystara to other D&D settings.
New race for BECMI: Phantomfolk (Lesser Phantoms).
Snake kin of Mystara.
New race for BECMI: Wailing Ones (Lesser Banshee).
D&D Class: The Dragon Cultist.
Gaz F2 Denizens of Denagoth Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Gaz F1 Realm of Wendar Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Gaz F3 The Northern Wildlands Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Gaz F4 The Hidden Treasure of Ghyr Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Jungla della Costa Gazetteer (Italian).
Gaz F5 The Western Alliance Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Gaz F6 The Kingdom of Littonia Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Dragon Cults.
Gaz F7 The Heldannic Order Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Solo adventure The Curse of the Amber Eye.
Gaz F8 The Streets of Landfall Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Image of Moriamis.
Views of the Coast of the Five Shires : option 1, option 2, option 3.
View of Undersea.
View of the Sunlit Sea.
Experience Points: Beyond Getting Experience from Killing Monsters.
Mare del Vapore Gazetteer (Italian).
Image of a little aquarendi.
Image of shark-kin versus pirates: version 1, version 2.
Gaz F9 The Free City of Oceansend Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Gaz F10 The Kingdom of Kaarjala Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
Gaz LJ1 The Sea of Dread Gazetteer Alternate cover art.
New creature: Gastrognome.
L’histoire du Multivers Tome 2 (in French).
The Kingdoms of Alphatia: Cover art.
The Kingdoms of Alphatia.
The Kingdoms of Alphatia: Maps and Images.
The Kingdoms of Alphatia: Coat of Arms.
Mapping in and around the Village of Stallanford.
The Adri Varma Plateau: Cover art.
Great Hule and Kavkaz: Cover art.
Mai-Faddah's Flying Castle.
A few things about Stallanford.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Mystara Characters in Non-Mystara Books.
Uniquely Mystaran Trinkets.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Gorira.
The Temporal Anomaly of the Sea of Dread.
Updated map of Randel, 8 miles per hex.
Alphatia, 8 miles per hex.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
B/X, OSE, Rules Cyclopedia character sheet v1.5.Update – 11 March 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Alternate Saving Throw system.
Magic Items Random Generation Table.
A painting by little known Darokin painter Vincenk Vango.
Dwarven mysticism, artwork.
View of the elven Tree of Life.
View of King Halav.
Savana Aryptiana Gazetteer (Italian) version 1.
Converting alignments to BECMI.
New spell: Alchemist Healing Potion.
Rendition of the Keep on the Borderlands.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Nobubele - bonobo folk for Mystara.
New spell: Alchemist Tonic.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Gorira.
The Black Lion: Chapter 2 - One Big Happy Family.
Lycanthropes, vampires, and mummies amongst the Monkey Folk of Mystara.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Taer.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Yazarians.
New character class - Medicine Man.
Minotaur Character Class.
Undersea battlemap.
Monkey Folk of Mystara.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Changyi (Kung-fu gibbons).
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Wong Oranye.
Grey Philosophers and other variants.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Phanaton.
Monkey Folk of Mystara: Shaydaan.
New spell: Death Becomes Life.
Realistic Mystara Spellcasting Services and Spellcaster Income.
Post-GRoF Hazards on Davania BC 3000-2700.
Grey Philosophers and other variants.
Images of a Yazarian : version 1, version 2, with crossbow, version 3, magic user.
L'Uovo di Folaga, part 3 of an adventure for characters levels 11 to 15, 5E (in Italian).
Placing Thunder Rift in the Dragon Empire [13th Age].
Dragon Steeds Pt. 1.
Druid (RC modified variant).
Uniquely Mystaran Trinkets.
Lining up precataclysm and postcataclysm globes.
Lining up Ramelin's maps over the postcataclysm globe.
Il Khan Dorato di Ethengar Gaz12 in Italian.
Dragon Steeds Pt. 2.
The Alphatian Province of Ambur compiled PDF.
The Alphatian Provinces of Limn, Randel, Stonewall, Stoutfellow and Theranderol compiled PDF.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Framework for a new Mystaran Campaign for a new playgroup.
Oceania - Terra dei Draghi Gazetteer (Italian) version 2.
The Black Lion: Chapter 1 - How I met your Father.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games updated with more spells (specifically for metamporphs), skills (for metamorphs and simians), races (a whole new section on primates), updated the medicine man section with a better layout, added barbarians, and fighters reformatted into a more readable form (footnotes work fine for this sort of thing until they don't, and with the barbarian subclass it was all getting messy).Update – 5 February 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Strength Adjustment for Encumbrance house rule.
Improving GAZ10, one item at a time... Kol.
Improving GAZ10, one item at a time... The Big Culture Problem.
Generic non-culturally inspired orcs for the Broken Lands.
Musings on Map Symbols.
Mount Asphyxia a sampler of an adventure.
Diabolus as a playable race in 5E.
The Granduchy of Karameikos, Demographics and Economics (v 3.1) (in Italian).
The Principalities of Glantri, Demographics and Economics (v. 4.1) (in Italian).
Thoughts about the Bag of Holding.
Kuroyoushaku Nation.
Castle Mistamere Levels 2 to 3 Jason Bulmahn's Kill Bargle adventure, published in Dungeon #150 (September, 2007) converted into BECMI.
Gnome Submarine.
New spell: Eldur's Light.
Using OSE Aquatic Adventures with Mystara Undersea campaign.
New Magic Items: Magical Bubbles More Bubbles.
Gnus and Llamas and Moose, Oh My! - mechanics for gnus and llamas and moose.
Karameikos Demographic map with locations of modules B3, B10 and B11.
Guerra nel Granducato di Karameikos (in Italian with overview in English).
Slugs and Griffons and Stuff, Oh My!
AD&D "The Desert of Desolation" conversion in Ylaruam - difficulties, observations, conundrums and thoughts.
"The Desert of Desolation" in Ylaruam.
Gwydion Navarre Wynmyar.
Views of Undersea : merrow home.
Images of Karameikos : woodblock print 1, woodblock print 2, watercolour - Threshold from the lake, watercolour - Callarii elven house.
New creature: Deep Whistler Throwback.
Spirit Guides on Mystara.
Glantrian Scholastic Insomniacs.
Course of the River Nithia.
View of coral cities of the sea elves.
Top Ballista, 5E Player's Guide.
Base Attack Bonus and BECM D&D.
Image of a Sherkasta.
Image of a Skygnome.
Image of an extraplanar elven princess.
Hunting the Streets of Tel Akbir, artwork.
Images of an apothecary/herbalist/alchemy shop in Ghyr option 1, option 2, option 3.
Image of a Eusdrian bulldog lupin.
Images of a dank dark dungeon prison cell.
B/X, OSE, Rules Cyclopedia character sheet v1.2.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:5E Diabolus.
The Realms of Norwold Demographics and Economics (v 3.2) (in Italian).
The Emirates of Ylaruam Demographics and Economics (v. 7.4+).
The Kingdom of Vestland Demographics and Economics (v. 7.4).
Extended Equipment List v2.1, Word version.
Cyclopaedic Compendium, volume 1 - an unofficial players supplement for classic D&D and OSR games now with updated equipment lists, a few other changes (character conditions, HP and death).
New PC race: Hodmedod (Hedgehog Folk).
New PC race: Brock (Badger folk), now with art.Update – 14 January 2023
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me as well, in particular, files from the Mystara and Classic D&D forums on The Piazza.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Threshold issue 30 POD A4 paperback cover
Threshold issue 30 POD A4 interior
HTML versions of articles from the thirtieth issue of Threshold are available:Pages From the Notes of Crossandra, Professor of Alchemy.
- Editorial
- Monsters of the Alphatian Sea
- Bellissaria the Unknown
- Metinsulae - Isle of the Metamorphs
- The Islands of Death
- Alphatia in Dracopolis
- Mappers of Mystara - Adamantyr
- The Grey Wanderer in Mystara
- Lost Jaibul and other Dark Secrets
- Mystara Story Generator - part 4
Some aquatic variants of BECMI monsters: Blink Dogfish and Aquatic Kopru.
Some aquatic variants of BECMI monsters: Brainweed.
Some aquatic variants of BECMI monsters: Sea Scorpions.
Some aquatic variants of BECMI monsters: the Deep Demon.
Some aquatic variants of BECMI monsters: the Coralid.
Views of Karameikos and Threshold: village in Karameikos, village, Karameikos, Tarnskeep, streets, Threshold, streets of Threshold, Threshold, across the lake.
The Temporal Anomaly of the Sea of Dread.
Experimental AI image of Mystara: image 1, image 2.
Experimental AI image of Mystaran Immortals: image 1, image 2.
Experimental AI image of Mystaran Undersea.
New Magic Items: Magical Bubbles.
Gazetteer: Expansions & Additions for the Broken Lands.
Midgard scenarios in Mystara.
B11 The King's Festival translated to Italian including cover.
Homage to cover illustration by John and Laura Lakey, PC3 D&D creature crucible, The Sea people.
New creature: Sandy Claws.
Folk Cards 41 to 60 from the Arsenic and old Spellbooks Campaign.
Unique Magic Swords of Mystara volume 2.
Unique Magic Jewels of Mystara.
The Real Plan of the Baron of Morlay.
Fixes for Weapon Mastery Skill.
Ombre su Wendar (Shadows over Wendar) (BM3) an adventure for 3 to 5 characters of level 4 to 8, BECMI (in Italian) set along the border of Wendar and the menacing Mengul Mountains.
Imp Variants for Mystara/BECMI.
New creature: Crag Imp.
Special Skills: A New Category for the General Skill Rules for BECMI/RC.
Special Skills and Rituals for Clerics, Paladins, Druids and Shamans.
Collection of Errata for BECMI.
Collection of Sage Advice from Dragon Magazine.
Views of Taymora, land of undead necromancer kings: Taymoran tower ruin, Taymoran village tower, Sorcerous fortress, Taymoran city, Taymoran vampire queen, Heroes of old Taymora, We lived and loved, in Taymora of old, Sorcerer wars in Taymora, Warnings of cataclysm, Taymora, cataclysm, The fall of Taymora.
Views of the remains of old Taymora: Taymoran ruins, undersea, Ruins in Undersea, Ruined Taymoran city, undersea.
Additional information regarding the Koskatep Megadungeon.
Mystara Tribes as Organizations.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Tanyt, the Night Mother, Goddess of Creation.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Sarrattalu.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Melq-Ashtir.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Qorun.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Urtni.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Sethlanis.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Mahes.
Myths and Legends of the Taymoran Immortals Idu.
Horses and Donkeys and Mules, Oh My! - mechanics for horses, donkeys and mules.
Simple Horse Mechanic.
Horses and the hero shield.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Version 0.4 of the main guide from the Framework for a new Mystaran Campaign for a new playgroup.
Serraine the Flying City.