Update – 29 December 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of December 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Mystara 2300BC: Band of the Lantern.
Mystara 2300BC: Crew of the Red Tide.
Ideas for Tortle Bloodlines.
Monsters based on turtles for Mystara and Beyond.
Tortle subraces.
Mystaran Liches.
Liches and lichdom in Mystara.
Mystara Spirit Lore.
Shaman and Shamani Comparison.
Adapting the Misty Isles Setting to Mystara.
Viledel Island after AD&D adventure N4 Treasure Hunt.
Thoughts about Barimoor's Realm.
Friars Almanac 2018 - collection of short stories.
House rules for light melee weapons.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Il Culto del Verde Amorfo (DZ1) an adventure for 4 to 6 characters of levels 2 to 3, OSR D&D (in Italian) now with maps and covers.
Quick History of Classic D&D.Update – 13 December 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of November 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:HTML versions of articles from the twenty-fourth issue of Threshold are available:Map of Karameikos, 4 miles per hex.
- Editorial.
- A Mystara Glossary.
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2.
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2.
- On the lands of Erewan part 2.
- The Dymrak Forest Region.
- Infinite Regress.
- Fade to Red part 2.
Map of the Yalu Bay.
Iason of Kerendas, a cleric of Ixion in the Descent into Avernus comic in Dragon+.
Reading D&D4E Player's Options: Heroes of the Feywild with Mystara glasses.
Koll from Dungeon Magazine #9 and the Arm of the Immortals.
Map of the Swamp of the Beast and Surrounding Kingdoms.
Karameikos Character Creation Handout.
Mystara's Inner Plane Encounters (BECMI/Mystara Sources Only).
Il Culto del Verde Amorfo an adventure for characters of levels 2 to 3, inspired by classic module B9 and set in Threshold. OSR D&D (in Italian).
Mystara Character Alignment.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Unique Mystaran Armour.
Finding Spillworld.Update – 24 November 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the middle of November 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 24 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
High quality versions of maps from the twenty-fourth issue of Threshold are available:Call for contributions for Threshold magazine issues: 25: Strongholds, and 26: Heroes, Villains and Organizations.
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - Map of the Hidden Valley
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Hidden Forest Halls
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Passageway Caverns
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Warrens
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Web Palace
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - Lair of the Cave Bears
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Winding Caverns
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Ant Nest
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Pits
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - Beastman Caves, Lower Tier
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Beastman Caves Upper Tier
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Gateway Passage
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 - The Malpheggi Swamp
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - The Geographical sub-settings of Mystara
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Silver Coast
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Arica
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Izonda
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Pelatan
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Brasol
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Ice Peaks
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Southern Davania
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Green Bay and Fire bay
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Vulcania
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Cestia and Oceania
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Gulf of Mar
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Arypt
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Platea
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Adakkia
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Aryptian basin
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Milenia and Jungle Coast
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Tangor Chain
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Gulf of Tangor
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Minaea
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Jen
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Esterhold
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Tagh mountains
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 2 - Thonia and Nentsun
- On the lands of Erewan part 2 - Erewan, 1 mile per hex
- On the lands of Erewan part 2 - Celedyl Barony
- The Dymrak Forest Region - Dymrak Forest Region, 1 mile per hex
- The Dymrak Forest Region - Fain Flinn Bridge, 100 yards per hex
- Fade to Red part 2 - Slagovich City Map
- Fade to Red part 2 - Hule shop 1
- Fade to Red part 2 - Hule shop 2
- Fade to Red part 2 - Sewers Players map
- Fade to Red part 2 - Sewers DM map
Locations on or close to Mount Dread.
Thoughts on using the Heldannic Knights.
Thoughts on using the Heldannic Knights.
Lizardfolk of Mystara (and other Scaled Races).
A New Dawn: Reimagining the Northern Isle of Dawn setting.
Weather on the Isle of Dawn.
Daylight hours by latitude.
Koriszegy Keep and the Rodemus family.
Rules for the Reputation of PCs.
NPC quirks - a way to give NPCs depth.
BECMI to 1st Ed Level Conversion.
Thoughts about Gravity in the Cave of the Stars (Shadow Elves).
Gnolls of Mystara.
View of Threshold inside the outer wall.
Elder Evils Zargon and Cynidicea.
Elder Evils Exiled Zargon.
Thunder Rift in 31 hexes.
Dragons and dragonkin evolutionary timeline.
Nations of the Known World: Relations Chart.
D&D Class: Dragon Slayer.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:AD&D Mystara Product List.
Hex mapping Legend.
D&D/ Mystaran Articles in Dungeon Magazines.Update – 20 October 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of September 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:La caverne de l'avant post Orc a mini-adventure for 4 to 5 characters of levels 1 to 2, in French.
Common Mounts in the Known World/Eastern Brun.
Common Mounts on the Savage Coast.
Tortle Reading List.
Rendition of Minroth.
Common Mounts in the Hollow World.
Campaign Idea: Secret Mystaran Invasion of LaTerre.
Flag of Haven, Alphatia.
5E Humanoids, "features".The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:The list of WotI speciality priests in the List of BECMI/RC Classes is now complete.Update – 2 September 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of August 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Escape from Thunder Rift: The area of The Chase.
Making Chariot Racing in the Hippodrome more fun.
Consequences of a shorter year on Mystara.
Darkfire Castle, an outline for a planar location inspired by places like Sigil or the City of Brass.
Unique Mystaran Armour.
Ralda, a half elf BECMI race. Created with the first onset of the Red Curse, located almost exclusively in the Savage Baronies and surrounding nations, they do occasionally find their way to the Known World. A fighter/thief hybrid with bonus skills/languages at the expense of not being able to wear heavier armour or use two-handed melee weapons.
Pathfinder Adventure Paths in Mystara.
Map of northwest Thyatis: The Forest Oracle in Thyatis.
Pathfinder Adventure Paths in Mystara.
Pathfinder Adventure Paths in Mystara: Council of Thieves.
Map of Halag, 1 mile per hex.
Map of Blight Swamp, 1 mile per hex.
Holy Sites in BC 2300: Shimmering Lands.
Ceremony of the Rainbow.
Tavern/Inn ratings.
Chariots and Charioteering.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
List of BECMI/RC Classes.Update – 18 August 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of July 2019.
I have also incorporated all of the articles from issues 1 to 6 of Tome of Mystara and issue 23 of Threshold Magazine into the page structure of the main part of the Vaults.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:HTML versions of articles from the twenty-third issue of Threshold are available:Hollow World Physics and Structure.
- Editorial.
- A Mystara Glossary.
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 1.
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1.
- Escape from Hule part 2.
- On the lands of Erewan part 1.
- The Barrel.
- Harbourlee Rock.
- The Khan and the Duchess.
- Fade to Red part 1.
Side Effects of the Doomsday Device on the Alphatian Sea Region.
Additional suggestions about Side Effects of the Doomsday Device on the Alphatian Sea Region.
Additional thoughts about Side Effects of the Doomsday Device on the Alphatian Sea Region.
GAZ 7 Rune Magic for 5E.
Jaibul Coat of Arms.
Why All Warriors Should Want to Train in the Thyatis Arenas.
The kingdoms of Eadrin and Randel have been added to the work on collating a comprehensive history of the Alphatian Empire.
Alphatian Skyships: Bettellyn Archonship.
Clans of Foresthome.
Capcom Mystara: a possible setting for a future Known World.
Thoughts about Ghosts of Saltmarsh placement in Mystara.
Tortle NPCs from Mystara and Non-Mystara sources.
D&D Class: The Custodian Part I and Part II an unusual NPC, or possibly PC, character class whose goal is to secure mystical ascendancy over dungeons.
Ferrum Nigrum a rough draft of a BECMI Stormbringer-like sword.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:List of BECMI/RC Classes.
Economics of the Emirates of Ylaruam.Update – 4 August 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:High quality versions of maps from the twenty-third issue of Threshold are available:Call for contributions for Threshold magazine issues: 24 - Campaigns and Adventures III, and 25 - Strongholds.
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 1 - Map of Duke Barrik's Castle
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 1 - Map of Castle Dungeons
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 1 - Map of the Hidden Valley
- Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 1 - Map of the Catacombs of Doom
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Geographical sub-settings of Mystara
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Known World
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Adri Varma plateau
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Great Waste, Sind and the Serpent Peninsula
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Hule and Kavkaz
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Borean Valley and the Midlands
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Savage Coast and Yazak Steppes
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Yezchamenid Empire and The Arm of the Immortals
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Endworld Line and Zuyevo
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Hyborea
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Idrisian Sphere, Ghyr and the Western Alliance
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Norwold and further north
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Sea of Giants
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Alphatia
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - The Isle of Dawn and the Alatians
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Ochalea and the Pearl Islands
- Sub-settings of Mystara part 1 - Bellissaria
- Escape from Hule part 2 - Eastern Savage Coast and Greater Hule
- Escape from Hule part 2 - Southern Hule and the City States, 1000 AC
- Escape from Hule part 2 - Slagovich and the City States, 1000 AC
- Escape from Hule part 2 - The Serpent Peninsula, 1000 AC
- Escape from Hule part 2 - The Kingdom of Sind, 1000 AC
- Escape from Hule part 2 - The Atruaghin Clans, 1000 AC
- On the lands of Erewan part 1 - Erewan, 1 mile per hex
- On the lands of Erewan part 1 - Erendyl City
- On the lands of Erewan part 1 - Tower of the Princess
- On the lands of Erewan part 1 - Ellerovyn
- The Barrel - Isometric view of The Barrel from the northwest
- The Barrel - The Barrel, detail map
- The Barrel - Dymrak Forest
- The Barrel - Customers' map of The Barel
- The Barrel - DM's map of The Barrel
- The Barrel - Players map of The Barrel
- The Barrel - Isometric view of The Barrel from the northeast
- Harbourlee Rock - Location (from Thorf's Five Shires map)
- Harbourlee Rock - Harbourlee Rock
- Fade to Red part 1 - Slagovich City Map
Gli Affari di un Arcimago (MAB1) an adventure for 4 to 5 first level characters, 5E (in Italian). "Archmage's Business" introduces a well-known NPC: Tormaq of Luho, the evil mage of an old BECMI adventure O1 The Gem and the staff. In "Archmage's Business" Tormaq travels to the City of Soderfjord looking of the lichdom's secret. Fearing his many enemies (like Fespel of Fazzlewood, the other mage star from The Gem and the staff) he hires an intrepid group of newbie adventurers to find traces of the dreaded Sitrigga's Ring, an ancient artifact that may reveal to the owner the secret to become a lich.
Thoughts about Charter of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos.
Ideas about two Karameikos Campaigns: Civil War and Rebellion.Update – 1 August 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of June 2019.
I have also incorporated all of the articles from issues 1 to 22 of Threshold Magazine into the page structure of the main part of the Vaults.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 23 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
HTML versions of articles from the twenty-second issue of Threshold are available: HTML versions of articles from the twenty-first issue of Threshold are available:Spheres of Power Symbols.
- A History of Specularum
- Rulers of Marilenev
- Machetos & Marilenev: Heirs & Heiresses
- The Guilds of Specularum
- Specularum Population Numbers
- Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum
- "To Protect and Serve" the Specularum City Guard, Night Watch and District Constabulary
- Tales of the Torenescus
- Citizens of Specularum
- St Kruskiev's Gold
- Specularum Miscellanea
- Wanted: Adventurers
- Mapping the Estate
Spheres of Power Symbols.
AD&D Mystara Product List.
Karameikos Military Forces using these military unit symbols.
Economics of the Emirates of Ylaruam.
Wannlun, gnome of mysterious background.
Order of the Griffon part II an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 2 to 4.
D&D Class: The Librarian.
Savage Coast Coats of Arms.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Military unit symbols incorporating Warmachine bonus indicators.
The map in the article regarding Thoughts on the Monoliths of Zul has been updated.
The maps in the article regarding the Great Northway Lands have been updated.
Hex mapping Legend.Update – 27 June 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of May 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:History of Mystara as a Campaign Setting.
A city map of Akesoli from X10 and other information.
The Attack on Akesoli by the Master in X10.
A theory on the Thyatian early centuries.
Zanzer Tem's dungeon and Dragon Cards.
Renia from X11/X13 as a pretender to the Thyatian throne, alternative ideas.
Animals for shapechanging druids in Karameikos.
Some Pondering on the Ziggurat Tomb of Key-Haminteb and the City of Amen-Tiris.
Military unit symbols incorporating Warmachine bonus indicators.
Renia from X11/X13 as a pretender to the Thyatian throne.
Rules of Engagement: Equity - Immortal PCs versus mortal monsters.
[B/X] Fighter Class Update.
[B/X] Magic-User and Cleric Update.
[B/X] Thief Update.
[B/X] B2 Solitaire Play - No DM.
Updated map of Skothar, 72 miles per hex.
Placing Thunder Rift in the Known World, some thoughts that "could" help explain why Thunder Rift "was" located in the Known World; but, no longer exists at the time of the Gazeteers.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Sukiskyn Battle Map has the large format version of the map available.
Armour House Rules.
Obscure Draft or Riding animals has a third batch based on illustrations and a fourth batch based on toys.
3E/4E/5E Mystara Product List (and Downloads).
Prakash, lupin mystic and ascetic has a new ECL-18 version.Update – 20 May 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of April 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Elves evolutionary timeline.
Thoughts about what makes each elvish clan distinct.
Demigods, 5E children of immortals.
Alphatian Emperors since Landfall, revised.
Demigods, 5E children of immortals.
Demigods, 5E children of immortals.
Corporeal conditions table.
20 Unique Magic Swords of Mystara, each sword has special powers that make of it a unique item and a short description of its history.
BECMI-style dungeon mapmaking made (somewhat) easier.
Karameikan Succession Law.
WotES - Location of Barrik's Castle.
Replica map of The Wilderness, 1/6 miles per hex from CM5.
What Everyone knows about Floating Continents - Azcans.
What Everyone knows about Floating Continents - Nithians.
The Floating Continent of Alphatia.
Consequences of Floating Continents and the Hollow World Sun.
WotES Character Creation Stats.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of the Western Half of the Broken Lands, before the meteor, 1 mile per hex with information from the adventure Rank Amateurs from Dungeon Magazine 22.
Map of the Western Half of the Broken Lands, after the meteor, 1 mile per hex with information from the adventure Rank Amateurs from Dungeon Magazine 22.
Map of the Eastern Half of the Broken Lands, 1 mile per hex updated with information from the adventure Pride in the Sky from Dungeon Magazine 20.
Design of the Haunted House in Glantri City (numbered 11 in GAZ3) updated with room descriptions (in Polish).Update – 14 April 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following subforums on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. As can be seen I've also started to cherry-pick articles from the D&D 5th Edition subforum. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of March 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:HTML versions of articles from the twenty-second issue of Threshold are available:System for Converting Rules Cyclopedia Monsters to 5E.
- Editorial.
- Icons for Mystara.
- "So, You All Meet in a Tavern....".
- Campaigning in Karameikos
- Thoughts About the Karameikos Civil War.
- Threshold Black Market.
- Adapting Classic AD&D Modules to a Mystara Campaign.
- Escape from Hule.
- The Egg Be Dammed!
- Deep Cover.
5E conversions: Actaeon (Elk Centaur), Adaptor, Aerial Servant (Haoou), Ant, Giant, Ape, Snow, Ape, White, Athach, Baboon, Rock, Bear, Cave, Beetle, Giant Oil, Beetle, Giant Tiger, Caecilia, Cat, Great: Mountain Lion, Crocodile, Large, Dolphin, Drake, Drolem, Elephant, Prehistoric (Mastodon), Faerie, Faerie Elder, Faerie Leader, Ferret, Giant, Fish: Giant Bass, Fish: Giant Rockfish, Fish: Giant Sturgeon, Gargantua, Carrion Crawler, Gargoyle, Giant, Mountain, Giant, Sea, Golem, Amber, Golem, Bone, Golem, Bronze, Golem, Mud, Golem, Obsidian, Golem, Wood, Gremlin, Helion, Horde, Hsiao (Guardian Owl), Hsiao Curate (Guardian Owl), Hsiao Elder (Guardian Owl), Hydrax, Kryst, Lava Ooze, Leech, Giant, Lizard: Giant Draco, Lizard: Giant Gecko, Lizard: Giant Horned Chameleon, Lizard: Giant Tuatara, Locust, Giant, Lycanthrope: Devil Swine, Lycanthrope: Werebat, Lycanthrope: Werefox, Lycanthrope: Wereseal, Lycanthrope: Wereshark, Malfera, Manscorpion Cleric, Manscorpion Warrior, Manta Ray, Manta Ray, Giant, Mek, Mujina, Neanderthal (Caveman), Nekrozon (Catoblepas), Nightshade: Nightcrawler, Nightshade: Nightwalker, Nightshade: Nightwing, Nixie, Nuckalavee, Phantom: Apparition, Phantom: Shade, Phantom: Vision, Phoenix, Plasm, Greater, Plasm, Lesser, Pterosaur, Revener, Rhagodessa, Robber Fly, Roc, Salamander, Flame, Salamander, Frost, Shadow, Shark, Shrew, Giant and Slug, Giant.
La mappa del vecchio ylari (MA1) an adventure for first level characters, 5E (in Italian). The adventure is a prequel of B4 and B10 BECMI modules. A rich dwarf merchant of Rockhome is searching for a map leading to the mythical city of Cynidicea. The old Ylari who holds the precious item was murdered and the map is now in the hands of a local "starosta" of the Veiled Society. Will you be able to recover the precious document from the clutches of the ruthless thieves that hide in the Fogor Isle Lair?
Converting Rules Cyclopedia Monsters to 5E.
Some thoughts about Mystaran races and classes in 5E.
The Afterwrath Mystara Campaign Handbook.
Languages of the Known World.
Thoughts about Converting a Karameikos Campaign to 5E.
Thoughts about Diabolus 5E conversion.
Diabolus 5E conversion.
Aranea 5E conversion.
Expanding on the idea of multiple locations for the Palace of the Silver Princess.
New creature for the first of April: Dromedaroo.
Replica map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex from X10.
Excerpts from The Nahmeh.
Design of the Haunted House in Glantri City (numbered 11 in GAZ3).
Watering Down the Red Curse.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Known Mystara Skyships (and other flying vessels).
Replica map of the Savage Coast, 24 miles per hex from X9.Update – 31 March 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the middle of March 2019.
I have reinstated the form for email notifications when the Vaults are updated - it's on the main page at the bottom of the page.The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:
High quality versions of maps from the twenty-second issue of Threshold are available:Magical Weapon Mastery.
- Threshold Black Market - Map of Threshold by Sean Robert Meaney
- Threshold Black Market - Map of the Dark Alley Tavern made by Irving Galvez and The Calamus
- Threshold Black Market - Map of Threshold Black Market made by Irving Galvez and The Calamus
- Adapting Classic AD&D Modules to a Mystara Campaign - Map 1: Map of the Northern Reaches, with recommended locations for the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, and the Hall of the Fire Giant King. Map by Thorfinn Tait, based on GAZ7, TM1, TM2, X1 and Wrath of the Immortals, used by permission.
- Adapting Classic AD&D Modules to a Mystara Campaign - Map 2: Continental Map from Dungeon 6 "Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1" with recommended locations for G1-3, I1, A1-4, and C1. Based on replica map by Thorfinn Tait, April 2018, used by permission.
- Adapting Classic AD&D Modules to a Mystara Campaign - Map 3: Map of the Serpent Peninsula, from X6 (left) indicating the location of Onyo Maata, recommended site of the Forbidden City, and from Champions of Mystara in 1000 AC (right). Replica maps by Thorfinn Tait, April 2018, used by permission.
- Adapting Classic AD&D Modules to a Mystara Campaign - Map 4: Map of Hule from X5 (left) with recommended location for Highport in A1, and the Gulf of Hule in 1000 AC (right) based on multiple sources. Maps by Thorfinn Tait, 2018, used by permission.
- Escape from Hule - Replica map of the Great Waste, with location of Graakhalia added. Map of Great Waste by Thorfinn Tait, location of Graakhalia from La Grande Desolazione by Omnibius.
Weapon Mastery and Similar Weapons.
BECMI Healing Spells Revamped.
Weapon Mastery - New Weapons.
La Scorta ovvero Pestilenza alla Rocca sulle Terre di Confine (MA5) an adventure for 4 to 5 sixth to eighth level characters, 5E (in Italian). An adventure set in the legendary Castellan Keep and surroundings. A treacherous death demon is spreading a mortal disease in the Keep and beyond. The PCs are assigned a risky mission to end the menace: travel to St Yakov Monastery, in the middle of the Altan Tepes, where a holy relic, a book written by Queen Petra herself, is said to be guarded. In the pages of this book is the key to cure the pox ...
La Ricerca della Legio Manticorae volume II (MA4) an adventure for 3 to 5 fourth to sixth level characters, 5E (in Italian). After discovering the fate of Cordio, the PCs have to embark on a perilous journey across the Sea of Dread, aboard Helena, the ship owned by Adonai Stephanos, Merchant Prince of Kastelios. Upon reaching Raven Scarp, the heroes are hired by Leilah Ben Nadir to discover the fate of the Legio Manticorae, mysteriously lost in the depths of Davanian Jungle.
Map of Hule and Kavkaz 24 miles per hex.
Map of the Hulean Empire 8 miles per hex.
Map of the subjugated city-states Gonica and Boyarski 8 miles per hex.
Map of Kavkaz 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Adri Varma Plateau 8 miles per hex.
Map of the Barony of Gulluvia 8 miles per hex.
Replica map of The Emerlas, 3 miles per hex from O2 Blade of Vengeance.
Revised version of the BECMI Thief class.
Replica map of the Dominion of Vyolstagrad, 2 miles per hex from CM4 Earthshaker.
Replica map of the Sea of Alphatia, 150 miles per hex from M1 Into the Maelstrom.
Replica map of Brun from X9 The Savage Coast.
Replica map of the Savage Coast from X9 The Savage Coast.
Errata questions and proposed solutions about Merchant-Prince Spellcasting.
Errata questions and proposed solutions about Foresters.
Q&A with Clyde Caldwell.
Thoughts about Planes.
Eastern Glantri.
Thoughts about the crew of The Pioneer from Lathan's Gold.
Thoughts about the pets of The Pioneer from Lathan's Gold.
Michel Druschel, shifter fey-disciple.
Norwold Demographic Map.
Rules for mounts in 5E and The Horse Breeds of Mystara, 5E conversion.
Halfling Adventurer kit.
Domain Economics - an expansion.
Thoughts about Bywater.
Prakash, lupin mystic and ascetic.
Fighter: Gaucho 5E conversion.
Druid: Circle of Webs 5E conversion.
Lizard-kin 5E conversion.
Two new spells: Take That, You Fiend! and Force Barrier.
New creature: Dreaded Branch.
New spell: Pigeon.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Fighter: High Level Options - Warlord.
An ECL 20 progression for the NPC Peter Loofbourow, draconic human guide.Update – 6 March 2019
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Issue 22 of Threshold Magazine is now available.
Call for contributions for Threshold magazine Issue 23: Campaigns and Adventures.Update – 3 March 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the middle of February 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Map of the City of Selenica.
Isle of Dread: a comparison between the Goodman Games revisitation and the Classic modules.
Krakatos: City Plan.
Isle of Dread: 5E conversion - new creatures.
Bloodsucking creatures and Reality in D&D.
Gnomes as (Mentzerian) Player-Characters.
Fighters: High Level Options.
Pantheons & Named Examples of the Seven Types of Demons.
Savage Coast Product List & Downloads.
Peter Loofbourow, draconic human guide, a Mystara-ised randomly-rolled multiclass 3E character.
Antalian Wastes Campaign Ideas.
Vala (Wise Women) class more fully developed.
Spell of Preservation/Cultural Pride in D&D 5E.
The Dravish Drylands a Hollow World Mini Gazetteer.
Fighter: High Level Options - Warlord.
The Power Runes of Odin.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Demons (Fiends).
Setting modules A1-4/Slave Lords in the Gulf of Hule.
Modified Map of Ylaruam.Update – 3 February 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the middle of January 2019.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:Lost Magics.
Legacy Leech theory: Qij-na the Shattered.
Thoughts about the reason for the 8-mile hex.
Legacy Leech theory.
Thunder Rift the Collection.
Everyday uses for Monsters or Why Magic-Users keep dangerous monsters in their dungeons!
Ideas about a 5E conversion of B10.
Periods of Magic Evolution.
Ethengar History.
World Mountain.
Amulet of Magic Resistance.
Geological (cellular Tectonic movements) of Ethengar.
Location of Lion Castle.
County of Steenwijck, Glantri.
Ethengar Clan and male names.
Lathan's Gold PC's updated.
Morale and ocean voyages.
Conversion of Mongrelman to BECMI.
Tieflings and Dragonborn in Mystara.
4E races in Mystara.
The Dragon Attura and the Wrath of Immortals.
Details on Mystaran Yakmen.
2300BC Demhyeld river.
Ethengar Buildings.
Regenerate spell.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Hex mapping Legend.Update – 20 January 2019
I have maintained currency with things directly sent or pointed out to me: files from the Mystara, Mystara Reborn, BECMI and Hollow World Facebook groups; and the following rooms on The Piazza: Mystara 3E Conversion Project, Mystara 4E Conversion Project, Classic D&D, Thorf's Project main room, Hollow World, Savage Coast, Geographical Mapping on Thorf's Project, and Thunder Rift. For The Piazza: main Mystara room I am current up until the end of November 2018.
The following files have been loaded on the Vaults of Pandius:New creature: Glyptodon.
Mystara Almanac AC 1017 cleaned up PDF version 2.0.
Mystara Almanac AC 1016 cleaned up PDF version 2.0.
Mystara Almanac AC 1015 cleaned up PDF version 2.0.
The Judgement of Rad (AX01) an adventure for characters levels 3 to 5.
Order of the Griffon part I an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 1 to 3 based (loosely) on the Order of the Griffon from the old TurboGrafx 16 game of the same name.
Ethengar Seasonal Lakes.
Court of Golden Khan at Chagon-Nah Readjusted.
Ethengar Blackmoor Era.
Research Historic overlay Ethengar.
Ethengar 1200 AC.
Ethengar Timeline Maps.
Ethengar in Ethengarian naming.
Map of Oenkmar 1050 BC-1012 AC.
Map of the Lower Broken Lands 1012 - 1020 AC.
Map of Broken Lands Future 1100 AC.
Alternate WoTI Meteor Options.
Lake Ishi mapping issues.
Modified Map of Ylaruam.
Familiar: Lightning Cat.
New spell: Spell Surrogacy.
Darokin forts along the Atruaghin border.
Map of Mystara, including brown mountain variant and greenish-grey toned variant.
Obscure Draft or Riding animals.
Petrides from B11 as a 5E cleric.
Games & Sports played by characters in Mystara.
Politics of the Fairy Courts.The following files have been updated on the Vaults of Pandius:Giants of Mystara and their skills.
Hex mapping Legend.
Map of the Eastern Half of the Broken Lands, 1 mile per hex.
1 mile hex map of the Great Canolbarth (including environment) now has separate Eastern and Western halves available for download.
Heights and Altitudes has the flawed height of Akilla's Throne fixed.