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Player Characters in Karameikos
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Player Characters in Karameikos
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Cossack of Chardastes (Monk subclass) by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 6 July 2023.
Animals for shapechanging druids in Karameikos by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 25 May 2019.
Traladaran Sword Maiden by Christopher Bishop, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 16 July 2018.
Karameikos Players Guide v1.0 by Lee Singleton, from Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 15 March 2018.
5E Background Information Specific to GAZ1 by Miladoon, from The Piazza posted 9 December 2015.
Brother of the Order of the Griffon by Simone Neri, from The Piazza posted 27 October 2011.
Character Builder to Known World Conversion Supplement -- Karameikos by David Knott, current as of 26 October 2009.
Almanac Entries
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Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Karameikos, from the AC 1019 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Karameikos, from the AC 1018 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Karameikos, from the AC 1017 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Karameikos, from the AC 1016 Almanac.
Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Karameikos, from the AC 1015 Almanac.
Campaigning in Karameikos
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Temple of Set vs Aleena's Dungeon by Robin from The Piazza posted 26 November 2024.
Karameikos re-imagined: Folk Horror Traladarans by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 1 October 2024.
Dark Mystara: the Golden Ring by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 July 2024.
Dark Mystara: Scholomance, School of Sorcery of Aquilonia (in Krakatos) by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 19 July 2024.
Mystara Cities Project: Rifllian by Brian Caraway, current as of 17 March 2024.
DM Screen insert for recurring NPCs (and Monster NPCs) in Karameikos by Loren Miller, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 27 January 2024.
Possible Factions w/ Domains in Western Karameikos by Wizlock from The Piazza posted 7 December 2023.
Penhaligon (in Italian) by Elvis Spadoni, from the Mystara Italia Facebook group posted 28 October 2023.
Realm Sheet for the Grand Duchy of Karameikos by John Reilly, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 11 August 2023.
Cult of Chardastes: Main Pilgrimage Route by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 July 2023.
Elven Town of Rifllian with Map by Robin from The Piazza posted 1 June 2023.
Krakatos School of Magecraft - salvaging Strixhaven by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 20 April 2023.
Stallanford by Håvard from The Piazza posted 8 April 2023.
Images of Karameikos : woodblock print 1, woodblock print 2, watercolour - Threshold from the lake, watercolour - Callarii elven house produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 28 January 2023.
Guerra nel Granducato di Karameikos (in Italian with overview in English) by Fabrizio Nuzzaci, current as of 20 January 2023.
Views of Karameikos and Threshold: village in Karameikos, village, Karameikos, Tarnskeep, streets, Threshold, streets of Threshold, Threshold, across the lake produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 17 December 2022.
The Hill - mapping B5 The Horror on the Hill, 100 feet per hex by Robin, from The Piazza posted 30 September 2022.
View of Fogor Island, Threshold produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 29 August 2022.
Views of Verge: view 1, view 2, a farm in Verge, Antonics Manor, Traldar Temple, Traldar temple interior, Smithy, Boar Head pub with sign produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 26 August 2022.
The fishermen villages on lake Windrush: view 1, view 2, view 3 from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
Views around Threshold: Inn, The Patriarchs Palace, Order Of The Griffon, The Old Turnip Inn (from the Dyson map) placed in a hamlet made up called Lower Antilles, near Castle Caldwell from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
View of Tarnskeep from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
View of the Ruins of Mistamere castle seen across lake Windrush from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
Views of the docks and Fogor Island docks 1, docks 2, Thieves Guild by the docks, Fogor Island slums, Fogor Island from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
The streets of Threshold view 1, view 2, view 3, view 4, view 5, view 6 from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
Threshold view 1, view 2 from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
Never Leave The City! by Gerry Upton, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 13 August 2022.
The Granduchy of Karameikos, Demographics and Economics (v 3.1) (in Italian) by Fabrizio Nuzzaci, from The Piazza posted 19 July 2022.
Guide to the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (in Italian) compiled by Marco Kash Capuzzo, from the Mystara Italia group posted 24 May 2022.
3D model of Verge by Michael Haneline, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 21 May 2022.
Hook for B2 by John Tudek, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 19 March 2022.
Karameikos Heraldry by David R. Schumpert III, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 5 March 2022.
The Zargash Region by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 January 2022.
Mystara Cities Project: Rugalov Village by Brian Caraway, current as of 5 January 2022.
Mystara Cities Project: Verge by Brian Caraway, current as of 5 January 2022.
Mystara Cities Project: Stallanford by Brian Caraway, current as of 5 January 2022.
Heraldry for knights and nobility in Karameikos by David R. Schumpert III, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 4 January 2022.
Location of Zadreth by Robin, from The Piazza posted 26 October 2021.
Karameikos/Ravenloft connections by Robin, from The Piazza posted 19 September 2021.
The Dragon Spires by Robin, from The Piazza posted 7 September 2021.
Basic Cloister designs for Karameikos by Robin, from Deviant Art last updated 1 September 2021.
Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure Art Compilation by Robin, from The Piazza posted 1 September 2021.
M-Russians, M-Ukrainians, and M-Circassians in east-central Karameikos by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe, from The Piazza posted 16 August 2021.
M-Taíno and M-Caribs, indigenous M-Caribbean Amerindians, in Karameikos by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe, from The Piazza posted 12 August 2021.
Black Eagle independent? by Greenbrier, from The Piazza posted 20 June 2021.
The spell of the Talming Hills by Robin, from The Piazza posted 10 June 2020.
Lost Valley and Foamfire Valley and Threshold region by Robin, from The Piazza posted 13 April 2021.
Cruth Lowlands by Robin, from The Piazza posted 3 April 2021.
The Giant's Vale by Robin, from The Piazza posted 28 March 2021.
Specularum’s Stronghold District part 2 by AllanP with Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 26 dated 23 December 2020.
Calendar of Karameikos from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure by Dave Lister, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 18 November 2020.
Oak Island, Karameikos by Robin, from The Piazza posted 13 November 2020.
Replacements for the Ministers by Robert Blezard from The Piazza posted 1 November 2020.
Qiblat Al'ard Al'umu (Holy Kiss of Mother Earth) by Robin, from The Piazza posted 22 October 2020.
Karameikan Prison Colony; Ilsa Miena by Robin, from The Piazza posted 13 October 2020.
Duke Stefan Karameikos´ Birthday by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 26 September 2020.
Timing of the Festival of Lucor by Robin, from The Piazza posted 25 August 2020.
Heroes of Karameikos: 5E player's handout by atzanteotl/katana_one, from The Piazza posted 30 July 2020.
Tuma 3050 BC by Robin, from The Piazza posted 30 May 2020.
Location of Tuma by Robin, from The Piazza posted 30 May 2020.
The Tale of the Dark Knight by Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.
Encounters in the Dymrak Region by Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.
Port Blight by Irving Galvez from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.
A Travellers’ Guide to Specularum: Specularum’s Stronghold District part 1 by AllanP with Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.
Class/Level population breakdown by ricks03, from The Piazza posted 14 May 2020.
Muldair Island by Robin, from The Piazza posted 5 May 2020.
The Twin Soul Rocks by Robin, from The Piazza posted 26 April 2020.
Approaching Krakatos upstream over the Volaga River by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 April 2020.
The Kelvin family of Karameikos by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 12 April 2020.
The Gargoyle Bridge in the Blight Swamp by Robin, from The Piazza posted 10 April 2020.
The Shirefang Rocks by Robin, from The Piazza posted 7 April 2020.
The Ghistani of Karameikos by Robin, from The Piazza posted 31 March 2020.
Halag Bay--Sphinx Island Group by Robin, from The Piazza posted 22 March 2020.
Penhaligon Sourcebook by Robert Sampson, current as of 10 February 2020.
Penhaligon by Brian Caraway, current as of 10 February 2020.
Karameikos Character Creation Handout by Treman Anderson, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 30 November 2019.
The Dymrak Forest Region by Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 24 dated 22 November 2019.
Koriszegy Keep and the Rodemus family by Mike Harvey, from The Piazza posted 21 October 2019.
Locations on or close to Mount Dread by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 September 2019.
Thoughts about Charter of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Paul Dupuis, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 3 August 2019.
Harbourlee Rock by Irving Galvez from Threshold Magazine issue 23 dated 1 August 2019.
Some Pondering on the Ziggurat Tomb of Key-Haminteb and the City of Amen-Tiris by Robin, from The Piazza posted 26 May 2019.
Karameikan Succession Law by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 21 April 2019.
Converting a Karameikos Campaign to 5E by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 17 March 2019.
Thoughts about Bywater by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 March 2019.
Threshold Black Market by Irving Galvez, from Threshold Magazine issue 22 dated 6 March 2019.
Thoughts About the Karameikos Civil War by Hausman Santos with contributions from Giampaolo Agosta, from Threshold Magazine issue 22 dated 6 March 2019.
Description of Village of Radlebb by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 24 November 2018.
Description of Radlebb Keep by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 24 November 2018.
Rulers of Marilenev by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Machetos & Marilenev: Heirs & Heiresses by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
The Guilds of Specularum by Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Specularum Population Numbers by AllanP and Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum by Giampaolo Agosta and AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
"To Protect and Serve" the Specularum City Guard, Night Watch and District Constabulary by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Tales of the Torenescus by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Specularum Miscellanea by Ville Lähde, Kilr Kowalski and AllanP edited by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Mapping the Estate by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
A Karameikan Chronology by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
The town of Threshold by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 9 June 2018.
History of Threshold by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 13 April 2018.
Luln: map and description by Irving Galvez, current as of 17 October 2017.
Twin Soul Rocks by Irving Galvez, from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017.
The Kingdom of Highforge by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017.
BECMI to 5E Karameikos Conversion by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 17 June 2017.
Blight Swamp Compilation: The Swamp Folks by Irving Galvez, current as of 15 March 2017.
Sisak, Night Tower, Abbey Isle and Knights of Halav by religon, from The Piazza posted 7 February 2017.
Through the Shadowdeep, from Karameikos to the Hollow World by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 14 dated 22 January 2017.
The Unknown World Trail map - part 1 by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 13 dated 18 October 2016.
Chronology of Luln & Western Karameikos by religon, from The Piazza posted 17 June 2016.
Populating Castellan Keep by Kilr Kowalski, from The Piazza posted 9 June 2016.
Port Gorod by religon, from The Piazza posted 11 April 2016.
Luln by religon, from The Piazza posted 29 December 2015.
Plan of Luln by religon, from The Piazza posted 28 December 2015.
The Old Abandoned Mill by Anthony Bird, from Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 21 December 2015.
Mystara Cities Project: Luln by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 12 December 2015.
Mystara Cities Project: Threshold by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 5 November 2015.
Thoughts and expansion on the History of Karameikos article by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 22 September 2015.
Thoughts and expansion on the Demography of Karameikos article by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 22 January 2015.
Summary of Karameikan humanoid tribes by Greg Weatherup, from The Piazza posted 3 January 2015.
The Town of Stallanford by atzanteotl/katana_one, from The Piazza posted 1 November 2014.
District of Albnfeld by Sean Meaney, current as of 15 July 2014.
The Fishing Village of Silnithiniv by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 4 July 2014.
The Darkness Beneath by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 3 dated 25 March 2014.
Fantasy Cities: Specularum, from The Piazza last file posted 14 December 2013.
Return to the Ice Wall by Shawn Stanley, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
Unveiling the Radu Clan by Andrew Theisen, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
Fort Doom by Niels Just Rasmussen, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
The Dangers of the Dymrak Wilds by Håvard, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
A Goblin Kingdom: The Rise of Dhrom Dhum by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
Noble Houses of Karameikos: Strolojca and Draconius by Giampaolo Agosta and Simone Neri, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
The Demography of Karameikos by Simone Neri, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
Fort Doom by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 17 June 2013.
Background information for running a game of troubles between Traladaran, Mixed and Thyatian people in the same nation by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 5 June 2013.
Dymrak Post WotI by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 20 May 2013.
Outlining Karameikos' Underdeep by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 10 May 2013.
Rugalov by Sal Ortega, from The Piazza posted 30 November 2012.
Tin Soldiers the Adventure Outfitters by Timothy Klanderud current as of 10 April 2012.
Wandering Monster Tables by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 25 March 2012.
Riverfork Area by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 21 March 2012.
Order of Precedence by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 19 February 2012.
Verge by mister c, from The Piazza posted 9 February 2012.
Koskatep by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 3 January 2012.
The People of the Night by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 3 January 2012.
D&D 3.5 Altan Tepes by Sal Ortega, from The Piazza posted 15 September 2011.
Additional Traldar Festivals by mister c, from The Piazza posted 23 May 2011.
Who's your Daddy: Rolling up Family in Karameikos by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 9 April 2011.
The Oderbry Inheritance by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 10 April 2011.
Roadworks for Karameikos [AC1020] by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 12 February 2011.
The Grand Duchy of Karameikos by George Hrabovsky, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 July 2010.
Bel Dalen Mines by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 22 October 2009.
The Keu Gobelin by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 21 October 2009.
History of House Strolojca by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 30 September 2009.
"The Forbidden Love", a secret known to few but rumoured by many, by Ville Lähde, from The Piazza posted 28 September 2009.
Riverfork Keep by John Walter Biles, from The Piazza posted 18 September 2009.
Mystaran Numismatics - Karameikos by Greg Weatherup, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 June 2009.
Central Altan Tepes Mini Gazetteer by Simone Neri, from The Piazza posted 9 March 2009.
Crests of the Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 2 February 2009.
Petra, Community in the Borderlands by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 27 January 2009.
Estates of Karameikos by Sean Meaney, from Brilliant Gameologists posted 21 January 2009.
Karameikos Fourth Edition by Christopher Richard Davies, from The Piazza posted 1 November 2008.
Dark School of Magecraft by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 6 November 2008.
Crests of the Kingdom of Karameikos (1000 AC) by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2008.
Geography of Specularum by AllanP, from The Piazza posted 9 August 2008.
Luln by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 2 August 2008.
Specularum by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 2 August 2008.
Kelvin by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 2 August 2008.
Threshold by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 2 August 2008.
Thoughts on the Traladaran campaign of AC 900 by LoZompatore, from The Piazza posted 15 July 2008.
Specularum population breakdown by AllanP, from The Piazza posted 16 July 2008.
The Specularum City Guard by AllanP, from The Piazza posted 12 July 2008.
A Karameikos Companion by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 2 February 2008.
A Guide To The Barony Of Threshold by Jimmy Rowe, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 January 2008.
The Ice Wall by Gordon McCormick, from the Mystara Message Boards posted 20 October 2007.
Karameikan Entropic Cults & the Eye of Traldar by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 October 2007.
The Iron Ring by Jimmy Rowe, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 August 2007.
AC1022, Lady Magda Snaps by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 12 August 2007.
Detail of the Threshold Region by Simone Neri, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2007.
Full map of Castle Marilenev by Sean Meaney, current as of 1 March 2007.
Marilenev Estate by Sean Meaney, current as of 1 March 2007.
Barony of Sheildwood by Sean Meaney, current as of 31 January 2007.
Map of the Upper Levels of Castle Marilenev by Sean Meaney, current as of 17 January 2007.
Map of the Castle Marilenev and Village by Sean Meaney, current as of 17 January 2007.
Department K by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 27 December 2006.
Economics of the Black Eagle Barony by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 17 April 2006.
Economics of the Estate of Marilenev by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 15 April 2006.
Coat of Arms of Karameikos by Giovanni Paniccia, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 March 2006.
New Settlements of Karameikos by Håvard and Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 17 December 2005.
The Two Silver Palaces by Håvard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 5 September 2005.
Westbridge by Sean Meaney, current as of 4 September 2005.
Ilsa Miena a Karameikan Prison Colony in the Thanegioth Archipelago by Sean Meaney, current as of 1 September 2005.
Monstrous Atlas: Karameikos by Sheldon Morris, from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 June 2005.
What the archaeologists have dug up by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 November 2004.
Ancient Origins of the Traldarans by James Mishler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 October 2004.
Traldar and the Legend of the Eyes by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Message Board posted 23 October 2004.
Traldars and ethnography by Marco Dalmonte, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 October 2004.
Specularum City Guard by Damon Brown, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 11 January 2004.
The Village of Irenke, a Mystaran version of the Village of Hommlet by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 March 2003.
Veiled Society: Session III by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 February 2003.
Houses of Intrigue: New Leadership by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 February 2003.
Houses of Intrigue: Perspectives by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 February 2003.
D&D3E Stats for Specularum by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 December 2002.
Traldaran names and surnames by Gottfried Neuner, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 December 2002.
Vorloi Clan Perspective by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 December 2002.
Marilenev Rebellion by Glim Garrick, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 4 December 2002.
Traldaran Names by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 December 2002.
Cult of the Raven by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 November 2002.
Sworn Enemy by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 14 August 2002.
Order of the Shadow by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 August 2002.
The Curse of Halag by André Martins, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2002.
Magicians Guilds by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 November 2001.
Karameikan Decorations by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 October 2001.
Mighty Argos by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 August 2001.
The Rom Mini-Gazetteer: Another Look at "Gypsies" in the Known World by Derek Adam, from Tome of Mystara issue 6 dated 11 June 2001.
The Underworld by Gordon McCormick, from the Mystara Message Boards posted 14 December 2000.
Dhrom Dhum speaks by Francesco Defferrari, from the Mystara Message Boards posted 8 December 2000.
The Tale Bringer by Gordon McCormick, from the Mystara Message Boards posted 8 December 2000.
Orcs of Caer Fulnow by Gordon McCormick, from the Mystara Message Boards posted 5 December 2000.
Traladara Mini-Gazetteer by Jennifer Guerra, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 November 2000.
Traladaran superstitions by Beau Yarbrough and appended by Ohad Shaham, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 September 2000.
Duchy of Machetos, circa AC 995 by Dylan Rickards, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 September 2000.
3E details for King Stefan Karameikos updated by Stephen Kenson, current as of 22 August 2000.
The Witches of Radlebb by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 June 2000.
The Temple of Grey Mountain by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 June 2000.
The Witches of Dymrak by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 June 2000.
First Bank of Highforge by Beau Yarbrough, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 June 2000.
The Seer of the Lake of Lost Dreams by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 June 2000.
Fighting Style: Karameikan Style by Beau Yarbrough, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 May 2000.
Karameikan Year and Karameikos AC 1013 by Max Monas, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 April 2000.
The Kingdom of Thieves by George Hrabovsky, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 March 2000.
The Iron Ring by George Hrabovsky, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 March 2000.
The Veiled Society by George Hrabovsky, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 March 2000.
Cuchulainisle by Kevin Wyton, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 January 2000.
Ideas for Karameikan Conflict by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 January 2000.
King Stefan Karameikos, the Dark Ruler of Traladara, an alternate view on things by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 January 2000.
Korizegy Keep by Victor Caminha, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 October 1999.
The Corliss Guide to Northern Karameikos by Damon Brown, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 October 1999.
Black Eagle, a story by Marc-Antoine Guidault, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 April 1999.
Karameikan Village Magic at the Karameikan School of Magecraft by Lille My, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 February 1999.
Traladaran culture by Jennifer Guerra, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 15 January 1999.
Traladaran Gypsies, last updated 15 January 1999.
The Shield and Sword of Karameikos, an order of paladins by Tim Haney, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 February 1998.
Haven Almanac Entry by James Mishler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 May 1997.
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The Barrel by Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 23 dated 1 August 2019.
The Inns and Taverns of Specularum by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 17 December 2005.
Whole Realms Catalogue: Drinks of Karameikos by Malteen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 17 March 2005.
Tavern of the Three Rings by Sheldon Morris, from the Mystara Message Board posted 19 March 2004.
Inns & Taverns of Mystara: Eltan's Spring, Grand Duchy of Karameikos AC 1000 by Michael Diehm, from the Mystara Message Board posted 16 June 2002.
Inns & Taverns of Mystara: Rifllian, Grand Duchy of Karameikos AC 1000 by Michael Diehm, from the Mystara Message Board posted 16 June 2002.
Inns & Taverns of Mystara: Threshold, Grand Duchy of Karameikos AC 1000 by Michael Diehm, from the Mystara Message Board posted 6 May 2002.
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Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex (1987) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 February 2025. NEW
Replica map of B10 Eastern Karameikos by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 February 2025. NEW
Updated map of Karameikos 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 February 2025. NEW
Tim’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 February 2025. NEW
Tim’s Karameikos by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 January 2025.
Map of the ruins of Zadreth by Gazette De Mystara, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 20 January 2025.
cmonty’s Threshold Area by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 January 2025.
cmonty’s Karameikos by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 January 2025.
Solmyr’s Karameikos by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 January 2025.
Solmyr’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 January 2025.
Dungeon Master's Gaz’s Karameikos by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 December 2024.
Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V3 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 December 2024.
Sturm’s Halag, 0.9 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 December 2024.
Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V2 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 December 2024.
Sturm’s Karameikos, 3.2 miles per hex V1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 December 2024.
Fort Doom by Anarion_Elendili, from The Piazza posted 30 November 2024.
Fort Doom by Håvard from The Piazza posted 25 November 2024.
Map of Threshold, research and compilation by Robin, from The Piazza and Deviant Art last updated 2 July 2024.
Map of Threshold and Environs, 100 yards per hex by Robin, from The Piazza posted 25 June 2024.
Karameikos, 1 mile per hex by Robin current as of 26 May 2024.
A4 print handouts of Jason Hibdon's Kavorquians Basement maps by Tom Bulls Eye current as of 23 January 2024.
Lorenzo’s Threshold by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 October 2023.
Lorenzo’s Specularum by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 October 2023.
Lorenzo’s Karameikos by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 September 2023.
Map of Karameikos as it appears in B1-9 by Lorenzo Tusorella, from the BECMI D&D Facebook group posted 26 September 2023.
Restyled map of Threshold by Lorenzo Tusorella, from the BECMI D&D Facebook group posted 21 September 2023.
Il feduo di Penhaligon e dintorni (in Italian) by Elvis Spadoni, the Mystara Cartographic Society group posted 20 April 2023.
Mapping in and around the Village of Stallanford by Robin, from The Piazza posted 6 April 2023.
Karameikos Demographic map with locations of modules B3, B10 and B11 by Fabrizio Nuzzaci, current as of 20 January 2023.
Map of the Valley of the Hutaaka with hexes by Patrick Von Raven, from the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Mystara Facebook group posted 19 November 2022.
Map of New Verge by Darren Bulmer, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 7 August 2022.
Hand drawn Map of Karameikos by Darren Bulmer, from the Mystara RebornFacebook group posted 28 July 2022.
Ramelin’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 June 2022.
Jason Hibdon’s Wufwolde Hills, 3 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 June 2022.
Jason Hibdon’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 May 2022.
Mystaros’ Archduchy of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 May 2022.
Il Granducato di Karameikos, 1000 DI, 12 km miles / esa (in Italian) by Thorfinn Tait translated by Denis Deffendi, current as of 10 May 2022.
Colourised replica map of Western Karameikos, 2 miles per hex from DDA3 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 April 2022.
Replica map of Northern Karameikos, 4 miles per hex from B12 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 April 2022.
Replica map of Northern Karameikos, 3 miles per hex from B11 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 April 2022.
Updated chronological map of the Island of Lost Dreams, 100 yards per hex (1987) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 April 2022.
Updated chronological map of Kelvin (1987) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 March 2022.
Colourised replica map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from B1-9 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 March 2022.
Replica map of Karameikos, 24 miles per hex from GAZ1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 March 2022.
Updated chronological map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex (1986) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 February 2022.
Colourised replica map of B10 Threshold by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 February 2022.
Updated chronological map of the Island of Lost Dreams, 100 years per hex (1986) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 February 2022.
Updated chronological map of Foamfire Valley and Hutaaka — the Lost Valley, 2 miles per hex (1986) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 February 2022.
Updated chronological map of Eastern Karameikos, 3 miles per hex (1986) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 February 2022.
Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1986) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 February 2022.
Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1985) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 January 2022.
Updated chronological map of Specularum, 0.5 miles per hex (1984) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 January 2022.
Maps of Karameikos, 1 mile per hex by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 January 2022.
Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1984) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 7 January 2022.
Updated map of Karameikos 1011 AC, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 December 2021.
Thibault’s Traladara, 8 miles per hex 960 AC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 September 2021.
Thibault’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex V2 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 September 2021.
Updated chronological map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex (1983) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 August 2021.
Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1983) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 August 2021.
Thibault’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex V1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 July 2021.
The Duke's Road Pass Trail Map by Robin, from The Piazza posted 29 June 2021.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex by Joshua Armstrong, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 5 June 2021.
Cthulhudrew’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 May 2021.
Updated chronological map of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex (1981) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 May 2021.
Replica map of Karameikos 2E Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 May 2021.
Smuggler's Pass Trail Map by Robin, from The Piazza posted 28 April 2021.
Detailed map of Specularum, without text, text only, information (in Italian) by Elvis Spadoni, from the Mystara Italia Facebook group posted 18 April 2021.
Updated map Karameikos 1009 AC, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 April 2021.
Dread Pass Trail Map by Robin, from The Piazza posted 9 April 2021.
Updated map Karameikos 1007 AC, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2021.
Geoff’s Threshold and vicinity, 1 mile per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 March 2021.
Adamantyr’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 February 2021.
Map of the Gran Ducato di Karameikos (in Italian) by Elvis Spadoni, from Google Drive posted 14 January 2021.
Colourised replica map of Threshold, 500 feet per hex from the Expert Set by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 January 2021.
Updated map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.
Replica map of Threshold, 1 inch = 500 feet from GAZ1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.
Replica map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex from GAZ1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 December 2020.
Replica map of Kelvin, 1 inch = 400 feet from GAZ1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 December 2020.
Map of Duke's Stronghold in Karameikos by Yann Quere, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 27 November 2020.
Stitched Map of the Kingdom of Karameikos AC 1010, 8 miles per hex from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure by Dave Lister, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 4 November 2020.
Replica map of Island of Lost Dreams, 100 yards per hex from B10 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 September 2020.
Map of the Penhaligon region by Michael Reynolds, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 18 October 2020.
Map of the settlement of Penhaligon by Jason Hibdon, from Google Drive posted 16 June 2020.
Maps and Handouts from B11: King's Festival by Jason Hibdon, from Google Drive posted 22 May 2020.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos 8 miles per hex by Jason Hibdon, from Google Drive posted 21 May 2020.
Maps from B12: Queen's Harvest by Jason Hibdon, from Google Drive posted 21 April 2020.
Players Handout Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Rich Brungard, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 17 April 2020.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Josh Lawson, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 12 April 2020.
Map of Harbourlee Rock, 100 yards per hex by Robin, from The Piazza posted 8 April 2020.
Mapping Lake Windrush by Robin, from The Piazza posted 12 March 2020.
Map of Abbey Island 100 yards per hex by Robin, from The Piazza posted 14 February 2020.
High resolution map of the region surrounding Penhaligon by Robert Sampson, current as of 10 February 2020.
High resolution map of the Town of Penhaligon by Robert Sampson, current as of 10 February 2020.
View of Threshold inside the outer wall by Josh Lawson, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 7 November 2019.
Map of Karameikos, 4 miles per hex by Rindis, from The Piazza posted 25 October 2019.
Halag, 1 mile per hex by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 29 August 2019.
Blight Swamp, 1 mile per hex by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 29 August 2019.
Replica map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, 6 miles per hex, from X10 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 April 2019.
Krakatos: City Plan by Kostas Zafeiriou, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 21 January 2019.
Map of Radlebb Keep and Village by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 20 November 2018.
Plan of Radlebb Keep by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 20 November 2018.
Replica map of Specularum, 0.5 miles per hex from B6 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 May 2018.
Replica map of Karameikos from the Expert Set 1983 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 April 2018.
Replica map of Karameikos from the Expert Set 1981 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 April 2018.
Replica map of The Lost Valley of Hutaaka from B10 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 February 2018.
Replica map of Foamfire Valley from B10 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 February 2018.
Replica map of Eastern Karameikos from B10 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 February 2018.
Map of Karameikos by Zach Henderson, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 10 January 2018.
Map of Eastern Karameikos, from B10 by Richard Hogan, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 22 October 2017.
Luln: map and description by Irving Galvez, current as of 17 October 2017.
Map of Karameikos, 8 miles per hex by Ignacio Ramos, current as of 10 July 2017.
Kingdom of Karameikos - Traladara 1020 AC, 3.2 miles per hex by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 16 April 2013 map current as of 24 March 2017.
The Glasshouse of Slyth by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
Map of Southeast Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
Map of Mid South Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
Map of Mid Southwest Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
Map of Northwest Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
Map of West Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
Map of Southwest Karameikos Blight Swamp, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.
The town of Threshold poster map by Sean Meaney, current as of 11 July 2016.
Luln - Regional Map by religon, from The Piazza posted 30 December 2015.
Threshold and Environs by Anthony Bird, from Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 5 November 2015.
Map of Threshold, Highforge, & Environs by Sheldon Morris, from The Piazza posted 10 July 2015.
Sukiskyn Battle Map by atzanteotl/katana_one, from The Piazza posted 30 June 2015.
Threshold town map by Daniel Reid, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 13 December 2014.
Threshold area Map by Daniel Reid, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 11 December 2014.
History of Traladara series: 990 AC: Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 960 AC: Thyatian Occupation by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 892 AC: The Last Radu and Marilenev Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 710 AC: Radu and Marilenev Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 440 AC: Radu and Marilenev Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 310 AC: The Last Ivanov Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 1 AC: The First Ivanov Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 495 BC: The Last Halarov Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 760 BC: The Halarov Kingdom by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 1000 BC: The Gnoll Invasion by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 1200 BC: Time of the Hutaakans by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 1432 BC: Kingdom of Tarku Radu by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara series: 1500 BC: The arrival of the Traldars by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
Cruth Lowlands map, and working GIMP map by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 6 April 2012.
Map of Castellan Keep by Lucky, from Half Blogre current as of 8 August 2011.
Map of the Tribes of Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 23 October 2009.
Map of Karameikos, 3.2 miles/hex by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 18 October 2009.
Threshold Area Map by happylarry, from The Piazza posted 24 April 2009.
AC971 The Siege of Specularum by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 21 January 2009.
Mapping around Threshold by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 4 September 2008.
Mapping around Threshold by happylarry, from The Piazza posted 26 July 2008.
A Specularum city map by LoZompatore, from The Piazza posted 15 July 2008.
Map of Sukiskyn (from B10) by Lucky, current as of 16 June 2008.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Lucky, current as of 4 June 2008.
Map of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Corey Sonnenberg, current as of 28 March 2008.
Map of Traladara by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 January 2008.
Map of North-eastern Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 October 2007.
Detail of the Threshold Region by Simone Neri, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2007.
A map of the Kingdom of Karameikos AC 1016 by Andrew Theisen, current as of 28 November 1998.
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The later adventures of the Traladaran Three by Håvard from The Piazza posted 28 October 2020.
A History of Specularum by Giampaolo Agosta with AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Duumtor 2300 BC by Sean Meaney, current as of 30 May 2016.
History of Traladara map series: 990 AC: Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 960 AC: Thyatian Occupation by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 892 AC: The Last Radu and Marilenev Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 710 AC: Radu and Marilenev Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 440 AC: Radu and Marilenev Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 310 AC: The Last Ivanov Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 1 AC: The First Ivanov Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 495 BC: The Last Halarov Kings by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 760 BC: The Halarov Kingdom by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 1000 BC: The Gnoll Invasion by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 1200 BC: Time of the Hutaakans by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 1432 BC: Kingdom of Tarku Radu by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
History of Traladara map series: 1500 BC: The arrival of the Traldars by Francesco Defferrari, from the Ducato di Halag current 15 January 2014.
Karameikos: The Hidden Years, a historical timeline of the Karameikos family between 901-969 AC by Demos Sachlas, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
History of ogres in the Cruth area by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 21 October 2013.
The History of Karameikos by Simone Neri, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
History of Traladara, updated by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2012.
Karameikos 901-969 AC "The Hidden Years" by Demos Sachlas, from The Piazza posted 2 May 2010.
The Grand Duchy of Karameikos AC970-AC1000 by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 1 November 2009.
Map of Traladara by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 January 2008.
Traladaran Timeline by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 January 2008.
Timeline events by Håvard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 19 October 2005.
Some events fleshing out the timeline by Andrew Theisen, current as of 11 October 2005.
An Idea on the history of Specularum (aka Mirros) by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 21 September 2005.
Legend, Lore and Myth: The Bow of Petra by Donald Eric Kesler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 26 August 2004.
The True Chronicle History of King Halav of Traladara by Alfred O'Meagher, from the Mystara Message Board posted 7 March 2002.
History of Traladara by Francesco Defferrari, last updated 19 May 2001.
Additional History for Karameikos by Eric Folland.
Karameikan Personalities
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Karameikan Known Personalities.
Karameikan NPCs.
Malechor by Reverend Dungeon Master, from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Chainmail and Tomorrow Facebook group posted 19 January 2025.
Image of Aleena Halaran produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 15 September 2023.
Image of Aleena produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 4 September 2022.
View of King Halav produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 10 February 2023.
Images of personalities of Castle Caldwell produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 1 September 2022.
Images of Ludwig von Hendriks : version 1, version 2, version 3 produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 1 September 2022.
Image of Bargle produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 29 August 2022.
Image of Bargle produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 24 August 2022.
Image of Sir Dabo upon Ridley, newly knighted by the Order of the Griffon after clearing castle Caldwell produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 22 August 2022.
Citizens of Specularum by Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Wanted: Adventurers by Giampaolo Agosta, Simone Neri and Francesco Defferrari edited by AllanP from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
NPC Level Conversion BECMI to 5e: Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 17 June 2017.
Some interesting Karameikos NPC's (and the Iron Ring) by Francesco Defferrari, from The Piazza posted 9 May 2017.
Yuri Molotov - Death Knight by John Calvin, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
Master list of Specularum NPCs by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 24 December 2011.
Karameikan Nobles and their heirs by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 25 October 2009.
Karameikos Noble Families by Simone Neri, from The Piazza posted 24 October 2009.
Some ideas about the Radus by Ville Lähde, from The Piazza posted 29 September 2009.
The Torenescu Clan by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 8 February 2009.
Groups and Societies
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The Followers of the Code - Ranger Serial Killer conclave (npc antagonist faction) of Karameikos by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 10 October 2023.
Organizations and Societies of Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 26 dated 23 December 2020.
Specularum’s Adventurers & Explorers Club by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
Mystara Declassified Archives Present: MD01 The Iron Ring Society Files compiled by Irving Galvez, current as of 6 September 2017.
La compagnie du Phénix (in French) by Thibaut Bouchet, current as of 19 April 2013.
L’Arcanium - La Haute guilde de magie de Luln (in French) by Thibaut Bouchet, current as of 19 April 2013.
Kingsguard of Karameikos by Marco Fossati, from The Piazza posted 18 March 2009.
Guilds, Orders and Secret Societies in Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 20 January 2008.
The Mages Guild of Karameikos by Snaferu, from the Mystara Message Board posted 24 October 2006.
Magicians Guilds by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 November 2001.
Immortals and Churches
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Religious Traladaran History by Robin, from The Piazza posted 27 January 2022.
The Song of Orcus by Ripvanwormer, from The Piazza posted 25 December 2020.
Religions of Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 February 2008.
Church of Karameikos by John Walter Biles, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 August 2006.
Church of Traladara Hierarchy by Damon Brown, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 May 2005.
Church of Karameikos Hierarchy by Damon Brown, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 May 2005.
Immortals actively worshipped in Karameikos, by Marco Dalmonte, from the Mystara Message Board posted 8 April 2005.
Alternate pantheon for the Church of Karameikos by David Leland, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 24 April 2001.
Immortals of Celtic Karameikos by Larry E. Lamb, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 2001.
The Church of Traladara by Jeremy Morris, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 11 January 2000.
The Church of Karameikos by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 May 1997.
Traldar immortals by James Mishler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 11 May 1997.
Races of Karameikos
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Solomonar by Robin, from The Piazza posted 7 April 2020.
The Elven Clans and Their Migrations by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 10 dated 8 January 2016.
Goblinoid tribes of Karameikos by religon, from The Piazza posted 21 September 2015.
Gnomes and Dwarves of Highforge by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 5 November 2009.
Belcadiz Origin by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 20 October 2009.
Elves of Karameikos by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 24 September 2009.
Eladrin and Elves, Mystaran by John Walter Biles, from The Piazza posted 18 January 2009.
Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 January 2008.
Stronghollow Clan by Donald Eric Kesler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 November 2005.
The Callarii Elves by Håvard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 18 October 2005.
The Callarii Woodlands by Håvard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 18 October 2005.
The Callarii by Håvard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 October 2005.
Another Take on Karameikos Centaurs by George Hrabovsky, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 November 2004.
Centaurs of Karameikos by Håvard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 24 November 2004.
Orders of the Calarii by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 February 2004.
The Satyrs of Karameikos by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 August 2002.
Karameikan Hin by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 August 2002.
Highforge Gnomes by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 August 2002.
The Dwarves of Karameikos by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 August 2002.
Stronghollow Dwarves by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 August 2002.
Dymrak Goblins by Håvard, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 July 2001.
Ice Gnomes Expansion by Alan Jones, from Tome of Mystara issue 5 dated 2 October 2000.
The Ice Gnomes by Alan Jones from Tome of Mystara issue 3 dated 31 March 2000.
Secrets of Highforge by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 January 2000.
Proficiencies of the Vyalia Clan by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 August 1999.
Callarii Elves by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 September 1999.
Vyalia Elves by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 August 1999.
The Elven village of Goldleaf by Rick LaRue, from netMAG 5.
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Karameikos Military Forces using these military unit symbols by Greg Weatherup, current as of 3 July 2019.
Ships of the Karameikan Navy by Chris Furneaux, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 January 2004.
Ships of the Karameikan Navy by Damon Brown, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 4 January 2004.
Karameikos: Post-PWA Military by James Ruhland, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 December 2001.
Adventures and Campaigns
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Encounter of the Day: The Shadow of Malechor by Reverend Dungeon Master, from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Chainmail and Tomorrow Facebook group posted 17 January 2025.
Encounter of the Day: Enter Malechor! by Reverend Dungeon Master, from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Chainmail and Tomorrow Facebook group posted 16 January 2025.
Encounter of the Day: The Ashen Curse of Sulescu Manor by Reverend Dungeon Master, from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Chainmail and Tomorrow Facebook group posted 15 January 2025.
Encounter of the Day: The Shadows of Sulescu Manor by Reverend Dungeon Master, from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Chainmail and Tomorrow Facebook group posted 14 January 2025.
Encounter of the Day: The Vampire of Sulescu Manor by Reverend Dungeon Master, from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Chainmail and Tomorrow Facebook group posted 13 January 2025.
B10 Night's Dark Terror: Tweaks by Anarion_Elendili, from The Piazza posted 30 July 2024.
Mystara Shard: Black Eagle Ascendant by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 18 July 2024.
Karameikos In Chaos! by Zane Smith, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 11 June 2024.
B11 roll20 maps by Elvis Spadoni, from the BECMI D&D Facebook posted 13 February 2024.
Switching the baddies in The Veiled Society (also, Davinos' Complaint) (SPOILERS) by Anarion_Elendili, from The Piazza posted 7 August 2023.
Framework for a new Mystaran Campaign for a new playgroup by DM Nedleeds, from The Piazza posted 1 July 2023.
Rendition of the Keep on the Borderlands by Steven St John, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 15 February 2023.
Images of personalities of Castle Caldwell produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch, from The Piazza posted 1 September 2022.
Karameikan Adventure Flow Chart by DM Nedleeds, from The Piazza posted 18 June 2022.
Plot points for a Karameikan campaign by Jason Whitaker, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 8 June 2022.
Plot points for a Karameikan campaign by Giorgos Floroskoufis, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 8 June 2022.
Plot points for a Karameikan campaign by Samuli Hanski, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 8 June 2022.
MA1: La Caravane des Gnômes, an adventure for characters of levels 1 to 3 (with a total of approximately 10 levels), in French (BECMI) by Marc-Antoine Guidault, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 4 March 2022.
Excerpts from annual Knight’s Council, scene from a play session involving Lady Arteris Penhaligon by David R. Schumpert III, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 27 December 2021.
Players map for Xitaqa from B10 by Gregory Pratt, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 24 August 2021.
Hutaakan Tapestry from B10 by Gregory Pratt, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 24 August 2021.
Hutaakan Tapestry from B10 by Michael Simms, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 23 August 2021.
Cry Wolf!, a
Karameikos adventure for 2-4 characters of levels 2-4 by Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 27 dated 12 July 2021.
L'Uovo di Folaga, part 1 5E (in Italian) by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Italia Facebook group posted 15 May 2021.
La Strappa Anime (MAX1) an adventure for 4 to 6 characters of level 3 to 5, 5E (in Italian) by Mauro Ferrarini, current as of 23 January 2021.
B10 Night´s Dark Terror - DMs help text by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 24 December 2020.
MA3: Le Leg de Mélar l’Illustre, an adventure for characters of levels 2 to 4 (with a total of 10 levels), in French by Marc-Antoine Guidault, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 9 November 2020.
Maps from B10 (in Italian) by Elvis Spadoni, current as of 5 November 2020.
Order of the Griffon part IV an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 3 to 5 by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 2 August 2020.
Order of the Griffon part III an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 2 to 4 by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 10 February 2020.
Il Culto del Verde Amorfo (DZ1) an adventure for 4 to 6 characters of levels 2 to 3, OSR D&D (in Italian) by Diego Zappulli, current as of 16 December 2019.
Ideas about two Karameikos Campaigns: Civil War and Rebellion by Ben Haker, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group as of 4 August 2019.
The Khan and the Duchess by Glen Welch from Threshold Magazine issue 23 dated 1 August 2019.
Order of the Griffon part II an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 2 to 4 by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 18 July 2019.
Campaigning in Karameikos by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine issue 22 dated 6 March 2019.
Order of the Griffon part I an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 1 to 3 by Eric Stoneburner, current as of 19 December 2018.
St Kruskiev's Gold by Giampaolo Agosta and John Calvin from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.
B11 and B12 as campaign start by Stefan Beate, from The Piazza posted 21 August 2018.
Wanted Poster for Skarda issued by Stephan Karameikos by Robin, current as of 15 January 2018.
Rats Castle, an adventure in Marilenev for 4-9 characters of 1st to 5th level by Sean Meaney, current as of 17 November 2017.
The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon by Giampaolo Agosta, from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017.
Moonlight Madness in Karameikos by Ripvanwormer, from The Piazza posted 8 July 2017.
Koskatep Megadungeon by Francesco Defferrari, from Threshold Magazine, last entry
issue 15 dated 14 April 2017.
Adventure Hooks, Red Herrings & the Information Mesh by Sean Meaney, from Threshold Magazine issue 14 dated 22 January 2017.
Original Lost Caverns of Tsojconth - found in Karameikos? by Demos Sachlas, from The Piazza posted 19 October 2016.
Raw Recruits campaign by Kilr Kowalski, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2016.
Toys of a Mad Man, adventure set in Karameikos AC 1000 by Irving Galvez, current as of 14 September 2016.
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Sean Meaney, from Threshold Magazine issue 12 dated 14 July 2016.
Hidden Valley Routes by Mario Ciuffini and Daniel Reid, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 18 May 2016.
Beneath the Hill by Sean Meaney, current as of 8 October 2015.
Rahasia - a D&D 5E Adaptation by Giuliano Michelon, from Threshold Magazine issue 9 dated 21 September 2015.
Find Bargle by Trevor Holman, from Threshold Magazine issue 8 dated 2 July 2015.
Night's Dark Terror, Pathfinder (D&D 3.75e) Conversion version 0.3 by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 19 May 2015.
Old Mill encounter converted to Pathfinder by Kenneth Kumle, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 7 May 2015, original by Hayley Hummerston.
The Veiled Society, Pathfinder (D&D 3.75e) Conversion version 0.4 by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 30 April 2015.
Lost Mine of Phandelver on Mystara by Krimson, from The Piazza posted 27 August 2014.
Guild Wars by Giampaolo Agosta, from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.
Mass Hysteria - (or "when you tell people what they want to hear") by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 26 August 2013.
"Welcome to our village" by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 10 June 2013.
Harassment - the angry voices of the discontent by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 6 June 2013.
The scam of the "Bountiful Serenity of Elmer" by Niels Just Rasmussen, from The Piazza posted 6 June 2013.
Lords of the Cruth Lowlands: Becoming a Lord by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 16 August 2012.
Lords of the Cruth Lowlands by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 29 July 2012.
Lords of the Cruth Lowlands: flow chart by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 21 July 2012.
The Dymrak Dread by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 24 March 2012.
To Save Aleena by David Tauriainen, from The Piazza posted 19 March 2012.
Updated map for B11 — King's Festival by Steven Varner, from The Piazza posted 7 November 2011.
The Beast of Radlebb Woods by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 23 August 2011.
Black Eagle Barony Demon Arc by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 April 2011.
Demon Blade: The Pawn Shop by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 May 2011.
The Crypt of Asur the Mighty by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 17 January 2011.
Week without Magic: The Siege of Threshold by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 20 December 2010.
Scourge of the Iron Ring by Steven B. Wilson, from The Piazza posted 2 July 2010.
The Masquerade (AC1009) by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 10 May 2010.
Mystery on Baron’s Rock (AC970) by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 10 May 2010.
A campaign plot for south-western Karameikos by Giampaolo Agosta, from The Piazza posted 28 February 2010.
The Pit of Blood Gold, an adventure idea for the Black Eagle Barony by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 31 December 2009.
Event: Bargle’s Forces Attack by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 24 October 2009.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part IV: Davinos’ Complaint, Revised Edition by Ville Lähde, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2009.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part III: "Stuffed heads and lethal weddings" by Ville Lähde, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2009.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part II: Omens and Portents by Ville Lähde, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2009.
Specularum Scenario Series, Part I: "Coloured was the Bay, bloody were the streets" by Ville Lähde, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2009.
D&D 3.5 Conversion of Night’s Dark Terror by Sal Ortega, from The Piazza posted 6 June 2009.
Kill Bargle! by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 25 May 2009.
The Karameikan Civil Wars by Steven B. Wilson, from The Piazza posted 18 April 2009.
Cry Wolf! by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 9 February 2009.
Module Ideas by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 8 February 2009.
River of Blood by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 1 September 2008.
Adapting Keep on the Shadowfell to Mystara by John Walter Biles, from The Piazza posted 26 August 2008.
Wilderness Mapping Expedition For Lord Alexius Korrigan by Jimmy Rowe, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 February 2008.
Red Hand of Doom and Karameikos by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Message Board posted 10 October 2006.
Sielo's Fort campaign by Steven B. Wilson, last updated 19 November 2004.
The Old Mill by Hayley Hummerston, current as of 9 March 2003.
The Returned Corpse by Hayley Hummerston, current as of 9 March 2003.
Specularum series adventure V: "The War Conceived" by Ville Lähde, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 October 2002.
Specularum series adventure IV: The Lament of the Wavering Bard by Ville Lähde, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 15 August 2002.
Midwood Hamlet by Beau Yarbrough, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 May 2000.
The Achelos Adventure by Patrick Sullivan, last updated 24 May 1997.
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Sword of Karameikos by Marco Fossati, from The Piazza posted 3 March 2009.
Traladaran magic items by Ville V Lähde, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 20 September 2001.
Limited collectors' editions of the works of Bargle the Infamous by Steven Miller, from Dragon Magazine 216.