Update - 06 December
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Midwood Hamlet, some information from a campaign set in Midwood Hamlet; now placed back up onto the Vaults. Huzzah.
The Free City of Oceansend, gazetteer.
Map of The Kingdom of Oceansend and The Norwold Coast.
Night of the Vampire - Audio Transcript.
Map and information bringing the novel "Summerhill Hounds" into Mystara.
Map and information bringing the novel "Unicorn Hunt" into Mystara.
Map of the Thunder Rift valley with new locations.
Cleric Special Abilities updated for use in 3.5.
Pixie Racial Write-up.
Pixie Paragon Class.
Sprite Racial Write-up.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Pixie, Sprite, Shedu, Greater (Idu's Avatar) and Pooka.
The List of Monsters, by Type has been updated with the above information.
List of Monsters, by CR, updated with the current information.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been updated with the above information.Update - 04 November
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:In the Streets of Selenica, a description of Selenica.The list of files on the Vaults of Pandius has been updated.
Some Deaths Knights of Mystara, Yuri Molotov and Gunzuth - Hin Death Knight.
Beyond Castellan Keep is The Ice Wall a strange magical area ...
Non-Standard Magic Users, those with a lower intelligence score.
A snippet on Utter Island.
High Magic Points around the Known World.
Karameikan Entropic Cults & the Eye of Traldar.
Map of North-eastern Karameikos.
Some of the Religious Organisations from the Codex Immortalis, the Church of Karameikos, the Church of Tralara and the Cult of Halav.
Questions on Rafiel, Atzanteotl, elven history... a description of the shadowelf conspiracy. It includes some open questions and some genuine queries about various topics: Atzanteotl, Schattenalfen, Rafiel, elven history.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Talking Fish, Ziggurat Horror, Brownie, Spawn of Nimmur, Redcap, Leprechaun and Spider-spy.
Wood Imp Racial Write-Up.
Wood Imp Paragon Class.
Brownie Racial Writeup and Progression.
Brownie Paragon Class.
Redcap Racial Write Up and Progression.
Redcap Paragon Class.
Leprechaun Racial Write Up.
Leprechaun Paragon Class.
The List of Monsters, by Type has been updated with the above information.
List of Monsters, by CR, updated with the current information.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been updated with the above information.Update - 14 October
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Interview with CRAIG COCHRANE (Eternity Publishing, publishers of the Immortals Handbook) September 16, 2007.The Mystaran Orient Webpage is now hosted on the Vaults of Pandius.
List of Monsters, by CR, updated with the current information.
Dryad Racial Write-up and Progression.
Faun (Satyr) Racial Write-up and Progression.
Hsiao Racial Write-Up and Progression.
Treant Racial Write-up and Progression.
Faun Paragon Class.
Hsiao Paragon Class.
Treant Paragon Class.
Controversy over Karawenn in Mystara.
Two NPCs Corrine and Juri, with tips on how to use them in your campaign.
New Spell Sublime Cessation of Time's Passage, and an Alternate Take on the Alphatian Council.
Chaotic Dynasts, chatoic immortals of time.
More Character Backgrounds - two clerics of Traladara, two dwarves and two elves.
Setting the novel "Summerhill Hounds" on the Isle of Dawn.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Clockwork Swordsman, Hsiao, Nimmurian Manscorpion and Wood Imp.
The List of Monsters, by Type has been updated with the above information.
The Consolidated Creature Conversion Index, has been updated with the above information.Information on ESDs has been updated.
Update - 16 September
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Snippet of an interview with ROBERT SCHWALB (Designer of Exemplars of Evil) from WotC's Product Spotlight, September 14, 2007.
A Gazetteer of Myoshima. It is a draft and not as complete as it could be -- specifically, it is missing an adventure section, as well as a description of the bloodlines in rules terms (though the Dragonne, Elven and Sphinx bloodlines can be found in Rakasta of Mystara, and the Lammasu bloodline is described in this article ). Given more time, I would have added more NPCs -- as to now, I've only described the members of the imperial government, and a few others. Also, the Okuden (Secret Crafts) could have been expanded by replacing some of those taken from GAZ3 with original ones.
Map of Mysohima.
List of Monsters, by Type.
Description of Edgewater and review of Sword and Shield.
Centaur Racial Write-up and Progression.
Centaur Paragon Class.
An additional idea out of 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign.
3E conversion of the Lycanthrope; Devil Swine.
Against the Darkness - a Gurps Campaign Blog.
English translations from the Codex Immortalis. There is a translation for Book II, Chapter 7: Groups of Power of the Immortals.
The kalihya, a race of snake-beings that dwell within the deserts of the Great Waste.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Undead Mass, Scarlet Pimpernel/Crimson Delight and Dryad.Update - 21 August
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:New classes from a campaign based more on point based magic (and very few priests). The Glantrian Noble and Magus of the Great School of Magic in Glantri keep the combat going although they might be a little strong for some campaigns.
A large hand drawn map of the Melinor Region.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Gremlin, Faenare, Parasite; Cardinal Tick, Parasite; Powder Moth, Nagpa, Pegataur, Parasite; Jibarú Pest, Undead Carcass, Tabi, Legacy Troll, Undead Pegataur, Undead Sphimera, Pig-Headed Hydra, Two-Headed Crocotroll and Mutant Ogre.
Gremlin Racial Writeup and Progression.
Faenare Race and Racial Progression.
Harpy as a Race/ Harpy Racial Progression.
Nagpa Racial Info/Progression.
Harpy Paragon Class.
Pegataur Racial Info/Progression.
Pegataur Paragon Class.
Sphinx Racial Info/Progression.
Sphinx Paragon Class.
Tabi Racial Info/Progression.
Additional ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign.
Timeline of Norwold.
AC1022, Lady Magda Snaps, the events of Kaldmont 28.
English translations from the Codex Immortalis. There is a translation for Book I, Appendix 7: List by Alignment.
The Iron Ring.
Thoughts on an Orcish Steamtech Civilisation in Vulcania.
Synposis of the novel "Rogues to Riches" with some useful Norwold information .
Monster Manual 5 - Mystaran Adaptation.
PC's families (random determination), rules for randomly determining your character's family background.
Hytiliaph - Heredity table.
Map of Western Brun.Update - 08 July
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:New Questions and Answers with Mystaran Authorities: Corey Solomon, Director of the D&D Movie and a Compiled Q&A on the HackWurld of Mystaros.
Master of the Desert Nomads, 3.5E conversion.
Temple of Death, 3.5E conversion.
Immortals and Preisthoods, a conversion of all the major OD&D priesthoods to AD&D 2ndEd. These priesthoods incorporate some of the material from "Player's Option: Spells and Magic" and "The Complete Priest's Handbook".
The Olympian Pantheon, material for adding an additional Greek-Myth flavor to a Mystara campaign, Part I: Introduction, Part II: The Gods of Olympus, Part III: The Elder Titans and Part IV: Greek Gods in Mystara.
The Streets of Landfall gazetteer, map of Landfall and Kamminer Bay and map of The Streets of Landfall.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Giant Beaver, Boring Beetle, Rhinoceros Beetle, Eye of the Deep, Koalinth, Normal Lamprey, Giant Lamprey, Fire Lizard (False Dragon), Minotaur Lizard, Water Nymph, Giant Otter, Pungi Ray, Water/Sea Spider, Krolli, Parparit, Megolel Paz, Phase Stinger, Gator Man (Gurrash), Zzonga-Bush, Poisonous Coral, Ether Weird (Mystaran), Gargoñan Rosebush and Cave Cambo. Additional examples of heraldic servants have been added to the Heraldic Servant entry.
Additional Monster Lore entries.
Additional ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign.
Prestige class for Rakasta, Tiger Style Master.
3E conversion of Cay-Man.
Google Mystara, various globe views of Mystara.
How the Outer Beings Can Touch the Prime Plane.
The Duchy and Beyond: A WotI Compatible Campaign Adventure Path.
Mystara Module and Placement.
Meta-classes, a class constructed from a multi-class set.
Gurrash Paragon Class.
Gurrash Racial Progression.Update - 27 May
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Maps of the Savage Coast Eastern Gulf of Hule, The Savage Baronies, The Animal Kingdoms, Magiocracy of Herath, The Orc's Head Peninsula, Jibaru and Nimmur and The Reptile Kingdoms.
Conversion notes to bring part IX of the Savage Tide, "Into the Maw", to Mystara.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Vortex Creature, Enchanted Armour, Gargantua Iron Living Statue and Tyrannosaurus Molior. The breve has been added to the entry on Tonals. Additional examples of heraldic servants have been added to the Heraldic Servant entry.
Additional ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign.
Additional ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas Involving Bargle the Infamous.
A campaign idea immersing players in the politics of Karameikos.Update - 13 May
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The seventh installment in a series of unofficial Gazetteer gaming aids - The Heldannic Order. "The Heldannic Order" provides descriptions of the history, geography, society, fauna, military and personalities of a land occupied but not fully subdued. This product contains both a Referee and a Player Manual. It also has guidelines for two paladin variants, and rules for playing experten - a specialised group of clerics within the Order tasked with handling vampires, witches, and other spawns of chaos.
Map of the Heldannic Territories.
Conversion notes to bring part VIII of the Savage Tide, "Serpents of Scuttlecove", to Mystara, there is also an additional note in the conversion notes to bring part VII of the Savage Tide, "City of Broken Idols", to Mystara.
The list of Mystara acronyms in the FAQ has been updated.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Demon Ruler Avatar: Orcus, Megalith, Nightmare Creature, Nipper, Astral Protean, Repeater, Soo, and various Tonals. Additional examples of heraldic servants have been added to the Heraldic Servant entry.
Additional ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign.
A suggested list of tortle subraces.
Description of the immortal Lokena.
Additional information on other immortals.
An update to the list of Immortals of Blackmoor vs ZGG Deities.
An alternate list of Immortals of Blackmoor vs ZGG Deities.
The Mystaran Exodus, ideas about the end of Mystara.
3E conversion of the Lycanthrope; Wereseal.
First Quest and Mount Dread.
Weapons of Mystara - Lughdegar, Elven Longbow and SweetDeath a.k.a. Mellita Mors.
Tentative ideas for PC races in Myoshima and Patera in general.
Thus far there's two ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas Involving Bargle the Infamous.
Map of the Rio Copos area.
Shadowelf adventures.Update - 23 April
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Conversion notes to bring part VII of the Savage Tide, "City of Broken Idols", to Mystara.
Beautiful PDF compilation of Giampaolo's Gazetteer of Ochalea.
English translations from the Codex Immortalis. There are translations for Book I, Appendix 1: Index of the Immortals by Sphere, Book I, Appendix 4: List by Name or Nickname, Book I, Appendix 10: Player Lists of Immortals and Book II Chapter 6: Pantheons and an update of Book I, Appendix 3: Hierarchical Index of Immortals.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Whispering Fiend, Flicker, Jumper, Monster Ruler, Notion, Servitor, Titan (Mystaran), Gargantua Gecko, Omshirim, Gargantua Ghoul, Gargantua Horned Chameleon, Gargantua Mummy, Gargantua Pit Viper, Gargantua Rattlesnake, Gargantua Rock Python, Gargantua Skeleton, Gargantua Spectre, Gargantua Spitting Cobra, Gargantua Tuatara, Heraldic Servant, Gargantua Wight, Gargantua Wraith, Gargantua Zombie and Demon Ruler Avatar: Demogorgon.
Thus far there's fifteen ideas out of 101 Adventure Ideas for a Mystara Campaign.
The tale The Wolf and the Dragon has been expanded with the History of the Sar.
The Origins of Human Kind.
Immortals of Blackmoor vs ZGG Deities.
Alphatian Creed, portraying the character of Alphatia.Update - 25 March
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Dragon Ruler: Diamond (The Star Dragon), Ruler of all Lawful Dragons, Dragon Ruler: Opal (The Sun Dragon) Ruler of all Neutral Dragons, Common Voat, Dragon Ruler: Pearl (The Moon Dragon) Ruler of all Chaotic Dragons, Dragon Ruler: The Great One, Ruler of All Dragonkind, Carnifex, Carnifex Chaplain, Carnifex Guard, Herathian Voat, Carnifex Magus, Carnifex Trickster, Baak, Draeden, Yeshom, Screaming Fiend, Croaking Fiend, Howling Fiend, Groaning Fiend, Mythu'nn Folk, Hissing Fiend and Roaring Fiend. The conversion for Roaring Demon (Alphaks) has been updated.
General information on Lesser Fiends.
English translations from the Codex Immortalis. There are translations for Appendix 2: Alphabetical Index of the Immortals, Appendix 3: Hierarchical Index of Immortals, Appendix 5: List by Areas of Interest, Appendix 6: List by Domains and Appendix 11: New Cleric Domains.
Map of the Sylvan Realm.
Mystara conversion for the module Needle.
The Wolf and the Dragon, a Mystaran Tale.
The apocrypha which is Islandia.
Islandia of the Alatians.
Beautiful PDF compilations of Savage Coast Campaign Book: Book One: An Atlas of the Savage Coast, Savage Coast Campaign Book: Book Two: Characters of the Savage Coast, Savage Coast Campaign Book: Book Three: Adventures on the Savage Coast, Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium, Orc's Head Peninsula Campaign Book: Book One: Orc's Head Peninsula Sourcebook and Orc's Head Peninsula Campaign Book: Book Two: Four Adventures on the Orc's Head Peninsula.
An update to The Nainartas, an 'Amazon' community from Norwold.
An update to the details of the Threshold Region.
A look at Lizardmen in Thunder Rift.
The Dragon Quest.
Exalted creature subtype.
A further update to the description of cultures, realms and places in the Norwold region, also now includes a political map of Norwold in AC1000.
Map of Northeastern Davania.
Updated 24 mile hex map of the Known World.
The Engloutis Archipelago, an area of floating islands in the Hollow World.
Marilenev Estate.
Full map of Castle Marilenev.
Oard Survey Ship.
Oard Adventures in Mystara.
Thyatian legions campaign ideas.
Thyatian Tactics.
Mystaran Iconic Characters.
The Second Age of Anarchy.Update - 25 February
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Conversion notes to bring part VI of the Savage Tide, "The Lightless Depths", to Mystara.
Arquen Gazetteer.
The Kolmedes Supremacy Gazetteer.
Map of the Anvil of the World.
Map of Arquen.
Map of the Forest of Aelos.
Map of the Garl Territories.
Map of Kolmedia.
The Blacklore Elves Almanac Entry AC 1014, with events from AC 1009 to AC 1012.
AC 1020 almanac entry for the Polar Shire Autonomous Region.
AC 1020 almanac entry for High Shire and Poposhishowlilacakazoo.
Map of High Shire AC 1020.
The Testament of Terrel Muzad.
Picture of a Glantrian Flying Gondola c. AC 1015.
Adventures in the Principalities of Glantri.
The clerical spell lists have been expanded with the immortals Noumena and Slizzark the Lurker.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Steam Bat, Boneless, Fungus; Darksnap, Shazak Skinwing, Shadow Elven Skinwing, Giant Domestic Slug, Lava Fish, Skitterling, Tyminid and Roaring Demon (Alphaks).
The article on Central Brun contains some more information on some points.
The article containing information on The Sea of Stream and the Farend Ocean has been updated.
The Nainartas, an 'Amazon' community from Norwold.
Updates to the Twin Campaigns campaign with the timeline to AC 1008 and the timeline AC 1009 - 1011 being updated and a new timeline for AC 1012.
Some known personalities from Izmer: Ridley Freeborn, Knight of Izmer and Marina of Pretensa, Royal Wizard of Sumdall, Head Mistress of the Magic School of Izmer.Update - 09 February
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:A new set of conversion notes to help set the Savage Tide Adventure Path in Mystara.The internal links between the entries of the AC 1019 Almanac have been added.
The Kingdom of Littonia, gazetteer.
Map of the The Kingdom of Littonia.
The Silent Guard, an organisation created for the Blackmoor MMRPG. A Conversion for OD&D.
An update to the map of the Castle Marilenev and Village, and addition of the map of the Upper Levels of Castle Marilenev.
Gazetteer of the Barony of Sheildwood in Karameikos.
Three versions of Regional Maps of Blackmoor.
The current state of Empress Tylari III and her quest for immortality.
3E variant classes for Mystara: Balancer.
Some brief details on the Wilderlands regions.
Introduction to the The Borea Project, and Timeline for the Region.
Old Alphatia - the 'Twelve Cultures'.
Two Glantrian Prestige Classes the Alchemist and Death Master.
Biaoshi variant of the Merchant secondary class.
Additional Monster Lore entries; from Saberclaw to Red Zombie; for Mystaran monsters.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty: Nightgleet, Rockfang, Seergar, Succulus, Pecary Pig, Wynzet, Falcon, Gerbil, Sheep, Swampmare, Yak, Ethengarian Spirit: Lesser Animal, Ethengarian Spirit: Greater Animal, Ethengarian Spirit: Spirit Lord, Heroic Spirit, Common Evil Spirit, Lesser Evil Spirit, Evil Spirit, Greater Evil Spirit, Lesser Nature Spirit, Legacy Leech, Nature Spirit, Greater Nature Spirit and Neshezu.
Beyond the Great Maelstrom. Legend of the Star Brothers - The Beginning of the Mystaran Universe.
Information on the City State of Xorg.
Map of the Infernus-Dumfur Region.
Alphatian Planetary Chart.
Information on the Region of Vulcania.
Zodiac and Mystaran moons.
Information on Central Brun.
Information on The Sea of Stream and the Farend Ocean.
Mentzer Mystara - a vision of what the D&D campaign world might've evolved into if Frank Mentzer's map in the Masters set had been accepted as given.
Humans of the Known World.
Pooka as PC, a plan for the next campaign starting from 2 PCs: the Puss-in-Boots and the miller's 3rd son.
The Kaldmont 20 event The Death March of the Krondaharan Children has been added to the AC 1019 almanac.The list of D&D/ Mystaran articles that have appeared in Dungeon magazine has been updated and expanded with more information.
Update - 01 January
The following files have been loaded or updated on the Vaults of Pandius:A gazetteer for Ochalea.The Tome of Mystara is now hosted on the Vaults of Pandius, except for those files where permission has not been gained to host from the authors.
A look at how to incorporate feats in to the various Known World Regions by race.
New entropic artifact, The Pandora's Box which is lost in the nest at Landfall.
The Furnace of Alphaks, an artifact for accessing Spelljammer Space from Mystara.
Some new and Savage Coast Coats of Arms and larger versions of some existing ones.
Additional Monster Lore entries for Mystaran monsters.
More 3E conversions of a number of creatures from Jamie Baty, he's now knocking on the door of about 400 conversions: Denizens of Limbo; Minion of Chaos, Denizens of Limbo; Master of Chaos, Denizens of Limbo; Lost Soul, Denizens of Limbo; Guardian Angel, Denizens of Limbo; Discord, Trosip, Vulcanian Sloth, Fur Seal, Lupasus, Vulturehound, Dragon Spirit, Dragon Soul, Lesser Nightmare, Leveller "Bodendruker", Snake; White Cobra, Naâruk, Tree Spirit (Jautama), Red Imp, Blue Imp, Birch Dove, Wurmling, Elven Warhorse and Lake Klintest Monster.
An update to the description of cultures, realms and places in the Norwold region, also now includes a political map of Norwold in AC1000.
The Western Alliance, gazetteer and map. The long awaited final chapter in the Idrisian Sphere Gazeetteers, and the fifth in this series of Gazetteers.
The two-year long caravan based campaign is finally over. The file contains some final notes to the story.
New eighth and ninth level spells.
AC1022, Lady Magda Snaps.
Department K a special projects division of the Karameikan Secret police.
Some variations to WotI.
Wrath of the Immortals version 2.0 an effort to sketch out the most logical sequence of events following on from the canonical Ixion/Rad quarrel.
Locations from the Aryptian Savannah-Jungle Coast Region map, the Lost Valley Region map, the Vulcanian Peninsula Region map, the Izondian Deep Region map, the map and the Aryptian Region map.
Thoughts on the genealogy of Flaems, Cypri and True Alphatians.
Map of the Isle of Dread.
Map of the Castle Marilenev and Village.
Map of the Isle of Dread, created from all sources including the Savage Tide Adventure Path.The list of files on the Vaults of Pandius has been updated.