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Blog: Breath of Mystara

Deviant Art: 6inchnails

Healers from Breath of Mystara current as of 23 March 2013.

Piety from Breath of Mystara 23 March 2013.

Pages of Virtue for Clerics, Healers, Shaman, Shamani, Exorcists and other Followers of the Immortals current as of 25 March 2013. Note by the author: Important; The (so far) compiled list of sources I used in the creation of these books. Nothing used herein is meant as an infringement on the right of the owners of these materials.

The Grouzhina Flood from Breath of Mystara 4 April 2013.

Alcohol from Breath of Mystara 5 April 2013.

Immortals of Mystara, current as of 15 April 2013.

The Megalith, part 1 and part 2 from Breath of Mystara 20 April 2013.

Food, water and fuel, tabular information from Breath of Mystara 17 September 2013.

Equipment Saving Throw table from Breath of Mystara 22 September 2013.

The Lost Tables: Wounds and Injuries from Breath of Mystara 30 September 2013.

The Lost Tables: Jumping and Falling from Breath of Mystara 27 October 2013.

The Lost Tables: Initiative from Breath of Mystara 16 February 2014.

Revenge of the Little Ones current as of 23 March 2014.

Robin's Composite Map of Norwold from Threshold Magazine issue 6 dated 29 December 2014.

Detailed Map of Northeast Brun from Deviant Art posted 1 January 2015.

Dark Crystal Mystara from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

XP values for Human Classes from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

Reptilian evolutionary timeline from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

Human evolutionary timeline from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

Giant evolutionary timeline from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

Dwarf evolutionary timeline from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

Elves evolutionary timeline from Deviant Art posted 29 January 2015.

Maps of the Spreading of Lycanthropes on OW Mystara from The Piazza posted 22 February 2015.

Map of Ancient Nithia 1500BC-8 mile hexes from The Piazza posted 24 February 2015.

Map of Known World Approximate Dragon lairs 24 Miles from Deviant Art posted 25 February 2015.

The cursed province of Avonleigh from Deviant Art posted 25 February 2015.

The Dwarven Thane from The Piazza posted 26 March 2015.

Darokin Tunnel Map in 1 Mile Hexes from The Piazza posted 28 March 2015.

Map of The Great Pass from The Piazza posted 28 March 2015.

Blacklore Peninsula from The Piazza posted 28 March 2015.

The Grouzhina Flood from Threshold Magazine issue 7 dated 1 April 2015.

Dwarven/Gnome languages current as of 25 May 2015.

What can be Bought from The Piazza posted 27 August 2015.

Modules and adventures in Mystara from The Piazza posted 14 December 2015. [input also from Bouv, Michael Berry, David Keyser, JTrithen, Brian Caraway, Alex Benson, Giampaolo Agosta, Blacky the Blackball, Maladax, Mike Harvey, Kilr Kowalski, Demos Sachlas and Dartamian]

The Fall and Rise of the Canolbarth from Threshold Magazine issue 10 dated 8 January 2016.

The Demise of the Great Canolbarth Forest (1004-1250 AC) current as of 9 January 2016.

History of Aengmor/Oenkmar important to the Geomorphology and Ecology from The Piazza posted 27 January 2016.

Alternate WoTI Meteor Options from Deviant Art posted 4 February 2016.

The Protectorate of Carytion from Deviant Art posted 8 March 2016.

Teleport Ward from The Piazza posted 3 May 2016.

1 mile hex map of the Great Canolbarth (including environment) from The Piazza 30 May 2016.

Southern Glantri notes, after the meteor map from The Piazza posted 7 June 2016.

Lake Ishi mapping issues from Deviant Art posted 13 June 2016.

Map of southeast Glantri (Ritternour), before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 20 June 2016.

Maps of South Kabree, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 20 June 2016.

Map of Satolas 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 20 June 2016.

Maps of Nathrat, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 20 June 2016.

Ardelphia 840 AC from Deviant Art posted 23 June 2016.

Gnomish Skyships from The Piazza posted 25 June 2016.

Gnomes of Mystara from The Piazza posted 25 June 2016.

Trolls of Mystara from The Piazza posted 29 June 2016.

Vesubian Route Corunglain to Glantri from The Piazza posted 12 July 2016.

Material about Gargantua from The Piazza posted 14 July 2016.

Airspores from The Piazza posted 15 July 2016.

Elemental Planes from The Piazza posted 18 July 2016.

Corunglain to Ethengar Merchant Trail from Deviant Art posted 18 July 2016.

Monster Manual current as of 22 July 2016.

Geomorphological History of the Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 23 July 2016.

Bridge of Steel from The Piazza posted 30 July 2016.

Leylines, magical locations, and "pyramid" power from The Piazza posted 8 August 2016.

Faenare from The Piazza posted 18 August 2016.

Flow Directions in the Lower Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 26 August 2016.

Dragons in the Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 26 August 2016.

Goblin Inventions from The Piazza posted 5 September 2016.

The Skull of the Dragon King from The Piazza posted 5 September 2016.

Spells of Slime Mages and Wokani Followers of Jammudaru the Slime lord from The Piazza posted 5 September 2016.

Magic of Shamans and Wiccas in the Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 6 September 2016.

The Secret of Oenkmar from The Piazza posted 17 September 2016.

City of Aengmor 1012 AC from Deviant Art posted 18 September 2016.

Map of Oenkmar 1050 BC-1012 AC from Deviant Art posted 18 September 2016.

Ruins of the Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 28 September 2016.

The Great Crater and Underneath current as of 28 September 2016.

Temporal Bridge Gate of Ardelphia from Deviant Art posted 29 September 2016.

Map of Ardelphia to Corunglain 1 mile per hex from Deviant Art posted 29 September 2016.

Dragon Growth Stages from The Piazza posted 7 October 2016.

Dragons of Mystara, from The Piazza last updated 12 October 2016. (compiled by Frederic Ferro with additions by Håvard, mister c, Francesco Defferrari Simone Neri, JTrithen and Jayce)

Astereater from The Piazza posted 16 October 2016.

Mystara Planetary System from The Piazza posted 23 October 2016. (additional to work by unknown)

Star Signs from The Piazza posted 23 October 2016.

Technology in the Year 1000 AC from The Piazza posted 27 October 2016.

Nature Elemental from The Piazza posted 31 October 2016.

Map of Erewan 1 mile per hex from Deviant Art posted 1 November 2016.

Map of Free Province of Nyra 1 mile per hex from Deviant Art posted 2 November 2016.

Map of De Glace and Hightower 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 4 November 2016.

Belcadiz, Principality of from Deviant Art posted 5 November 2016.

List of Planes current as of 5 November 2016.

Maps of Blackhill, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex from Deviant Art posted 13 November 2016.

Map of the Krandai/Streel River Ethengar/Vestland, 1 mile per hex from Deviant Art posted 15 November 2016.

Interesting Locations in the Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 18 November 2016.

Crystals near Wylon from The Piazza posted 26 November 2016.

Map of Wylon, before and after the meteor 1 mile per hex from Deviant Art posted 27 November 2016.

The Legend of Redstone Valley from The Piazza posted 6 December 2016.

Locations near Redstone from The Piazza posted 6 December 2016.

Mugumba in Glantri from The Piazza posted 11 December 2016.

Map of Redstone, before the meteor 1 mile per hex current as of 11 December 2016.

Material about Caymen from The Piazza posted 13 December 2016.

Known Remnants of Nithia by from The Piazza posted 21 December 2016. (compiled by Håvard with additions by Ripvanwormer, Robert J. Nuttman, Jr., David Keyser, Andrew Theisen, Jayce and Giampaolo Agosta)

Material about False Giants and Half Giants from The Piazza posted 22 December 2016.

Map of the Arch of Fire region, 8 miles per hex current as of 30 December 2016.

The Broken Lands detailed from Threshold Magazine issue 14 dated 22 January 2017.

After effects of Dragon Breath from The Piazza posted 7 February 2017.

Infectium Morbis et Rigidum (Diseases and Afflictions) current as of 9 February 2017.

Refuge of Stone, translation current as of 9 February 2017.

Compiled information about Baldandars current as of 9 February 2017.

All about doors current as of 9 February 2017.

City Stock current as of 9 February 2017.

Selenica city map from The Piazza posted 13 February 2017.

Standard city wall from The Piazza posted 13 February 2017.

Map of Southwest Karameikos Blight Swamp, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Map of West Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Map of Northwest Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Map of Mid Southwest Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Map of Mid South Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Map of Southeast Karameikos, 1 mile per hex based on Night's Dark Terror and GAZ1 and legend from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Castle Dreadwood from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

The Glasshouse of Slyth from The Piazza posted 15 February 2017.

Map of Broken Lands Future 1100 AC from Deviant Art posted 28 February 2017.

Map of the Lower Broken Lands 1012 - 1020 AC from Deviant Art posted 28 February 2017.

Compiled information about Giants current as of 15 March 2017.

Compiled information about Hydras current as of 15 March 2017.

The Great School of Magic isometric maps from The Piazza posted 19 May 2017.

Debilitating Afflictions from The Piazza posted 4 June 2017.

Duelling Grounds Great School of Magic from The Piazza posted 26 June 2017.

Automated BECMI Mystara character sheet from The Piazza posted 12 July 2017.

Float move spell from The Piazza posted 13 July 2017.

Less Known NPCs from G:KoM from The Piazza posted 15 July 2017.

Statistics for Commoners from The Piazza posted 26 July 2017.

Thoughts about spellcasting from The Piazza posted 21 September 2017.

Magic blocking from The Piazza posted 25 September 2017.

Sink into Earth spell from The Piazza posted 2 October 2017.

The Destruction of the Radiance 1751 AC from The Piazza posted 23 October 2017.

Creatures of Western Brun from Threshold Magazine issue 17 dated 27 October 2017.

Elemental summoning-related spells from The Piazza posted 9 November 2017.

Friendly fungus from The Piazza posted 14 November 2017.

Seismic Trigger spell from The Piazza posted 9 December 2017.

The nasty side effects of Magic from The Piazza posted 10 December 2017.

Wall of Paper spell from The Piazza posted 11 December 2017.

The Great Crater Conundrum current as of 15 January 2018.

Rock men family current as of 15 January 2018.

Wanted Poster for Skarda issued by Stephan Karameikos current as of 15 January 2018.

Potion Guide from The Piazza posted 15 February 2018.

Beholder Breeds on Mystara and their Cities from Deviant Art posted 7 March 2018.

Beholder City: Kargash from Deviant Art posted 7 March 2018.

Unique Dragons: Tarrasque (Tarrasqueus Uniqua) from The Piazza posted 11 April 2018.

Death Chariot spell from The Piazza posted 11 April 2018.

Broom of Flying variants from The Piazza posted 6 May 2018.

Additional thoughts about Witchcraft from The Piazza posted 7 May 2018.

Boulder Rugby from The Piazza posted 30 June 2018.

Glantri Pyromancer Stronghold from The Piazza posted 24 July 2018.

Beholders of Mystara by Robin, from Threshold Magazine issue 20 dated 26 July 2018.

Zhochal research art from Deviant Art posted 26 July 2018.

Charting and projecting continued Radiance usage current as of 5 August 2018.

Compilation of Skills current as of 5 August 2018.

The Wonderful World of Mystara: A Manuscript about the Natural Magical World of Mystara from Breath of Mystara posted 8 September 2018.

Ethengar in Ethengarian naming from Deviant Art posted 8 September 2018.

Periods of Magic Evolution from The Piazza posted 9 September 2018.

Ethengar Timeline Maps from Deviant Art posted 16 September 2018.

Ethengar History from The Piazza posted 29 September 2018.

World Mountain from The Piazza posted 29 September 2018.

Bargha from The Piazza posted 9 October 2018.

Amulet of Magic Resistance from The Piazza posted 10 October 2018.

Geological (cellular Tectonic movements) of Ethengar from The Piazza posted 17 October 2018.

County of Steenwijck from The Piazza posted 2 November 2018.

Ethengar Clan and male names from The Piazza posted 5 November 2018.

Lathan's Gold PC's updated from The Piazza posted 28 November 2018.

Ethengar 1200 AC from Deviant Art posted 30 November 2018.

Morale and ocean voyages from The Piazza posted 7 December 2018.

Heights and Altitudes of features around Mystara current as of 11 December 2018.

Research Historic overlay Ethengar from Deviant Art posted 13 December 2018.

Ethengar Blackmoor Era from Deviant Art posted 7 January 2019.

Thoughts about Planes from The Piazza posted 9 January 2019.

Court of Golden Khan at Chagon-Nah Readjusted from Deviant Art posted 15 January 2019.

Ethengar Seasonal Lakes from Deviant Art posted 18 January 2019.

Yakmen from The Piazza posted 22 January 2019.

2300BC Demhyeld river from The Piazza posted 24 January 2019.

Ethengar Buildings from The Piazza posted 24 January 2019.

Eastern Glantri from The Piazza posted 24 January 2019.

Bloodsucking creatures and Reality in D&D from The Piazza posted 7 February 2019.

Gladiators from The Piazza posted 7 February 2019.

Thoughts about the pets of The Pioneer from The Piazza posted 15 February 2019.

Vala (Wise Women) from The Piazza posted 25 February 2019.

The Power Runes of Odin from The Piazza posted 3 March 2019.

Thoughts about Bywater from The Piazza posted 15 March 2019.

Expanding on the idea of multiple locations for the Palace of the Silver Princess from The Piazza posted 23 March 2019.

Elves evolutionary timeline from The Piazza posted 31 March 2019.

Corporeal conditions table from The Piazza posted 16 April 2019.

Map of the Western Half of the Broken Lands, before the meteor, 1 mile per hex current as of 1 May 2019.

Map of the Western Half of the Broken Lands, after the meteor, 1 mile per hex current as of 1 May 2019.

Map of the Eastern Half of the Broken Lands, 1 mile per hex current as of 4 May 2019.

Obscure Draft or Riding animals from The Piazza posted 4 May 2019.

What Everyone knows about Floating Continents - Azcans from The Piazza posted 9 May 2019.

What Everyone knows about Floating Continents - Nithians from The Piazza posted 9 May 2019.

The Floating Continent of Alphatia from The Piazza posted 10 May 2019.

Consequences of Floating Continents and the Hollow World Sun from The Piazza posted 13 May 2019.

Spheres of Power Symbols from The Piazza posted 14 May 2019.

Some Pondering on the Ziggurat Tomb of Key-Haminteb and the City of Amen-Tiris from The Piazza posted 26 May 2019.

Side Effects of the Doomsday Device on the Alphatian Sea Region from The Piazza posted 4 July 2019.

The Barrel from Threshold Magazine issue 23 dated 1 August 2019.

Escape from Thunder Rift: The area of The Chase from The Piazza posted 6 August 2019.

Consequences of a shorter year from The Piazza posted 8 August 2019.

Map of northwest Thyatis: The Forest Oracle in Thyatis from The Piazza posted 19 August 2019.

Ceremony of the Rainbow from The Piazza 31 August 2019.

Tavern/Inn ratings from The Piazza 1 September 2019.

Locations on or close to Mount Dread from The Piazza posted 15 September 2019.

Thoughts on using the Heldannic Knights from The Piazza posted 7 October 2019.

Weather on the Isle of Dawn from The Piazza posted 19 October 2019.

Daylight hours by latitude from The Piazza posted 19 October 2019.

Overland Movement from Breath of Mystara 24 October 2019.

Reputation from The Piazza posted 1 November 2019.

Cave of the Stars (Shadow Elves) from The Piazza posted 5 November 2019.

Dragons and dragonkin evolutionary timeline from The Piazza posted 15 November 2019.

The Dymrak Forest Region from Threshold Magazine issue 24 dated 22 November 2019.

Reasoning for the Guardians of the Seven Realms from The Piazza posted 25 August 2019.

Finding Spillworld current as of 7 December 2019.

Liches and lichdom in Mystara from The Piazza posted 11 December 2019.

Viledel Island after AD&D adventure N4 Treasure Hunt from The Piazza posted 24 December 2019.

Thoughts about Barimoor's Realm from The Piazza posted 26 December 2019.

Map of Abbey Island 100 yards per hex from The Piazza posted 14 February 2020.

Firearms from The Piazza posted 5 March 2020.

Mapping Lake Windrush from The Piazza posted 12 March 2020.

Halag Bay--Sphinx Island Group from The Piazza posted 22 March 2020.

The Ghistani of Karameikos from The Piazza posted 31 March 2020.

Solomonar from The Piazza posted 7 April 2020.

The Shirefang Rocks from The Piazza posted 7 April 2020.

Map of Harbourlee Rock, 100 yards per hex from The Piazza posted 8 April 2020.

The Gargoyle Bridge in the Blight Swamp from The Piazza posted 10 April 2020.

Approaching Krakatos upstream over the Volaga River from The Piazza posted 15 April 2020.

Mapping of Blizzard Pass from The Piazza posted 20 April 2020.

Map of Blizzard Pass, 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 22 April 2020.

The Troglodytes of Blizzard Pass from The Piazza posted 22 April 2020.

Cold adaptation/Restoration for Lizarmen, Troglodytes, etc from The Piazza posted 24 April 2020.

The Twin Soul Rocks from The Piazza posted 26 April 2020.

The Mystaran Dodo (Raphus cucullatus Socialis-Magens) from The Piazza posted 3 May 2020.

Muldair Island from The Piazza posted 5 May 2020.

Encounters in the Dymrak Region from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.

The Tale of the Dark Knight from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.

Location of Tuma from The Piazza posted 30 May 2020.

Tuma 3050 BC from The Piazza posted 30 May 2020.

Swimming: And all matters concerning being in or below water as per Mystara BECMI D&D from Breath of Mystara 12 June 2020.

Reactions by Nations to the Nations of Serraine from The Piazza posted 17 June 2020.

Plants of Ierendi from The Piazza posted 20 June 2020.

Comeback Inn 4000BC from Deviant Art published 24 June 2020.

Tables of useful information from D&D modules and products by from The Piazza posted 26 June 2020. (additions to post by The Dark)

Thoughts about Kum-Ra, Shaman of Ka from The Piazza posted 26 June 2020.

Azcan History Addition/Clarification from The Piazza posted 28 June 2020.

Drowning Sphere from The Piazza posted 1 July 2020.

Humanoid Warmachines and associated spreadsheet, compilation based on Gaz 10 current as of 16 July 2020.

Alternate Product Covers from the Piazza posted 20 July 2020.

Fort Hobart Pass from The Piazza posted 21 July 2020.

Nidavellir and Helheim from The Piazza posted 21 July 2020.

Alternate Gazetteer Covers from the Piazza posted 23 July 2020.

Discussion with Clyde Caldwell on Gazetteer Covers from the Piazza posted 23 July 2020.

The Megalith, the Great Rain of Fire, the Radiance and the Wrath of the Immortals from The Piazza posted 17 August 2020.

Wandering Heroes in Mystara from The Piazza posted 20 August 2020.

Timing of the Festival of Lucor from The Piazza posted 25 August 2020.

Immortal Actions on the Prime Plane from The Piazza posted 3 September 2020.

Rakasta and cats behaviour from The Piazza posted 25 October 2020.

Karameikan Prison Colony; Ilsa Miena from The Piazza posted 13 October 2020.

The Broken Sea Islands from The Piazza posted 20 October 2020. (done with Irving Galvez)

Map of the Broken Sea Archipelago from The Piazza posted 20 October 2020.

Qiblat Al'ard Al'umu (Holy Kiss of Mother Earth) from The Piazza posted 22 October 2020.

Spell finding and Research from The Piazza posted 7 November 2020.

Oak Island, Karameikos from The Piazza posted 13 November 2020.

Illusionism on Mystara from The Piazza posted 21 November 2020.

Location of Lion Castle from The Piazza posted 24 November 2020.

A view of Lion Castle with the Colossus Mountains in the background from The Piazza posted 26 November 2020.

Locations in Eastshire and Seashire from The Piazza posted 14 December 2020.

Critical Hits and Fumbles from The Piazza posted 11 January 2021.

Map of Glantri City, 30 feet per hex from The Piazza posted 24 January 2021.

Minotaur Maze from The Piazza posted 4 February 2021.

N5: Under Illefarn in Darokin from The Piazza posted 7 March 2021.

Honey and Magical Honey from The Piazza posted 11 March 2021.

Rules for using crystal balls from The Piazza posted 13 March 2021.

Ancient secrets of Inlashar from The Piazza posted 13 March 2021.

The Giant's Vale from The Piazza posted 28 March 2021.

Travelling by ship from The Piazza posted 30 March 2021.

Cruth Lowlands from The Piazza posted 3 April 2021.

Dread Pass Trail Map from The Piazza posted 9 April 2021.

Lost Valley and Foamfire Valley and Threshold region from The Piazza posted 13 April 2021.

Map of the City of Machetos from The Piazza posted 24 April 2021.

Additional Exotic Materials for Weapons and Armour from The Piazza posted 27 April 2021.

Smuggler's Pass Trail Map from The Piazza posted 28 April 2021.

Mystara Weather from The Piazza posted 4 May 2021.

City of Kerendas from The Piazza posted 13 May 2021.

Mogreth/Nithia/Ylaruam research compilation map from The Piazza posted 21 May 2021.

River flow Mogreth/Ylaruam comparison from The Piazza posted 23 May 2021.

Erosional features in Ylaruam from The Piazza posted 26 May 2021.

Map overlays of Ylaruam through time from The Piazza posted 27 May 2021.

Islands of the Thanegioth Archipelago from Deviant Art last updated 30 May 2021.

The Green Mill from Deviant Art last updated 30 May 2021.

Kingdom of the Dead from The Piazza posted 1 June 2021.

Healing Spells of the Great School of Magic from The Piazza posted 2 June 2021.

The spell of the Talming Hills from The Piazza posted 10 June 2020.

The Duke's Road Pass Trail Map from The Piazza posted 29 June 2021.

Geyser Bouncer Islands on Mystara from The Piazza posted 3 July 2021.

Beavers, Giant Beavers and Mugumba Mud Dwellers in Mystara from The Piazza posted 7 July 2021.

Thoughts about Ennaej from The Piazza posted 25 July 2021.

Dungeon's #9 Ivory Tower maps, readjustments and expansion from The Piazza posted 25 July 2021.

Trail Map Mystara 1752AC+ from The Piazza posted 3 August 2021.

Spreadsheet of Locations in Ylaruam from The Piazza posted 3 August 2021.

Incomplete Timeline towards 1752AC+ from The Piazza posted 6 August 2021.

Some thoughts on the Rod of Inertia and the Rod of Cancellation from The Piazza posted 29 August 2021.

Some visuals to the Museum of Monsterology in the Great School of Magic from The Piazza posted 29 August 2021.

Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure Art Compilation from The Piazza posted 1 September 2021.

Basic Cloister designs for Karameikos from Deviant Art last updated 1 September 2021.

Lifespans of Races from The Piazza posted 6 September 2021.

The Dragon Spires from The Piazza posted 7 September 2021.

Karameikos/Ravenloft connections from The Piazza posted 19 September 2021.

Mystara/Ravenloft timeline from The Piazza posted 20 September 2021.

Compilation/merging BECMI Oard somewhat with Star Trek Borg current as of 30 September 2021.

Location of Zadreth from The Piazza posted 26 October 2021.

Thoughts on Hattians and Plague from The Piazza posted 28 October 2021.

Sis'thik from The Piazza posted 7 November 2021.

New creature: Gila Monster from The Piazza posted 13 November 2021.

History as seen from the Eyes of the M'Kar from The Piazza posted 16 November 2021.

Nithian Hieroglyphs from Deviant Art last updated 21 November 2021.

Addressing the nasty side effects of Magic from The Piazza posted 6 December 2021.

Climb Walls Skill from Deviant Art last updated 3 January 2022.

Known Hakomon & other locations in Ethengar from The Piazza posted 7 January 2022. (with help from John Calvin)

Dragonwatch Keep from Deviant Art last updated 12 January 2022.

City map of Trintan, from The Piazza posted 15 January 2022.

The Zargash Region from The Piazza posted 15 January 2022.

Maps of Karameikos, 1 mile per hex from The Piazza posted 15 January 2022.

Barimoor Research from Deviant Art last updated 16 January 2022.

Known Hakomon Locations: Ostagai from The Piazza posted 19 January 2022.

Religious Traladaran History from The Piazza posted 27 January 2022.

Aging and Fertility of various Races from The Piazza posted 29 January 2022.

Compilation of Character Creation from The Piazza posted 30 January 2022.

Fixing the Dimensions of Athenos from The Piazza posted 9 February 2022.

Map of Athenos from The Piazza posted 13 February 2022.

History of Athenos rom The Piazza posted 13 February 2022.

Locations in the Five Shires from 1000 BC to 1000 AC from The Piazza posted 19 February 2022.

Gray Dragon from The Piazza posted 14 April 2022.

Radiance Dragon from The Piazza posted 14 April 2022.

Orlin Island from The Piazza posted 9 May 2022.

Mystaran Ethereal Worms from The Piazza posted 17 May 2022.

Material about Merrow and Tritons from The Piazza posted 24 May 2022.

Material about Nagpa from The Piazza posted 11 June 2022.

New creature: Thorntruckle from The Piazza posted 13 June 2022.

Fog Warriors or Summon Kal-murus from The Piazza posted 16 June 2022. (article by Aoz)

Material about Owlbears from The Piazza posted 18 June 2022.

How the Streel River was born from The Piazza posted 1 July 2022.

What if - Continuing the IM Module series? from The Piazza posted 10 July 2022. (input also from Håvard, Cab Davidson, Aoz and Tom Bulls Eye)

Planar portals on Mystara from The Piazza posted 11 July 2022.

Humanoid evolutionary timeline from The Piazza posted 26 July 2022.

Amar Nighom Akrass map of the great fort Akrass and additional information from The Piazza posted 20 August 2022.

Glantri's Nightmare Wand from The Piazza posted 24 August 2022. (assisting Aoz)

Gunpowder on Mystara current as of 29 August 2022.

Serraine the Flying City current as of 21 December 2022.

Material about Werelions and Weretigers current as of 29 August 2022.

The Hill - mapping B5 The Horror on the Hill, 100 feet per hex from The Piazza posted 30 September 2022.

The Giant Crystals of North Brun and North Skothar from The Piazza posted 1 October 2022.

Gobbleton, the original Goblinoid-Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin language from The Piazza posted 17 November 2022.

Tarsh, the Old Orc/Beastmen languages from The Piazza posted 17 November 2022.

Gazetteer: Expansions & Additions for the Broken Lands current as of 20 December 2022.

Serraine the Flying City current as of 21 December 2022.

Thoughts about the Bag of Holding from The Piazza posted 23 December 2022.

Trinkets from The Piazza posted 15 March 2023 (with additional trinkets by Håvard, Robert J. Nuttman, Jr., Cab Davidson, Greenbrier, Giampaolo Agosta, Francesco Defferrari, and Mysha)

The Decapus from The Piazza posted 31 March 2023.

Mapping in and around the Village of Stallanford from The Piazza posted 6 April 2023.

Glantrian Bureaucratic Agency (GBA) from The Piazza posted 18 April 2023.

Faedorne Silver Ship from Deviant Art posted 6 May 2023.

The Nucleus of the Spheres : Almost No Spell Components from The Piazza posted 8 May 2023. [in discussion with Aoz]

New spell: Final Strike from The Piazza posted 21 May 2023.

Steam vents and geysers of the Broken Lands from The Piazza posted 2 June 2023.

Elven Town of Rifllian with Map from The Piazza posted 1 June 2023.

Lower Broken Lands Research Dimensions from The Piazza posted 7 June 2023.

The Rise of Cybrikian Revised from The Piazza posted 11 June 2023. (done with Aoz)

The Werehawk from The Piazza posted 21 June 2023.

Votar Mine Shaft from The Piazza posted 25 June 2023.

Lower Red Orkia from The Piazza posted 8 July 2023.

Wyrwarf Geomancers from The Piazza posted 18 July 2023.

Find Humanoid Familiar, draconic spell from The Piazza posted 22 July 2023.

1010AC Dwarven Tunnels to Attack Oenkmar from Deviant Art last updated 13 August 2023.

Who was Kerhy Matrongle? from The Piazza posted 23 August 2023.

The Ruins of Ranak from The Piazza posted 24 August 2023.

Thoughts on the Evolution of the Isle of Dread from The Piazza posted 19 December 2023.

Lower Gnollistan from The Piazza posted 2 January 2024.

Between Adventures (BECMI/MYSTARA) from The Piazza posted 21 March 2024.

Lower Kol: Translocation Trap from The Piazza posted 1 May 2024.

Immortal Rule Breaking and consequences from The Piazza posted 9 May 2024.

Karameikos, 1 mile per hex current as of 26 May 2024.

Map of Threshold and Environs, 100 yards per hex from The Piazza posted 25 June 2024.

Map of Threshold, research and compilation from The Piazza and Deviant Art last updated 2 July 2024.

Northern Reaches: Stronghold features from The Piazza posted 15 July 2024. (in addition to work by Håvard)

Meg of Wheatons Book of Household Management from The Piazza posted 11 September 2024. (with other recipes from Cab Davidson)

Material about Oghriz from The Piazza posted 26 September 2024.

Hex mapping Legend from Deviant Art last updated 10 November 2024.

Temple of Set vs Aleena's Dungeon from The Piazza posted 26 November 2024.

The Great School of Magic in Detail from The Piazza posted 10 December 2024.